The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2608 Familiarity

Li Menglong is generally quite comfortable.

On the one hand, he instinctively pleases Mother Zheng, after all, he is an elder; on the other hand, Mother Zheng also wants to please him for some practical reasons.

Two people who please each other would not be very happy to get along with each other.

Of course, Li Menglong is constantly trying to reduce Zheng's mother's attention to him, which is completely unnecessary.

He could understand the other party's painstaking efforts. After all, Li Menglong was Jessica's leader in every aspect, the kind who could decide her life or death with one word.

It's just that this is a possibility on the surface or in theory. As far as Yu Gong is concerned, as the boss, he can't just ban the company's top artist for some unreasonable reasons.

Even if he wants to do this, Li Soonkyu probably won't agree. He doesn't have this ability from the beginning.

Personally speaking, it was even more of a joke. In life, girls would beat and scold him at every turn, and would punch and kick him when he didn't get his way. It would make him cry if he said it too often.

Of course, Li Menglong also made some appropriate counterattacks, but there was no need to say it out loud, as long as you knew that he was pitiful.

He believed that Jessica had also told her family about these principles. It was just that everyone's growth experience was different. People of the older generation had their own way of doing things. Li Menglong expressed his understanding and respect.

So let's talk, but Li Menglong tried his best to move the topic away from Jessica, otherwise the other party would always be so cautious.

It's just that it's not that easy to find a topic with a middle-aged woman. In the end, the two of them actually exchanged cooking skills, which was vaguely absurd.

Naturally, cooking skills cannot be discussed on paper. Li Menglong is not an academic like girls. If there is anything that needs to be said, just do it.

The two people who often went to the kitchen got together and quickly made four dishes and one soup. Li Menglong happened to also want to eat, and he achieved a small goal, although he had not thought of it that way before.

Li Menglong didn't forget to take a photo before eating. To stimulate some people's nerves, it would actually be better if Zheng's mother could leave the country.

But he also respects the other party's choice, and besides, these photos are enough now.

Li Menglong did not choose to release the photos in a rush. He had to take them little by little. The first photo posted was a close-up of the meal.

Judging from the two people's skills, this dish is full of color, flavor and taste, and it looks very tempting.

Li Menglong has received so much influence from young girls. Although he has not studied it specifically, he can "post-process" photos in a decent way.

When the two are superimposed, there is no problem if this photo can be directly used as a display of a restaurant, and indeed many people regard it as a restaurant.

"What? Li Menglong went to a high-end restaurant to eat alone? Where did he get the money, and how could he afford it?"

Jessica was very upset when she got the news. She was obviously guarding the company, but in the end, she didn't even catch Li Menglong.

Not only was she hiding in a corner and sulking, but the key point was that Li Menglong was still living so freely. How could she comfort herself?

Xu Xian took a rare look at the colleagues around him. These people were really just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously. After all, Jessica didn’t need to be coaxed when she was angry, right?

As the only girl in the company, Xu Xian has a heavy responsibility. At least she cannot let Jessica lose control in front of her.

However, based on her understanding of Jessica, it is now on the verge of explosion. Once Li Menglong is really not found, she may have to step in to vent his anger.

Even if Xu Xian is truly selfless, he is not selfless to this extent.

Although Li Menglong is relatively innocent, the current situation does not allow him to shirk anymore. Come over and apologize to Jessica!

So Xu Xian is now completely on Jessica's side, trying to help her find Li Menglong's hiding place.

In fact, the easiest thing to do is to cheat. Using Li Menglong's trust in her to cheat, it is really a sure thing to cheat.

But Xu Xian couldn't do this, otherwise it would be even more difficult to end later. What if Li Menglong cried too? Although she was still looking forward to this scene a little bit.

Dispelling these absurd thoughts, Xu Xian once again focused on the matter itself. She was now a detective, relying on various clues, witnesses and knowledge of Li Menglong to deduce his hiding place!

