However, Li Menglong's move did not filter out too many people. After all, there are still many fans of girls.

Besides, even if you weren’t before, it’s okay to become a fan of the girls from this moment on. Is it possible that Lee Soon Kyu and the two of them still want to refuse on the spot?

This put the two of them in a slight dilemma. Although Li Menglong gave a solution, he did not stand up.

I choose to be a good person and leave my identity as a bad person to them. Is this what an agent should do?

It's just that even if these words were said to Li Menglong on the spot, he probably wouldn't care. Anyway, he thought he had completed the work, and it was quite outstanding.

In order to restore calm to the scene as soon as possible, Lee Soon Kyu had no choice but to say: "Those who have not bought our album put their hands down!"

This move can be regarded as a complement to Li Menglong's previous move, and some fans who were just pretending to be fake were directly kicked out of the team.

This made the audience cry out. They all sincerely like the girls, but in the end they are so heartless?

Faced with everyone's doubts, Li Shunkyu couldn't laugh or cry. Just because of these box lunches, could her lifelong reputation be ruined here?

Now it's Seohyun's turn, but after seeing Lee Soon Kyu's tragic situation, she also has to learn a lesson. It seems that it is still disgusting for fans to directly distinguish them.

Although it is already a good solution, there is still room for upgrading.

"Only for fans who raise their hands, I will sing our group's song next. Whoever can catch up on the follow-up part first will get a box lunch!"

Seohyun's methods are more sophisticated. At least those fans who failed will not blame them because they are not good at learning.

But how should I put it? Similar to Lee Soon Kyu's previous state, Xu Xian is also in a close relationship here.

The main reason is that she sings so beautifully, even if she sings a cappella, she still makes the people below mesmerized.

So as soon as she opened her mouth, everyone below started singing along as if they were watching a concert.

Even if Xu Xian has stopped, those who raise their hands will not be given a chance. In short, it is a live chorus.

This loud singing made the scene more lively, and even the company people started making trouble together.

After all, they rarely have the opportunity to go to the concerts of girls. Tickets have to be sold for money, so why don’t you just give it to them for free?

At most, you can just use some privileges to reserve some internal tickets in advance so that these people can buy them at a fair price, and there will be internal competition for this.

However, this group of people had already thought about it. When the girls hold another concert, they must suggest that the company hold a special concert for the internal people.

They are willing to pay, get some relatives, friends, etc., and if the fare is higher, they really won't lose money, and everyone is happy.

As for now, let’s just warm up in advance and find out the feeling of participating in a concert.

Seeing a lot of people gathering outside, Xu Xian was really panicked.

She seems to be having a bad time today. No matter what she does, she is going against her. She should just hide at home and lie down.

But what's the use of talking about it now? She can only look at Li Menglong. After all, he was the one who came up with the previous idea. He must also bear some responsibility, right?

"If you two want to hold a concert, just tell the company. The company won't stop you. Why do you want to sing for them live for free? Isn't this just throwing money out of thin air?"

Li Menglong slightly changed the concept, but seriously speaking, there is nothing wrong. Even if they regard this moment as a commercial performance, these people will be wasting their money.

Li Menglong's attitude towards these non-paying audiences is a bit subtle. The one who pays is the uncle, and the one who doesn't pay...

"Ahem, you two should hand out the lunch boxes first, and just give them to those who raise their hands." Li Menglong tried to solve this initial trouble.

It's just that at the current stage of the matter, this is already considered a trivial matter. How to break out from the crowd is what he is worried about.

It would be too difficult to get these people to give way. After all, the atmosphere at the scene was really good.

If they weren't stuck at the intersection, Li Menglong wouldn't mind letting these two little girls sing two songs for everyone.

Although no one gave any money, Quan thought he was helping the poor.

It's just that if you "hold a concert" at an intersection, you really don't know how to write the word "death".

Not to mention anything else, if a car rushes out from any corner, who will bear the responsibility?

