The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2432 An unintentional act

As the words finished, the two girls relaxed visibly. After all, the voice was too familiar.

But then anger replaced fear. If he didn't speak quickly when he saw them, he was still there to scare them. Is Li Menglong still a human being?

But this was an injustice to Li Menglong. He had already said hello as soon as possible, but it seemed that it was still a little late?

As the two girls turned around, they felt even more aggrieved. They worked so hard to find a chance to come down, but they were maliciously frightened by Li Menglong, but in the end, he was still eating well?

Li Menglong did have a piece of grilled sausage in his mouth at the moment. This was what he was doing when he got out of the car. He was really hungry and a little bored.

As for where the money came from, I dare not say if there are too many in the nanny's car. If I just look through it casually, I can still find tens of thousands of dollars.

There are many sources of this money. Some of them fell into the cracks and these women were too lazy to pick them up; some of them were folded origami when they were bored.

Of course, the most common items are coins. As a group of quite famous women, it makes sense that they don’t like to take change, as they have no place to spend it.

So at this moment, Li Menglong was taken advantage of and just spent their money to scare the girls. Is this behavior a little bit bad?

However, Li Menglong didn't have this awareness. After all, he didn't think he had any malicious intentions, so he directly handed over the half of the sausage in his mouth: "Do you want to eat it?"

A kind act can often make the atmosphere more harmonious. Li Menglong's actions at this moment have this kind of magic.

On the opposite side, Yoona was very cooperative and didn't dislike him at all. She directly bit it in her mouth: "Do you want to leave a bite for you?"

Xu Xian curled his lips and indicated that he didn't need it. You should know that their excuse for coming down was to go to the supermarket to buy things. It really wasn't too long.

The three of them have reached an agreement for the time being, at least they don't have any urge to fall out with each other. Of course, Yoona has not forgotten to give herself some benefits.

"You want me to treat you to grilled sausage? Didn't you bring any money?" Li Menglong asked suspiciously.

Yoona proudly shook her wallet in her hand, indicating that she had brought money, but why would she spend her own money on food?

Being able to extort money from Li Menglong gave her such a sense of accomplishment, and it might taste better. Anyway, she didn't plan to spend any money.

Li Menglong instinctively chose to refuse, but Yoona walked home without saying a word. As for what she was going to do, it didn't seem particularly difficult to guess.

Faced with a child who was always ready to report, Li Menglong really had no good solution, unless he didn't want to sleep at home tonight.

"Okay, let me lose, okay? I only have so little money in my hand, why not spend it all on you?" Li Menglong had no choice but to compromise. In the adult world, this kind of compromise is not shameful.

It's just that Yoona is not a newcomer who just debuted. She rolled her round eyes and went over to search her. What does this mean? Don’t you believe him, Li Menglong?

"Ah, although we are all familiar with each other, there are differences between men and women after all. What you have done has already reached the level of harassment. Be careful, I will find the media to expose you!"

Li Menglong threatened with a stern look, but the more he said this, the more convinced Yoona was in his judgment. The man opposite him must be hiding something.

Although Li Menglong seemed to be threatened by her during the whole process, based on Yoona's own understanding, the process was still too smooth. Li Menglong should not be so happy.

After coming to this conclusion, Yoona naturally had to defend her own interests. She had agreed to spend all the money on her, so she could no longer hide anything.

Looking at the two people who were constantly fighting on the side, Xu Xian had no desire to participate at all. Anyway, she was not afraid of anyone seeing her at night, and the shame would not be blamed on her.

As for whether Li Menglong hid money, isn't it obvious? The only thing that needs to be guessed is how much he hid.

But the final result surprised Xu Xian. Yoona took out more than 200,000 yuan in cash from Li Menglong's pocket. Are they so rich in their car?

Compared with what he had hidden, the number he used to fool Yoona was pitifully small. It’s no wonder Yoona was so violent just now, she really should be beaten!

