The power of girls' fans is very huge. Even the girls themselves have never doubted this, or even firmly believe it.

Although they may not be able to exert enough influence on some big things such as signing a contract, when it comes to some small things in life, fans are really omnipotent.

Girls can meet their fans almost wherever they go, and it is much more convenient for them in shopping, driving, and buying properties.

But this time, Yoona still places her hopes on her fans. Her live broadcast is not just for fans to watch.

To be precise, fans are just passing by, Yoona's real target is the group of women upstairs.

But after working out this plan with Li Menglong, there are still some uncertainties, that is, the fans have no control over it.

Neither of them could even guess what the fans would do, but the only thing they believed was that the fans would definitely let the women upstairs watch the live broadcast.

In fact, fans have lived up to YoonA's expectations. Forget about contacting the girls directly. After all, the number of people who know their private phone numbers is still limited.

However, the fans took a circuitous route. You must know that the practice room is not just for them, but there are so many staff members.

It is much easier to contact this group of people. It may be difficult for an individual to get to know someone who doesn't even know their name, but considering the huge base of fans of the girls, everything seems to be logical.

"Taeyeon, do you want to watch this live broadcast? It seems that Yoona is live broadcasting downstairs. Your fan base is very lively!" a staff member said.

Speaking of which, Kim Taeyeon and the others are indeed a bit bored. Although it is enjoyable to wash their hair here, they still have to queue up, which is very unfriendly.

Besides, this kind of thing is considered their daily life, and it’s not that new. Instead, they became more interested after hearing Yoona’s live broadcast. What is this little girl doing?

At this time, they didn't realize that Yoona was trying to save herself. They just thought it was fun to see what Yoona was saying without her knowing, which gave them a sense of voyeuristic tension.

And once Yoona really says something bad about them, they can rush downstairs directly. That scene must be very interesting and they are looking forward to it.

After turning on the phone, they could hear Yoona's yelling voice. In fact, if they were willing to open the door to the practice room, they could also faintly hear her voice. After all, Yoona's voice was really loud at the moment.

"Who said this? Where is the administrator in my room? Ban this black fan!" Yoona shouted excitedly, as if someone was slandering her.

The fans in the live broadcast room naturally stand with YoonA. Every time there is a live broadcast, there are always some people who come over to show off their weirdness. Obviously they don’t have to watch it, but they have to say a few words to try to make the girl They break the defense.

But what rank do the girls have? It can be said that they have all been tested by blood and fire. They are extremely rich in both theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

Most girls would turn a blind eye to people who try to disgust them through the internet, but today Yoona seems to have fallen into a trap.

You must know that entangling with this kind of person is a completely unfavorable choice. If you win, you will not gain anything, if you lose, you will lose blood. Anyway, you will not get any advantage.

Fans have also grown up with those gangs of negative fans scolding each other, so they are naturally familiar with these principles, so they are ready to speak out in an attempt to share some of the firepower for Yoona.

However, some rational fans still expressed doubts, because Yoona's broadcast was temporarily launched, and those who could come to the show immediately were die-hard fans of the girls.

Although there are a lot of black fans, they definitely don't have this kind of perseverance. It sounds unrealistic to regard black girls as the first priority in life.

So the atmosphere in the live broadcast room is very good at the moment. I didn’t see anyone scolding Yoona at all. Could it be that they didn’t see it? Or did YoonA see it wrong?

Soon Yoona revealed the answer to the mystery: "You actually said that I am the most beautiful girl in Girls' Generation. This is a provocation. My appearance is completely the last in the team, and my sisters are really beautiful." Immortal!"

Yoona's shouting words really confused everyone. Even the most radical fans would not say this. After all, Yoona's appearance is here, and it is not too much to rank in the middle of the team. .

This is not to say that the other girls are not good-looking, but everyone has their own aesthetics. As for Yoona's appearance, it goes without saying to those who like her, but even those who are not very fond of her will admit that, She does look pretty.

On weekdays, Yoona will narcissistically praise her own beauty from time to time. There are also many emoticons about her stinky fart appearance. Has Yoona forgotten it?

In fact, Yoona still remembers it, but she doesn't dare to remember it now. In order to survive, Yoona can only go further and further on the road of self-destruction, which also includes flattering girls.

"Why aren't you talking anymore? In front of our sisters, I really am nothing. I admire them from the bottom of my heart. They are the goddesses in my heart, Lin Yuner, forever!" Yoona was confused again as she spoke. Tout.

Let’s not talk about the reaction of the girls upstairs. The fans really couldn’t stand it: “Yoona, if you are kidnapped, just blink, we will call the police to save you!”

"You must have read these words to the manuscript after receiving the money. Take it out and show it to us. If there is such a good thing about making money, please share it with us."

"Is the person sitting across from me really Li Menglong? I always feel like Kim Taeyeon and the others are sitting across from me. Can you help me turn the camera?"

For a time, the words of complaints directly filled the screen, so dense that it was impossible to see clearly. For a time, Yoona thought that her plan was successful.

However, when Li Menglong read out a few of them, Yoona's expression was very subtle. On the one hand, she was worried because of the fans' lack of cooperation. After all, her current situation is not good.

But on the other hand, there is so much happiness. The fans are really discerning. Her charm, Lin Yoon-ah, is unmatched. Even if she says so, there are still so many upright fans who are stubborn. Speaking for herself, it turns out that she is not good at lying!

Seeing that Yoona seemed to have a tendency to "rebellion", Li Menglong had no choice but to kick her below. Think about her original purpose and don't be paralyzed by such sweet words.

Besides, it is still unknown what the status of the girls upstairs is now, but regarding this point, the two of them have already made a plan.

