The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2578 Never lose money

Li Menglong finally got a full kilogram of salmon sashimi. As for why he was so sure, he cut it and weighed it himself. There was no way he was lying to himself, right?

Faced with Li Menglong's somewhat excessive request, the people in the kitchen refused at first. They had never seen such a customer before.

But today is really special. Firstly, Xu Xian and Yoona directly booked the restaurant. Secondly, the store is a self-service business. In theory, it doesn't matter how much Li Menglong eats.

So what made everyone a little bit conflicted was that he came directly to the kitchen. This is not a place where guests should come.

But who is Li Menglong? I have seen many people from all walks of life. Besides, he can be regarded as coming from the kitchen. We all were "companions" many years ago.

So under Li Menglong's various compliments, this group of people quickly lost themselves. Of course, Li Menglong did not trouble them too much.

Although he mainly dealt with fried chicken in the past and did not have the opportunity or financial resources to deal with salmon, the principles are the same.

Besides, what skills are needed to make sashimi? This can only be done with a knife and hands. Anyway, soy sauce and the like are readily available.

In this case, Li Menglong was not polite and stabbed the body of the fish that was half the height of a man, and a large piece of fish meat fell out.

Then he completely let himself go. Although he had eaten a lot of sashimi with the girls, he was always dissatisfied with the thin slice and was not satisfied at all when he ate it.

It just so happened that today I had the opportunity to do it myself. Li Menglong was so polite that he cut the fish into pieces the size of a hob. Just looking at it made people swallow their throats.

But Li Menglong himself was quite satisfied, and even planned to share it with Xu Xian and the other two. If they agreed, the rest of the fish could be cut like this.

It's just that he came in joy but came back disappointed. Xu Xian was really insensitive to the sashimi in Li Menglong's hand. She really didn't think she could chew it.

It's not that Xu Xian didn't give face, but she tried putting it in her mouth even if it was a little bit small. But it is no exaggeration to say that she couldn't even put this piece of fish in her mouth.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said. Open your mouth wide and try. It's not that big." Li Menglong was still persuading from the side. Couldn't he hear the resistance in Xu Xian's words?

In order to prove that his sashimi was really edible, Li Menglong stuffed a piece into his mouth and chewed it with great effort.

Xu Xian couldn't help but frown when he saw it. Is Li Menglong sure he was eating fish? Those who didn't know would think he was eating leather shoes, but he actually swallowed them.

Li Menglong thought so, but that was too much. He also felt some regret now, but it was difficult to show it.

It's just that Xu Xian can give him face, but Yoona doesn't have that much preferential treatment here. She pointed at Li Menglong with both hands and laughed at him: "Do you like this? Tell me earlier, I will buy you a whole piece every day from now on. You must finish it!"

That is to say, Li Menglong is speechless now, otherwise he must agree. This small salmon weighs hundreds of kilograms.

It’s not that she doubts Yoona’s spending power, but if she eats one piece a day, she will really feel distressed. Of course, Li Menglong might also be starved to death. After all, how can he eat hundreds of kilograms of food?

In the end, Li Menglong compromised, and even the fish pieces on the plate were taken to the kitchen for secondary processing before they could become normal sashimi again.

Yoona chased and laughed at this scene for a long time. It was not until the large troops arrived one after another that Yoona had no time to continue talking to him.

As the big sponsor of today's treat, and of course the first heroine of this work, Yoona felt that she had to be a good host.

Let’s not talk about whether the food was good or not. Anyway, she has tried her best, but she must make everyone feel at home. That way everyone will appreciate her even more.

As a result, Yoona has many jobs on her own, from greeting guests at the store entrance to running the show in the lobby, and occasionally guest performers in the store to liven up the atmosphere. In short, she is very busy.

It was a good buffet, and Yoona felt like eating it at a barbecue restaurant. Li Menglong didn't know what to say.

He originally thought about asking Xu Xian to go over and persuade him. After all, if he went to talk, it would be a quarrel, and Yoona would definitely think that he had bad intentions.

