Yoona finally agreed, not because she was deceived, but because she was threatened.

Mainly because Kim Taeyeon saw that Yoona was not fooled and had no patience to continue dealing with her. She was eager to go back and rest.

So if deception doesn't work, then just use your fists to speak!

Sure enough, this trick was quite effective. Even though Yoona was reluctant, she had no choice but to agree in the end.

Unless she wants to move out of this home immediately, for the sake of future happiness, what else can Yoona do besides surrender?

Of course, after the girls heard that Yoona had agreed, their attitude immediately changed 180 degrees.

"We are all fans here. They are very enthusiastic. The most important thing is that there is delicious food!"

"Feel free to ask for any gifts you want this time. Even if the Ernies go to borrow money from loan sharks, they will fulfill your wishes!"

"She is indeed our favorite sister. If anything happens in the future, please speak directly to us and we will shoulder the responsibility together!"

Several people keep making wishes here as if they don't need money. As for whether some of them are sincere, Yoona needs to judge by herself.

For example, if Yoona really dares to ask for a house, the so-called unlimited gift, the girls might choose to burn it for her.

So the most Yoona can do is get a more expensive bag, otherwise these women will turn against her in a minute, and she won't get anything by then.

Yoona understands this. After all, she has experienced too much, so she can not forget to benefit herself at this moment.

As for the benefits, of course they are for Seohyun and Xiuying. You must know that the conditions given by Kim Taeyeon and others are actually for the three of them together.

However, Yoona took the initiative to take the task of informing the other two people on her own head. The purpose was naturally not to help those on the opposite side, but to get more benefits from it.

Regarding this point, Kim Taeyeon and others are not clear, or even if they are clear, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it will be fine if people can come over in the end. As for the specific benefits, whoever can take them can do so.

After hanging up the phone, Yoona sat in the room for a while, mainly thinking about how to fool Xu Xian and the other two.

Fortunately for Xu Xian, as long as he explained the facts and reasoned with the girl, she could still communicate very well.

But that's not the case with Sooyoung. Based on Yoona's understanding of her, without Kim Taeyeon and others coming forward, Yoona would have to knock her out and then take her there.

So Yoona decided to do things first and then things easy. After giving herself a pep talk in the mirror, she went directly to Xiuying's room.

"Did you order takeout? I'm just like you. I went down to get it the day before yesterday. Don't come to me today. I remember it very clearly!"

Before Yoona could speak, Xiuying started talking. Yoona felt worried and felt that it would not be possible to cheat her directly.

In this case, Yoona could only come up with a backup plan. She is a woman with plan B: "That Xiuying, I have a temporary job. Are you interested?"

Xiuying didn't even raise her head. The content on her phone was much better than Yoona's. As for Yoona's question, go on, how could she make a judgment after just saying this?

As for the suspicion, there is nothing wrong with it, because this kind of thing is quite common among girls, especially since everyone's activities have increased in recent years.

Although many itineraries refer to one person when picking up someone, accidents are very common, and the reasons are all strange.

The most common thing is that the organizer is short of people, so I want to see if I can get two more girls to stand through the girls. After all, they are famous for having a lot of people.

As for why we didn’t just invite the whole team of girls there from the beginning, we can only say that they are too expensive now, and many small and medium-sized brands can’t afford them.

The second situation is that of substitution. Girls will choose to let other girls take over because they have family matters, are temporarily unwell, etc.

In this case, most of the girls will communicate in advance and send two more girls there in an understanding way. One plus one is always greater than two, especially when their personal popularity is about the same.

But help is help. In order to run this system for a long time, the girls have agreed to give money a long time ago.

Although there is no specific price reference, they will roughly estimate a fairly high price as the tuition fee for the other girls.

In Xiuying's opinion, this should be the case, so she was waiting for Yoona to introduce the specific activities and salary.

Of course, salary is not the key point. Girls generally don't bargain here. At most, they are too lazy to go.

Of course, Yoona knew exactly what Xiuying was thinking. After all, she had simulated it several times in advance: "One of the brands I signed held a small meet-and-greet!"

"You can go to this small meeting by yourself. Why do you have to drag me along?"

"Can you hear me out? I don't know where the problem is. There are too many fans here. It would be very difficult for me to go there alone, so I thought I would take you and Xiaoxian there to help!"

Hearing Yoona's explanation, Xiuying tilted her head and made a gesture of counting money: "You want me to do hard labor? That will cost a lot of money!"

After seeing this action, Yoona breathed a sigh of relief: "It's definitely easy to negotiate. I'll ask Li Menglong to communicate with you later. I won't let you suffer!"

Xiuying nodded clearly, and did not embarrass Yoona too much. She, Cui Xiuying, was never ambiguous when it came to business matters: "What kind of brand is it? A project has caused such a big fuss."

"Uh..." This question really stuck with Yoona. She didn't expect Xiuying to ask such a detailed question at first: "It's a breakfast brand, well, that's it!"

"Breakfast? Why is breakfast so profitable? Are they crazy that they can afford you as an endorsement?"

"Uh..." This is another question that Yoona can't answer, because what Xiuying said makes sense, and besides, there is indeed no breakfast company coming to contact her.

In order to prevent Xiuying from asking further questions, Yoona decisively walked out of the room, knowing that there was still someone waiting for her persuasion.

In Yoona's plan, Xiuying's place was undoubtedly the more difficult one, but once she got to Seohyun's side, this little girl taught Yoona another lesson.

"Taeyeon needs help with Unnie? I'm really sorry, I already have arrangements for today!" Xu Xian said very politely, but there was no intention of compromise in his tone.

Yoona was dumbfounded now. The reason why she said that to Xiuying was because she had calculated an account and felt that after giving Xiuying a portion, she would still be able to keep most of it.

