The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2595 The secret behind the selection of candidates

Xu Xian's best cooking skill is cooking porridge, which can even be extended to the entire team. Her skill is the ceiling of the team's cooking skills.

It's just that she never thought that chicken can also be used to cook porridge, and the chicken in it only accounts for a small part. To be precise, it should be called chicken offal porridge.

Xu Xian couldn't recognize what was in it, but there were still chicken livers, chicken hearts, chicken intestines, etc. The taste was very unique.

When I saw these ingredients, I thought they would be unpalatable. After all, chicken offal is too fishy, ​​let alone being used to make porridge.

But the store obviously added a lot of auxiliary ingredients to it, the most obvious one being green onion and ginger, which perfectly covered up the fishy smell of chicken offal. After drinking it, the body will feel warm and comfortable.

Xu Xian drank a whole bowl in one go, and when the store gave her more porridge, she began to understand the situation again.

Li Menglong didn't have to count on it. This guy seemed to come here to eat at the buffet. He was gobbling up the food.

But there is one thing to say, this meal does not cost him any money, and it is not much different from eating at a buffet.

If it was just the two of them, Xu Xian wouldn't have any scruples at all. Li Menglong was not a child, so she didn't need to coax him to eat.

But the situation was different for the one opposite. She had already eaten a bowl. The fan opposite had not even swallowed a spoonful and kept looking at Xu Xian from the corner of her eye.

Although this type of fans is not common, there are indeed many. Whether the other person has a slight social fear in life or is simply too nervous after seeing her Seohyun, she has the obligation to make the other person relax.

After all, eating with her, Xu Xian, is not a punishment. We can communicate freely. No matter what happens, the guests and hosts must enjoy the meal.

Besides, it is still live broadcasting. As an amateur anchor, Seohyun probably knows the key points of the live broadcast and cannot stop communicating with the audience. After all, this is not a variety show.

"This porridge is really delicious. I couldn't hold it back and ate a bowl first. I will introduce it to everyone well and try to let you know the taste."

Looking at Xu Xian's sincere smile, what else can these people say, just swallow their saliva honestly.

However, Xu Xian is not a food host after all. He does not have that much vocabulary to describe food, and he quickly ran out of words.

Fortunately, Xu Xian's purpose was not this: "What I say alone may be too one-sided. Let's see what the diners around us say!"

As Xu Xian spoke, he adjusted the camera of his phone and took a picture of the two people opposite him.

In order to prevent the fan from being embarrassed, Xu Xian took the initiative to send Li Menglong to sit across from him.

After realizing that Xu Xian was filming them, the two people's states were completely different. The fan stopped talking. His whole body seemed to be frozen. He didn't know what to do with the spoon in the air. He could only move up and down. Repeatedly.

Compared to the nervousness of the fans, Li Menglong didn't know what the camera was. If the porridge hadn't been too hot, he would have been able to show them how to drink a bowl in one go!

And Li Menglong is not just drinking porridge. Since the main porridge is so delicious, the other food in the store should not be bad either.

So he motioned to the boss to bring over whatever food he could cook. They were not short of money here!

If ordinary people came up and ordered like this, the boss might have to charge for it first, but Xu Xian's face is the best guarantee.

Li Menglong still had the slightest chance of escaping the bill, but Xu Xian didn't have to worry about this. Even if she really didn't bring any money, she could borrow it anywhere.

It's just that Li Menglong's eating style made everyone hungrier. Although Xu Xian is beautiful enough, he is still relatively reserved when it comes to eating. This would be even more perfect if Yoona came over.

It's just that Xu Xian didn't come to let everyone come see Li Menglong. She came to relieve the fan's nervousness: "Would you like to say hello to everyone? Everyone likes you very much!"

Xu Xian is telling lies with his eyes open. Do these people like him? Everyone can't wait to replace them.

So seriously speaking, this fan's caution makes sense, but Seohyun is too idealistic.

