The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 263 Golden Throat

(The fourth change of the leader of "Heaven and Earth Giant Axe", thank you, I hope everyone will support the genuine version!)

Just now Liu Zaishi told the time, it is best to record it tomorrow, so Li Menglong came here to discuss with the girls, and everyone has no problem with the time.

"Then is there anything we can't talk about? I'll go over and discuss it with the program team later!"

"Can't we talk about Xiuying's love?" Kim Taeyeon, as the team leader, raised her eyes and thought.

"Why can't you say it? If you say it, it might be popular!" Among the girls, there will never be a lack of people who watch the excitement and are not afraid of big troubles.

Ignoring the slapstick over there, Jessica Jessica said instead: "It's better to run less, that show is very tiring!"

"That's good, it's better that we just go over and chat!" Kim Taeyeon echoed from the side.

"Do you want to prepare another big meal for you, and then come back after eating there." Li Menglong's irony was always approved, which made him very speechless.

Since the program is going to be recorded tomorrow, what else is there to do? The girls swarmed and prepared to return to the dormitory. On the way to SBS, Li Menglong had already started to feel the noise at home in advance.

No longer thinking about these things, Li Menglong left his thinking to this program, because there were too many things during this time, Li Menglong only had a brief understanding of this program.

To put it simply, when the infinite challenge strike is not broadcast, this is the most influential program in Korea so far, and its influence can even reach overseas. The benefits of girls participating in this program are great.

As for the various formats of the program, the most important thing is to tear up famous brands, but it seems a little inappropriate for a group of delicate girls to tear up famous brands.

Sure enough, when Li Menglong, Liu Zaishi discussed this issue with the pd and writer of the show, everyone agreed that tearing up famous brands seems not suitable for this issue.

"How about some matching sessions? Isn't Brother Shi the best at these?" Li Menglong's words brought everyone back to the memories of a long time ago.

This program group is the direct line of the direct line handed down from xman, so this program that really made Liu Jae-shik, the program group and countless stars popular has a deep imprint in the hearts of these people. It is the first variety show to suppress a TV series glorious era.

It is precisely because of the existence of xman that Han Zong has become one of the Korean Waves that can be exported abroad, just like Korean dramas and idols.

So a few people got excited, not to mention that tomorrow's program is really suitable for many parts of xman, and everyone can't think of any good plots in just one day. Instead, they directly apply xman's words, not only the topic is perfect, but also There is a stalk of memory.

After finalizing the general links, Li Menglong also saw the complete program flow. He participated in the discussion almost the whole process. When everyone tentatively decided on the program outline, it was already afternoon.

Pd and the writer naturally couldn't let them go, so Li Menglong was lucky enough to have a meal at the cafeteria at SBS. As a fully private TV station, the treatment of SBS is still better than others.

"Menglong is the manager of Girls' Generation? Does the manager need to know so much now? Wouldn't we be unemployed in the future?" pd half-jokingly said.

Li Menglong smiled sheepishly and didn't explain much. Although he didn't participate in many variety shows specifically, he participated from a very high level: the creative planning of Undefeated Youth in the early stage, and the post-editing in two days and one night.

It is inappropriate to say that he is like a college student who has just graduated. Others are learning from the bottom step by step. He directly mentioned that the vice president participated in the company's planning. People are too strong.

Liu Zaishi naturally has face when his little brother is praised: "My little brother always persuades him to work here, but he doesn't listen! Do you think he is very talented in variety shows?"

The two people on the opposite side kept nodding, and even tentatively extended invitations. Real talents are scarce no matter where they are.

After finishing this long lunch, the two of PD went back to continue sorting out the details, and Liu Zaishi still had work, so he just said some words of thanks to Li Menglong, which made Li Menglong a little shy.

After the car drove downstairs, Li Menglong didn't dare to go up. When he thought of the nine girls lying on the sofa, he felt that the carpet should be full of people, because someone would definitely lie on the sofa , he was the first to take a fancy to Jung Soo-yeon.

Feeling that going in is like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, so Li Menglong simply hid in the car, and went to the sports equipment in the community to exercise when he was bored, and chatted with the passing security guards at the same time.

But who made things so coincidental, Pani, a little girl who is not myopic at all, was eating fruit on the balcony, but when she looked down casually, she found Li Menglong.

That's all for now, but when the time went from 10 minutes to half an hour to an hour, the girls finally couldn't bear it anymore, idiots could tell that Li Menglong didn't want to come up.

As for the reason, is it because nine of them are here? The moment they came to this conclusion, the nine felt that either they were crazy or the world was crazy.

When were the nine girls of Girls' Generation together, and a man would not want to come over? There really is such a man!

Kim Taeyeon with the best voice was selected. If Kim Taeyeon's vocal teacher knows that the knowledge taught to her will be used here, it is estimated that she will be pissed off immediately.

