The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2683 Who should be forgiven?

Kim Taeyeon's attempt to stop her failed miserably. The group of women formed a circle and took advantage of their height to directly block her behind them.

This really made her jump with anxiety. Who knew what these women were doing behind her back?

She had already dragged the chair over and planned to stand on it to take a look, but it seemed that this action was a bit unnecessary.

Because at this moment, the girls have dispersed in a hurry, and the most conspicuous thing is the empty plate.

Speaking of which, Li Menglong didn't make a lot of food originally. After all, Kim Taeyeon only ate it alone, so making too much food would be a waste.

So it was divided equally among the girls, that is, it was a matter of each person taking a bite. They even thought that some of it was not enough, and they did not even taste it.

So this group of women decided to focus on instant noodles within the limited time. At this time, they didn't have to worry about being picky eaters. It would be good to have one bite.

It's just that this thing was too hot, and they really wanted to finish it, but in the end they still had some left for Kim Taeyeon.

They were quite proud of this, as if Kim Taeyeon wanted to thank them. Aren't they afraid of being beaten to death by Kim Taeyeon?

They seem to be aware of this possibility, although they think they have done nothing wrong. After all, sharing is what sisters should do.

Besides, they really didn’t eat much. Each of them only had two mouthfuls at most. If anyone wanted to blame them, it was Li Menglong who told him not to make more.

But there is no need to trouble Li Menglong now. They have to run away immediately. If they take a step slower, they may have to bear all the anger of Kim Taeyeon alone.

When he saw the fleeing figures of this group of people, Xu Xian wanted to run away with them.

Although she was not involved, what if Kim Taeyeon disowned her relatives? She didn't want to be the scapegoat.

But when she wanted to take action, it was too late. Kim Taeyeon had already reacted. If she moved her steps at this time, wouldn't it be a sign of guilty conscience?

Kim Taeyeon looked around, wanting to do something, but there was no one. Why did she react so slowly?

But this can't be blamed on her. The shock was too great. The fact that she can recover shows that she is mentally strong.

At this moment, she was really on the verge of tears, especially when she used her chopsticks to grab the instant noodles, which were full of bitten noodles. At least she was left with a few intact noodles.

I don’t know if it was the accumulation of emotions, but Kim Taeyeon cried so naturally while grabbing instant noodles.

Seeing the ripples caused by his tears in the soup pot, Li Menglong actually wanted to laugh for no reason!

This really wasn't that he was heartless, it was actually a scene like this that made it difficult for him to hold back.

Fortunately, he also knew the consequences of laughing at this moment, so when he was about to lose it, he decisively spoke: "Pfft... Kim Taeyeon, do you want me to cook you another one?"

"Is that okay?" Kim Taeyeon raised her pretty face, and whoever looked at it couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

Maybe only a hard-hearted person like Li Menglong could laugh. He even admired himself.

"Of course, can you still eat a whole portion? How about just cooking half of it?"

"No, I want to cook two portions!" Kim Taeyeon said firmly. The previous scenes were still vivid in her mind, and her memory was not that bad.

After hearing Kim Taeyeon's answer, Li Menglong didn't react at all. In this case, it would be understandable if he even wasted a little food.

However, Xu Xian couldn't help but wanted to speak. In her opinion, Kim Taeyeon shouldn't have continued eating. The girls were managing her figure for her.

As a result, not only do I still have to eat, but I even eat harder. What do you want to do? Are you afraid that your figure will be too good?

Seeing that this little girl was going to die, Li Menglong pulled Xu Xian out of concern. He couldn't act stupidly at this time.

Kim Taeyeon seemed to notice the little moves between the two, so she took the initiative to ask: "Does Xiaoxian have something to say?"

Although her voice was very soft and soft at the moment, Xu Xian knew her very well, and there was clearly a hint of murderous intent in her voice.

Although Xu Xian has a conservative personality, it does not mean that she is stupid. At this time, ensuring her own survival is the first priority, and the rest can be taken care of later.

"Would it be too monotonous to just eat instant noodles? I can also make beef. Do you want me to make some for you?"

