The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2428 Nowhere to stay

In a state of agitation, Kim Taeyeon made an irrational decision. She directly raised her thirty-eight-size feet and kicked the door of the practice room.

This action is really asking for trouble. Even if it is an ordinary door, Kim Taeyeon's strength is not enough to kick it open, let alone the specially thickened style in the practice room.

Kim Taeyeon took several steps back until she hit the wall and finally stopped.

But this was just the beginning. First, the coffee in her hand was poured directly over her head. Who knows how she raised the coffee to this angle.

Then, before she could wipe it off, the pain on her toes slowly emerged. The pain was really unbearable, and tears flowed out almost immediately.

However, Kim Taeyeon's actions were not completely ineffective. At least the girls in the room heard the sound.

Xu Xian, who just came out to check the situation, saw the embarrassing scene of Kim Taeyeon, sitting there leaning against the wall and covering her toes, with coffee and tears falling continuously on her face, and of course Kim Taeyeon's sobbing.

In fact, Kim Taeyeon didn't want to cry at all. Wouldn't that make these women proud? But at this moment, they were all physically uncontrollable impulses, and she couldn't control them.

Xu Xian didn't think so much. While calling the girls in the room, he stepped forward to check on Kim Taeyeon: "What's wrong with you, Unnie? What can I do for you?"

He did not go directly to help Kim Taeyeon up. This was entirely out of Xu Xian's caution. In many cases, it is not suitable to move the patient, and it is easy to cause secondary injuries.

But in Kim Taeyeon's eyes, it was clear that Seohyun disliked her. Speaking of which, all Seohyun's previous actions also appeared in her mind, and this little girl also rebelled!

That's it for other girls. Kim Taeyeon also knows that they are not good people, but Seohyun shouldn't be. She is the last kind girl in her generation!

It would be fine if Xu Xian just said nothing. Kim Taeyeon had clearly had one-on-one conversations with her before, but this little girl didn't give her any hints.

But now that she was like this, she didn't even come to help her up. She had to ask those women to see her in such a miserable state. Xu Xian was going crazy!

The girls didn't have so many thoughts. Kim Taeyeon looked a little scary at the moment, and everyone was afraid that something had happened to her.

Fortunately, after returning to the practice room to tidy up briefly, their captain came back, but his expression was slightly hostile. What did he want to do?

Because of the exchange of information, the girls also knew what happened downstairs, and they were also afraid that Li Menglong would sell them out.

But this time everyone still had a bottom line, but the result didn't seem to develop as they expected.

Kim Taeyeon shouldn't be confused, why now she seems to have identified them as the culprits, they just cooperated a little, Li Menglong is the real bastard!

Of course, the girls didn't feel any burden about betraying Li Menglong, but they still had to grasp the specific time.

It was not appropriate to tell the truth at this moment. Besides, they also wanted to explore Kim Taeyeon's tone. What if this woman was deceiving them?

"Taeyeon, why are you kicking the door? Isn't it because Li Menglong is angry with you again? We are going down to seek revenge on him for you!"

"Well said, you are our captain. It seems that he is bullying you alone, but we all feel the same way!"

"Taeyeon, just tell me if you have any grievances. I will definitely be on your side!"

The girls are really loyal enough at the moment, at least in terms of words, but don't you think it's a little late?

At least Kim Taeyeon doesn't have the slightest feeling about this kind of hindsight behavior. It's all leftover from her playing.

Besides, if apologies are useful, what are the fists used for? What's more, these women haven't given up yet, and they don't even apologize at this moment.

"After I went down, have you been here all the time?" Kim Taeyeon asked with deep meaning.

She had asked this question before, but their answers at that time were not so satisfactory. Have you figured out how to answer it now?

It was obvious that the girls were also very confused. What Kim Taeyeon said was very mysterious, and the girls couldn't figure out how much she knew.

This is very difficult to handle. If you confess directly, you won't be willing to do it; but if you continue to carry it, what if Kim Taeyeon is fishing?

In fact, the authorities were confused. The girls' hesitation was enough to explain many problems, and it even went so far as to admit part of the truth.

As a bystander, Xu Xian could see this clearly. In fact, she did not agree to participate from the beginning, but who let the girls force her.

When Kim Taeyeon talked to her alone before, Seohyun wanted to confess again, but was interrupted by the girls.

At this moment, when he thought of Kim Taeyeon's embarrassed look before, Xu Xian really didn't want to endure it anymore, and immediately knelt down on the ground and confessed to Kim Taeyeon.

Although she guessed part of the truth, when she heard the complete story, Kim Taeyeon was still angry.

Especially since there were so many people involved in the whole thing, she was really embarrassed and had to be thrown into her grandma's house!

But Kim Taeyeon doesn't intend to vent her anger on so many people. After all, in her opinion, the real core is only a few people, such as the group of women in front of her!

Kim Taeyeon was quite pleased with Xu Xian's first confession. Although this girl did make mistakes before, it was still good to apologize after all.

However, as the saying goes, if you can escape the death penalty, you will never escape. Xu Xian still has to pay the due price for his irrational behavior.

So Xu Xian quickly went to face the wall, kneeling against the wall and raising his hands in a gesture of surrender. This is a more common corporal punishment posture.

It doesn’t seem very tiring, but try it for half an hour? Knee pain and sore arms are normal.

And if Kim Taeyeon is still not satisfied, she can also add some small changes, such as asking these women to do squats or something.

Although corporal punishment is no longer advocated, it has to be said that its existence itself still has a certain degree of rationality. If some people don't use some means, they really don't have a long memory!

With her hands folded in front of her chest, Kim Taeyeon looked at Xu Xian who was punished voluntarily with satisfaction. This is a good maknae, and she should be praised.

