The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2506 Breaking the Rules

"Oppa, I'm so nervous, what should I do?"

"Oppa, will they call the police? What if we are caught?"

"Oppa, is there a bomb or something inside this box? What if it explodes?"

Li Menglong sighed lightly, not even bothering to look at Yoona. How many movies did this little girl watch on a daily basis? Can't tell the difference between movies and reality?

Also a bomb, this is the program team, filming a variety show, is this kind of thing used to achieve some comedy effect? For example, blow Liu Jae Suk into pieces?

As for calling the police or something like that, it's even more nonsense. What's the worth of the two of them? As for taking risks for such a small amount of money?

If the police really came, Li Menglong would even dare to bite back. Anyway, variety show matters cannot be handled according to normal logic.

Besides, based on Li Menglong’s understanding of Liu Jae Suk’s gang, if this kind of good opportunity cannot be seized again, then there really is no need to do any more programs.

Li Menglong is now giving them free ratings. Although it may make the other party feel aggrieved, the core of comedy is tragedy.

Their core method of making fun of each other all day long is to torment each other, including but not limited to ridicule, fighting, frame-up, and betrayal. In short, they have more fun than Li Menglongye.

Logically speaking, Yoo Jae Suk shouldn't be fooled. The main reason why he is so relaxed is that Li Menglong is not a guest in this issue.

Even when they came to contact Li Menglong, they took the initiative to contact him. Li Menglong was quite passive throughout the whole process, and there seemed to be no reason for betrayal.

Although ordinary people may find filming variety shows interesting, for celebrities, it is still work. As long as it is work, there is no enjoyment at all, it is all pain.

So even if Yoo Jae Suk was thinking hard, he still couldn't figure out why Li Menglong wanted to mess with him. Don't say it was because it was fun. It would be better to say it was for the money.

Yoona was obviously very curious about this question. She was really excited and found it very interesting, so she became Li Menglong's accomplice.

By the way, she had always thought it was just a joke. For example, the two of them stole the money and waited at the door. In short, Liu Zaishi and others were confused for a while before returning the money to them.

In the end, Li Menglong took her directly into the car and drove so fast, as if he was afraid of being caught by the gang. So was Li Menglong serious?

As for the previous problems, part of them were indeed due to nervousness. Due to the restrictions of her status, she had not acted so recklessly for a long time.

So at this moment, the buried part of herself in her heart resurfaced, and she actually felt a little stimulation, and it was becoming more and more pleasurable.

Now Yoona no longer wants to persuade Li Menglong to surrender. It is best for them to be a big vote. Of course, the premise is that she must understand Li Menglong's thoughts. After all, this matter is not hers.

You know how happy you are now, how embarrassing it will be at the end. Anyway, Yoona doesn't think she can end things perfectly.

In this case, she could only rely on Li Menglong, and secretly hoped that he would not give up easily and just play for a while longer.

"Why did you do this? Who knows, maybe it was because I didn't like Liu Zaishi at that time? Maybe I had something to ask him." Li Menglong explained ambiguously.

But this explanation made YoonA even more confused. She wanted to ask Yoo Jae Suk for help, so she stabbed him first. How did this logic work out?

Yoona was too lazy to think about this. She was more concerned about what Li Menglong would do next, and she had even begun to use her own subjective initiative.

"This box has a five-digit password. We can't open it. There is probably something to locate inside, otherwise the pursuit itself would not be established!"

Yoona said very seriously, she is also a veteran of variety shows, and Yoona is not stupid in this regard. With some sudden bursts of inspiration, she gets to the essence of the matter.

Li Menglong obviously had a plan for these problems, but he didn't say it out loud. Don't disturb Yoona's mood. It's rare for this little girl to be so focused. Real happiness is when everyone is happy together.

At the same time, Li Menglong didn't want to completely get rid of Liu Jae Suk's gang at this moment. He always had to consider the effect of the program.

Since he chose to cause trouble, he must be responsible for solving the incident.

