The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2537 Repeated Jumps

"Kim Taeyeon, are you sure you want to do this so well?" Li Menglong tried to intimidate Kim Taeyeon with a fierce look on his face, at least to make her change her tone.

It's just that this trick is pretty good at deceiving outsiders. It's really not easy to use against Kim Taeyeon. Couldn't she see Li Menglong's fierce appearance but inner softness?

Besides, even if Li Menglong is serious, what reason does Kim Taeyeon have to be afraid of him? Just because of his muscles?

Therefore, Kim Taeyeon's performance at this moment was very embarrassing. She shrugged her shoulders provocatively: "I don't understand what you are saying. Is there a generation gap between the two of us?"

If Kim Taeyeon was passively parrying before, now she is taking the initiative. Seohyun behind her felt a little dizzy when she heard this.

Now Kim Taeyeon is playing with fire. If she doesn't control it well, it's not just her who will be burned. No one in the car can escape.

Considering that Kim Taeyeon was in a state of excitement at the moment, Seohyun knew that conquering her was a dream, one that was destined not to come true.

In this case, she must flexibly change her goals according to the situation on site. These are the principles taught to her by years of dormitory life, and she must learn and apply them now.

"Unnie, are you really remembering correctly?" Xu Xian asked Yoona, and kept asking her to see if the current scene was what she expected.

As a "victim", Yoona is naturally happy to see Lee Menglong punished. It is just a moral condemnation and does not need to escalate to a personal attack.

To put it more bluntly, just talk and talk, and don’t really do anything. After all, it is really difficult to defeat Li Menglong when there are only three of them, especially when Xu Xian has not yet Must be helping someone.

It just seemed that Kim Taeyeon was speaking for her. Although the other party also had his own little thoughts, at least what he did on the surface was justified.

So if Yoona was the first to call it quits, wouldn't it mean that she was unloyal, and she didn't want to bear such a reputation.

Just when Yoona was hesitating, Li Menglong couldn't help it anymore, mainly because Kim Taeyeon was so annoying right now.

If she had just said that she didn't see anything during the whole process, Li Menglong would have taken it as saying that she was unwilling to help, or that she was standing by and watching.

But Kim Taeyeon has now reached the level of active provocation, that is, she clearly knows everything, but she just doesn't say it. Instead, she adds fuel to the fire and makes up some non-existent details.

For example, now she swore that Li Menglong wrapped tissue on his hand in order not to leave fingerprints. Does she think she is a great detective?

Li Menglong really couldn't care less about clearing his name at this moment. He would be very satisfied as long as he was not framed again.

So he immediately explained that the reason for that action was entirely for cover. Once someone saw it, Li Menglong would immediately explain that he was wiping the stains on Yoona's pants.

Compared with Kim Taeyeon's unreliable speculations, Li Menglong's reasons are much more reasonable, but any normal person can tell which of the two is lying.

It's just that when Yoona, the person involved, didn't speak up, Li Menglong was really embarrassed. He felt that the problem was all caused by Kim Taeyeon's mouth. In this case, there was nothing to say, so go for it!

Li Menglong half-turned around from the driver's seat and rushed to the rear row. The whole set of movements was smooth and smooth, as if he had specially practiced it every day.

This action left Kim Taeyeon defenseless. When she subconsciously wanted to escape, Li Menglong had already held her head down.

"You'd better think about every next sentence before you say it!" Li Menglong said coldly. At the same time, in order to prove his attitude, he also raised two fingers and lightly traced Kim Taeyeon's neck.

Not to mention Li Menglong's momentum at the moment, this action alone can easily cause instinctive discomfort in the human body, and Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but swallow a big mouthful of saliva.

If it was really an outsider, then the scene would be easier to talk about. Kim Taeyeon could bet that the other party would not dare to do anything to her, or she could negotiate terms or something.

But the person standing opposite is Li Menglong. Would he dare not do anything to him? At least Kim Taeyeon doesn't think so.

It's very dangerous to think about it this way, especially since she doesn't even have room to struggle now. Is it possible that Li Menglong really wants to wipe her neck? She, Kim Taeyeon, doesn’t want to die young.

