The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2641 Horrible Abdominal Muscles

An opportunity to eat as much as you want is really rare, especially for Yoona.

After all, she still had to consider the attitudes of those women, who had to eat in secret. Her life was very difficult.

Besides, it is still the pocket money given by Li Menglong, which is a very meaningful thing in itself.

Yoona felt that if she didn't spend all the money, she would feel guilty.

She is not eating alone now, the other girls are standing behind her, she is representing the entire team.

Thinking of this, Yoona immediately took a hard bite of the chicken sausage in her hand.

Of course, there’s nothing to say about the taste, but Yoona chewed it repeatedly for a minute, but couldn’t swallow it.

Even if Yoona can numb her nerves, she can't deceive her stomach.

Even though she always brags about how good she is at eating, she is just comparing herself to other girls.

Not to mention the so-called big eaters outside, even if Li Menglong gave her two bowls of rice, Yoona was no match.

Yoona finally swallowed the mouthful of chicken, but she also burped heavily.

Even in this state, she still managed to take a big sip of yogurt. Liquids and solids occupy different spaces. She could even take another sip!

But then she might "spit up" at any time. In order to avoid this embarrassing scene, she resolutely put down the delicious strawberry yogurt.

She would definitely not be able to eat anymore food unless she was allowed to rest here for a while, but she didn't think Li Menglong could buy herself so much time.

Touching the long bill on the side, Yoona bought so much, but how expensive can things in a convenience store be?

Counting what she has left now, she still has more than 100,000 in cash in her hand. She can't return this money to Li Menglong, can she?

Thinking of this, Yoona felt a little distressed. She would never allow this to happen!

As for forcing the money away, it's not that Yoona didn't have the intention, but Li Menglong would not give her this opportunity.

Why did she take the receipt? Of course it was to go back and write off the account.

Even though Li Menglong didn't have time to explain, Yoona also knew the rules. Once she couldn't tell where the money was spent, her end would be no better than offending the girls.

Although Li Menglong is quite generous in many aspects, it definitely does not include money!

After much hesitation, Yoona decided to take a small risk. The money must be exchanged for food. This was the bottom line.

With this core idea in mind, the next thing to consider is very simple. How to deal with so much food?

It is absolutely impossible to throw it away directly. After living together with Li Menglong for so long, the concept of saving food has been imprinted in their hearts.

In this case, it seems that the only option is to take it back. In fact, Yoona would rather store it here, but unfortunately the convenience store does not provide this service, which is very annoying.

Although she hasn't figured out how to deal with the food when she takes it home, Yoona has already started shopping. She must buy something expensive and small.

Finally, Yoona found a suitable snack, and chocolate was the perfect choice.

A small piece of money costs several thousand, so if you put some more in your pocket, you won't even notice. She is indeed smart.

She even generously left some money for Li Menglong. Although it wasn't much, it was still her sister's intention. He should understand, right?

After adjusting at the door of the dormitory, she was completely prepared, the kind that those women would definitely not be able to choose wrong!

In fact, the best situation would be for these women to be on the second floor, completely forgetting about her little transparency. She would definitely not be angry this time.

But it wasn't Yoona bragging about herself. How could her damn charm be hidden? They might all rush down to find her.

With strong confidence, Yoona gently opened the door, but the lively scene she imagined did not appear at all, and the entire first floor was extremely quiet.

This scene almost made Yoona break her guard. What are these women doing?

She had made so many preparations before, but now it was all in vain? These women are not worried about themselves at all?

Fortunately, the light on the first floor was still there. She walked silently towards Li Menglong's room, but before she got closer, she heard Li Menglong's snoring.

It's okay if the girls don't care about her, she's used to it, but is Li Menglong also so careless? He was the only one who knew what he was going to do. If something happened to Lin Yuner, would he have to save her in her dream?

I really wanted to go over and give Li Menglong a kick, kick him awake, and ask him why he could sleep in comfort.