However, whether it is public or private, Li Menglong will stand by Xu Xian unconditionally. Even if there are some problems with her approach, it is still a good intention.

In order for Xu Xian to achieve his goal, Li Menglong directly came up with a trick to eliminate the problem: "Oh, why is this phone suddenly running out of power? Wait for a while, we will broadcast live as soon as we find the power source!"

Following Li Menglong's words, the live broadcast room went black. Does this mean they are all fools?

Let’s not talk about Xu Xian’s previous statement that he brought enough power bank, but how could it be possible that there is no power in the store now?

Besides, it was because the battery suddenly ran out. They clearly saw Li Menglong's hand reaching for the phone. This was all his excuse.

As for why he did this, there are all kinds of reasons. Li Menglong is famous for being crazy. Who knows what he is crazy about.

But this time everyone underestimated him. He was still very conscious and he had good intentions.

Sure enough, after the live broadcast was stopped, the fan seemed to have regained the right to breathe. He took off his hat and mask and could barely chat with Xu Xian.

Although he was suspected of letting down everyone in the live broadcast room, Xu Xian couldn't say anything. If he could take care of everyone, he should cherish the people in front of him. Besides, he also recommended such a delicious shop.

But Xu Xian still has a conscience after all. The screen in the live broadcast room went black for only ten minutes: "Everyone hasn't left, right? I'm back!"

In fact, Xu Xian's words are a bit hypocritical. If she can see no one in the audience when she comes back, she will be very happy, because this means that her career of being forced to live broadcast can come to an end.

It's a pity that she underestimated her own charm. Instead of decreasing, the number of viewers here actually increased, and everyone was chatting lively through the barrage.

"Xiaoxian, are you finally back? Drive Li Menglong away quickly, he is deliberately trying to destroy the relationship between us!"

"You put the camera on him, we must spray him hard!"

"Li Menglong, are you still eating? How shameless are you... What are you eating? Weren't you drinking porridge before?"

Li Menglong was in no mood to chat with this group of people. According to this group of people, enemies were extremely jealous when they met each other. What was there to talk about?

So it was Xu Xian who answered everyone's questions: "The fans have already left. Oppa ate fried chicken. After all, this is a fried chicken restaurant!"

Taking advantage of the previous off-air time, Seohyun sent this nervous fan away. Of course, he didn't forget to take photos and souvenirs, and even packed a piece of food for him to take back.

As for Li Menglong's fried chicken, it was really a surprise. He didn't expect to have such a hard-core breakfast early in the morning.

But who asked him not to explain clearly when ordering? Besides, the store owner heard from the fan before that Li Menglong had also cooked fried chicken, and he wanted to go with him before the meeting.

Facts have proved that Li Menglong's career has not been adulterated. If he says he has sold fried chicken, he has really sold it. When it comes to reviews, he is very clear-headed.

He even took the initiative to give some tips and pointers to the other party. Of course, we don’t know how effective they will be, but it seems to be the case anyway.

Facing such an unexpected turn, those fans were very uncomfortable. They came to troll people, not to see Li Menglong pretending.

Fortunately, everyone discovered a blind spot and asked Xu Xian to read it for them by swiping the screen: "Oppa, everyone asked me to ask you, is it really appropriate that you revealed the boss lady's unique secret recipe?"

Li Menglong still didn't react when he heard this question. After all, this was not a secret recipe, just some tips.

In this case, there is nothing to be afraid of. Li Menglong didn't bother to respond and just let those clowns enjoy themselves.

But he really underestimated the wisdom and energy of this group of people. Will these people only threaten him here?

Although the abuse over the Internet cable cannot hurt him in the slightest, it is different across the phone line. They can call to complain.

As a result, the company's fried chicken restaurant's ordering phone line became lively. A group of people kept calling to complain. Of course, they didn't forget to order some fried chicken for themselves. Li Menglong was really greedy after eating!

