The girls all started to grovel and act like slaves. Why did Li Menglong think he could run away? Does he have any privileges in this family? Why don’t the girls know?

Besides, doesn’t he have any idea? Just say that the knocking on the door he felt when he was sleeping was gone. It couldn't be an illusion, right?

Isn't he curious about who knocked on the door? And why did it last on and off for so long?

It's okay that Kim Taeyeon didn't see what happened last night, but the girls could see it clearly. He, Li Menglong, also took action, and he was the first to take action.

If the girls hadn't been deeply involved in it themselves, they would have betrayed Li Menglong long ago and kept him for the New Year?

It's just that it didn't work out this time. Forget it about loyalty, there is no such thing between the girls and him.

The main reason is that speaking out will not help their situation at the moment, and it will probably cause Li Menglong's dissatisfaction.

To be honest, Li Menglong's dissatisfaction is more appropriately called incompetent rage. Girls are not that afraid anyway.

But today, it can be regarded as a disguised request for help from Li Menglong. In other words, we are all in the same boat. If we continue to fight among ourselves at this time, we will really commit suicide.

So they didn't have any malicious intent in knocking on the door. They just wanted Li Menglong to come out and help with the preparations. After all, his skills were better.

Just knocking on the door softly is useless. The girls know that he probably wears earplugs to sleep, but what if he wakes up Kim Taeyeon if he uses too much force?

In the end, amid the entanglement of the girls, Li Menglong slept until dawn, which was considered a big advantage for him.

It is said that in the face of this situation, girls should not let him go so easily, but there is really no point in worrying about it now.

After hours of work, they had already sorted out their thinking. As long as they could make Kim Taeyeon happy, everything else could be compromised.

Li Menglong didn't know anything about these complex psychological activities, but he could vaguely guess some.

So now it's his turn to struggle. The girls have already sacrificed so much. Does he want to ruin it now?

If Lee Meng Yong doesn't want to cooperate, then the girls and Kim Taeyeon have nothing to do.

Even in the contracted crew, the actors can simply stop acting. The director can only suffer the loss of being dumb except to ban the other party.

Seriously speaking, in this kind of thing, the director is still relatively weak. As long as the actor is ruthless and disappears after more than half of the filming, then the director and the investors have no choice but to try their best to lose a little less, and losing money will be a waste. It's doomed.

But the vast majority of actors would not do this. This is no longer the so-called bad character, it is simply a rejection of this circle.

Even if you are a big-name actor, don't expect to have a chance to come back after doing this.

Even the regular crew has no way to deal with this situation, let alone such a grassroots team within the family at this moment.

The girls' restraint on Li Menglong is almost zero. As for the consequences on Li Menglong's side, he seems to be able to bear it, so what will he choose?

Are the girls really nervous? After working hard for so long, are they about to fall short? They are unwilling to do so.

After all, they had already taken the initiative to rule out Li Menglong before, just letting him sleep all the time, but he had to wake up at this time?

The resentful looks of the girls were naturally picked up by Li Menglong, and he even noticed a hint of nervousness in Kim Taeyeon's eyes. The "emperor" seemed to be afraid that he, a commoner like him, would fall out.

After all, people are social creatures. It is impossible for Li Menglong not to consider the emotions of the girls, so they really have no need to worry.

I saw Li Menglong clasping his hands together, bowing and kneeling on the ground at the same time: "The common people reported General Lee Soon Kyu, she wants to rebel! She wants to usurp the throne!"

Although Li Menglong said "treasonous" words, the girls were relieved after hearing it. As long as they can cooperate, the role itself is not that important.

As long as Kim Taeyeon has a good experience throughout the scene, they will have completed their mission. How does Kim Taeyeon feel now?

"Hey, I've long seen that Lee Soon Kyu doesn't look like a good person with his sly eyebrows. Sure enough, there's something wrong in the back of his head. Come on, give her to me..." Kim Taeyeon shouted excitedly, jumping up on the spot. .

People who don't know would really think that the two have a deep hatred, but one thing is that based on the performance of this group of people yesterday, one of the people Kim Taeyeon holds a grudge against the most is Lee Soon Kyu.

Forget about Yoona and Pani who took the lead, after all, she owed these two little girls.