With her eyes rolling rapidly, Kim Taeyeon quickly thought of possible solutions. Of course, the most reliable one was to wait for the support of the two younger sisters behind her.

I just waited and waited, that’s all, no one could see me, but why was there no sound? At least, I roared with two strong voices on the side.

Although she couldn't look back yet, Kim Taeyeon could already roughly guess what would happen next, and she felt very sad in her heart. Did she, as the captain, fail too much?

But she quickly suppressed these thoughts. After all, there was still a big problem waiting for her to deal with. As for the specific decision, what need to say?

Her life is in Li Menglong's hands. She, Kim Taeyeon, has not lived enough, so how could she choose to die together.

In this case, everything is settled. A warm smile immediately appeared on Kim Taeyeon's face and she made reasonable use of her appearance. This is not a shameful thing.

"What did you ask me about before? I was a little confused just now. Did I say the wrong thing? Why don't you ask me again?" Kim Taeyeon blinked her eyes full of wisdom and tried to make a deal with Li Menglong.

If Kim Taeyeon could have this kind of attitude and awareness earlier, then Li Menglong would probably owe her a favor in turn, but now that they have fallen out, why does Kim Taeyeon still want to be decent?

Li Menglong ignored Kim Taeyeon's words at all. He just looked at her coldly, and kept flicking the air in her ear with his fingers.

Kim Taeyeon was really scared at this moment. The whistling sound in her ears seemed to be urging her to die. Once it really hit her forehead, she didn't think there would be any good fruits. She would just have a light brain. Shocks are possible.

So she didn't care about her face and shouted directly: "I was talking nonsense before. In fact, I just saw you stealing money. You didn't do anything else. You are not that kind of person." ah!"

Seeing Kim Taeyeon say such a long list of words in one breath, Li Menglong also vaguely admired her. It seems that the news that she had coveted the rap position in the team according to the gossip was not groundless. There was a trick behind her back. A lot of effort.

But Li Menglong's playful expression was very scary in Kim Taeyeon's eyes. She told the truth, what else could Li Menglong be dissatisfied with?

At this moment, his mind was running wildly and he immediately thought of a possibility. What Li Menglong wanted now was not the truth, but the "truth"!

If the scene at this moment was in a cartoon, then Kim Taeyeon's head would make a ding-dong sound and a big golden exclamation mark would appear. She had realized it!

She winked at Li Menglong. Of course, Kim Taeyeon's original intention was not this. She was hinting that she had understood his request, and it would be up to her to perform next.

Little did he know that this action scared Li Menglong to the point where he almost let go. Isn't this another crazy person?

Sensing the decrease in strength in Li Menglong's hand, Kim Taeyeon thought she had reached a tacit understanding with him, so she immediately broke away from his clutches and turned around to face Yoona.

"Ah, why do you frame Li Menglong? The corruption of social atmosphere is caused by people like you. You can accuse people of innocence out of thin air!"

At this moment, Yoona could finally understand why Li Menglong couldn't help but fall out. She also has the same thoughts now. Kim Taeyeon's ability to jump repeatedly is too great.

One second she was helping her accuse Li Menglong, but the next second she became Li Menglong's accomplice. Isn't she afraid of her own schizophrenia?

"I can see clearly that Li Menglong just wants to help you clean the stains on your pants. The money is all his own. I will not lie without conscience!" Kim Taeyeon said it loudly, Just looking at this attitude does not look like a lie.

It's just that among the three people at the scene, two of them were involved. Don't they know what happened?

As for Xu Xian, she also had her own judgment. After all, Li Menglong had already told everything she had done before, and she was more willing to believe Li Menglong.

So what should I say? After all the troubles put in by Kim Taeyeon, she who was still in a favorable position successfully made herself look like a human being inside and out.

Even Xu Xian, a bystander, didn't believe what she said. Didn't she need to reflect on herself?

The first person to forgive Kim Taeyeon was Lee Mongryong. Mainly because he found it boring. Fighting with Kim Taeyeon in this state would be a waste of brain cells.