Thanks to the efforts of this group of people, Li Menglong finally received a greeting from the proprietress. Although he couldn't hear what was said between them, looking at the way he nodded and bowed, he knew that he had been punished miserably!

This really made everyone feel bad. Let's see if Li Menglong dares to look down on them again!

"We are all adults, is it interesting to still play this game? If you can't beat me, then you can complain to your parents. This is really too childish. I even look down on you!"

Li Menglong turned on the map cannon directly on his mobile phone, but as the winners, the audience were very generous. This kind of wailing of the weak would only make them feel more accomplished!

Seeing that the two parties were very interested in continuing the quarrel, Xu Xian decisively stopped their impolite behavior. Everyone must be harmonious.

As for the specific method, it's very simple. Just don't face Li Menglong. This is her live broadcast room. Isn't it natural for her to film herself?

Xu Xian looked at the time and felt that it was a little early to end now, and it would not be appropriate to just continue the live broadcast of eating.

First of all, I am already quite full, and secondly, what should I do if the next fan is still so nervous?

Fortunately, a text message put an end to her worries, and a fan took the initiative to invite her to dinner.

Being able to send text messages to Xu Xian's mobile phone is considered a backdoor, but Xu Xian really thinks about everyone in the live broadcast room. The arrival of this person will make the live broadcast effect twice as good!

With this little secret, Xu Xian sat in the car again, while Li Menglong acted as the driver honestly, interacting "friendly" with everyone in the live broadcast room from time to time.

Originally, he thought he had no chance, but Xu Xian was actually given a second chance, which made everyone very excited.

It's just that these people don't know at all that this time it is completely a shady story, and the selected person has already been decided.

In other words, this is the effect that a variety show or live broadcast should have. It is not impossible to find a random passerby and talk to the camera, but the probability is too low.

Unless Seohyun could spend a whole day, he might still encounter one or two, but with only two chances, he'd better play dirty.

"Where is this place? Have you guessed it?" Xu Xian said with a smile: "If you are one of our fans, someone should know, right?"

Xu Xian is really happy at this moment, because finally someone can share the pressure for her. She is really not good at doing this.

Although the effect may be good, she herself is very tired.

Li Menglong can help her share some of the burden, but how dare Xu Xian give him the live broadcast room. In that case, the live broadcast room will probably be blocked soon because of too many swear words?

As for Xu Xian's reminder, it is not without purpose, but the fans in this live broadcast room are slightly mixed.

Except for the passers-by, most of the fans came because of Yoona and Seohyun's reputation. There weren't many fans of the other girls, since they had to go to work after all.

But someone still saw it, but there were really too many people leaving messages, and the correct answer couldn't be seen at all.

Fortunately, Xu Xian is about to reveal the answer: "We have arrived near this fan. I am going to talk on the phone now, so everyone can make the final guess."

It can be seen that the little girl is in a really good mood, and her voice has become sweeter several times: "I am Xu Xian, have you arrived already?"

"Not yet, why are you so fast? Wait for me a little longer, I'm still getting things!"

If the first fan was too polite and nervous, then this one simply didn’t regard himself as an outsider.

Xu Xian came all the way here, but he was unpunctual, didn't say anything, and didn't even offer the most basic apology. What was he trying to do? Are you following Li Menglong and provoking everyone?

Some grumpy viewers had already started typing, but many fans smiled because the voice sounded very familiar.

And you also have to look at Xu Xian's expression. She doesn't have the slightest hint of anger now, she is clearly very happy.

The following conversation also proves this point: "Do you need me to pick you up? Take less?"

"Do you think it's me who has the final say? According to me, I didn't bring anything with me. In the end, Li Menglong got the advantage!"

Li Menglong had been driving by the side, so this could also implicate him. Even if he didn't get any tips from Xu Xian, the nearby community alone was enough for him to make a judgment.

"Ah, Jessica, you have to be conscientious in what you say. Do you believe that I will go and file a complaint now?" Li Menglong has also learned from the fans. If you can't fight, just go to your parents. This time you can find the right one!

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