The autistic Pani has to face reality after all. After all, as long as he pinches himself hard, he will know that this moment is not a dream at all.

Besides, if it were just girls outside, it would be fine if they pretended to be an ostrich in front of the sisters, and everyone would cooperate and turn a blind eye.

It's just that there are so many fans outside. Pani must give everyone an explanation. What he did just now is really embarrassing!

In fact, what Pani regrets most now is not confronting Li Menglong. This is true. After all, Li Menglong did so much and it was not her fault.

What Pani regretted was the way she acted during the confrontation. She herself couldn't figure out why she acted in such a cowardly manner. Even if she slapped Li Menglong in the past, it would have been good.

It's a pity that none of this can be undone. Even if she is willing to go over and have a real-life fight with Li Menglong now, fans probably won't change their impression of her anymore.

Seeing Pani's expression change from dead calm to tangled, Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon Kyu outside knew that it was their turn to take action, and now Pani needed someone to push her from behind.

"You don't understand Li Menglong yet, no one will stand by him!"

"Actually, your actions before were very normal. Any woman would be subconsciously afraid of a muscular man like that."

"Anyway, others don't know, but I'm very proud of you. At least you dared to step forward and fight back! To be honest, I was stunned at that time!"

After the two of them alternately comforted each other, Pani finally raised his head silently and asked in a rather weak tone: "Are everything you said true?"

As long as they are willing to talk, it is a good sign. Then the two of them almost swore to the lamp, and Pani seemed to have chosen to believe them.

"Then what should I do now?"

Faced with Pani's inquiry, the two of them had quite the same opinion. Of course they should go out to eat, otherwise it would seem that they were afraid of Li Menglong.

Pani had just been busy fighting with Li Menglong and hadn't eaten much at all, so after hearing the two people's suggestions, he followed them out without hesitation.

But when they came outside, the three of them were a little dumbfounded. Why did it feel like there were so many more people? What was going on?

You must know that the number of people coming to eat should be fixed. Where do these many people come from?

In fact, Pani should know this issue best, but she is also a little forgetful, so she is still confused now.

It was Li Shunkyu who saw some clues first. Among the girls, apart from Xu Xian, she was the one who went to the company the most every year, so she met relatively more people.

It was obvious that among the extra people in the venue, many of them looked familiar to her. Are these people from the company coming here to eat and drink?

Li Shunkyu didn't resent this. Seriously speaking, these people were still working for her. As a "capitalist", it was okay for her to give back a little.

But the time was wrong. It was really too early. I won’t tell you how they rushed here. How did they see the news? Did they also get up to go to the bathroom?

After Li Soonkyu's reminder, Pani finally had some memories: "You have forgotten that there was a group of people who lost online betting last night. In theory, they stayed up late with us!"

Although Pani said so, she wasn't sure that was it. After all, she hadn't paid much attention to it.

Now that I think about it, it's actually quite unreliable. After all, there is a network cable between us. People say they are willing to admit defeat, but no one knows when they actually go to rest. There is no means of supervision here.

But Pani is underestimating the wisdom of the crowd. In other words, things that she doesn't care about are top priority in the eyes of others.

So many people are betting together. If the losers don't accept the punishment, the winners won't be very happy. After all, happiness must be based on the pain of others. How simple this truth is.

Therefore, things that Pani, Li Menglong and even everyone at the scene ignored were regarded as the most important things by the people online.

Sure enough, the collective wisdom is infinite. Everyone has come up with more than one idea, but most of them are anti-human.

For example, one of the losers asked the losers to come to the company to work overtime immediately, so that they would not be afraid of being lazy.

For another example, someone suggested that this group of people should have a live broadcast all the time, so that everyone can supervise them anytime and anywhere.

These suggestions were naturally rejected. After all, the losing group didn't do anything harmful, so they didn't have to pay such a high price.

In the end, a compromise plan was chosen, that is, the mobile phones of these people must be turned on 24 hours a day.

Everyone will call from time to time for spot checks. Once the phone is not picked up within the specified time, it proves that this guy is lazy. The specific punishment will be collected at the company.

This method sounds less scary at first glance, and there is even some possibility of stealing chickens.

After all, you can still answer the phone while you are asleep. At most, you will just be woken up. Although it is a bit painful, it can be tolerated, right?

But that’s just a sarcastic statement. Everyone has the experience of being woken up while sleeping, and I believe that everyone doesn’t want to do it again.

In addition, the winning group was also crazy. Taking advantage of the large number of people, they even made a schedule to ensure that the losing group would receive a call every ten minutes at most. As for the energetic ones, that was even more so. You can call at any time, and the phone bill will be reimbursed by the company!

As a result, there were far more people staying up late with Li Menglong and the others than they realized. The key was that these people had nothing to do, just waiting to answer the phone, which was a very unpleasant feeling.

And the most egregious thing is that these people are powerful but can't use it. Li Menglong didn't notify them at all about the subsequent filming, so they couldn't find a place to come to help.

Things didn't turn around until half an hour ago. A group of colleagues who were eating at the scene sent a message. They probably took two photos of the scene and thanked the girls along the way.

But just such a small movement made the group of people who stayed up all night completely crazy. They had suffered so many grievances, but they were still not invited to eat?

So you can imagine what happened next. This group of people "guarded" the news all night, and they were ready to set off as soon as they heard the news.

In fact, it is not convenient to go out at this time. Many shuttle buses are not running yet, but these people would rather take a taxi at their own expense to get there, not counting how many breakfasts they can eat based on the fare.

