The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2564 Amateur Group

While Yoona was exchanging life experiences with the landlady, Lee Menglong and Seohyun were not idle either.

"I left my cell phone in the car." Xu Xian said to Li Menglong.

"Then what? Is there any important call?" Li Menglong didn't even reply. His mind was now focused on the camera in front of him.

What can Xu Xian say? Is it the magazine that is more important, or Yoona? It seems to be the most important right now.

It would take at least ten minutes to run back to get her phone. If Li Menglong ran further during this period, how long would she be delayed? This is valuable learning time.

Only when she actually took the photos did she understand how great Li Menglong really was!

Although the word "great" is obviously too much to apply to him, at least that's what Xu Xian thinks.

When she was filming, she was led by Li Menglong in front and supported by girls behind her. The company also gave the green light all the way.

It can be said that there are no constraints on the start of Xu Xian's career as a director. It all depends on her own performance.

At first, Xu Xian didn't think she would have any problems here. After all, she had studied with Li Menglong for so long. She was really confident, so she came out to try it out.

But only when it came time to fight with real swords and guns did she realize her naivety. There were more difficulties than she imagined.

During that time, she would go to Li Menglong's room every night and chat for a long time, sometimes asking him to help with ideas, sometimes simply complaining. In short, without him, Xu Xian was not sure whether she could persevere.

And it was difficult for her when she had such good conditions. What was it like for Li Menglong when she first started filming?

Although Li Menglong had never complained to her, now that he thinks about it, he realizes that it is very difficult.

After all, if nothing else, Lee Soon Kyu raised the funds for the filming. If he really lost the money, how should Lee Meng Long face her?

However, these have all become footnotes in the end, even small episodes that highlight Li Menglong's "greatness". Without these details, how could his experience be so legendary.

Even Xu Xian couldn't be jealous of this, or it would be difficult for her to gain the same recognition as Li Menglong.

Putting aside the differences between her works, these conditions that Xu Xian possesses alone will make people look at her more harshly.

At this point, she has to thank Li Menglong again. He has always insisted on not going to the set. He has insisted on this from the beginning of preparations, no matter what difficulties Xu Xian encountered.

Xu Xian could understand his intention, but always felt that it was making a mountain out of a molehill.

But when someone actually revealed that she was Li Menglong's puppet, she understood Li Menglong's good intentions.

Li Menglong could spread this theory even if he had never been to the set. Once he really went for a walk, Xu Xianke really couldn't explain it at all.

"Hey? Why are you still in a daze? Come and help." Li Menglong ordered from the front. He didn't care what Xu Xian was thinking.

Besides, don't tell him such compliments. Li Menglong will be embarrassed. What's the point of saying thank you to family members for helping each other?

Xu Xian obviously knew this, so he just rubbed his cheeks, and then walked up quickly: "What does Oppa need me to do?"

"Go and stand on the stairs in front, and walk slower!" Li Menglong warned.

At this time, we can see the benefits of bringing Xu Xian. If it were girls coming here, we might have to explain it to them in detail.

But Xu Xian can completely skip this step here. The little girl is a director herself and has studied with Li Menglong for such a long time. How could she not know what he is doing.

To put it simply, Li Menglong is trying to reproduce the scene in his mind in reality. Of course, this process cannot be smooth, and there must always be a certain compromise with reality.

That’s why we have to inspect the location in advance. Especially for such a relatively important and symbolic location, the director really needs to see it on site to feel at ease.

After all, this set of shots is probably the most beautiful scene in the entire movie. In other words, almost every movie will try its best to strive for these memory points.

It may not be that helpful to the plot of the entire movie, but it will play a big role in dissemination and publicity.

These are part of business considerations, and how to find a balance between business and art requires a test of the director's skills, which is what Xu Xian has been focusing on recently.

As Li Menglong's first disciple, he has just directed his first feature-length work, and he is also a very intelligent actor. It can be said that having Xu Xian come here to move around and test the shots is really overkill.

But just like the principle of nobleness and nobleness, Xu Xian holds so many titles, so he really shouldn't be too smooth when cooperating with Li Menglong, and does not need any verbal communication.

Xu Xian can almost find a perfect fixed point by himself, and then poses for Li Menglong to shoot, and occasionally looks for the light angle and so on. In short, it is very natural.

With such a perfect model, Li Menglong was not the only person taking the photo. He also brought a whole team with him.

After all, he is just the director and cannot do all the work of the crew. If he wants to shoot a perfect work, it must be the result of collective efforts, and he must also listen to the opinions of the team.

So there are a few people behind me who are either holding machines or shooting with mobile phones. In short, they are looking for different angles, taking pictures based on their own understanding, and discussing it bit by bit when they go back.

In addition to their group of professionals, there are many amateur players around.

You must know that the person standing opposite is Xu Xian, and this location was deliberately chosen. It can be said that the two are simply superimposed, and it is basically the standard that a pictorial should have.

Even if it is just an ordinary girl standing there, passers-by will probably take out their mobile phones to take pictures. It is human nature to pursue beauty.

Faced with this situation, Li Menglong and the others were helpless. After all, this was not a regular shooting and there was no reason to clear the venue in advance.

Fortunately, these people were sensible and didn't come to disturb them. Everyone took photos of their own.

As a model, Xu Xian is undoubtedly a professional. Even after running up and down the long stairs for so long, she never got tired.

You must know that Xu Xian didn't even have an assistant, but a passerby took the initiative to give her a bottle of water, otherwise she might "melt" in the sun.

But even so, Xu Xian probably has to apply some expensive skin care products when he goes back tonight, otherwise there will be two colors on his body.

After waiting for a while, I didn't get any prompts. Looking from a distance, it seemed that the group of people were gathered together. What was going on?