But in the end, Yoona just turned off the headlights for him. She also heard from Xiaoxian how long Li Menglong had been working.

It was understandable that she couldn't resist and fell asleep first. At most, she would find a chance to test Li Menglong next time. If she still had this attitude, she would take revenge.

Since she didn't plan to cause trouble to anyone, Yoona relaxed a lot and yawned along with Li Menglong's breathing.

Speaking of which, the current scene was quite good. At least she didn't have to explain it to anyone. After so many preparations, she directly achieved the best result. Isn't it worth being happy?

Yoona comforted herself and began to lift the hem of her clothes.

As far as this scene is concerned, it is quite easy to cause misunderstanding.

If the positions of Yoona and Lee Mong-ryong were changed, it would be a crime scene, where all kinds of brave men could directly hack Lee Mong-ryong to death.

But if it were Yoona who did this action, even though she would still get misunderstood, at least she could be given some time to see what she wanted to do.

To be honest, Xu Xian is still a little excited now. Although her reason tells her that it cannot be the R-rated scenes she thought, she just can't control herself.

In particular, Yoona seemed to dislike the fact that clothes were in the way, so she directly took off the outermost pullover jacket, revealing her exquisite figure underneath.

Of course, there are still clothes, otherwise Xu Xian would not be able to squat here and watch in comfort.

Even for the sake of Li Menglong's "innocence", she would not stand idly by when it was time to take action, but there was still room for relaxation.

And if Xu Xian saw it right, she actually saw abdominal muscles from the other person's body. He was more hard-core than Li Menglong. When did Yoona go to the gym?

Xu Xian really finds it incredible that this level of muscles appears on a female idol.

It doesn't make sense at all. With all this muscle, you still stay here and become a little star? Go directly to the fitness circle, Lin Yoona is a well-deserved god!

But then a scene appeared that made Seohyun cover her mouth. Using the dark bedside lamp in Li Menglong's room, Yoona actually tore off her "abs".

Along with this movement, Yoona also let out a pleasant low moan, what is going on?

Could it be that Yoona is the legendary fox demon who finally lost control and prepared to transform into a cannibal?

It's just that those foxes always hide their tails. What does Yoona mean by hiding her abs? A variation among fox demons?

Before this question could be solved, another question came one after another. After Yoona transformed, she stopped eating people and instead ate her own abdominal muscles. Was she crazy from hunger?

Xu Xian was really curious to death. In order to find out the truth, she took the risk and walked over, using her toes the whole time just to not make any noise.

Once she was close enough, in addition to vision, she could get more effective information, such as the sound of the clicking mouth, and the sweet smell in the air.

Xu Xian thought the taste was very familiar. She tried to find it among Yoona's favorite snacks, but to no avail.

In this case, just ask directly. She only needs to confirm that Yoona is not a fox demon: "Onie, what are you eating?"

Yoona really couldn't resist the temptation of chocolate. Besides, she had walked a lot before coming back, which freed up some stomach capacity.

However, she was forgetting herself while eating, but such a question came from behind her, and Yoona's whole body was about to freeze.

If any woman saw this, it seemed that there would be no way to avoid the bloody storm that followed.

Fortunately, she smelled a familiar smell. Although everyone lived in the same dormitory, everyone liked to use different shampoos and perfumes.

And this smell obviously belonged to Xiaoxian. After turning around to confirm this, Yoona slumped down on the ground, really scared.

But she didn't forget to do one thing. She took advantage of Xu Xian's unpreparedness and stuffed the remaining chocolate in her hand directly into Xu Xian's mouth. This was her complicity!

Xu Xian didn't resist much, so Yoona could have any bad intentions, but after chewing a few mouthfuls subconsciously, her face suddenly turned ugly.

She obviously trusts Yoona so much, why did Yoona treat her like this and even openly poison her? Do you really think that she, Xu Xian, can't hit someone?

Although the lights were dimmed, because the two were close enough, Yoona still noticed Xu Xian's ugly expression.