As for the main force of the second wave, Lee Mong-ryong and Kim Taeyeon said they didn't see it. The angle of his action was quite tricky.

So Lee Soon-kyu who followed was unlucky. From Kim Taeyeon's perspective, she was the most active and the one who took the lead.

And her crime goes beyond that. She left herself alone in the room last night. I wonder if she, Kim Taeyeon, is afraid of the dark? How long has it been since she slept alone?

Lee Soon Kyu could roughly guess some of Kim Taeyeon's dissatisfaction, so she took the initiative to gather everyone to perform such a play, and couldn't wait to prepare a role for herself as a general.

I thought I could get away with it this way, but who knew that this bastard Li Menglong showed up again and filed a lawsuit.

Fortunately, the matter has not yet reached an irreversible point. At this moment, Li Shunkyu trotted to Kim Taeyeon in a very dog-like manner, and hugged her thigh tightly: "I am wronged by you, I am loyal to your highness..."

What Kim Taeyeon wanted to say before was forcibly interrupted by Lee Soon Kyu. Now she was following suit, but instead of using words, she kicked Lee Soon Kyu away.

Although Kim Taeyeon didn't use any force, the action itself was still extremely insulting. At least Lee Soon Kyu almost couldn't help but fall out.

Kim Taeyeon was also startled by her expression and immediately took two steps back: "Where are you, come and protect me!"

The girls around me feel very tired. Although they sincerely want to coax Kim Taeyeon, can they be a little more mature? It is difficult for them to accept such "young" scenes.

The girls could only bite the bullet at this moment. One group took Kim Taeyeon to the kitchen, while the other group stayed here to coax Lee Soon Kyu. Don't be impulsive!

Lee Soon Kyu was still willing to listen to advice, and considering what she did to Kim Taeyeon last night, it was okay to accept her grievances.

But Kim Taeyeon cannot be entirely blamed for this incident. How could this happen without the "treacherous minister" Li Menglong?

"What do you want to do? Internal strife?" What was Li Menglong's reaction? Since he chose to dehydrate him, he had to consider the consequences.

"Fart, I'm going to let you sleep until you die, who let you out?"

"Who? Does the call of the heart come true?" Li Menglong tentatively replied, and immediately received "enthusiastic" feedback from Li Soonkyu.

If it weren't for Li Menglong's quick steps, he would have been bitten to death by Li Soonkyu at this moment.

As expected, it is very dangerous to stay with these "rebellious thieves". Only his "emperor" can protect him at this moment, and maybe he can even get some "imperial food" to eat.

Unlike the girls, Li Menglong's advantage as a director is revealed at this moment. He can integrate the entire scene from a higher dimension.

So although his performance may be a little worse, at least he is very popular with Kim Taeyeon, and what should I say, Li Menglong feels that the role of the traitor is also very suitable for him.

"Stop! Stop it quickly!" Li Menglong ran over exaggeratedly from a distance and pushed Jessica to stagger.

"What are you going to do? Rebellion?" Jessica was not someone to be easy to deal with, her tone was quite unkind, and she always seemed to start filming if she didn't agree with her.

"Rebellion? How is it possible? I just reported a rebel!" Li Menglong was looking at Kim Taeyeon as he spoke: "Have these foods been tested for poison?"

"Test the poison?" Kim Taeyeon said doubtfully. Originally, she wanted to help Li Menglong properly. After all, her subordinates only had one voice.

It's just that it seems that Li Menglong doesn't need her to step forward, and his fighting ability seems to be quite good.

As for what Li Menglong said, it’s okay that Kim Taeyeon doesn’t know. After all, she prefers to watch urban dramas on weekdays.

But as an actor who is committed to becoming a movie queen, Yoona has a wide range of interests, not to mention that she is also a lover of costume dramas.

She has contributed a lot of creativity in today's drama, but she is actually a director. Yoona admires her ability to find out what is missing and fill in the gaps.

Normally, the emperor did have such a step when eating, that is, some young eunuchs would eat some in advance to see if they would be poisoned or something.

But how should I put it? Will Li Menglong's purpose be so simple? Don't think that everyone can't tell what he has in mind. He just wants to eat some.

