Perhaps because of his personality, Seohyun, both as an actor and a director, is relatively resistant to the so-called free expression of actors.

Although there are many classic shots that came from similar accidents, this kind of improvisation is also highly praised by the audience and actors.

But this is a typical survivor bias.

Most of the scenes are achieved through advance preparation and step-by-step performances. Isn't this more reliable than the so-called flash of inspiration?

Just like Li Menglong now, they didn't make these unnecessary moves when they discussed before.

Although it was Xu Xian who broke the balance between the two, she had a reason for it and could not be used as an excuse for Li Menglong to act casually.

Now she was asked how Xu Xian should continue her performance. Everyone around her was already looking at her with suspicion.

If Xu Xian doesn't cope well, she might become a bad person. Is it easy for her to accumulate a positive image?

Fortunately, Li Menglong also discovered this in time. This was a boss who spent a lot of money. How could he see his boss in trouble?

Besides, he and Xu Xian are not a one-time deal, and there will be many opportunities for cooperation in the future. This is a very important source of income for Li Menglong, so he cannot be careless.

As for how to help Xu Xian get out of trouble, in fact, just focus on the key points.

Everyone at the scene just felt that Xu Xian was a bit harsh. In this case, everyone felt that he, Li Menglong, deserved this kind of "treatment".

If there is a girl around, the cooperation will be more tacit and convincing.

But limited by the environment at the scene, Li Menglong could only recount his crimes by himself. I believe everyone wouldn't care about these details, right?

I saw Li Menglong crawling on the ground to Xu Xian's side, holding Xu Xian's calf and starting to cry: "I am not a human being, you should beat me to death today, I am carrying you..."

Li Menglong was a little clever. He didn't start to make big moves when he came up. Instead, he observed the reactions of everyone at the scene while constantly raising the level of revelations.

But what should I say? These fans were more tolerant than he imagined.

Come on, he is the manager, the biggest obstacle between fans and idols, and it is not an exaggeration to be regarded as a vampire lying on idols.

They were shouting about beating and killing. He, Li Menglong, even started to reveal that he had embezzled the remaining balance of the girls. Are these people still indifferent? Isn't this a fake fan?

Everyone has something to say about Li Menglong's questions. Li Menglong usually has a good reputation.

In addition, with all his other identities, with his worth, would he still embezzle the remaining balance of the girls?

And did he underestimate Li Soonkyu's fighting ability? If she really found out about this, would Li Menglong still be able to self-destruct here? It's almost like exploding on the spot.

It's hard to tell whether he is a participant or a bystander, but Xu Xian has clearly seen the current situation.

Li Menglong was a smart man who was confused for a while. Seeing that he was still working hard, Xu Xian had no choice but to help, which could be regarded as saving himself.

He knelt down and tried to help Li Menglong up, but the other party didn't appreciate it at all, which made Xu Xian want to just walk away.

"Oppa, there is no need to say these words from now on. We are all a family and we should tolerate each other. What do you think?"

While Xu Xian was talking, he didn't forget to give Li Menglong some hints, such as pinching him secretly in a hidden position.

If Li Menglong still couldn't understand this kind of reminder, then Xu Xian would suspect that the other party was deliberately causing trouble for her.

Points will be deducted greatly for accepting money but not working hard. Is Li Menglong sure he doesn't want to cooperate with her next time?

Li Menglong naturally thought about it, so he immediately sat up after receiving Xu Xian's signal.

Although he didn't know what the problem was for a while, he knew what he had to do now: "Xiaoxian, don't say anything. You are indeed the kindest one..."

Another bragging that made Xu Xian blush. Today, Li Menglong seemed to always exert too much force.

Xu Xian even once wondered if he did it on purpose, using this method to express his dissatisfaction?

But this doesn't make sense. She still knows Li Menglong. Between money and face, he almost unconditionally chooses the former.

So everything is an accident?

Seohyun didn't want to think too much. Anyway, up to this point, she had given her fans an explanation and at the same time fulfilled Kim Taeyeon's request.