Xu Xian tried his best to speak as sincerely as possible, so there shouldn't be any flaws, right?

She was thinking too much. At this moment, Kim Taeyeon's mind was all about the beef from before: "Are you sure? Then I want to eat another big portion!"

What is meant by the interdependence of misfortune and blessing? This is it!

One minute, she, Kim Taeyeon, was a poor little woman who had her late night snack taken away. The next minute, she got a new one, and it was a double one.

Seeing the two people busy in the kitchen again, Kim Taeyeon was really moved. This is the companion she should have, otherwise the three of them would form a team and fly solo.

While being moved, Kim Taeyeon also took out the clothes drying pole. If anyone dares to come down and steal food this time, she will really teach him how to be a good person.

It's just that her defenses were in vain. Aren't those women seeking death and insisting on coming down to challenge her ability to survive?

So until Kim Taeyeon had eaten and drank enough, no one came to disturb her. Even Li Menglong and Xu Xian retreated to the living room.

It's true that Kim Taeyeon was too vigilant before, and the two of them felt uncomfortable staying here, making it seem like one of them wanted to steal something.

Very satisfied with the two people's self-consciousness, Kim Taeyeon felt that she should give them some rewards. This is all about team leadership, and it is not something that a captain would not know.

"Ahem, you two have worked hard too. Come over and eat some together."

Kim Taeyeon said rather reservedly, in her opinion, this is a manifestation of her kindness and power, and now it is time to give benefits.

For them to have the honor to have dinner with them is a matter of honor for their ancestors.

Even if these are all leftovers from her meal, doesn't it make her look more sincere?

But if Li Menglong were to comment on Kim Taeyeon's actions at this moment, he could only say that he was full!

Obviously she couldn't eat it herself and didn't want to bear the reputation of wasting food, so she sent out the invitation hypocritically.

If you really were sincere, why didn't you just call them two there from the beginning?

"Forget it, we're not hungry. You should eat more. Xiaoxian and I worked hard to make it!" Li Menglong said without looking back. Yoo Jae Suk's variety show is still somewhat interesting.

Xu Xian wanted to take a look at the situation in the kitchen, but was blocked by Li Menglong: "Oppa, O'Neill won't cry again, right?"

The breath of Xu Xian's words hit his ears, making Li Menglong's ears itch: "It's not that, how can she be so fragile."

The two of them didn't speak loudly, so Kim Taeyeon, who was so far away, couldn't hear them, so she thought they were discussing the plot on TV.

Kim Taeyeon also wanted to go over and watch the show. She wanted to relax her tense nerves after eating, but seeing that more than half of the food was left in front of her, she was also very worried.

This time she really overestimated her appetite, or perhaps she made a serious misjudgment due to several accidents.

If she just had such a meal, she could still manage to finish it.

But she had eaten so much before and after, especially when she thought of Xu Xian's quite unkind looks, she felt quite scared.

Although it's timid to say this, Xu Xian's status in the team is like this. As long as it makes sense, Xu Xian is not afraid of anyone.

This would be more difficult to handle. If she was left here, she would feel embarrassed, let alone whether she would be scolded by Li Menglong.

She put her chin on her hands and carefully analyzed the current situation. She quickly grasped the key point. She just had to get rid of the food.

So Kim Taeyeon dug out a tray from somewhere, carried the food on the table and walked upstairs.

"Yeah, aren't you going to the bathroom to empty yourself?"

Faced with Li Menglong's suspicion, Kim Taeyeon just snorted, "What a waste it was to pour it into the toilet. She had a better way to deal with it."

I stood in the corridor on the second floor and hesitated for a while, mainly thinking about who to send it to, or who was qualified to accept my kindness.

You must know that these women have betrayed you before and made you cry. In principle, they cannot be forgiven if they do not apologize.

But this is not a special situation. She doesn't mind doing special things, but after all, she has to choose someone with a lighter crime.

The choice was not difficult, and Pani was the perfect candidate.

This girl must not have the guts to deliberately provoke her. She was probably coerced by those women before. She firmly believed this!