But Xu Xian gave a different opinion. In her opinion, the atmosphere in the venue was very good at the moment. Whether it was Yoona who was treating guests or everyone who was being entertained, smiles were on their faces. What should be changed? Is it necessary?

Although Yoona may be a little tired, she is willing to do it. It’s hard to buy it with money, so I am willing. I’m talking about Yoona now.

Besides, the buffet feels like a barbecue restaurant, mainly because the atmosphere of the buffet in the store is getting weaker and weaker, which is what Yoona originally agreed with the store owner.

Cold dishes and drinks are still placed around for everyone to choose freely, but hot dishes are all fried on site. Although this will delay the speed of serving, it has to be said that the dishes still need to be freshly cooked.

Anyway, Xu Xian ate quite happily. Every time the hot dishes were freshly baked, everyone would quickly gather around them and compete for them. It was so lively.

Of course, this is just a game for everyone. It’s not really that intense. Instead, if you see what you like, take more, otherwise you won’t know what the next dish will be.

But this does not apply to Li Menglong. He loves to eat every dish, and he is also the most rude when he fights for it.

He seemed to be the only one in the place who really came to eat at the buffet. Every time a new dish was served, it was always a good idea to grab a big plate, regardless of whether he liked it or not.

That is to say, the plate in Li Menglong's hand is not big enough, otherwise he would get half of the pot every time. Of course, in that case, he should probably leave early now.

How does it feel like now that he can continue to fight: "Xiaoxian, are you not going to eat all of this on your plate? Don't waste it."

As he spoke, Li Menglong poured all the food on Xu Xian's plate onto his own side, and he ate quite happily.

Xu Xian was indeed touched by the fact that Li Menglong didn't dislike the fact that he had eaten it, but he wanted to ask first.

It's not that Xu Xian couldn't bear to part with the food. What was there to think about in the buffet? But there seemed to be a lot of shrimp heads on her plate that she didn't want to eat. Should she tell Li Menglong?

"Look what I'm doing? The food is about to be served again. Hurry up and grab it. If it's later, there won't be anything left. Why are these people so embarrassed?" Li Menglong stared at the aisle in the distance while eating.

Xu Xian wanted to say that it wasn't because Li Menglong took the lead, otherwise everyone wouldn't have eaten so wildly.

It made Xu Xian feel a little embarrassed. Although it was a buffet, what SW people were eating was really embarrassing.

A large pot of vegetables disappeared within minutes after it came out. Although it has something to do with the store's serving method, isn't it suspicious that it has never been seen on the market? Those who don’t know will think that SW has treated these people badly.

But Xu Xian really couldn't come forward and say anything. She simply turned her head and kept an out of sight, out of mind. At the same time, she repeatedly struggled with a small question in her mind. Should she call the girls at home now?

At first, I really didn't think that this was her fault, but when I thought about it, they had already eaten it.

If the girls were called here, it would probably be time to finish the work. Wouldn't this make the girls think too much?

It's just that if you don't call them, it seems to be a big trouble. With so many people gathering together, they won't know about it later.

After struggling for a long time, there was no answer. Instead, time dragged on longer and longer. This was also the reason why Xu Xian was a little absent-minded.

By chance, he found the store owner hesitating to come over. Is there something wrong?

Seeing Xu Xian take the initiative to come over, the boss was really grateful. It is estimated that Xu Xian's fan club will have another loyal member in the future.

The two of them came to the corridor at the door. After the boss's narration, Xu Xian knew what was going on. It was indeed a bit difficult for the store owner.

It turns out that some of the ingredients in the store are not enough. This is really a sign of failure. How can a buffet be short of ingredients? This even involves issues of integrity.

However, after getting to know the details, Xu Xian had to take the initiative to say sorry to the other party, and they and their group also had to bear part of the responsibility.

It turned out that this group of people did not follow common sense. Under the leadership of Li Menglong, they repeatedly attacked those so-called expensive dishes, shouting the slogan to prevent Yoona from losing money.

Generally speaking, there are people like this in the store, but they rarely have this kind of cohesion, so without preparation in advance, the ingredients for those few dishes are no longer enough.