But don’t say that Kim Taeyeon won’t agree. Even the girls won’t agree. Why?

Is Li Menglong worthy of eating the dishes they have worked so hard for so long? It would be worthy of him to let her stand aside and smell it.

Even though the girls jointly rejected him, Li Menglong was not discouraged. It was an attempt in itself, and it was normal not to be allowed. What if they agreed?

Li Menglong was not discouraged and continued to serve Kim Taeyeon in a rather stupid way, putting the food she wanted to eat directly into her bowl. If possible, he wanted to feed it directly into Kim Taeyeon's mouth. .

This kind of behavior directly made the girls full of hostility towards him. His current behavior is too villainous!

His behavior is like flattering others and putting down others in the workplace. It was obvious that the hard work was done by others, but when the leader came to check and accept it, he suddenly appeared and introduced himself as the protagonist, thinking that everyone else was doing it. Fool?

I don’t know how others would deal with this situation, but it’s impossible for girls to endure it: “Your Highness, this person seems to have evil intentions, I suggest you kill him immediately!”

"This is a traitor, you should stay away from this kind of person!"

"I want to clear your side today!"

Li Menglong had only been in power for ten minutes when he was cut into pieces by the people who were vying for their favor.

Kim Taeyeon was quite satisfied with this kind of bloody scene. Anyway, it was fun to watch, and it happened to be quite satisfying.

In fact, to be honest, she did need something to divert her attention, otherwise it would be difficult to swallow the food in her mouth.

Kim Taeyeon absolutely believed that the girls had put their thoughts into it and had absolutely no intention of deliberately retaliating against her over the taste.

But she also knows the cooking skills of these women very well, so what should I say, everyone should try their best. What matters when eating is not the taste but the intention.

Not only did so many people work hard to cook for her, but they also took the initiative to perform for her. This was a reflection of their status. She was quite satisfied anyway.

In this case, there is no need to be self-conscious. Besides, after last night, she also vaguely remembered the truth that too much is not enough.

If these women really don't want to serve you anymore, then when will everyone repay each other's grievances?

"Everyone, come and have something to eat together. You have all worked hard!" Kim Taeyeon waved her hand in greeting.

The girls were not polite to her either. After struggling for so long, they could no longer hold on.

After having something to eat, they will go upstairs to rest. Anyone who disturbs them to catch up on their sleep today will be the enemy of the whole dormitory!

Fortunately, such people probably don't exist. After all, the only ones who don't need to catch up on sleep are Lee Mong-ryong and Kim Taeyeon. The former just drove out to fend for themselves, but the latter is going to start a war?

The girls who were thinking about this all coughed in unison at a certain moment. The taste in their mouths was really enough to be called a mixed flavor.

"What are these scrambled eggs? Why are they so bitter? Who made them?"

"What's wrong with what I did? Isn't it right to scramble eggs with cucumbers?"

"Unnie, do you mistake bitter melon for cucumber?"

Similar conversations continued, and now Kim Taeyeon was even more convinced of her sisters' innocence. Even if they wanted to do something, their knowledge base would not allow it.

Among the people present, perhaps only Li Menglong tasted the most delicious food. It's not that he has no taste buds, but that the girls are too pretentious.

Why should we eat vegetables with rice? Why are staple foods often tasteless? It’s all about cooperation!

If the food is salty, eat an extra bite of rice. If the food is bitter, comfort yourself to relieve the heat. If the food is sour, sprinkle some sugar on it. In short, you can find a way to deal with it.

Li Menglong's raid quickly attracted the attention of the girls. What was this gang doing? Consider yourself a vacuum cleaner?

Although they don't like to eat these dishes themselves, they don't want to get Li Menglong for free. They have to strive for some rewards.

"Ahem, is it delicious? This is the food cooked by Girls' Generation!" Li Shunkyu emphasized carefully, trying to make Li Menglong take the initiative.

But Li Menglong's answer was very honest: "Don't you know if it tastes good? Of course it doesn't taste good!"

"'s not delicious, why do you still eat so much?"

"This is food. If I don't eat it, it will be wasted. Otherwise, why don't you digest it yourself? As if you want to eat it!" Li Menglong slapped his chopsticks on the table as he spoke, his words were quite strong.

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