"Hmph, remember these lessons in the future. You don't even look at who is standing opposite you. You even want to cheat me out of my money. Do you want to die?" Yoona said proudly, with her hands on her waist.

It's just that Xu Xian felt that she was happy too early. If she saw it correctly, Li Menglong seemed to be walking with a slight limp.

If you look closely, you will find that the inside of one of his shoes is slightly higher. Anyway, Xu Xian doesn't think it is an insole. As for what it is specifically, she is not going to ask.

"Okay, we're about to go to the convenience store, please be honest!" Xu Xian said rudely. Although both of them were older than her, could this be seen in their behavior just now?

Xu Xian felt that when he lived with girls, including Li Menglong, his mental age grew the fastest!

If she was willing to take a test, she would be conservatively estimated to be forty years old, which would be the age to become a mother.

If you look at it this way, it seems that Xu Xian's usual anger is understandable. After all, he is menopausal at this age.

Fortunately, Xu Xian didn't take them all in. It was okay to take care of these people occasionally. If he had to "be a mother" all year round, who could bear such daughters? Let’s go shopping to change your mood!

Although there are not many categories in the convenience store, Yoona and Seohyun are still very happy shopping. After all, they have to cherish every opportunity to spend money.

This is not because they are arrogant. Compared with their considerable income, the opportunities they have to spend are really pitiful.

After all, they rarely come to a convenience store like this, and most of the time they come, they leave in a hurry. If Li Menglong wasn't there, they wouldn't dare to stay for so long.

Although they can't say what will happen, they are celebrities after all, and they are popular idols. They are really not sure who will appear and what will happen in the next second.

Li Menglong no longer accompanied these two people, he just sat at the counter and ate grilled sausages one by one. Although all the money in his pocket was confiscated by Yoona, Xu Xian was still there.

So Li Menglong is eating very wantonly at the moment, which also proves that Yoona's fallacy is correct: as long as you don't have to spend your own money, the food will indeed taste better.

The pleasant shopping trip ended quickly. Yoona carefully selected and spent all the money she had stolen. Li Menglong had a toothache when he saw it. Do you want to be so proud?

This little girl's show off didn't stop there. Before leaving, she insisted on dragging Li Menglong to eat ice cream.

That's all. It didn't matter that Li Menglong accompanied her to have some food. The key was that Yoona actually wanted to have sex with him. How could the two of them share one?

Yoona used her wild creativity to complete this weird order. She first drew a line on the crispy skin with her nails, and then opened her mouth and bit it.

Seeing the scene of this little girl being frozen, Li Menglong couldn't bear to talk to her anymore: "Forget it, I'll leave it all to you!"

"How's that? Half the promised amount is half. I've already finished the last hundred yuan. What a perfect shopping experience!" Yoona raised her eyebrows proudly, making people want to go over and pinch her cheeks. .

After all, it was the ice cream that I paid for. Although there is only half of it left, to a certain extent, the value of the remaining ice cream can be regarded as appreciation. After all, it depends on who is left.

The three of them returned home noisily. It was Li Menglong and Yoona who were noisy. Xu Xian had not forgotten the current situation. Is Li Menglong a person who can come back with integrity?

So when Li Menglong wanted to take the elevator with them, Xu Xian clearly chose to refuse. Although it was unlikely, what if the girls were guarding them at the door?

Once this happens, the three of them can probably go outside to find a room together. It's better to be more cautious.

Yoona was also nodding in agreement. Indeed, she did not intend to take any risks in this matter. After all, she had already received benefits. It was good that she did not burn bridges now.

What else could Li Menglong say? He could only stand on the side of the elevator and watch the two of them go up first to explore the way, while he climbed up bit by bit through the stairs.

Fortunately, the most extreme result did not occur. Li Menglong gasped and stood in front of the door, listening to the movement inside through the reserved gap.