The first people to contact were the girls in the dormitory. Based on Xu Xian's understanding of this group of women, they must have done something, and maybe they were already on their way to catch Li Menglong.

"How could we know that there was a traitor in the family just now!" Kim Taeyeon scolded Pani at the side as she spoke: "With your hands stretched out, you are still aggrieved? Do you still have the nerve to be aggrieved?"

Although she doesn’t know who the person being scolded is, let alone what he did, it doesn’t affect her respect for him, warrior!

Since the girls had no clues, they had to rely on themselves. Xu Xian stared at the photo and looked at it repeatedly, trying to see some details.

It is said that most of the restaurants Li Menglong went to were together. In theory, this one shouldn't be an accident, so when did she go there?

Xu Xian scratched her head and felt helpless. Logically speaking, she would definitely remember a restaurant with this kind of cuisine. Maybe she had been there many times, but why couldn't she see it?

While she was struggling, she also had to endure a bunch of complaints from Jessica, who had to call Li Menglong almost every minute.

But Li Menglong turned off his phone a long time ago. As for how he posted the photos, he still had wifi.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Li Menglong's plan is nothing more than to cut off regular contact, but Jessica just wants to find out, or she has no other good way.

Seohyun didn't dare to let this time bomb detonate in advance, so he pulled Jessica over to look at the pictures together as if coaxing a child.

But she didn't have high hopes, after all, Jessica's limited memory rarely focused on these aspects.

But this time, I don't know if it was caused by hatred, but she actually stood up with her mouth covered.

Xu Xian was also very nervous on the side, eager to hear some great clues from this person's mouth, but the result made her a little disappointed.

"So these two dishes are your favorite, Unnie? Haha, I didn't expect that Li Menglong has the same taste as you." Xu Xian said with a smile. What else could she say to praise the taste of these two people?

Jessica also felt that it was not appropriate to say this now, so she continued to squat there and look at the pictures, feeling very subtle.

How should I put it specifically? These two dishes are not just what she likes. From the ingredients to the color to the presentation, they feel inexplicably familiar.

This feeling really drove her crazy. She knew everything, but it was always just a little bit wrong. Couldn't she be reminded of it?

Maybe Li Menglong sensed her pain, so he really gave some clues, but of course it was still to show off.

In this photo, he has already eaten most of the four dishes and one soup. At this moment, he is holding the rice bowl, and there is much less rice in it.

Although they didn't see the specific process, everyone could imagine the scene of him feasting and inexplicably started to swallow his saliva.

Xu Xian is also a member of this group. Although she thinks this is a physiological impulse, she is not that hungry.

But at this moment, it was more important to appease Jessica's emotions. A new round of provocation could easily lead to disaster.

Just turning her head, she saw Jessica trembling all over. Is this Ernie about to explode? Otherwise, why would he be so excited?

"This bastard, that's my job!" Jessica yelled abruptly.

Although I can feel her anger and hear her words clearly, Xu Xian really doesn't understand it. Can you explain it in detail?

"The rice bowl he is holding now is my rice bowl!"

Jessica's explanation was still somewhat metaphysical, and Seohyun himself didn't quite believe it. He had been to so many restaurants, but did he recognize that one's job?

But don't refute the other party easily now, otherwise it will easily make the other party collapse emotionally. Xu Xian said gently: "Is it the one we went to yesterday? I also have an impression."

Faced with Xu Xian's echo, Jessica almost cursed. This clearly meant that she didn't trust her. She didn't lie!

She, Jessica, really recognized the bowl. Although there was nothing special about the bowl, she just liked to use it. It could be regarded as a little personal hobby of hers.

She even made a mark on the bowl: "Xiaoxian, look carefully, is there a touch of gold next to the pattern? I painted it with nail polish!"

Xu Xian confirmed this detail. She now believed this Ernie. But doing this in the restaurant was considered sabotage. If she really liked it, she would buy it.

