"Don't leave in a hurry, it's already this time, where are you going to buy coffee!" Li Menglong said in a pleading voice from the side.

But this sentence made the two people on the opposite side puzzled. The customer pointed at the cameras around him and signaled that a program was being filmed here?

Pani pointed at herself, what did Li Menglong mean? He was counting on her to make coffee, right?

Although the two asked different questions, Li Menglong's answers were all in the affirmative. He nodded towards them. They should both understand, right?

In fact, Li Menglong answered the two people's questions with one action. He just wanted Pani to make him a cup of coffee. Of course, it would be best for him to stay here and chat.

Although Li Menglong's idea is good, the two people opposite him couldn't help but shake their heads. Can you discuss it with them in advance?

The concerns of that ordinary person are understandable. After all, most people have some instinctive concerns about appearing on a show.

But Pani couldn't make excuses here. She was just here to do the show. How could she undermine Li Menglong in front of ordinary people?

But Pani also has troubles that she can't tell. It's already difficult to do a show with ordinary people. The key is that she has to make coffee. Li Menglong doesn't think she can really do this, right?

It would be nice if she could fool them with a few drinks. This was because everyone was on her own side, so even if the drink tasted a bit unpleasant, no one would come out to accuse her.

But with her three-legged cat skills, don't embarrass others in front of outsiders. She, Huang Meiying, can't afford to embarrass that person!

The concerns of both of them are justifiable, but expecting Li Menglong to compromise like this is just a dream. When making a show, you have to face these emergencies all the time, so how can you give up so easily.

In this case, let's just do the work, and Pani will be left to the surrounding staff. These people may have experience working in a coffee shop. If not, they can check online to sharpen their skills before the battle.

Li Menglong is mainly responsible for attacking this ordinary person and dispelling his doubts: "Hello, do you know Pani?"

Using girls as the key to opening topics is a trick that Li Menglong has tried time and time again. After all, their popularity is here, and everyone will be interested in them.

Sure enough, although this person is not a fan of Girls, he also knows about Pani: "Girls' Generation is all here?"

"That's not true. They are so expensive. How can we afford them? It's just a small experimental program here. Whether it can be broadcast in the future is a question!"

What Li Menglong said was a bit against his will. Not to mention that this program invited all the girls, who would dare to cancel his program in SW? Li Enxi would not make such a decision, after all, don't have trouble with money.

But Li Menglong’s can be regarded as a white lie, mainly to lower the other party’s psychological defense: “We don’t have any specific requirements for this program. You can just have a casual chat with Pani while drinking a cup of coffee here, even if you don’t speak. That’s okay too!”

It was still lowering the other party's expectations, and it could even be considered deception to a certain extent. In front of a big star like Pani, he didn't think that this person could remain silent forever.

Seeing that the other party was a little tempted, Li Menglong continued to offer conditions: "Our program does not have much funding, but the rewards are still decent. Do you think the two hundred thousand vouchers from this store are okay?"

Li Menglong's last blow was quite accurate, at least it broke the opponent's last resistance. In many cases, money offensive still works.

After taking care of this person, Li Menglong immediately organized the staff to bring this person a microphone, while he himself walked to Pani's place. The protagonist was this person.

Pani was holding her mobile phone and carefully watching the coffee making tutorial. Judging from her frown, it seemed that her learning progress was not that ideal.

Fortunately, these are all small things. The food made by celebrities all has additives. In other words, no matter how bad coffee is, it can be so bad.

The most important thing now is to instruct Pani on the next process. After all, Li Menglong was unable to participate after the filming started, and Pani had to support the whole process.

"How's it going? We Pani are so smart, we should learn it after just one look, right?" Li Menglong said pretending to be relaxed.

It's just that Pani didn't even bother to look at him. If he hadn't come up with random ideas here, would she have been studying in such a panic?

Seeing that Pani ignored him, Li Menglong could only talk to himself: "There is no topic, you can just have a few words with that person later depending on the situation!"

"Just chat? Why don't you go and chat yourself? Do you think my surname is Liu?" Pani was really angry after hearing this.

There are so many variety shows, how many of them feature ordinary people? Why do you expect ordinary people to do something that professionals can't do well?

Besides, ordinary people have little experience in dealing with the camera, let alone actively consider the effect of the program. As for making jokes, they are just dreaming.

This is too much a test of the host's skills. Everything needs the guidance of the host. It can be said that 90% of whether the program is exciting or not depends on the host.

It can be said that few hosts would dare to try this kind of show where ordinary people talk. Liu Zaishi was just fine when he came here, but now Li Menglong asked Huang Meiying to come over and do this?

"Liu Meiying? That sounds good. How about you recognize Liu Zaishi as your godfather in a few days?" Li Menglong held his chin and thought seriously.

But Pani is already ready to jump up and hit someone. Putting aside how unreliable it is to change her surname, why should she recognize Yoo Jae Suk as her godfather?

As we all know, Lee Mong-ryong is Yoo Jae-seok's younger brother, and the girls are Lee Mong-ryong's sisters. So who does Pani belong to the girls? Eldest niece?

Pani is really dissatisfied with the fact that he is just a generation younger than them. Even if he really wants to recognize him, the most he can do is recognize him as a godbrother!

"Okay, no problem. Liu Zaishi can have such a smart, kind, and considerate sister like you. It's really because of his good deeds in his previous life!"

The flattering words came out of Li Menglong's mouth as if they were free of charge. If you give a rough summary, it probably means that Pani is the female version of Yoo Jae Suk!

This is just a compliment, not to mention other female hosts, Lee Soon Kyu in the team is standing in front of her.

But who doesn’t like to hear flattery? Besides, Pani also knows that this matter cannot be avoided. This is work after all!

