The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2479 Transaction

Xu Xian originally wanted to hide in Li Menglong's room. After the women outside went to bed, she would see where she wanted to rest. She really couldn't make a bed on the floor in Li Menglong's place.

It was just that she had already dug out some books to pass the time, but the noise outside forced her to go out and take a look.

Although she was very sure that nothing would really happen between the girls, she had to be on guard. She was the calmest and mature one in the team, even though she was also the youngest.

There was no rush to get closer. Xu Xian just leaned against the door frame and looked at the situation outside coldly. It seemed that the girls had begun to turn against each other.

In fact, Yoona and Xiuying should have realized this from the beginning. They made a huge mistake today.

The girls were forced to go around the company when they were exhausted. If the girls were judges, these two people's crimes would be enough to stay there for ten years.

Even if they try their best to please the girls after they come back, and the girls seem to accept their filial piety, it is all for enjoyment.

Once the girls are fed and drunk, it's time to make a list together. Wouldn't the two of them still want to resist?

Even Xu Xian could understand, how could Yoona and Xiuying not understand, so forget about resisting or anything, they just knelt down and sat there with their hands raised in the air, waiting for the girls to ask.

The girls were quite satisfied with the conscious performance of these two little girls. After all, after eating, everyone was not very willing to do strenuous activities.

For example, Jung Soo-yeon and Pani just sat on the sofa to serve as a background, and they probably went up to rest as soon as possible after the things here were over.

And for those who want to rest, there will naturally be those who are more excited, such as Kim Taeyeon who takes the lead!

By the way, what she was doing at this moment was not entirely to show the majesty of the captain, it was just a personal grudge. You must know that she, Kim Taeyeon, made the decision when everyone went there together, which made her very embarrassed.

It's just other people, but facing Kim Taeyeon, these two people still have something to say, especially Yoona, who is holding her neck and is very dissatisfied.

"Onie, you can't just say it's our fault, but don't say that we have a reason for everything. Isn't it even worse that you lied to me to take charge of the class this morning?"

Yoona is not saying that she is not afraid of anything at this moment, but when the crime is so serious, she is willing to take a chance, what if a miracle happens?

And the facts proved that she succeeded this time. Kim Taeyeon muttered for a long time and didn't know how to defend herself.

After all, the facts are very clear in front of her. If she insists on saying that Yoona's crime is worthy of the death penalty, then she, Kim Taeyeon, will at least have a suspended death sentence. Everyone is a sinner.

Perhaps the biggest difference is that she deceived Yoona first, and only deceived the three younger ones; while Yoona deceived the others later, and deceived everyone.

But fundamentally speaking, both of them are in the same boat. It’s really hard to blame anyone. After a while, the other girls may also come to settle old scores.

After thinking of this, Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but feel a little scared. She went over and slapped Yoona hard on the forehead, and immediately sat on the sofa and went to grab the game console with Pani.

It was self-evident what this action meant. Yoona let out a heavy breath. When Kim Taeyeon came over just now, she thought the other party was going to break up.

Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon also has some scruples. After doing this, it means that she will no longer pursue this matter.

But in this case, she took a huge risk to save Xiuying, and the other party also had to contribute. Is it appropriate to keep watching from the side?

Sensing the look in Yoona's eyes, Xiuying was also a little hesitant. She had originally planned to start internal strife, which was to push Yoona out to take the blame.

But now it seems that the plan is about to change. After all, Yoona has successfully kicked Kim Taeyeon out with her personal fighting power.

Without Kim Taeyeon as a "dirty stick", Xiuying felt that things really had a glimmer of hope. She glanced at the remaining people in front of her and found that the most powerful one was Lee Soon Kyu.

Although this person is also difficult to communicate with, she is at least much better than Kim Taeyeon. Besides, it seems that she really didn't offend her in the whole incident.

"Do you remember the handbag you lent me last time?" Xiuying tried to communicate.

Li Shunkyu blinked. Her brain was not just a decoration, not to mention that Xiuying opposite had already given enough hints.