So when I arrived at Xu Xian's place, I simply said that Kim Taeyeon needed help, which meant that I wanted to ask Xu Xian to work for free.

I have to say that this is a good idea, at least for Yoona. Unfortunately, Xu Xian really doesn't seem to be planning to help.

"You're trying to frustrate me here, maknae. The two of us have always fought together when something happened. Are you going to run away now?" Yoona asked rather suspiciously. After all, it looked really suspicious.

But Xu Xian seemed to be prepared for it, and he actually picked up the computer on the bedside and motioned for Yoona to look at it himself.

Yoona was not polite, she took it and looked at it carefully. It was an email, and the content inside was asking Xu Xian to go to the company for a creative meeting today.

Yoona was dumbfounded now, because she couldn't tell whether the email was true or false, or whether the invitation was polite or whether Seohyun had to go?

Unable to judge, Yoona could only rely on Xu Xian's expression to make guesses, but the result was quite bad: "Can't you just go? Unnie can't live without you today!"

Faced with Yoona's crying, Xu Xian firmly pulled out his hand: "It really can't be done. Oni, go find someone else!"

Who else could Yoona turn to, or who else could come and help for free without any money?

Yoona, who fell into a pessimistic mood, subconsciously looked at Hyoyeon opposite. After all, she had also gotten up, and she had heard what she just said.

However, Xiaoyuan's answer was more direct. She turned around and pursed her lips in a rather false way. Did this mean that she had been sleeping before?

To be honest, there was a moment when Yoona really wanted to jump over to Hyoyeon, grab her by the collar and question him, did she, Lin Yoona, look like a fool?

It's a pity that Yoona doesn't dare. Hyoyeon is considered to be the ceiling of her internal strength. If Yoona doesn't want to seek death, it's best not to challenge her.

After seeing Yoona's lonely back, Xu Xian still couldn't bear it. Just when she was hesitant to open the door and chase after her, Hyoyuan came over in time and hugged her.

"Just have a good rest today. Li Menglong specifically told me to be obedient!" Xiaoyuan said dotingly.

It's hard to say who loved Seohyun the most when he first became a trainee, but in the past two years, it's definitely Hyoyeon who loves Seohyun the most.

After all, with Seohyun's personality, the closer he is to her, the more he will feel sorry for this little girl, and Hyoyeon happens to be her roommate.

As for Xiaoyuan's words, of course it was because Li Menglong called in advance to remind him. Even the email was sent by Li Menglong from someone in the company. Otherwise, with Xu Xian's IQ, he would be afraid of revealing his secret.

In order to prevent Xu Xian from being soft-hearted, Li Menglong also specifically warned Xiaoyuan, so that was how she acted at the moment.

Yoona still doesn't know that she has been deceived. Now all she can think about is finding another girl, but it's not that easy to find.

To be precise, after making a promise to Xiuying, she was confident that she could completely deceive Xu Xian, but the rest of the girls were not. They were all so smart.

In other words, if Yoona wanted to call someone over at this moment, she would have to pay directly.

But that doesn’t mean how much money Yoona will have left in the end. Why does she feel like she might have to lose money in it?

Full of worries, Yoona rushed over with Xiuying and Yuli. When they were about to arrive, they saw the long queue and the other two felt that things were not simple.

Since Yoona had already revealed what she wanted to help with beforehand, we could simply estimate their workload based on the number of people in line.

At this moment, Xiuying's hands were starting to get sore. She really admired the manufacturer that signed Yoona. Could it be that they realized that the cost-effectiveness after signing Yoona was not that high, so they decided to make up for it all at once?

Otherwise, how could there be so many people? We all caught up with their meeting when they released their album.

"Yeah, Yoona, don't blame me for speaking too bluntly. You've seen the number of people there yourself. If you ask for signatures, you'll have to pay extra!" Xiuying said quite bluntly.

Just when she heard about the money, Yoona felt bad. After bringing the two of them here, she stopped making money, so now she has to lose money to death?

"Weren't we all agreed before? It's inappropriate to increase the price temporarily!" Yoona persuaded patiently.

But this tone seemed very surprising to Yuli: "This is not a normal business negotiation for you to pay. It's not that we have to covet the money, but the other party clearly regards you as a fool!"

Yuri thought that Yoona didn't understand Xiuying's meaning, so in order to prevent the two from quarreling, she explained directly.

Sooyoung and Yuri's request for more money is indeed venting their anger on Yoona's behalf, or they can't be exploited like this.

Although their current workload is considered quite easy in the eyes of ordinary people compared with their income, one must also look at their daily hard work. This money does not come out of thin air.

If there were just a few more people temporarily, they wouldn't say anything, but this number of people clearly regarded Yoona and them as fools.

It's like inviting them to a business performance, and the agreement is to sing three songs. If there is not enough time on site or there are temporary problems, singing one or two more songs is not non-negotiable.

But now I simply let them hold a concert. This is no longer a case of taking advantage. It is clearly bullying others. Can you bear this?

"Why can't you bear it? We are Girls' Generation and we have to be dedicated!" Yoona said without conscience.

This shows that the difference in status affects the position. As the donor who paid today, Yoona has to speak from the standpoint of a capitalist.

What's wrong with taking advantage of you? Isn't it just to give hundreds of extra autographs to fans? It's not like she doesn't give money. She already gave a lot, so don't be greedy!

Looking at Yoona's righteous face, Xiuying and Yuri really thought that she had been tricked. Otherwise, how could she say such a thing? Is there a camera in the car?

After confirming that there was no secret filming in the car, the two directly blocked Yoona in the back seat of the car. This little girl definitely had something to hide from them.

"Don't come over here! If you do this again, I'm going to call someone...Help..."

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