So it's not that Li Menglong or the girls are stingy, but that this kind of thing must be done with caution.

Fortunately, there were still some of his own people at the scene, which gave Li Menglong room to operate.

I called a few colleagues from the second floor over, but they still hesitated to come over. Who wants to talk to the leader after get off work?

"You have time to come here and mess around, but you don't have time to stay in the company and work overtime, right?" Li Menglong proved the leaders' dislike with facts.

But he was just joking, at least that's what he thought: "Come here, let me tell you a few words. If you can get away with it and make meritorious service, then tomorrow's overtime plan can also be cancelled."

Li Menglong finally deceived this group of people through coaxing and deceiving. After some explanations, these people all patted their chests and said that they would act according to the plan and would never disappoint him.

"It's not for me, it's for Lee Soon Kyu, Xu Xian, and yourselves. Seize this opportunity!" Li Menglong warned earnestly.

Having said that, everyone really worked hard. Some people gathered in front of the car and silently gathered strength.

Li Menglong sat in the car again. It was said that this van was still used by the store to deliver packed lunches, but now he didn't care about so much. It was temporarily requisitioned by him.

There are only three of them left in the car now. Lee Soon Kyu and Seohyun are sitting at the back of the car, communicating with everyone through the modified tailgate.

As the two started singing again, the people in front of them got the signal. They moved forward to clear the way while shouting: "Get out of the way and drive to the center so that people outside can hear it." .”

At first glance, these words were taught by Li Menglong, and they perfectly fit human nature.

If you directly say escape, the people on the periphery will be quite resistant, but after changing the words, everyone is more compliant, which can be regarded as providing convenience for yourself.

But how can ordinary people fight against big capitalists like Li Menglong? Their ways of thinking are leftover from this group of people.

As the van started hard, although the speed was very slow, fortunately, it slowly came to the road.

After realizing this, Li Menglong breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he reacted in time, otherwise the consequences would be serious.

Because this group of people has now occupied the outermost lane. If there are more people, it is not impossible that the entire road will be blocked in the end.

After checking the surrounding situation again, Li Menglong gestured to the two singing people, and Xu Xian, who had been paying attention to him with his peripheral vision, immediately expressed receipt.

"We have felt everyone's enthusiasm. Thank you again for your support of Girls' Generation. We will definitely work harder. See you next time!"

While talking, the two kept waving goodbye to everyone, and fans and passers-by naturally tried their best to stay.

But how should I put it? It is still a bit fanciful for a person to catch up with a four-wheeled car on two legs.

The two of them worked together to close the tailgate of the car, and the small space inside the car was finally sealed. Looking at the scenery passing by quickly outside the window, the two of them couldn't care less about the clutter in the car and collapsed directly.

Seeing the two people looking exhausted from the bottom of their hearts, Li Menglong couldn't say any more sarcastic words, but he had to say that the two of them really deserved the trouble this time.

To be precise, Xu Xian's responsibility is smaller. Lee Soon Kyu Na should really kneel down and apologize, if she is willing to do so.

"I'll find a place to drop you two off first. Do you want to take a taxi back by yourself, or do you want to wait for me nearby?"

Hearing Li Menglong's words, Li Soonkyu's reaction was huge: "What else are you going to do? Just send us back quietly. Don't cause any more trouble."

What Li Soonkyu said was sincere, and it was obvious that this woman was really scared.

But how could she have the nerve to say such things to Li Menglong? Is he the kind of person who makes trouble out of thin air?

This time Xu Xian saw the problem and secretly pulled Lee Soon Kyu aside.

But this woman didn't appreciate it at all: "Why are you dragging me along? Didn't I just yell at him and make you feel distressed?"

Regarding her "mad dog" state, Xu Xian expressed helplessness: "My car, this car comes from the store that sells box lunches. Oppa wants to return it to someone."

As Xu Xian explained, Lee Soon Kyu blinked innocently. This skill was her exclusive advantage.

