The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2585 The disappeared person

In the end, Lee Soon Kyu didn't choose to take a taxi. He really didn't want to bring back painful memories. This was simply the source of tonight's trouble.

However, the driver's call failed and he was stopped by everyone at the scene.

They all drank, so they couldn't drive, which is correct. After all, you have to abide by the law at all times, especially for artists.

But there is no need to drive for you. There are so many people around. Are they all dead? Or is it that the driver is more reliable than them?

"How can you think so? You must be more reliable!" Li Shunkyu said with certainty, without hesitation.

At this moment, she could tell what these people were thinking. It was just that they wanted to drive a few people back.

I have good intentions, but it's really inappropriate.

These guys are all paid by the boss lady, so what's the point of working part-time as drivers now? Isn't this taking advantage of the boss lady?

Besides, it is more convenient to ask for the price, because once one of them is asked to send them back, not only the method of returning, but also the favor must be taken into account.

If she had a choice, Li Soonkyu would undoubtedly be willing to use money to solve the problem, but she couldn't say that now because the people opposite her had already begun to make their own arrangements.

Li Menglong didn't care about everyone's enthusiasm. After all, these people didn't care about him, as long as they didn't leave him behind.

In the end, this person sent the few people to the community very safely, without even speaking much during the whole process, because those few people were asleep.

This man drove to the gate of the community and had to wake up a few people because he didn't know the next way.

The first ones to wake up were Lee Soon Kyu and Yoona in the back row. After all, these two people had to be more alert and were not as deep asleep.

The first reaction after waking up is to wipe the saliva, but don't let the other party have the illusion of disillusionment, they are still goddesses.

Compared to their actions, Li Menglong's place was much quieter, and you could even hear his little snoring. Is this too much?

Before getting in the car, Li Shunkyu specially told him to sit in the passenger seat and have a good chat with this person, so as not to ignore him.

In the end, was he just using snore to repay her Lee Soon Kyu's trust?

First she showed an apologetic smile to the other party, and then slapped Li Menglong on the cheek. She had been enduring it for a long time.

This time, Li Menglong really didn't have any precautions, mainly because he drank some wine, otherwise he would never have been successfully attacked by Li Shunkyu. He was so ungrateful!

"Why did you hit me?" Li Menglong also asked with a tigerish face.

Did he just think that Lee Soon Kyu would be afraid? If there weren't any outsiders here, she would have pounced on him by now. How could she let him talk here?

Even Li Shunkyu didn't bother to talk to him anymore and turned to look at the driver: "Excuse me, let's just get off from here. We should just sober up."

"It's okay, I can send you in." This little brother came with everyone's trust and wanted to make it perfect.

Li Soonkyu was really moved when he heard this, especially with Li Menglong in comparison, couldn't he learn from him?

It's just that it's really not good to bother the other party anymore, so Li Shunkyu also has a bottom line: "We will get off the car right now, you can just drive this car back."

Obviously, Lee Soon Kyu's arrangement exceeded the other party's expectations, so the other party didn't react until she got off the car.

But Lee Soon-gyu didn't give the other party a chance to shirk. She was the kind of person who would treat me well if I was kind to her. In short, she was very generous in her behavior.

In other words, Lee Soon Kyu is not a man, otherwise it would be his turn, Lee Mong Ryong, to come here to conquer the girls? Lee Soon Kyu can digest it himself.

After sending the moved young man away, the three of them shivered involuntarily as they blew the cold night wind.

The atmosphere became a little more subtle for a while, just like the confrontation between masters in martial arts TV series. What everyone needs is a signal.

It's just that as a director, Li Menglong obviously didn't follow common sense. He directly chose to run away. Otherwise, would he have fought with these two women in the community?

After noticing Li Menglong's shameless behavior, Li Soonkyu chased after her almost immediately. She had so many things to say to this person, why couldn't she wait for her?