Kim Taeyeon herself was quite excited. Opening her voice and drinking water was like the backstage of a concert. Then she held the window frame with both hands, and slowly raised her head, revealing only a pair of eyes.

"Li Menglong! Your mother is calling you home for dinner!" Taeyeon immediately sat on the ground after shouting, leaning against the wall and patting her chest with one hand. She was very nervous, mainly because she felt ashamed.

Then the girls who were still watching the excitement with their necks just now also swarmed back and escaped from the balcony. The more aggressive ones even retreated to the kitchen, leaving only Kim Taeyeon's crisp and clear voice.

Three minutes later, the indoor door was opened, and Li Menglong looked at the nine people who were staring straight ahead, almost laughing out of anger. He was chatting with the security guard just now, and that voice that sounded like the sound of nature almost didn't bring out his soul.

Until he covered his face and ran away, those unscrupulous security guards behind him were still having fun. Li Menglong cursed them to have fun for a lifetime and let them die!

"Ahem!" Coughed twice, but the TV seemed particularly attractive today, and no one watched it.

How could Li Menglong be overthrown by such a small trick, he just walked over, and finally blocked in front of the TV, but today he seems to be a transparent person, the girls are still watching the "TV"!

After walking a few steps in place, Li Menglong smiled evilly, and then shook his shoulders slightly. There was a burst of cracking sound from his body. The people watching TV seemed to have seen a ghost movie. together.

"Anyway, there is only one person who is the culprit. I am a very reasonable person, and I never blame innocent people. If you don't believe me, ask Xiaoxian!" Pull Xu Xian out first, it must have nothing to do with this child.

If she really yelled, Li Menglong also recognized it, because Xu Xian would definitely feel more ashamed than him.

Seeing Xu Xian standing behind Li Menglong without hesitation, the few people he knew best began to waver. There is really no need to involve yourself, right? They did nothing.

So just when Lee Soon Kyu was about to get up, her hand was firmly held by Kim Taeyeon at the side. In the end, there were only two sisters left on the sofa, and Kim Taeyeon was tightly entwined like an octopus. Live with Lee Soon Kyu.

She glared at Taeyeon, and decided to take revenge on her when there were fewer people. She clearly sensed Li Menglong's thoughts, so Taeyeon immediately let go, and then said disgustedly: "I told you not to hug me all the time. , who does I count if I am not tall?"

"Kim Taeyeon, you have to have a conscience!" Lee Soon Kyu was a victim once in a while.

"What is conscience? Is it worth it?" Taeyeon's natural and cute expression made the people around her unbearable, all of them laughed happily, except of course Lee Soon Kyu who was gnashing his teeth.

Li Menglong stopped messing around with these people, and took out a folded A4 paper in his pocket: "Tomorrow's game session will probably be like this..."

"Xman? Hyoyeon O'Neill likes it very much!"

"Really? Then you can meet your idol tomorrow!" Li Menglong looked at Xiaoyuan and said.

"Sorry, I'm a show fan, not their personal fan!"

"This cold joke can be saved for tomorrow's show, I think Liu Zaishi will laugh then!" Li Menglong twitched the corners of his mouth, but still didn't laugh.

"I don't need to talk about the specific links, you all know more than me! It may be overnight, and the next morning will be recorded in the morning, so bring a couple of clothes." Li Menglong thought for a while: "If you really lack What, it was filmed in Seoul anyway, so you can pick it up when you come back or buy it at the place!"

"Doesn't that mean that we'll have no makeup the next morning?" Jung Soo-yeon asked this crucial question.

And this issue was actually ignored by Li Menglong when discussing with the program group. It is because he usually sees girls without makeup too often, so he has never paid attention to it.

"I've seen Kim Taeyeon, Seo Hyun... without makeup, they are all pretty good-looking, do you guys have any questions?" Li Menglong's words were simply killer.

Who can say that their own plain makeup is not good-looking? Impossible, even Jessica Jessica directly passed this question, only Lee Soon Kyu snickered there, she firmly believed that the answer just now was intentional by Li Menglong.

For dinner, Li Menglong meant to go out to eat, and he recognized his treat. However, those who can hear how delicious Li Menglong cooks almost every day are naturally unwilling, especially the group of foodies led by Xiuying and Zheng Xiuyan.

Then do it, what can Li Menglong say, what does he dare to say? Fortunately, among the nine people, Xiaoyuan actually knows how to cook, not just for show, but the kind who can cut vegetables and season them. Although the movements are jerky, Li Menglong is already very content.

Half of the refrigerator is empty for a meal, and the used bowls and chopsticks alone cannot fit in a sink. This is the first time Li Menglong discovered that there are so many bowls and chopsticks in the house.

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