Even though the result was slightly flawed, she really tried her best: "Then I'll go back first. See you next time!"

Xu Xian said goodbye to everyone politely, while Li Menglong picked up his previous work again and followed behind with various shopping bags.

But unlike his previous resistance, he was now in a much happier mood.

Not only is he full and full, but his pockets are also bulging. Now that he can spend a whole day shopping with Xu Xian, is she sure she won't think about it?

Of course Xu Xian won't consider it. Even if she doesn't resist shopping, she still has to consider the impact.

Not to mention the work that may be delayed, the girls alone are a big trouble. These women will get pink eye.

Once these women go crazy, Xu Xian won't be able to bear it anyway. Will he still count on Li Menglong for help?

So after coming out of the mall, Xu Xian stopped the car and went straight to the company without giving Li Menglong any chance to persuade.

Fortunately, as long as the money is in place, it is quite easy to talk to him, and he can cooperate in any way.

Moreover, there are big things to do when he returns to the company. Li Menglong made this clear very early.

If these people who come to work are not allowed to suffer, the group of people who worked overtime last night will probably go crazy.

Li Menglong didn't want to receive a bunch of resignations when he came to work tomorrow. Besides, as a leader, you also have to pay attention to a bowl of water.

When he thought of this, his tired spirit immediately lifted up a lot. Coupled with the stimulation of money before, he seemed to be in extremely good condition.

Xu Xian was convinced when he saw this scene. After working overtime all night, he accompanied him to the mall for a whole morning. As a result, he was immediately in high spirits as soon as he arrived at the company. How much do you like working?

Perhaps it is precisely because of this passion for work that Li Menglong can achieve his current success.

Thinking of this, Xu Xian even felt a little guilty. It seemed that because of the success of a TV series, she felt a little dizzy.

Fortunately, Li Menglong was by his side. Although he did not directly warn him, this kind of teaching by words and deeds was undoubtedly more intuitive and important.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. There's no way I can pay. The most I can do is have sex with you. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Faced with Li Menglong's words, Xu Xian was very puzzled. What's going on?

But the car seemed to have stopped, so did we reach the right place? In this way, Li Menglong's words are easy to understand. He doesn't think that he wants him to pay the fare, right?

After realizing this, Xu Xian really couldn't laugh or cry. Did he have any misunderstanding about his perception of her or the girls?

Everyone has long given up on asking him to pay. If it wasn't for deliberate revenge, no one would try it easily, and it would easily cause trouble for themselves.

Xu Xian paid the fare generously and successfully earned Li Menglong some looks of contempt. The driver was quite decent.

However, this person didn't seem to recognize Xu Xianlai. Before getting off the car, he warned him earnestly: "Little girl, you are still young. Don't entrust your great youth to a rotten person!"

It would be fine if these words were whispered to Xu Xian, but this voice could even be heard clearly by people across the street.

These words were not meant for Xu Xian, they were clearly provoking him, Li Menglong.

The driver also knew that what he said was unpleasant, so he drove away quickly after saying it, leaving Li Menglong no chance to explain.

Xu Xian originally wanted to stop Li Menglong, but now it seems that he just wants to appreciate his incompetence and rage. I have to say that the driver's assists are still very sharp.

Most of Li Menglong's good mood that he had accumulated disappeared immediately. He ignored Xu Xian's expression and walked into the company with a gloomy face.

"Wait for me, don't walk so fast!" Xu Xian jumped behind him, his voice was extremely brisk.

But the more this happened, the more Li Menglong didn't want to wait for her, and finally sprinted directly into the company. Compared with sprinting, Xu Xian was really a stinky sister.

The fried chicken restaurant at noon was quite busy, with so many diners that there was no room for them to sit down.

But the space is so tight, how can the group of people on the second floor still occupy a place on the first floor, and the landlady doesn't care about it?

Little did you know that these people had paid, and even paid extra for the table, so the landlady had no reason to kick the "guests" out.

It's just that the first floor is very noisy at the moment. The second floor is obviously still empty. Why would they rather stay here than go up?