However, compared to the tacit understanding between the two, Yoona was much slower, as if the delay was turned on in the game, and the whole person's movements tended to be stuck in the frame.

Mainly because Yoona doesn't have so much hatred. Besides, she just slept, so she might be able to continue sleeping now that she's lying on the ground.

Fortunately, her rationality prevented her from staying here alone, but she must not be able to run anymore. Exercise at this time really exceeded her bottom line.

So Yoona was pacing slowly and muttering "hysterically": "You two, please stop fighting. I'm so sad. I'm about to cry, woo woo..."

Yoona didn't know if these two people felt her concern, but at least she had a clear conscience.

Yawning all the way back home, I found that the door was not even closed. What had these two people done before?

That is to say, she, Lin Yoona, is the one who will finish it off. Otherwise, the two of them may not be able to cause trouble tonight. As expected, she is really in trouble.

With a "mother"-like helplessness, Yoona forced her eyes wide open, trying to find some clues from the dormitory.

I just searched around on the first floor, but I couldn't even see a ghost. This must be something wrong with her eyes!

Yoona's sleepiness had dissipated a bit at this moment. It couldn't be that the girls didn't close the door before, right? This is simply not realistic.

But various details confirmed her judgment. For example, there were no lights on the first floor, and there were no shoes for the two of them on the porch.

It's okay if the girls really forgot to close the door, but what if it's even more terrifying, for example, there's a thief in the house!

The moment she made this guess, Yoona became completely energetic. Instead of being afraid, she was even vaguely passionate. Is it finally her turn to save the world?

Since God left such a heavy burden to her, Yoona took it up unceremoniously.

Yoona subconsciously touched the kitchen, but the moment she touched the kitchen knife, she still felt that it was too much. What if there was an accidental injury?

So in the end, Yoona’s weapon of choice from the kitchen was a dumbbell. This thing is small and handy, but the key is that it’s highly concealable.

Even if the murderer discovers him, he can still argue that he is working out or exercising, which makes perfect sense.

Yoona gave a thumbs up for her wit, but then she focused on the terrifying scene.

The second floor is generally quiet, but you can faintly hear the sound of women crying. So are these women kidnapped?

Next it was time for Yoona to explore. She tried to open the door to see what was going on inside.

Who knew it would be a bad start? The first door was not opened.

She raised her head and glanced. This was her room. Why did Jessica lock the door? It can't be to guard against her, right?

Yoona shook her head quickly. She shouldn't have such thoughts. What is her relationship with Jessica? It's not an exaggeration to say they are biological sisters. How could she do this just to keep her out? ?

With this belief, Yoona continued her exploration. Fortunately, the follow-up was much smoother. She successfully found the place where the girls were imprisoned, which was Lee Soon Kyu's room.

But just when she was hesitating what slogan to shout when she pushed the door open, the door opened directly.

Xu Xian looked at Yoona squatting at the door and was puzzled. What happened to this Unnie?

"I still want to go down and pick you up. Ernie walks very fast." Xu Xian said with concern.

Faced with Xu Xian's concern, Yoona didn't appreciate it at all. She was obviously here to confront the gangsters, so why did Xu Xian go to pick her up? This development is obviously wrong.

So Yoona pushed Seohyun back hard with all her heart, and then kicked the door open, hoping to gain the admiring eyes of the girls.

It's a pity that she was not greeted by cheers, but by Lee Soon Kyu's scolding: "What do you want to do? Do you want to bully me, even a little girl like you?"

This voice completely woke up Yoona. She stood there with her head down and apologized, while secretly observing the situation at the scene.

The source of the crying was Lee Soon Kyu, but in Yoona's opinion, it was a bit like thunder but no rain.

She really wanted to go over and coach Lee Soon Kyu. The crying scene was really not how he acted, and it made her look awkward.

It's not like the girls on the side couldn't help but notice that all the comforts and answers were very perfunctory, and they even yawned loudly from time to time. They were all forcibly pulled up from the bed by Li Shungui.