Opposite Xu Xian is the group of women on the opposite side. Can't each of them be more self-conscious? Even Xu Xian, who was the least guilty, did this. What are they waiting for?

It's not that the girls are unaware, but Xu Xian, as the youngest, is almost used to it, and there is no so-called face problem in front of them.

But this group of people is not good. They are sorted by age, and their self-esteem is directly proportional!

Yoona may be doing better, but if you want people like Jung Soo-yeon and Lee Soon-gyu to "face the wall", it obviously requires some external help.

At this moment, Kim Taeyeon is the best helper. She really doesn't mind teaching these women a lesson, but she still wants to save face? Who should she look for in favor of Kim Taeyeon?

Faced with Kim Taeyeon's aggressiveness, the girls are not convinced. Don't bully them all the time. They are obviously just accomplices, looking for trouble with the mastermind behind the scenes.

Didn't Xu Xian also mention Li Menglong's name just now? If Kim Taeyeon doesn't dare, they can also help or lend a hand.

Anyway, betraying Li Menglong is not a problem, they feel very at ease.

But the premise of all this is that it must be profitable. For example, after doing this, it will be considered that they have made a major meritorious service and they will be exempted from punishment, which is very good.

It's just that such a good thing really won't happen to them. What they can think of, wouldn't Kim Taeyeon think of it?

It is really wishful thinking to rely on these small favors to get away from sin. If you have this time, you might as well learn from Xu Xian, maybe you can spend less time on your knees!

Faced with Kim Taeyeon's strong pressure, the girls finally split. A few people headed by Yoona and Pani went directly to accompany Seohyun.

As for the remaining people, they are actually Jung Soo-yeon and Lee Soon-gyu. They really can't stand this look, it's too embarrassing.

So even if I secretly apologize to Kim Taeyeon later, I am not willing to be with the girls on such an occasion.

If they were to confront her directly, they wouldn't have the confidence. After all, they had offended Kim Taeyeon too hard before, and they were afraid that the other party would do something that would make both relatives and enemies happy.

So the two finally chose a soft confrontation. Can't they afford to hide if they can't afford to offend?

Under Kim Taeyeon's dumbfounded gaze, the two of them ran away magnificently, causing the girls behind them to secretly murmur that they should be taken with them if they have such a good means!

But this is all a helpless move. Not to mention how long they can hide outside, as long as they return to the dormitory, won't Kim Taeyeon still be able to catch them?

So it's just a delay at this moment. Both of them are very aware of this. Anyway, it can only be delayed for a while.

As for where to go now, of course, he is going to ask Li Menglong to punish him. This guy has screwed me up so badly, so he has to show off, right?

But unlike the miserable atmosphere upstairs, everything is still business as usual here on the second floor. Everyone is working very hard, but is it a little too hard?

There were no less than ten people queuing up for Li Menglong alone. When did Li Menglong become so arrogant? Is he so busy at work?

In other words, the two of them have not been exposed to Li Menglong's work in recent times. If it were Xu Xian or Pani who came here, they would really expose him in seconds.

In fact, Li Menglong was naturally not that busy, but in order to prevent some people from coming to trouble him, he specially arranged this scene.

Although it was a disguised reduction in work efficiency, at least he could still work. Otherwise, once the girls came to pull him out, he would have to get off work first.

As for why doing this can save him from trouble, of course it's because the girls are sensible!

They rarely disturb him at work, let alone when there are so many people watching here.

So even if Kim Taeyeon, who is full of resentment, comes down, she will probably die out, let alone Jessica Jung and Lee Soon Kyu at this moment.

"Would you like to take a gamble? I'm 80% sure that Li Menglong is just pretending now!" Li Shunkyu encouraged here. As for how sure she is, only she knows.

Similarly, only she knew how much Jessica believed in this statement, but the result was that Jessica was not fooled.

So the two of them could only stand there helplessly for a while. Facing the staff's invitation, they refused to go in. After all, they would have nothing to do if they went there.

After being exhausted on the third and second floors, it seems that the only place the two of them can go is the first floor, but there are probably many fans there.

Although they are not annoying to the fans, they really are not in the mood to smile and chat with everyone at the moment. They just want to find a place to relax.

In fact, the basement is not inaccessible, but after all, you have to pass by the first floor, so the two of them chose the rooftop, where they can also sit.

Although the floor height of SW is limited and there is basically no decent night view, the two of them are very satisfied to have an independent space at this moment.

"Do you think Lee Mong-ryong and Kim Taeyeon teamed up to entertain us?" Lee Soon-kyu asked unwillingly after a moment of silence.

This is not just her wild imagination. After the matter has settled, it is not that difficult to deduce the truth of the matter.

Based on the principle that whoever benefits is the murderer and whoever is unlucky is the victim, Lee Soon Kyu also came up with his own reasoning.

In her opinion, the most unlucky people at the moment are undoubtedly the two of them. It seems difficult to return home, and they don't even know where they will settle down next.

Since they have become the most unlucky existences, it is logical to conclude that they are the ultimate targets.

As for why Lee Meng Yong and Kim Taeyeon teamed up, this is just a label first, and we can analyze the details later.

Jessica didn't give any advice on this fallacy. She just asked calmly: "If it is true, what can you do?"

"I..." Li Shunkyu hesitated here for a long time but couldn't come up with a reason. After all, the facts were here, and she really had no means of revenge.

So at this moment she should be glad that things were not as she thought, otherwise she would not even be able to find a place to cry.

He felt more and more pitiful, and Lee Soon Kyu felt very lonely. Fortunately, Jung Soo Yeon was with him, so the two of them had to hug each other for warmth!

"Ah, you pervert, where are you going..."

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