The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2605 Fishing Man

Li Menglong can also find some sense of balance from this aspect. He was beaten up by Jessica in public. Did he really not want to lose face?

Really not, he has no need in this regard.

Seriously speaking, his regular job is to be the manager of girls.

And he has always done a pretty good job at his job. Anyway, it's all about pleasing girls. He's very good at it.

And with the current status of the girls, as long as they are willing to stand behind Li Menglong, the company will still provide for him, even if his other identities are not included.

Is it still uncommon for managers to defect with their company's artists? In other words, if you want to win over an artist, the most convenient and quickest way is to win over an agent.

Since he doesn't need the company's help, it's useless for him to ask for so much face. Does anyone dare to deal with him?

So the only reason he needs face is because of his identity as a director. There are too many people who need to cooperate.

It's just that Li Menglong has taken a different path. Even though everyone is laughing and joking on weekdays, they all respect him in their hearts.

In short, as long as Li Menglong's work doesn't hold him back, Li Menglong really doesn't care about joking in private.

"Yeah, you guys are just gossiping behind each other's backs. Where are you sending this message?" Li Menglong grabbed his phone and kept flipping through it.

Even though he is extremely ambitious, one has to differentiate between specific situations. Now these people are no longer satisfied with internal gossip and have also started outsourcing business?

You must know that this is very taboo in entertainment companies. Everyone needs to sign a confidentiality agreement before joining the company. After all, they know too much gossip.

As expected, it is hard to guard against domestic thieves day and night. It turns out that the source of the message is my own company. These people are really good at calculating. Earning one salary is not enough, how many more do you want?

Facing Li Menglong's accusation, the man who was caught with a sore leg became nervous. How could he accuse someone of his innocence out of thin air?

"What kind of external group is this? Look carefully at the names inside!"

After hearing this anxious cry, Li Menglong looked through the member list slowly, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar he felt.

Although this group of people may have used pseudonyms to avoid suspicion, Li Menglong was still able to guess the identities of individual people based on familiarity.

This "pink memory" is clearly Pani, so I won't analyze the name. The avatar gives everything away.

If Li Menglong remembers correctly, it is clearly a bag that Pani loves very much, and it is said to be worth a lot of money.

This girl has no place to show off. After all, it would be suspected of showing off her wealth to fans and the media, so she can only show off secretly internally.

Following Pani's clues, Li Menglong began to look through her personal past chat records, and soon found another suspect.

"Who is Giraffe? Did you bring Li Guangzhu in? When did he come to our company? Why didn't I know?"

Li Menglong directly asked a series of questions, which was really frightening. Although he didn't care much about the company's business, didn't he need to be told something of this level?

Although he won't make any noise, this is all the company's operation. Don't try to mix in favors, but can't you respect him? Even respecting his shares is good.

And when did Pani become so familiar with Lee Kwang Soo? The two people interacted very friendly from time to time in this chat group. Could it be that he recognized the wrong person?

The person on the opposite side also calmed down a lot at this moment. He was caught by Li Menglong in the first place, so he was inevitably panicked and even forgot what he should cover up.

It is said that this group is a large group opened behind Li Menglong's back. Initially, it was just a group of people chatting and complaining in private. After all, they also need a space to vent.

Then because of work, Xu Xian was pulled in. Initially, everyone was a little nervous, thinking that she would not be able to accept this.

But to their surprise, Xu Xian didn't adapt too quickly. He casually revealed a few dirty facts about Li Menglong and blended in perfectly.

Regarding this kind of thing, Xu Xian said it was all trivial. There were nine people in their dormitory, and there might be as many small groups behind them, but she didn't dare to say that she had complete control.

Firstly, this group of women probably built a lot behind her back. Secondly, this group was formed too quickly and dissipated in a way that caught people off guard.

It is possible that Li Menglong opened a group because of someone he complained about in the morning, and the group was disbanded after the corresponding retaliation.

Xu Xian never had much say in such matters, so she just went with the flow. Whoever brought her in would just say a few words depending on the situation, and it would be enough to show her sincerity.

As for this "work group", after seeing Xu Xian adapting so perfectly, this group of people became more courageous and began to slowly extend their tentacles within the company.

From the other girls to the company’s proprietress, Li Eun-hee, there are quite a few senior executives in the company.

However, with the addition of leaders, the topics in the group gradually became restricted. After all, it was not easy to complain about the company in front of Li Enxi.

So everyone seems to be looking around and can only find one common topic, which is to complain about Li Menglong. It seems that everyone is very interested in this.

Of course, in addition to this, the group will also help each other from time to time. For example, the girls have recommended many high-quality and cheap cosmetics.

And Li Menglong could see Pani at a glance, naturally because of her activeness in the group. This girl has really become a favorite here.

In short, Pani in the group can be called the great appraiser Pani. Whenever everyone wants to buy some luxury goods, they must come to her for advice.

Pani doesn’t find it too troublesome. From style selection to suggested price and even post-appraisal, it’s comparable to pre-sales and after-sales.

That is to say, Pani doesn't sell goods herself, otherwise Li Menglong would think that she is doing business, but she is the kind of person who cheats her.

As this chat group becomes more and more useful, there are actually very few topics about Li Menglong. Everyone is afraid that one day he will be caught, which will lead to the entire group being forcibly disbanded.

Therefore, complaining about Li Menglong can completely create a few new groups. It is best for this large group to be preserved.

In order to achieve this goal, this group of people even made a plan after being discovered by Li Menglong. The core idea was to sacrifice others to protect the group!

The sacrifice of one person is really insignificant compared to the safety of the entire group. What's more, being discovered by Li Menglong also means that he has to bear a certain amount of responsibility, so it is natural for him to be sacrificed.