Certain details also prove this. Everyone locked their doors, but Pani's door opened as soon as she pushed it. This shows that she has no precautions.

"Although you hurt me, I still choose to repay kindness with kindness. Just be grateful, Pani. It's really you who can have a sister like me..."

Kim Taeyeon had prepared a lot of boastful words, but it seemed that she didn’t need to say any more because Pani was sleeping soundly.

It stands to reason that Kim Taeyeon could just withdraw silently at this moment, but she was ready to forgive Pani, but the other party actually kept silent to her. Is this appropriate?

Besides, it was still early, and Pani had eaten so much before. It would not be good for her health to sleep directly. She, Kim Taeyeon, is so attentive.

So Pani was shaken awake in a daze: "Taeyeon? What's wrong, are you going to be late?"

Although she didn't know what Pani was talking about, Kim Taeyeon didn't mind cooperating: "Well, the whole crew is waiting for you alone. Li Menglong is already cursing, but you are still sleeping?"

After hearing this, Pani's originally squinted eyes suddenly widened to their maximum size: "What's going on? Let's go quickly. Why are you still sitting here?"

Pani jumped up from the bed. Because the movement was too large, there was a risk of being exposed for a while. Anyway, Kim Taeyeon looked envious.

"It's not that urgent. You'd better eat your breakfast first."

Kim Taeyeon took the tray over as she spoke. In fact, after reaching this point, she thought the farce was over. After all, there were so many loopholes in it.

But Pani showed her cute nature at this moment, or she really had no defense against Kim Taeyeon, and actually started to wolf down the food.

It can be seen that this girl is still rushing for time, her eyes are looking around, as if she is looking for the clock, trying to see the current time.

As a result, the problem was obvious at this glance. The soup she was chewing flowed out directly from the corner of her mouth. She really couldn't react.

At this time, Kim Taeyeon didn't dislike it, and gently wiped the pani with a tissue: "Take another bite. Doesn't it taste pretty good?"

Pani wanted to say what was so good, it looked so familiar. If the time was correct, she seemed to have eaten it just half an hour ago.

Pani was too lazy to say anything to Kim Taeyeon, because she was also very depressed. Her reaction was really too slow, which was embarrassing!

So she returned the tray to Kim Taeyeon, and she turned over and covered herself with the quilt, as if she didn't want to talk to him.

This move made Kim Taeyeon a little embarrassed. Although it was not intentional, after all, she did not expect that Pani would take her casual words seriously.

Even if Pani didn't believe in her character, he still had to believe in her ability. If she really wanted to pull some mischief, her method couldn't be so crude.

However, we will leave these explanations for tomorrow morning. This time she chose to retreat silently and closed the door thoughtfully.

Pani didn't lift the tray on the spot, which was enough to show the friendship between the two sisters. I really couldn't ask for more.

Glancing at the remaining food, Pani only ate for a few dozen seconds, but he really ate a lot, and now only half of it was left.

But these are not things she, Kim Taeyeon, can eat, so now she has to find someone else to forgive her. Who should she look for?

In fact, she doesn't have many choices. After all, there is only one unlocked door: "Hey, what does this mean? Do you want to apologize to me?"

Li Shunkyu said in a very unsatisfied way that what she did was an act of breaking a pot, and she couldn't run away anyway, so she might as well take advantage of her words.

"Just dream, I will forgive you?" This was not what Kim Taeyeon had originally prepared, but what should she say now? What can be said?

Sitting silently at the table, gently stirring the instant noodles, Kim Taeyeon has changed her original battle plan. She doesn't want to give it away now, she wants Lee Soon Kyu to beg her!

According to Kim Taeyeon's plan, Lee Soon Kyu should be unable to resist the temptation of food and would come over to beg her to give her a bite.

At that time, Kim Taeyeon will not only be able to get rid of the food smoothly, but also make things difficult for Lee Soon Kyu. It will kill two birds with one stone. It is Kim Taeyeon!

The plan was perfect, but after waiting and waiting, she broke countless instant noodles. Why didn't Lee Soon Kyu speak?

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