This was a bit difficult to deal with. If any woman came here, Yoona was confident that she could bribe her, but it was Xu Xian who came.

"Listen to my explanation. I have my reasons for doing this."

"Hmph, let's start your quibbles!" Xu Xian said vaguely. After all, he didn't want to spit out the "poison" in his mouth. It tasted so good.

Speaking of which, the reason why Seohyun felt that the taste was very familiar before but still didn't recognize it was because he didn't eat it often, but the taste was still rooted in his memory.

Xu Xian is really not a pervert, she also has the same sense of taste as normal people, and she also knows that foods high in calories and sugar are delicious.

But it's not for health reasons, it's also for professional reasons. Anyway, Xu Xian hasn't eaten chocolate for a long time.

It is no exaggeration to say that this thing is poison for female idols, especially female stars who are about to shoot movies.

Just this small piece of food in Xu Xian's mouth is conservatively estimated to be worth the calories she consumes in a meal.

The key is that this thing doesn't resist hunger, and it feels like you've never eaten anything. If you eat this thing as an ordinary candy, Xu Xian can't even imagine the consequences.

Chocolate is like a calorie bomb wrapped in candy. It’s extremely scary!

In Seohyun's view, Yoona's previous series of sneaky actions all seemed to reveal the same message: She was going to vomit after eating today!

As for Yoona's "abs", Seohyun could see it clearly now. It turned out that she had wrapped a circle of tape around her waist, and chocolates were stuck on it strip by strip. It was a very creative idea.

"No matter what, it's just a reference. Isn't that how the magazines are placed in war movies? I just had a flash of inspiration, so it's not worth mentioning!"

Looking at Yoona's self-concerned modesty, Seohyun didn't know how to answer. Did this Unnie have any misunderstandings? For example, she, Seohyun, wanted to praise him?

"Don't be so playful with me and tell me the truth quickly, otherwise I won't be the one who comes to talk to you!" Xu Xian threatened coldly. Now is not the time to be humble.

Facing this kind of sister, she was also very embarrassed as to what she could do.

And this is the scene of her life in dire straits. Above are a group of Ernies who take pleasure in bullying their younger sisters, and below is a younger sister who she is afraid of even if she gets angry.

As the little girl caught in the middle, Yoona once really felt that she had no love in life, and she was destined to be bullied!

"Don't try to win sympathy with your tears here. This trick will be useless when you turn away my debt at the age of seventeen!"

"Huh? Why don't I remember it? Did you remember it wrong?" Yoona shed tears without delaying her curiosity. She really had no impression.

Sure enough, the "violator" has no memory, but Xu Xian, the victim, remembers it clearly!

As the well-deserved rich woman in the team at that time, Xu Xian really had to support these Ernies from time to time.

Regarding this point in itself, Xu Xian has no complaints. She is not a stingy person.

However, repaying debts is also an eternal principle. Although the money is not much, Xu Xian has not forgotten it.

Most of the girls have paid back the money, and they don’t want to become a deadbeat in Xu Xian’s place. Otherwise, if Ernie’s glorious image is not preserved, who will they borrow money from next time?

But accidents do exist. For example, this time in Xu Xian's memory, Yoona failed to pay back the money. To be precise, she wanted to erase the debt directly through Xu Xian's sympathy.

At that time, Seohyun was still innocent. He had not seen the dangers of society, and he was especially unprepared for Yoona's tears.

As a result, the next day she discovered that there was a lipstick on Yoona's desk that she had been obsessed with. According to Xu Xian's private inquiry, the price seemed to be quite expensive.

In the end, I don’t know how Xu Xian persuaded him. In short, there was no follow-up to this matter until Xu Xian found out today.

Yoona blinked her big eyes blankly, partly to express her admiration for Xu Xian's terrifying memory or ability to settle old scores.

On the one hand, I am reminiscing. Sporadic memories slowly emerge. It seems that such a thing really happened. What should I do now? I will finally have to bear the consequences of the sins I committed back then.

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