The root of the problem is naturally Li Menglong. These people don't even want to come to the company, let alone go to the second floor.

In their eyes, the second floor is a dragon's pool and a tiger's den. Many of their unbearable memories are left on it. If possible, they would rather not go up.

But how could such a good thing happen? Li Menglong went straight here after coming in. The purpose was self-evident.

But this group of people acted as if they hadn't seen him. Even though someone had already looked at him, they still pretended to slide over as if nothing had happened.

This is too much. Although he brought them to work because he was not a human being, was he, Li Menglong, not a human being on his first day?

Since everyone is willing to stay here to work and form a collective struggle, it means that they accept and recognize his shortcomings. Why don't you admit it now?

Just when Li Menglong wanted to expose their illusions, the group of people and even the diners on the first floor became restless.

Li Menglong didn't even need to look back. He had seen similar scenes too many times. Girls have this kind of terrifying charm.

"Everyone, eat in peace. I'm here to work. I'll say hello to you again when I have the opportunity!" Xu Xian said quickly.

Although Seohyun does not exclude contact with fans, she also depends on the occasion, and it is obviously not suitable now.

But when she went upstairs, she didn't forget to drag Li Menglong up too, so that everyone could have some lunch in peace. He would make everyone feel sick if he stood there.

"Why are you holding me back? You want to apologize to me. Forget it, I have already forgiven you!" Li Menglong said pretending to be generous.

Xu Xian had no choice but to turn a blind eye to this kind of shamelessness.

Xu Xian, who came to the second floor, was also scratching his head. The office was quite messy, and it could be seen that everyone left in a hurry.

The computer was not turned off, there was food on the seat, there were clothes on the back of the chair, in short it was a mess.

"What happened before? Aren't they all off work already?"

Facing Xu Xian's doubts, Li Menglong just shrugged. The root of the problem was Xu Xian. If she hadn't forcibly let these people go, how could this happen?

But this group of people went too far. He, Li Menglong, promised to let them get off work early, so why bother running? Do you think he will break his promise?

Although Xu Xian didn't get the answer, she knew what she was going to do next.

Xu Xian rolled up his sleeves, tied his tail into a ponytail, put on rubber gloves and pulled over a large trash can.

Although I don’t know why Xu Xian suddenly wants to clean this place, but I can’t watch the little girl work alone, right?

Of course, Li Menglong didn't take action directly. In his opinion, the talented people on the first floor should come up. It was already time to go to work, but they were still eating down there?

A phone call called the group below. It was obvious that they were quite reluctant, and they walked for ten minutes in just a few steps.

But the road has an end after all, but the scene they saw after walking over surprised them. Is Li Menglong crazy?

"Everything you look at, they all come here to work. If you don't clean, you don't know. On weekdays, everyone looks like a dog, but I didn't expect them to be so dirty. How do you tolerate it on weekdays?"

As Li Menglong spoke, he held up a plastic bag. Although he didn't know what was inside, it looked disgusting from the outside. It should be the remains of some food.

This can be regarded as a kind of stolen goods, which makes these people very embarrassed.

It would be fine if there was only Li Menglong, but Xu Xian was also following them. They didn't want to embarrass themselves in front of the goddess.

So a vigorous cleaning campaign suddenly started, making the cleaning lady on the second floor restless. Is this the time to be fired?

But Li Menglong is not an innocent person. Because some secrets are involved on the second floor, they usually do the cleaning themselves.

I just didn't expect this group of people to be so lazy. Once this person gets ruthless, he will even fool himself.

But that's not possible now, and there is no need for Li Menglong's supervision. Under the leadership of Xu Xian, this group of people is really bursting with enthusiasm, and they can't wait to pull out all the mud from the gaps in the floor tiles.

As for why they were so excited, first of all, it was because of Xu Xian. With the goddess by his side, even doing physical work was not that tiring.

Secondly, it is to avoid work. Compared with the mental exhaustion, it is completely acceptable to put in some physical effort. It is best to clean directly until get off work...

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