As for why he did this, in addition to the reason he explained to Yoona before, he also wanted to vent with Yoona. Both of them needed to heal.

Of course, the method of healing will vary from person to person. If you are taking Xu Xian with you, you might have to go to the library or something.

But Yoona, obviously this kind of tense and exciting part is more to her liking, and Li Menglong can do anything, he really doesn't choose.

"Check which subway station the address I mentioned is closer to." Li Menglong started to direct Yoona while driving.

Yoona couldn't keep up with his thoughts now, but in order to have a good experience, she still followed his instructions with great interest.

After all, this is how it works in movies. The mastermind is usually a pervert with perfect intelligence, and there is always a follower who is not so smart but is loyal to work.

Although Yoona also wanted to be the protagonist, she didn't think she was perverted enough, so she could only be a follower because she wasn't perverted enough. This reason makes sense.

"Line 4 passes, right? Now send a text message to Yoo Jae Suk, saying that we will show up at the terminal of Line 4 in half an hour. This is their last chance, so let them cherish it!"

Li Menglong said it very easily, but Yoona's hands were shaking with excitement. This kind of behavior of clearly being a villain but not caring about life and death to provoke the protagonist is really intoxicating. Is it so interesting to be a villain?

It's just that Yoona found it exciting, but Yoo Jae-seok was furious after receiving the text message. Li Menglong, a bitch, dared to take the initiative to find a place to meet. Is he afraid that he would not die?

However, this kind of provocative behavior can also show that Li Menglong is confident. It is obvious that he has a plan. Although it is still unguessable, once he succeeds, then this group of people will really have nothing to say.

If Li Menglong's stealing behavior was still contemptible before, now he plans to fight with them face to face.

If he loses this kind of mental and physical duel again, then the money should go to Li Menglong. Liu Zaishi and his gang are not worthy of engaging in a pursuit battle. They should go home and coax their children.

It's not just Yoo Jae Suk who has this idea. Now the entire program team has the same hatred. Lee Mong Yong is provoking them all.

So everyone came up with suggestions one after another, and the scene was very lively for a while. Of course, the faint sense of tension became even stronger.

Generally speaking, when filming a variety show, the guests can be brought in at most, but now the entire program team is brought in. Is this considered Li Menglong's ability?

And what should I say? Now it is more and more like the plot of a movie. There are only a few people who rebel, but they turn out to be highly intelligent and cruel.

As for these decent factions, despite their large number of people, they seem to have no backbone and are destined to be manipulated by the villains!

The inexplicable PD came up with this result. This kind of plot where the villain finally escapes will not appear in reality, right? There are also many smart people here.

Not only that, Yoo Jae Suk and Kim Jong Kook have decided to form groups. Although they don’t know what Lee Mong Ryong is going to do, they are always right to take advantage of the large number of people here.

Time passed by, and according to the positioning display, Li Menglong had arrived at the subway station ahead of schedule, which strengthened everyone's suspicions.

As the plan gradually improved, everyone secretly admired Li Menglong. He was indeed a variety show director and knew how to maximize the effect of the show.

Even if the final confrontation in the subway is not that exciting, based on the current results, everyone is already convinced that this episode of the show will be a peak again, and everyone can already smell the aroma of bonuses.

And while this group of people were chasing after them with Chang Xiang, Li Menglong and Yoona were not idle at the subway station.

"Is Oppa going to admit defeat? If you don't want to participate, then give me the box and I'll run away by myself!" Yoona tried to stimulate Li Menglong with a provocation.

But this time it seemed that he used too much force. Li Menglong actually looked at her with a cold gaze: "Do you want to take the money away alone? There is an internal conflict before the danger is over, or will we fight to the death now?"

While speaking, a bulge slowly emerged from the clothes on Li Menglong's chest. In the movie, it would be like pulling out a gun.

Fortunately, this was reality. Li Menglong just took out his hand that he had hidden in advance, made a pistol gesture and fired multiple shots on Yoona's forehead.