Dragging his chin with one hand, Lee Soon Kyu thought quietly. In fact, she came here simply to support Kim Taeyeon. Of course, she also taught these two daring little girls.

But now, firstly, Kim Taeyeon has retreated, and secondly, haven't the two of them been punished, and they already know they were wrong.

"Did you remember correctly? I remember I lent you two bags!" Li Shunkyu also put forward his own conditions. He wanted to send her away with just one bag?

Although Xiuying felt very distressed, this was not the time for bargaining, so she simply nodded and accepted the condition. It would be great to blackmail Lee Soon Kyu back if there is a chance in the future.

But Lee Soon Kyu is not such an unloyal person. He accepted the gift himself, but what about the other girls?

Of course, forget about those lying down. Who can blame you for being lazy? But the few people still standing around must also gain something.

So Yoona and Sooyoung started to "borrow things" constantly. They borrowed a set of top-quality cosmetics from Yuri and a pair of co-branded shoes from Hyoyeon.

Although it wasn't really to the point of breaking their muscles and bones, the two of them were still aggrieved and distressed. Just when they thought the matter was coming to an end, Li Soonkyu saw Seohyun leaning against the door frame again.

Although I don’t know how much this little girl heard, Li Shunkyu didn’t mind sharing her share, since he didn’t have to pay for it himself.

"Did the maknae also lend something to the two of them? Do you need Unnie to help you think about what you lent to them?" Li Shunkyu encouraged.

This means not giving Xu Xian a chance to refuse. Once Xu Xian can't say anything, Lee Soon Kyu will take the initiative and come up with something.

Xu Xian was naturally aware of Li Soonkyu's thoughts, so in order not to get rid of those useless items, she could only say helplessly: "I have done housework for Unnies for many days!"

Sooyoung and Yoona were already very sad, but at this moment Seohyun came to add insult to injury. How about this?

But Li Soonkyu didn't pay attention to the two people's ideas at all. Xu Xian just had to speak. Although what he proposed was a bit abstract, it didn't matter.

"Then we have agreed in advance that the two of you will be responsible for the hygiene at home in the next week. If I see Xu Xian still doing this, then the matter will not end so easily!"

Lee Soon Kyu put forward the final opinion on behalf of everyone, and of course there was also the incidental threat. What else could Yoon A and two do? Is it possible that we still have to fight?

When the two nodded, everyone became good sisters again. As for the things that were "lent", they didn't worry about them defaulting on the debt.

We all live together. Once you can go back on something you promised, then something will happen again!

In order to avoid the pain of flesh and blood, Yoona and Xiuying really never thought about defaulting on their debts. At most, they were a little aggrieved and resentful at the moment. Of course, there was also a little relief, and they were finally relaxed.

However, they have suffered such great grievances, and they cannot bear it alone, or they have to find a justifiable excuse for themselves. For example, someone has framed them, and the two of them are innocent!

Naturally, the only candidate for this job was Li Menglong, but he was still asleep and it was hard to go over and wake him up, so the two of them immediately blocked Xu Xian.

"Hmph, how dare you, a little girl, to pretend to be powerful? And you still work for me. Which time is it that we don't do the cleaning together?"

"Xiao Xian, if you have any grievances, you can communicate directly. If the three of us continue to fight among ourselves, how can we survive in this dark team?"

Xiuying and Yoona came over in turn to threaten Xu Xian, but Xu Xian was more familiar with this trick than them. Besides, they could see their fierceness and inner lust, so at least they couldn't cause any more trouble tonight.

"Do you need me to call someone?" Xu Xian said calmly, "Or would you rather buy me a bag than do housework?"

The two of them hesitated for a while and felt that what Xu Xian said was somewhat reasonable. If they were just buying it for Xu Xian alone, they would definitely not hesitate. But there was too much bleeding tonight and they needed to stop the bleeding. .

It just so happened that Li Shunkyu and the others were about to go up to rest at this time. Calling the two of them would give them a step down, but Xu Xian did not intend to go up, otherwise what would happen if they were retaliated against? She didn't want to wake up in the middle of the night and find there were multiple people in her bed.