Faced with Seohyun's doubts, Jung Soo-yeon was about to hit someone. How could a child who was usually so smart become so stupid now?

"That's the bowl I use at home. Li Menglong is at my home now!" After saying this, Jessica finally connected the previous clues.

No wonder those dishes are her favorites, and they look very familiar, because they are made by her mother. She has been eating them since she was an adult, how can she not be familiar with them?

But why did her mother cook for Li Menglong? Isn't this trying to undermine the enemy? Wouldn't she consider her daughter's grievance?

Xu Xian was also shocked. She really couldn't guess what Li Menglong was thinking this time. He turned around and killed Jessica's house alone. What did he want to do?

The key is that Zheng Xiuyan hasn't realized this yet. Don't worry about those side details now. Shouldn't she worry about what Li Menglong is talking to Zheng's mother?

"Impossible? Li Menglong wouldn't be such a bastard, would he go straight to his parents if he couldn't beat him in a fight?" Jessica also fell into self-doubt, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

After a long time, she calmed down a little, but she found herself in the car at the moment: "Why am I in the car? Where are you taking me?"

Regarding Jessica's question, Xu Xian really didn't know where to answer it. He was almost at her door, why did he ask now?

Of course, this can also be seen from the side of Jessica's panic at the moment. Although she is very strong on weekdays, she is still a child in front of her family.

"Don't worry, Ernie, he won't say anything nonsense, right?" Xu Xian wasn't sure.

After all, Li Menglong's move had exceeded her expectations before, and the next few times would not surprise anyone.

Anyway, Xu Xian was very unfamiliar with Li Menglong at the moment. The only thing he was thankful for was that the person he came to was not his own home.

Although gloating about misfortune is very annoying, Xu Xian really feels a similar joy in his heart: You, Jessica, are also today?

Of course, there is no need to say such death-defying words. It hurts her feelings. Deep down in her heart, she still loves Jessica.

The two of them stood in front of the door. Jessica was even more like an outsider than Xu Xian: "Did Li Menglong buy something before? Should we buy some too?"

Uh... Is it really appropriate to ask this kind of question to an outsider like her, but from an ordinary person's point of view, there should be no need to buy gifts when returning to your own home.

Seeing that Jessica just didn't want to go in, Seohyun had no choice but to use a trick. He pressed the doorbell decisively and then turned around and grabbed Jessica who was about to run away. There was no surprise now, right?

In fact, there are still surprises. Although Xu Xian and Jessica Jung have already acquiesced in Li Menglong hiding here, they still felt incredible when they saw that it was him who came out to open the door.

The two sides looked at each other through the door, but Li Menglong was standing inside, and the two people outside the door were more like guests.

And at this time, Mother Zheng in the kitchen asked from a distance: "Who is it? Do you need me to come out?"

"Auntie, please continue your work. There are two children who went astray. They probably can't find their way home?" Li Menglong teased with a smile.

This sentence successfully aroused Jessica's anger. Why was she so cowardly at the door of her own house and was she ridiculed by Li Menglong?

Those who don’t know better think that he is the child of this family. She, Jessica, wants to take back her own position and declare her sovereignty!

Ignoring Li Menglong in front of the door, he was not the focus. Jessica didn't even change her shoes and ran all the way to the kitchen: "Mom, I am your daughter."

Mother Zheng, who was cooking vegetables, was suddenly hugged by her daughter. She was startled: "Why are you back? Why are you still crying? Let me turn off the fire first..."

The subsequent sounds were much quieter. It was probably the mother and daughter communicating their feelings in a low voice.

Li Menglong didn't have the bad habit of listening to the corner, and consciously closed the door from the outside: "Why did you follow me here?"

Facing Li Menglong's calmness, Xu Xian almost laughed out loud. Why did she come over? Doesn't Li Menglong know?

The door probably wouldn't be open for a while, so she simply took Li Menglong and wandered around the community, scolding him at the same time. A home visit was really not necessary!

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