Regarding this childish behavior, Yoona was really unwilling to cooperate. After all, the person opposite looked at them as if she was mentally ill.

Especially since she is still wearing a mask and a hat, and with her previous lines in the second chapter, Yoona would not be surprised if the other party calls the mental hospital directly.

Annoyed, she slapped Li Menglong's hand away, and Yoona decided to change the topic: "Is it appropriate to open the box directly? Wouldn't it be considered cheating? After all, it needs to be opened through a password."

"Cheating? We are not guests on the show, and we don't have to abide by the rules of the game." While speaking, Li Menglong took the initiative to hand a screwdriver to the locksmith opposite: "Just pry it open, we don't intend to take this box anymore."

At this moment, Yoona took a picture of his shameless face with her mobile phone, and was waiting to send it to the program team afterwards, so that the audience could see Li Menglong's true face.

Besides, Lee Mong-ryong is not the only one who realizes that he needs to do something for the show. Yoona filmed almost the whole process with a mobile phone, and these materials can be barely used after editing.

The box was pried open very smoothly. After all, the program team really didn't expect anyone to do this. They chose the most ordinary suitcase. How could it withstand Li Menglong's violent disassembly.

But when the person who unlocked the door saw that the box was full of cash, he really became a little uneasy. Thinking about the conversation between the two before, could this be a lunatic who ran out from somewhere and really robbed people of their money? Is he an accomplice?

In response to the other party's doubts, Li Menglong had already planned and directly pulled off Yoona's mask: "Do you recognize her? Girls' Generation's Yoona, we are filming a variety show. Yoo Jae Suk and Kim Jong Kook will come over soon. Are you there?" Always ask them if this is the case, and if not, call the police."

Li Menglong's trick has been tried and tested. Girls are really well-known, and their faces will naturally win the public's trust. After all, how can such a beautiful girl lie to others?

This time Yoona really dared to pat her chest to guarantee it. After all, they were indeed filming a show. What they were hiding was just the cause of the matter, but judging from the results, they were not lying.

I asked for another black plastic bag from the unlocking booth, put the money in it and let Yoona hold it in her arms. This was a job that Yoona forcibly took away. According to her, she was afraid that Li Menglong would hold it alone. The money is running away.

Li Menglong didn't bother to argue with her, and paid with a ten-thousand-yuan note he had drawn out before. Seeing that he still had some time, he said, "Would you like to buy something to eat? You have to spend the money you make."

This proposal is obviously to Yoona's liking. Although the food she ate before was very expensive and very filling, it was Xu Xian's treat. It feels completely different from using the money she stole to buy food.

And the money is all in cash!

By the way, Yoona has never seen so much cash in a long time. This is really two different feelings from the numbers on the card.

Although he knew that the money in Xu Xian's card must be more than ten million, the weight and fulfillment brought by cash were far better than that thin bank card.

Yoona even thought about taking some cash and putting it in the dormitory when she went back. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes every day was a pile of money. She felt very happy just thinking about it.

After so many years, Yoona once again felt the beauty that cash brought to her. The last time she felt this way was when she used her pocket money to buy snacks in elementary school, right?

After wandering around the store, the two of them took everything without looking at the price. They were so arrogant.

Even Yoona somewhat understands why the robbers in those documentaries were so poor when they were caught, because they really didn’t feel bad at all when they spent the money they robbed.

When paying the bill, Yoona directly took out a 50,000 yuan bill and didn't even ask for change. She insisted on giving it as a tip, but there is no such rule in convenience stores.

The guy opposite was also an honest man and almost cried. After all, there were rules in the store, and there was a camera right in front of him.

It was Li Menglong who came forward to solve this problem: "Forget it that I am here for you. The members of Running Man will come over in a while. You can let them choose some food for themselves based on the money. Is that okay?"

Seeing the secret deal between the two, Yoona felt even more sorry for Yoo Jae Suk and the others.

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