"I'll stay and take care of Oppa." Xu Xian volunteered. In the eyes of the girls, this is not an easy job. After all, it is difficult to sleep well with such a person by your side.

"Then it's our maknae's fault. In this case, as sisters, we'll pack breakfast so that you don't have to get up early." Li Shunkyu said in a friendly manner.

The rest of the girls are all acting like good sisters at the moment, except for Yoona and Sooyoung at the back.

Because the ones who got up early were not the ones who spoke up earlier, and they didn’t even need to speak up. Yoona and the others had to stand up on their own. After all, they were still guilty at the moment.

"The maknae has really worked hard. Unnies are also very tired today. So Xiuying and I will go buy breakfast tomorrow morning. Just send what you want to eat to my mobile phone!" Yoona said quite bachelorly.

There's no room for discussion anyway, so it's better to be more straightforward and gain some sympathy points.

"It's okay to be enlightened, but you won't secretly spit in it, right?"

Faced with the doubts of the girls, neither Yoona wanted to speak. What kind of imagination were they doing? Why don't you become a screenwriter if you have such an idea?

Maybe the girls also feel that they are asking a bit stupidly. If the two of them don't want to do it, saying so will arouse their rebellious feelings; but once the two of them really want to do it, then saying so will be in vain unless they send someone. Let's go together.

"You guys are just joking. How can we doubt our sister? You two can just watch and buy tomorrow. We are not picky eaters!"

Looking at the group of laughing girls, the two of them could only agree perfunctorily. After all, they had no right to fall out at this moment.

As the group of people walked upstairs, the first floor finally became quiet, but there was still some chaos in the living room.

Obviously, Yoona and Xiuying had agreed to take on the housework before. Fortunately, Xu Xian's mentality had been tempered by these women and was extremely strong.

After briefly cleaning the living room, he skillfully dug out a complete set of luggage from Li Menglong's wardrobe. These were all always on hand. After all, Li Menglong would occasionally be kicked out of bed.

Finally, looking at Li Menglong's condition, he seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Xu Xian was really satisfied with his drunken habits.

Yawning softly, Xu Xian fell asleep, until he was shaken awake: "Are you going to work, Oppa?"

Xu Xian said in a daze, but what she answered was two cold hands, which reached out from the collar and touched her body everywhere.

This move naturally frightened Xu Xian. After all, she remembered that she slept at Li Menglong's place before, so was Li Menglong going crazy?

Fortunately, after widening her eyes, she finally saw the owner of the bad hand. Yoona whistled very frivolously: "Oh, our maknae's figure has improved a lot. Let Ernie check it out for you!"

If Seohyun had just debuted and faced this situation, she would probably be too shy to speak. However, she has lived with these "female hooligans" for many years, so she has accumulated enough coping skills. means.

So soon Li Menglong's room was filled with pink, which meant that he didn't wake up, otherwise he might have a nosebleed.

"Why did you wake me up so early in the morning? Didn't I tell you two to go have breakfast?" Xu Xian leaned against the wall and used his long legs to create a safe space.

Yoona subconsciously wanted to blame Sooyoung, but after seeing Seohyun's scrutinizing eyes, she knew she couldn't deceive the maknae, so she had no choice but to tell the truth.

It was just another internal bet between the two of them. It was better to go alone than to get up early together, but it was a pity that Yoona lost.

Of course, this is just Yoona's point of view. In Seohyun's opinion, it's half and half. Isn't it normal to lose? This is what you deserve!

As for what Yoona was doing when she woke her up, it was already obvious. Not to mention whether Yoona could find a place by herself. It was hard for her to bring back food for nine people by herself.

"If you don't want to go alone, just say so. Do you have to make so many excuses?" Xu Xian said speechlessly.

Now that it was revealed, Yoona was not polite. She grabbed Xu Xian's thigh and crawled over like a zombie: "You won't reject me..."

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