Whether Li Menglong went to find someone or Yoona asked for help, with their influence in the company, it would not be a problem to find someone to help.

So someone had sneaked into the girls' practice room more than ten minutes ago, secretly monitoring the girls' reactions, and sending them feedback almost constantly.

According to the insider, the girls were quite happy after seeing Yoona's mindless flattery, but they were rather unhappy with the messages on the screen at the moment.

If that's all, that's it, but the girls have made new guesses at this moment. Could this be Yoona's intention?

First, he proactively said these words that could easily cause fans to backlash, and then used these messages to cause trouble for the girls. Are these messages what Yoona is really saying?

A second ago, she didn't take Li Menglong's reminder seriously. Yoona even thought that she couldn't let down these upright fans, and she wanted to lead everyone to tell the truth.

But when Li Menglong put the latest news in front of her, Yoona finally calmed down, and she also realized who really held the power of life and death over her.

To put it simply, ten thousand words from fans are not worth one word from the girls. After all, fans cannot help through the network cable, but the girls' fists can really fall on her.

After having this realization, Yoona could only say sorry to her fans. Although she also thought that everyone was right, this may be the helplessness of adults. She, Lin Yoona, is not so pure anymore.

Next is the rhythm of fans confronting Yoona. If a newcomer sees this scene, he will definitely think that there are all anti-fans here, and he also admires Yoona's courage to dare to confront so many people. .

Faced with this doubt, Yoona could only say that she had nothing to fear. Is there anything wrong with the fact that Kim Taeyeon is the most beautiful? Is it wrong that Lee Soon Kyu is more beautiful than Kim Taeyeon? What's wrong with Jessica being more beautiful than the two of them?

In short, Yoona no longer uses any logic in her praises. She almost says whatever compliments come to her mind.

As for the fans who are arguing with Yoona, they are relatively sensible. They continue to provide various evidences to try to prove that Yoona's mindless flattery is unreliable.

Even if they are fans of the girls, they don't have the shame to admit it. After all, according to Yoona, a team of nine of them can defeat the entire entertainment industry. If you say this, people will laugh.

"Yeah, you just can't see how good they are. Anyway, my sisters are the best!" After being at a loss for words, Yoona started to act shameless again. She speaks the loudest anyway.

Li Menglong on the opposite side also handed over the water glass very thoughtfully. He was infected by Yoona's self-rescue spirit.

To outsiders, Yoona seems to have been kidnapped at this moment, or maybe driven into evil spirits, but this is all for survival. This kind of desire and struggle for life should not be spurned at any time.

Anyway, Li Menglong said that he is a fan of Yoona at this moment. Even if she is against the whole world now, Li Menglong will stand firmly behind her.

It's just that before Li Menglong took the initiative to say these touching words, he had a tendency to regret it. It seemed that standing behind the large army was not unacceptable.

The reason why Li Menglong's attitude changed so quickly was naturally Kim Taeyeon and the others. These women had already run away, and they couldn't stand it anymore.

If there was a little bit of joy at the beginning, it turned into anxiety and embarrassment later on. They were also respectable people, and this kind of embarrassment was very much like the trolls they bought.

These words, even if they were left anonymously, were too flattering. As a result, Yoona, as one of them, even went live to brag about them. Did she really think they were not embarrassed enough?

The girls who felt that they had a certain sense of mission had to leave. Their anger could be felt from a distance. This was the fundamental reason why Li Menglong switched sides.

After all, there is only Yoona on one side, and there are seven people on the other side. There seems to be no need to hesitate about which camp to choose.

Naturally, the girls also saw the sly Li Menglong opposite Yoona. Needless to say, he must be involved, otherwise Yoona's brain would be able to do such weird things.

But I can't take care of him for the moment. Yoona, who has her back to the girls and is frantically talking to her cell phone, is the main target at this moment.

Because of the angle, everyone in the live broadcast room saw Yoona's latest human flesh background board, which also came with "murderous" special effects.

It stands to reason that everyone should remind Yoona, but after all, everyone has been on the line for so long, and although there is not much anger, it is okay to see Yoona frustrated.

So people like this suddenly became quiet, and the number of messages on the screen was almost visibly reduced, which made Yoona very happy.

"Haha, you are finally willing to admit it. If you had known this, why did you do it in the first place? Apologize to me quickly and I will forgive you!" Yoona tilted her head as if she was very generous, but in the eyes of everyone, Yoona is very pitiful at this moment.

Yoona was not allowed to continue performing for too long. Who knew what she would say. Kim Taeyeon lay in Yoona's ear and whispered softly: "Can I apologize to you?"

I don’t know if what Yoona said was a bit confusing, but she actually pointed her hand towards the direction of the voice and slapped it: "Who is talking nonsense? Who are you? You want me, Lin Yoona, to apologize to you, but you don’t look in the mirror. …”

Yoona only said half of what she said. The touch in her hand was so good at this moment. It was as smooth and tender as cotton, making people want to squeeze it a few more times.

Even though they had not pinched Kim Taeyeon's cheeks a few times, the look in Li Menglong's eyes was enough to confirm that the situation at this moment was not good.

For a moment, Yoona's brain stopped moving, only her hands were still moving subconsciously, and the fans across from her didn't know what to say.

From the beginning of the broadcast, Yoona's state has not been right. Now she is rubbing Kim Taeyeon like a kitten. Can't she see the anger in Kim Taeyeon's eyes?

"Does it feel good? Do you want someone else to come over and touch it for you? How about Lee Soon Kyu? She is chubby and feels more comfortable to touch."

Kim Taeyeon tried her best to keep her tone calm, and kept reminding herself that there was a camera opposite her and not to make any violent moves, but she couldn't help it anymore!

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