As an artist, how could she ask the director to modify the program process because of her own embarrassment? This is not what big names do.

Since you have to accept it, it’s okay to listen to good words and adjust your mood: “But what am I going to talk about later?”

"Just be casual. Just think of yourself as the owner of this store. Just entertain customers normally. Even if you don't speak during the whole process, it's no problem!" Li Menglong assured.

These are all his true words, and even what he said to the guest before was not entirely a lie. The material shot now may not be used or broadcast.

The filming of this program can be said to be completely different from the previous girls' styles. If they were forced to be spliced ​​together, Li Menglong himself would feel awkward.

So unless it is a new show for Pani, it seems that the material is not enough now, and it will be quite troublesome anyway.

Li Menglong didn't think about how to deal with it, so the shooting was quite casual, and Pani could play freely.

After Li Menglong's guarantee, Pani finally felt a little more relaxed. Without the pressure, everything would be easy.

Pani is worried that he cannot guide ordinary people to create program effects, but he is not afraid of talking to ordinary people.

In other words, this is what they are good at. Turning ordinary people into their fans is the "essence" of their work. Pani is still very confident in this.

She waved to Li Menglong and the others, indicating that they could disappear. Then it was her home court: "What does this guest want to drink?"

I have to say that Pani's sense of involvement is quite good. He chatted directly with the person without coming up, which at least made the other person feel more at ease.

"Uh... whatever!"

This person's answer made Pani quite satisfied. After all, her previous words were just polite. If the other party really wanted to order something complicated, she wouldn't know how to do it.

"Then just a cup of hot cocoa. I made it delicious!" Pani said proudly. She just saw it in the video and it was easy to make. As for whether it tastes good, it shouldn't taste bad, right?

After getting the other party's consent, Pani began to rummage for materials in the cabinet at the back, and the conversation between the two ended here for the time being.

However, after Pani had prepared all the materials, he was still conscious after all. This was filming a show. Although Li Menglong promised not to speak during the whole process, he was being polite, right?

Seeing that the other party still seemed a little nervous, Pani couldn't help but go over and talk to him: "There is a Bluetooth speaker here. If it is convenient for you, can you play a piece of music you like?"

After saying this, Li Menglong couldn't help but applaud Pani. This is all experience. Is there anything better than music to relax? And now that we have music, it’s natural to talk about music.

I don’t know if this person was deliberately flattering, but he even played a song called “If” by Kim Taeyeon, but the song itself was quite in line with the current atmosphere.

It stands to reason that Pani should be chatting with the other party about Kim Taeyeon at this moment. This seems to be a good topic. She can just tell some interesting things about the other party. Anyway, she has a lot of dirty information in her hands. .

But Pani couldn't care about the other party at the moment. Her mind was filled with scenes of making hot cocoa. Although it wasn't difficult when she was watching it, it became a bit complicated when she actually did it herself.

Li Menglong did not stare at Pani the whole time. He was here to film the show, so he was constantly communicating with the staff.

Everyone gave good feedback, especially those who took the photo, who really admired Li Menglong.

The cafe itself has a relatively artistic decoration, coupled with Pani's exquisite appearance, and Kim Taeyeon's slow singing voice, the whole picture does not look too beautiful.

Pani first melted the chocolate chunks over water, then added hot milk and kept stirring. Such a simple step still made Pani's forehead covered with sweat.

Looking at the dark appearance of the finished product, Pani was not sure whether what he made tasted like the one in the video.

However, the difference in price was a bit off, but it could be made up for by the quantity. Pani found the biggest cup in the store and poured a full cup for the other party. That was it, there was still a lot left.

"If you don't drink enough, you can refill it for free!" Pani asked very thoughtfully. Her service attitude is so good, so the other party can't say it's bad, right?

After giving the instructions, Pani stood directly at the counter, staring at the other person with big eyes, vaguely urging him, as if he was waiting for the other person's evaluation.


After hearing this comment, Pani smiled sincerely, as if another light was turned on in the whole store, and everyone's vision became much brighter.

You have achieved satisfactory results, but what should you do next?

At this moment, Pani completely assumed the identity of the boss. He turned around and started to clean up the slightly messy backstage. This quite real action made the person opposite him breathe a sigh of relief.

Pani began to clean up, while the man sipped Pani's coffee. The quiet atmosphere lasted for a long time.

Li Menglong didn't express anything at all. He even thought it was good that it ended like this. At least it looked good to the eye.

But after Pani finished her boss's work, she immediately remembered her duty as the host: "Why did you choose this song? Do you like Kim Taeyeon very much? Let me tell you a secret, in fact, these songs of hers It’s all repaired by machines!”

Pani succeeded in opening up the topic by relying on his own team leader. After all, everyone is interested in the dark stuff about celebrities.

After almost slandering his sister and refilling the other's cup of hot cocoa, Pani casually asked, "Why are you still out drinking coffee at this time? Are you running away from home?"

"I would like to run away from home, but I must have a home first..."

The conversation that followed was normal enough, and the man's story wasn't too bizarre. It was even quite ordinary. It was nothing more than the overtime life of a worker.

However, it is this kind of stories of ordinary people that can resonate with the public. At least the surrounding staff glance at Li Menglong from time to time, and he also comes to listen to the voices of the people at the bottom!

Even though the amount of coffee given by Pani was "super doubled", the chatting time was not that long: "Thank you, you made my tired night meaningful!"

"No, I'm the one thanking you. Actually, this is my first time making hot cocoa. It really doesn't taste that bad, right?" Pani asked slightly awkwardly.

"It's extremely delicious. It's the best drink I've had in the past few years!" The other party said seriously, "Can I ask you to take a photo with me?"

"Of course, it's my honor!" Pani smiled sweetly.

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