Besides, the two people behind now underestimated the fact. This was attributed to Kim Taeyeon. Although it was probably not her intention, Li Menglong had to respect the tacit understanding the two had reached before.

Although there were no words, it was clear that Li Menglong meant that the two of them were in the clear. He opened the side door and returned to the driver's seat to start the car.

The noise when the vehicle is running is actually not very loud, but the atmosphere in the car is too quiet at this moment, so you can hear it clearly.

The most uncomfortable among them is Kim Taeyeon. After all, when there is no imminent threat from the outside world, her IQ is still sufficient, and she also knows how embarrassing her previous operations are, even if they are all her own people.

Although she really wanted to do nothing and completely separate the person she was at the last moment from the person she is now, it was ultimately her own business. She couldn't even lie to herself, right?

So Kim Taeyeon had to bite the bullet and clean up the mess for her previous self. Among them, Li Menglong didn't have to pay attention to it. It was already good that she didn't bother him.

The most difficult thing to deal with now is Yoona. This little girl has obviously been severely shocked. She is depressed, as if she could faint at any time.

There seems to be no good excuse to explain directly. Kim Taeyeon can only try to share some of the responsibilities. At least Yoona's behavior is not entirely her responsibility.

"That Yoona, why were you in a daze for so long before?" Kim Taeyeon raised a new topic.

Of course, she was not really curious about Yoona's thoughts, and she wanted to use this to make Yoona realize that she was also responsible for the fact that things had developed to this point.

Yoona didn't want to speak at first, but the topic itself made her want to talk. After all, she had been thinking about it for so long.

But what should I do if I don’t want to talk for no reason, especially if I don’t want to watch Kim Taeyeon talk!

At this time, Kim Taeyeon didn't speak rashly. Being the captain for so many years was not in vain. She had a firm grasp of the little thoughts of these women.

So Kim Taeyeon immediately looked at Xu Xian. Even though there was nothing wrong with this little girl during the whole process, it seemed that the best thing to do was to sit back and watch, but that is not Xu Xian's character.

Even if the matter has nothing to do with her, as long as Kim Taeyeon behaves pitifully, Xu Xian will still feel soft and come forward to help her.

Things were progressing smoothly step by step according to Kim Taeyeon's idea. Xu Xian showed no resistance at all and was very obedient to help her resolve the embarrassment of the situation.

Of course, Xu Xian is not brainless. She was not manipulated by Kim Taeyeon, it was just because she simply wanted to help. After all, they are both her sisters.

As for how to help, you have to know how to do it. Speaking directly for Kim Taeyeon would be like stabbing Yoona in the body. She can't do that.

So Xu Xian also thought it would be a good idea to start the topic from before. Since Yoona didn't want to talk to Kim Taeyeon, it would be okay to talk to her maknae.

"What did Ernie think before? Is there anything I can do to help?" Xu Xian asked gently.

Facing Xu Xian's inquiry, Yoona's attitude softened a lot. She half-turned to face Xu Xian, as if she didn't want to be heard by Kim Taeyeon.

Normally, facing Yoona's attitude, Kim Taeyeon would have jumped up and let Yoona know what the majesty of an eldest sister means.

But isn't the situation today special? Kim Taeyeon is sitting aside like a little daughter-in-law, always ready to flatter Yoona.

But what Yoona said next made her want to laugh. This girl actually thought that it would be easy for Seohyun to win awards after turning into a director, so she also wanted to find a deputy position for herself where she could easily win awards.

To put it mildly, this idea is unreasonable, but to put it bluntly, it is too ambitious and unrealistic.

No industry is so easy. Yoona only saw that Seohyun had a high chance of winning the award, but didn't she realize Seohyun's own hard work and talent?

Of course, Li Menglong’s kind of teaching, which can be called a one-to-one tutor, is indispensable.

Yoona barely fulfilled any of the above conditions, so why did she start daydreaming?

But at this moment, Kim Taeyeon has to resist her desire to complain and think about how to flatter her, but why is it so difficult?

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