This person should have killed this person who didn't know anything before. He even snatched his phone and turned it off. Can Li Menglong force him to turn it on?

As for the threat of a job or something, do you really think the other people can just watch?

It's just that this one is a step late. Now he can only try to make up for it, hoping it won't have any impact.

"Why aren't you talking? Who is this giraffe? Don't tell me you don't know!" Li Menglong continued to ask.

This person naturally knows the true identity of "Giraffe", but can he tell it? Does he still want to work in the company in the future?

Now I would rather be beaten to death by Li Menglong than reveal Kim Taeyeon's true identity!

That's right, "Giraffe" is Kim Taeyeon's codename. As for why she got this name, everyone has their own guess, but it shouldn't be because the giraffe is tall, right?

This person has even begun to secretly complain about the person who sent the message first. There are obviously so many private groups, why do you have to post in this group?

But there was no point worrying about it now. All he could think about was how to get out.

He wasn't afraid that Li Menglong would fire him or something, after all, he didn't have the final say in the company alone.

But with Li Menglong's "small-bellied chicken intestines" character, it is very likely that there will be no good fruits to eat in the next few days. What can this person do?

"You're not afraid of me anymore, are you? Are you sure you want to offend me for someone you only see a few times a year? We will see each other quite frequently in the future!" Li Menglong smiled so sinisterly.

As a director, he can scare Yoona to her knees and beg for mercy, so it's not that difficult for him to handle ordinary staff members.

On weekdays, it's just a psychological blow in the office, but once on the set, Li Menglong has too many tricks at his disposal.

"I guarantee that your body and mind will get the most exercise. Take a good rest in the past few days, otherwise it will not be easy to survive!" Li Menglong patted the other party's shoulder earnestly.

Obviously he didn't use any force, but as a result, this person's shoulders got lower and lower, and finally he even squatted on the ground and hugged Li Menglong's thigh.

Although this action was to beg for mercy, it also effectively avoided the sight of other people. He was really forced to do so!

Looking at Li Menglong's leaving figure, this girl is already looking forward to the new album released by the girls. He will definitely buy it, otherwise it will not be enough to offset the sin in his heart!

But he didn't know that his sins were more than that. Instead of walking to the first floor, Li Menglong walked along the stairs to the third floor.

Then he hid in a corner and started fiddling with his phone secretly. He must make a big news today, and if not, he would destroy this group.

The first thing Li Menglong did was to download a few cool pictures. Once the previous plan failed, he would just blow himself up on the spot.

I have thought about the process well, first I post these pictures, and then I make a report. Isn’t it accurate to check them one by one?

Of course, there are risks in doing this. Even Li Menglong may not be able to withstand the resentment of so many people, so this is only a last resort and will not be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

As for this moment, of course he wanted to break into the enemy's interior. He had already used the "internal agent"'s cell phone to invite him before, but now he was hesitant about what name he should give.

"Li Menglong was hiding on the third floor and secretly badmouthing everyone. I risked my life to record it and everyone gathered around to watch."

A latest message appeared in the group, followed by a quite clear voice, which was full of Li Menglong's complaints.

Faced with this sudden gift package, these people who were accustomed to gossip immediately paid huge attention to analyze Li Menglong's psychology and analyze his next move. Of course, the most people were just watching the excitement.

Xu Xian was very uninterested in this, but Jessica couldn't help but found it very interesting, and pulled her to sit down on the first floor: "Who is this person? Why haven't you seen him before? He is definitely not an air force? What the hell is this name?"

Jessica thought about it for a while and then gave up. She didn't know that many people in the company, but Xu Xian was familiar with them. Let's analyze it!

Jessica said so, what else could Seohyun say? Besides, she was really curious about who this person was. It looked like he had just joined. Logically speaking, there weren't many new people who could join.

And this voice, was this sound quality secretly recorded?

If the other party hadn't proactively informed him, Xu Xian would have thought it was recorded with Li Menglong's mouth in mind. It was too clear.

If Li Menglong could know Xu Xian's thoughts at this moment, he might be very pleased. She is indeed his most beloved sister. This tacit understanding is perfect.

It is said that at this point, he was indeed a little negligent. Fortunately, these people had no intention of taking precautions, so he could still fish smoothly.

His name also means this. Today he is a fisherman. Even if he is fishing for law enforcement, he must catch two big fish!

Because there were so many people watching the excitement, and no one was working, the "update reminders" were very frequent.

However, among so many messages, Li Menglong relied on his understanding, intuition and a little luck to find a few familiar styles.

For example, this "never leftover", if nothing else happens, it is Xiuying. Common modal particles and discontinuities in speech can illustrate this point. This is all a matter of habit.

As for intuition, it depends on luck. For example, the name of this "best" is very ambiguous!

Of course, it can also be interpreted as expectations for myself, but I always feel that there is still something to be desired. For example, the best actress, Lin Yoona?

Compared with the simple and honest sisters, the elder sisters were much more hidden. He was sure that both Lee Soon Kyu and Jung Soo Yeon had spoken, but he couldn't find them out.

This is all their years of experience surfing the Internet with trumpet accounts. If Li Menglong sees it easily, do they still want to deceive the fans?

Although he could be more patient, Li Menglong also understands what it means to change later. Although the two small fish are not big, there is still a "giraffe" to take care of it.

As for the specific method of closing the net, Li Menglong did not name it simply and crudely. That would be too unartistic.

He returned to his office again, opened the small safe that belonged to him, and took out the encrypted USB drive.

As an agent, he is so cautious. The behavior of girls who store all their photos in their mobile phones is really seeking death.

However, the photos here are not shameful content. Most of them are unused selfies of girls and ugly photos he secretly took. Now it’s time to share some with everyone.

Don’t you just want to watch the excitement? Li Menglong made the crowd excited!

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