This is really not a stingy store. After all, it is said to be more expensive, but it is just a few. Buffet operators are not afraid of such big-bellied people.

It is true that Li Menglong and the others did not take the usual path, which made the store very embarrassed now.

"It doesn't matter, they are just messing around. Just watch the rest, they won't say anything."

Although Xu Xian said this, the store owner obviously didn't believe Xu Xian's guarantee because she wouldn't say anything, but Li Menglong would.

Seemingly sensing the other party's doubts, Xu Xian took the initiative to take over the matter: "I will be responsible for telling them, so you don't have to worry."

"Thank you very much. I will send you some extra lunch boxes when everyone leaves."

When everyone is sincere, it will be much easier to solve the matter. We just took this opportunity to call Li Menglong out.

"What's the matter? I'm going to help you grab another plate. Prawns are still very expensive, so you must eat more!"

Listening to Li Menglong's persuasion, Xu Xian really didn't know whether to laugh or cry. After explaining what the store told him, Li Menglong didn't feel too embarrassed.

This was all expected by Xu Xian. Li Menglong just looked a little fierce, but in fact he was still very talkative, especially for these restaurants, maybe because he had been made difficult for before.

But Xu Xian called him out not only because of this, she also wanted Li Menglong to help her come up with ideas. Should she call the girls over?

"Of course I have to shout, what's there to hesitate about?" Li Menglong gave the answer instantly without even thinking.

In his opinion, Xu Xian is still too kind, and it is unnecessary for him to worry about this kind of thing.

If Xu Xian doesn't call others, she will definitely be raped by Yoona in the end. Those women won't distinguish the details. They are all traitors anyway.

And once Xu Xian called this group of people over, the responsibility no longer belonged to her. Even if the group of people came over and they were leftovers, it was still Yoona's responsibility.

Seohyun's only merit here is that he offended Yoon-A a little bit at most, but is it terrible to offend Yoon-A? Anyway, Li Menglong didn’t think so.

After Li Menglong's analysis, Xu Xian also strengthened her confidence, but she still didn't dare to call directly. Instead, she chose to send a text message to all the other girls.

The specific content is nothing more than explaining the cause and effect, introducing the situation in the restaurant, and inviting them at the same time. As for whether they will come or not, that is not her thing to worry about.

And now she wants to go in to see what's going on. From such a distance, she can hear the roar of the people inside: "We have eaten all the prawns in the store. Everyone is good. Eat You have shown the grace of our company, come on, everyone raises a toast to the prawns! To Yuner!"

"Here's to the prawn! Here's to Yuner!"

Needless to say, the leader was also Li Menglong. Even if others were really drunk, they might not be able to say such shameless words.

In order to prevent him from doing something more embarrassing and to restore the company's reputation a little, Xu Xian had to run in quickly. It was difficult for her.

But after she came in, she realized that she had found the wrong person. Although Li Menglong was the leader, after he said that, he immersed himself in eating and drinking again.

So now it was Yoona who was leading the chaotic dance of the demons. She was holding a bottle of beer and shouting while clinking glasses with everyone around her.

It's just that everyone drinks bottle after bottle, and Yoona drinks it one sip at a time. With the speed at which she drinks, two rounds of tributes from these people are enough.

This kind of person is a coward and loves to join in the fun. If you can't drink, just be honest, and you still have to be the instigator of the atmosphere here. Does she think she is Lee Soon Kyu?

It seemed that people around her also discovered Yoona's cheating behavior and criticized her one after another, which made Yoona very upset.

Of course, the atmosphere is still quite good. You can say it is teasing Yoona: "Huh, don't always imitate Li Menglong and bully me. When I, Ernie, come, none of you can run away."

"Aren't you the only one here now? You're toasting so many people with a bottle of beer. It's good for you to drink this bottle anyway."

Just when Xu Xian was about to step forward to help Yoona, he heard an unusually familiar voice behind him: "Who is bullying our second youngest? If you have the ability, have a drink with me, Lee Soon Kyu, and let's see who can lie down first!"

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