But in everyone's eyes, this is no longer an ordinary breakfast. This is a celebration banquet for them to fight side by side with Pani. If they don't come, what will their previous hard work be?

When Li Menglong saw the people arriving one after another, he was still a little surprised: "What's going on with you? This is what Li Shunkyu and the others treat us who work late at night. It's not appropriate for you to come over and eat and drink for free!"

Li Menglong's words are really a bitch. He doesn't even think so in his heart. Does he have to say something mean to disgust people?

Besides, even if they really wanted to say this, it would be for Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Taeyeon to say that they were the ones who were being treated.

It stands to reason that everyone is used to his occasional meanness. As long as they can tolerate it, most of the things will be over, and they can even make fun of him in turn.

It's just that the situation is different today. Why did they come here? It's to prevent this from happening!

Sure enough, except for the group of people who kept calling them to rejoice in their misfortune, no one remembered their sadness at all. They were also considered members of Li Menglong's team!

"Yeah, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. Why are you a member of my team? I didn't see you last night!"

Seeing that Li Menglong was not going to admit it, the grievances that these people had endured all night exploded. Several of them cried on the spot, and there were also some who planned to come over and fight Li Menglong.

This time, I really wasn’t polite anymore, I really came over to take action. Of course, the result was that I was directly knocked down by Li Menglong: “Have you collectively been poached by another company?”

Li Menglong really thinks so. This kind of scene of tearing up the company boss is only performed after he has found a new employer.

"I just don't want to do it anymore. Let me go. I must ask for an explanation today!"

Although the other party is still tough at this moment, he has actually calmed down a lot after being knocked down by Li Menglong. Does he really not want to do it?

Fortunately, after Li Menglong learned the whole story, he just smiled silently. Didn't this incident cause the flood to flood the Dragon King Temple?

"Everyone has really worked hard. On behalf of the program team, I would like to thank everyone for their hard work. As for these breakfasts, you can eat whatever you want. Director Lee Soon Kyu pays for the whole meal!" Li Menglong announced loudly.

Next was the scene that the girls saw. The street was completely lively.

Fortunately, the attitude was similar to Li Menglong's before. After the three girls found out what happened, they just felt that things were a bit strange. As for coming here to eat and drink, I can only say that it was fate that they came here. It's good to eat and drink well!

And I have to say that this kind of treat is not bad, not to mention the cost is not high, the key is that everyone's mouth is so sweet, the girls are complimented several times when they pass by each stall.

In the end, they had no choice but to get together with Li Menglong again. It's not like a few people liked him, and Pani was even at odds with him.

It's just that they have no choice. There are people everywhere, but Li Menglong is the only one here!

This is not because everyone respects him, and many people feel that they have been hurt by Li Menglong, so they are unwilling to talk to him. Of course, they are not afraid of him. After all, it is possible to directly pull the list.

In order not to cause trouble to everyone, the girls had no choice but to humiliate themselves: "Tsk, you are so popular, tsk tsk!"

"You should be our manager honestly from now on, otherwise I'm afraid you will starve to death if you go out!"

"Did you eat a little too much? This is what we paid for!"

The girls were talking to each other about Li Menglong's teas, and he wasn't annoyed at all. Anyway, he just ate what he had, so there was nothing wrong with making the girls happy.

And how much Li Menglong had just eaten, the real boss was still the group of people who ate and took away. This group of people was the main force today.

As time went by, many people came over to say goodbye to the girls. After all, the group who worked overtime were really tired.

The girls didn't pay much attention at first, but as more and more people said goodbye, why didn't the number of people at the scene decrease? This doesn't make sense.

After the girls carefully observed it for a while, they finally discovered something was wrong, or the truth behind it could be answered by asking a primary school student.

When the total number of people does not decrease and people keep leaving, the only answer is that more and more people are coming. This is the only answer.

The girls naturally didn't expect this. What they were curious about was who were the people who came here. They weren't just here to take advantage, were they?

This time the girls were finally smart. People kept calling the people at the scene, so more and more people knew that there was free breakfast here.

The group of people who stayed up late thought that they had worked hard, but the people who monitored them also thought that they had some credit. In this case, this reward banquet cannot be without them.

There were only a limited number of people who came at the beginning, after all, the time was really awkward, but then more people came because there were more changes in time.

Many people calculated the time and found that it was just right to have breakfast here before going to work at the company. Although it would take a lot of time on the road, it was worth it. This is a big scene!

The inside story is actually a bit complicated. The three girls really didn't understand it at first. After all, they were not that familiar with the people in the company.

They could only confirm that the people who came were all from the company. As for whether they stayed up late or not, they really couldn't tell, but this was enough, and it was more or less an excuse to comfort themselves.

But when Li Enxi also rushed over, the three of them finally realized that they seemed to have suffered a big loss.

"What kind of looks are these? I'm just here to have something to eat, don't you have to be so stingy?" Li Enxi took a bite of the steamed bun while speaking. Not to mention, the food Li Shungui and the two found were very delicious.

"Unnie, that's all. You didn't work overtime with Pani yesterday!" Kim Taeyeon said speechlessly. Did she really regard them as being taken advantage of?

At this time, Li Enxi's shamelessness became apparent: "What overtime work? I just heard that people from the company eat breakfast here, so I came here specially to take a look!"

"You started eating without knowing anything? Did you bring any money?"

"Oh, that's too polite, isn't it? What kind of relationship do we have? Do you still need me to pay for it while you are here?"

After Li Enxi said these words confidently, she immediately turned around to find other food, leaving the girls alone and messy in the wind.

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