Although she didn't know the specific details, Yoona could guess that she just wanted everyone's help in upholding justice, but didn't she want to see everyone's reaction now?

But the scene seemed to be missing something. Yoona tilted her head and thought for a long time, and then suddenly realized that Li Menglong should be kneeling on the ground at this moment.

But Li Menglong was famous for being able to hide, so it wouldn't be a surprise if he hid in his room.

But the current situation is that Yoona has searched the first floor, and she is sure that there is no one there, so where is he hiding now?

Yoona didn't dare to ask. How dare she ask in this atmosphere? It is easy to become Li Menglong's scapegoat.

So she decided to use her smart brain. She could always find some information from the details. She was so smart.

It’s hard to say whether she was blinded, but this time Yoona did rely on detailed analysis to find the final answer, even though the answer was unacceptable to her.

The first detail discovered is still the people. Not only is Li Menglong missing here, but Jessica also doesn't appear.

However, this is not unexplainable. After all, Jessica's fighting ability is no joke, especially when it comes to sleeping, her anger level doubles every minute.

Even if Lee Soon Kyu really went to the top, he wasn't seeking death.

In fact, after thinking about this, Yoona's premonition became a little subtle, but she still didn't think about it that way.

But the subsequent details made her unable to numb herself anymore, such as the shoe prints extending to the door of her room, the only door that was locked, and Xu Xian's pitiful eyes looking at her.

All this led Yoona to the final conclusion, that is, Li Menglong was chased all the way in by Lee Soon Kyu, and ran directly into her room, Lin Yoona, without even changing his shoes.

Not only did they kidnap Jessica in the end, but now it seems that they are planning to settle down there. Who would be able to bear it?

At this moment, it was Lin Yuner's turn to take the lead. She threw Xu Xian's hand away, walked to her door angrily, picked up the dumbbell in her hand and started to smash the door.

It seems that simply smashing the door is not enough to vent her anger. The main reason is that the door belongs to her, and no one will repair it if it is really broken.

So Yoona still thinks that verbal output is more appropriate: "Li Menglong, broke into Ernie's room in the middle of the night. Don't you know that she doesn't wear clothes when she sleeps?"

In order to make the situation more serious, Yoona directly started to make up empty facts. Besides, she was not completely lying. Jessica did do this after taking a shower occasionally.

It's just that Yoona looked at her a little more to save Jessica's face. If Li Menglong came over, he wouldn't be able to stare out his eyes?

Originally, Yoona thought that after she said these words, those women would not be able to sit still. After all, their nature was completely different.

Even Jessica alone in the room is enough for Li Menglong to drink a pot at this moment.

But after waiting for a long time, it was still quite quiet, whether in the room or in the corridor. The world must have gone crazy, right?

Yoona really doesn't think there is a problem with her own cognition. The problem is so serious, how can they just let it go?

Will Li Menglong be able to barge in when they are taking a shower in a few days?

The absurd feeling filled Yoona's chest, making her too lazy to care about other people's feelings. She would do justice for God today.

Fortunately, someone came over. Not everyone wanted to see Yoona embarrassed. She, Seohyun, really cared about Yoona.

The moment she saw Xu Xian appeared, Yoona was also very moved: "Sure enough, we are the only two people in this team who have the most correct views. Those women are useless. Don't imitate them in the future!"

In response to Yoona's instructions, Seohyun couldn't comment on anything other than showing an awkward but polite smile.

But seeing Yoona banging on the door, she felt it was necessary to let the other party know some basic information. For example, Jessica went home today and did not live in the dormitory.

"She'll go back when she gets home. Why are you telling me this? I..." Yoona has already raised the dumbbells, but now she doesn't know if she should knock them down. Jessica is home?

How can this woman go home! You won’t come back sooner or later. Do you have to go home today?

Once she is no longer in it, Yoona's justice will be reduced by more than half!

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