An Jing was certain. After all, if two girls could hold the door open for him, it meant that the girls were not on the first floor, and it was obviously not that easy for the voices from the second floor to reach the first floor.

Li Menglong walked in cautiously as if he were a thief, but soon he would face the first difficulty. How to close the door?

Although he could try to reduce the sound as much as possible, there was still a sound, and it was a relatively loud one.

Fortunately, Xu Xian thought of this for him. A burst of accompaniment suddenly sounded in the originally quiet room, and the sound was so loud that it was comparable to disturbing the residents.

Although he didn't know what happened above, Li Menglong didn't stop moving. He closed the door almost instantly, and then ran all the way back to his room.

Although it was only a few steps away, Li Menglong's legs felt a little weak at the moment. He slowly sat down against the door and listened to the sounds outside.

The music didn't last long, less than half a minute. It wasn't that Xu Xian didn't want to buy time for Li Menglong, but the girls had already come to stop it.

"What's going on, Xiaoxian? You suddenly played such loud music. Do you want to go to the nightclub together while Li Menglong is away?"

If Xu Xian dared to nod, the girls might go directly to change clothes, so in order to avoid such an exciting result, she could only choose to turn off the music.

"I just want to tell Ernies that I'm back. Isn't this a good idea?" Xu Xian explained according to the excuse he had thought up from the beginning.

After hearing Xu Xian's explanation, the girls didn't have any extreme reactions, but they still instinctively wanted to tease Xu Xian: "You little girl, don't you have some conspiracy?"

Lee Soon Kyu really just said it casually, and she may not even realize what she said.

However, Xu Xian's reaction was a little too extreme. Although she was trying her best to restrain herself, she still acted a little nervous.

Most of the other girls came over and joked: "What kind of conspiracy can the maknae have? Could it be that he had already planned to go downstairs to buy things before?"

"Then according to what you say, maybe this little girl will already be in action when she comes back!"

"Xiaoxian, why are you looking so pale..."

After the conversation ended here, the girls also realized something. Although they dare not say that they guessed the complete outcome of the incident, if nothing unexpected happened, Li Menglong should be related to this little girl.

As for the content of this connection, the girls have not yet reached a conclusion, but it does not affect them from going around the first floor.

Before going down, in order to prevent the most serious situation from happening, they also took out the guys at the bottom of the box.

It is said that as female celebrities, it is not normal for them to have some self-defense props, such as swing sticks, electric shock batons, anti-wolf sprays, etc., and they are all of increased power.

Although the girls have not successfully used it yet, it may be opened today, and it may expire if it is not used again.

From this aspect, Li Menglong can be regarded as doing a good thing, of course, this is for girls.

Xu Xian was very anxious following these women. She really wanted to do something, but the electric shock stick on her waist behind her always reminded her not to act rashly!

Originally, Xu Xian thought that the scenes of being held up by guns in TV dramas were fake. How could he be so obedient? If you just duck out of the way, you will be out of the opponent's control.

But now she understood that Xu Xian was helpless with such a small electric shock stick, not to mention a real gun.

She could only hope that Li Menglong would be more enlightened after a while, otherwise if all these props were used, Li Menglong would have to shed his skin even if he died.

The girls imitated the appearance of the special forces in the TV series and walked over quietly on tiptoes. The first destination was Li Menglong's room. After all, the suspicion was highest here.

As the big brother, Kim Taeyeon knelt on one knee on the floor, and Pani turned on the light of her mobile phone very sensibly. It looked like what was going on.

Kim Taeyeon was also very ceremonial and did not speak. Instead, she used complex gestures to communicate with the women and assign tasks to them.

As for whether the girls can understand it, that is not her responsibility. Kim Taeyeon is responsible for it. Anyway, her plan is perfect. If something goes wrong, it must be because the subordinates below are incompetent.

Finally, she nodded to everyone, and Kim Taeyeon gave her a slap in the face. She was about to start counting down!

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