Lee Soon Kyu has quite a childlike appearance, and when he first debuted in the team, he was regarded as the maknae.

So it is really natural to make such an innocent expression. When ordinary people see this scene, they will probably become cute and show a crazy smile.

But it's a pity that the person opposite her at this moment is Xu Xian. As the saying goes, people of the same sex repel each other. As a beautiful woman, her resistance to such expressions is maxed out!

"So Ernie wants to take a taxi back with me first? Let's not bother Oppa anymore."

Xu Xian said calmly, but Li Soonkyu didn't think so. It wasn't that he wanted to cause trouble to Li Menglong, but that everyone wanted to go back together.

Otherwise, if it was just the two of them, it wouldn't be easy to explain to those women after returning. Although she didn't know what to explain, it was always right to take precautions first.

This made Li Menglong feel uneasy, and finally chose to take the two of them to return the car. Although it was a little troublesome, it was mainly for peace of mind.

And what should I say, the effect of these two little girls' apology was much better than that of Li Menglong. The store owner didn't say anything at all, but was concerned about whether they had been bumped.

"The lunch box is really delicious. Do you have any leftovers here? I want to buy a few more boxes." Li Shunkyu asked at the right time.

This was not a whim of hers, it was all planned in advance.

After making a mistake, the best way is to stop the mouths of these people with delicious food. This trick is really tried and true and never fails.

Of course, the premise is that the food must be really delicious. Li Shunkyu is also very confident about this. She has tasted it herself and everything she has tasted is good.

Although the store didn't have any leftovers, they said they could make several portions for her on the spot.

Li Shunkyu naturally agreed. Even if she has to wait here for a few hours, it is worth it. This is her life-saving talisman.

But Li Menglong always felt that this move was a bit like taking off his pants and farting. The store was obviously cooking. Can't he just bring these dishes back? Do you have to mix them together and cover them on the lunch box?

"You know how to eat, this is the authentic way to eat." Li Shungui was very satisfied with the heavy lunch box in both hands. No one will make things difficult for her now, right?

Li Menglong still had reservations about this, after all, the news spread far faster than they imagined.

Even the girls who are hiding in the dormitory and planning to stay there forever can still know all this through the Internet.

Moreover, what they learned was probably an embellished version. Coupled with their personal understanding, Lee Soon Kyu's image at the moment is probably quite bad.

As expected, when Li Soonkyu returned to the dormitory, the group of women gathered on the first floor in a tacit understanding, with a sullen expression as if they were being interrogated by three chambers.

But that’s all for scaring little girls like Seohyun and Yoona. What kind of shame does Lee Soon-gyu have? How could he care about this?

"Dangdang, let's see what delicious food I brought you!" Li Shungui said in a showy tone, as if this was the only way to cover up her guilty conscience.

I don’t know if these women saw through her little trick, or if they were just saying it but they didn’t mean it, but they asked a rather tricky question: “Are there any lobsters in this?”

Sure enough, lobster is the "standard item" in lunch boxes, or in other words, in the news, in addition to girls, lobster also occupies a place in the title.

This is completely understandable. After all, when this high-end ingredient is paired with the word "box lunch", there is indeed a sense of contrast, which is quite suitable as a title.

If Lee Soon-gyu and Lee Sun-gyu weren't famous enough, they might not even be qualified to be the title.

It's just that when the two are linked together, many people's first reaction is almost to show off their wealth. When they have money, they will do their best to show off.

Fortunately, the girls are not so superficial. They are just simply angry. For such a good thing, Lee Soon Kyu didn't think of them in advance?

This time it was Li Shunkyu's turn to be dumbfounded. She had thought of these sisters, but the store had no lobsters in stock. It was not that she was unwilling to spend money on these people. This needs to be clarified.

She subconsciously wanted to find someone to testify for her. So what if she just proved her innocence? Will these women forgive her? Not necessarily...

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