In desperation, Xu Xian could only walk down slowly. She didn't dare to walk too fast, otherwise what would happen if she was asked to climb up again?

I got closer and faintly heard the conversation of this group of people. They seemed to be discussing something, and Li Menglong's voice was the loudest: "What are you unconvinced about? If our group of professionals can't even compare to you group of stragglers, what's the point?" It’s better to hang yourself with a rope!”

Not to mention everyone around him, Xu Xian wanted to beat him up after hearing such words, can't he learn to be more modest?

"Xiao Xian, come here quickly. These people insist that the photos they took are better. Come and see for yourself. Isn't this unreasonable?" Li Menglong happened to see Xu Xian while he was talking and pulled her in directly.

That is to say, there are many people around, otherwise Xu Xian really wants to give him a break, so what is the purpose of dragging her here? How can she, Seohyun, get involved in this kind of thing? Not everyone has the same taboos as him, especially when it comes to ordinary fans!

But when she actually saw the photos on the screen, she also understood why everyone had the idea of ​​challenging Li Menglong. The quality of the photos was actually quite good.

Seohyun has taken too many photos over the years, and has recently been trained as a director, so his aesthetic vision and professionalism are quite reliable.

It is no exaggeration to say that after simple retouching and color correction, these photos taken by ordinary people can be put on the covers of some small magazines without any problem.

Of course, this does not mean that everyone has caught up with the level of professional photographers. Although it seems that there is no threshold for this industry, since some people are willing to spend so much money to hire well-known photographers, it means that the water here is still very deep.

Photography skills and personal style definitely exist, and they are very important.

Everyone suddenly "exploded" simply because Li Menglong and Xu Xian teamed up to complete the preliminary selection and composition for each other. All they had to do was find an angle and press the shutter.

In other words, the outstanding ones are not the photographers, but Li Menglong who chose the location and Xu Xian who was the model.

As for the specific difference between Li Menglong, Xu Xian can explain it, but everyone may not be willing to listen, or they may not be able to understand it.

After all, this involves professional knowledge, and in the eyes of ordinary people, the difference between the two may not be that big. At least Li Menglong, who claims to be a professional, should have taken more stunning photos.

So in the final analysis, it’s Li Menglong’s fault. Even if his skills are not good, he still has such a tough mouth. If not, who will he blame?

That's right, Xu Xian is definitely on the side of the public. People like Li Menglong should be severely criticized!

Li Menglong shot himself in the foot. In the end, he simply surrendered: "In this case, it's okay for you to work together to make a movie, why not if I quit."

Although it was just a joke, it was a victory for everyone if it came out of Li Menglong's mouth.

In order to convince Li Menglong, these people even took the initiative to post these photos online so that the public could judge them.

But Li Menglong had no intention of following up, or if he was really serious, it would be a sign of frustration.

After chatting with everyone for a few more times, Li Menglong got in the car and rushed to the next location.

But while they were on their way, the Internet was already buzzing with activity.

The girls are undoubtedly the most popular girl group at the moment, especially Seohyun's recent works, which are even more popular.

Even just a few photos taken by passers-by are still enough to attract the public's attention.

"This is too professional. Are you sure it was taken by a passerby and not staged?"

"Where is the specific location? Is it too late to go there now?"

"What is Xu Xian doing over there? Does anyone know her schedule today?"

Fans were very enthusiastic in their discussions, and they were even more excited after learning the specific details.

They are very willing to join in the fun by acting as judges, although they may have decided that they do not intend to vote for Li Menglong.

But that was all to take revenge on him. Li Menglong offended countless people on weekdays, but everyone couldn't do anything to him.

However, everyone still recognizes his skills and status.

So the photos taken by ordinary people are so amazing, so wouldn’t the photos taken by Li Menglong be astonishing to the heavens?

Don't keep such a good thing to yourself, take it out and share it with everyone. Doesn't he have the arrogance of being a great director?

Just waiting and waiting, there was no response from Li Menglong at all, so fans began to use their collective strength to leave crazy messages wherever they could put pressure on Li Menglong.

Naturally, the first place to bear the brunt is the company, and the company's response is also the fastest, but the content is lackluster. It is nothing more than ignorance, unclearness, and ignorance.

This kind of ignorance is really not an excuse for the company, but the company has no control over Li Menglong's whereabouts. Unless he is willing to take the initiative to report it, who can question him?

Besides the company, girls seem to be the most likely breakthrough point. After all, they are also famous for doting on their fans.

But most of the girls are sleeping at the moment, and Seohyun is still working, so the only one who can reply to everyone is Yoona.

It just so happened that this little girl had nothing to do. At the same time, she was full of resentment towards Li Menglong. She would feel sorry for herself if she didn't vent her anger.

This kind of thing can wait for her. Compared with Xu Xian, she is a professional actress.

Although she hasn't done such a small thing for many years, after all, the role is here, and even if she wants to, the team around her may not agree.

But for Lee Meng Yong and art, Yoona doesn't mind making exceptions. She is also an actress who is willing to sacrifice for art!

But the fact is that Li Menglong didn't even give her a chance to "sacrifice" and ran away with Xu Xian. What did Yoona think?

So Yoona started surfing the Internet with high intensity. The guiding idea was to lead everyone to denounce Li Menglong's ridiculous behavior. He is shameless!

But as the melon-eating crowd spoke enthusiastically, the theme seemed to gradually deviate from her original expectation: "It turns out it's for a movie. Just because of this photo, I can count on one of my movie tickets in advance!"

"Let's use this set of photos as a poster. I really want to collect them."

"Does anyone know the specific plot? I always feel that the ending of the heroine Xu Xian will not be good. Will it be a tragedy?"

Yoona scratched her head silently, her heroine flew away?

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