The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2426 Temporary Plan

"I'm telling you, that famous actress really has a boyfriend, and he's many years older than her!" Pani said in a soothing tone.

Maybe she knew what everyone wanted to ask, so she immediately explained: "Don't ask me her name, I won't tell you!"

When Li Menglong heard this sentence, he wanted to curse. What kind of gossip are you talking about if you can't say his name? Is it interesting that you said it here so seriously?

In fact, there are quite a few people who find it interesting. Although Pani did not say who it is, everyone around can guess.

And Pani didn't react at all. She looked at everyone with very smart eyes, constantly encouraging everyone's guesses.

It's really hard to explain things like eyes. Let's just say that the girls have had a tacit understanding for so many years, and there are many times when the information they receive is wrong, let alone this group of people.

Therefore, there were quite a few people who thought they were recognized by Pani, and then everyone started to communicate privately. In short, the scene was very lively for a while.

And Pani could naturally retire with success. He happened to see Li Menglong behind him and immediately ran over: "Hurry up and come up with me, they are all looking for you!"

"Why are you looking for me? Are you here to gossip? I don't have so much leisure time!" Li Menglong replied rudely.

It's just that he thinks too highly of himself. Why should he participate in the girls' gossip? He might have heard all the information from the girls.

But asking Pani to explain it to him seemed a little difficult, mainly because the real reason couldn't be told.

Once he tells the truth directly, can Li Menglong still go up to her? That's just a dream!

And if Li Menglong doesn't go up, where will the girls vent their anger? No matter how you look at her, Huang Meiying is a good choice.

So at this moment, Pani wanted to fool Li Menglong even for his own sake: "It's just that everyone misses you a little!"

After saying this, Pani blushed a little. If someone used this excuse to fool her, Pani would definitely think that the other person was deliberately insulting her IQ!

Fortunately, Li Menglong is relatively generous in this regard. He has been "insulted" by girls too many times, so he already has antibodies.

"Just tell me, let me hear what those women want to do, otherwise I will go to work!" Li Menglong couldn't bear to bully this shy girl, so he said directly.

Seeing that there was no room for mediation, Pani could only tell the story honestly, even including her personal conjecture.

"So they asked me to come up just to start a fight?"

"Otherwise? Are you really asked to come up to discuss gossip?" Pani made a rare complaint. In her opinion, the situation couldn't get any worse. What else did she have to fear?

But when Pani almost gave up, Li Menglong gave her a big surprise: "It's not impossible for me to go up, but you have to listen to my arrangements!"

"Are you really going up?" Pani opened his eyes wide and grabbed Li Menglong's sleeve, fearing that he would regret it.

At the same time, he was also thinking about Li Menglong's purpose for doing this. If it were another man, Pani would probably think that the other man was chasing him.

Just putting it on Li Menglong, this point can be eliminated first. Their charm will have side effects on Li Menglong, how can they still make him mess up.

It seems that Li Menglong still wants to target the girls, and even needs Huang Meiying's help. Will she agree?

After struggling for a few seconds, Pani made a conscientious choice. It seemed that occasionally targeting these women was not an unacceptable thing.

After thinking about this, Pani immediately stretched out his palm, and Li Menglong also patted it, which was regarded as a high-five between the two.

Although the possibility of betraying each other in the future is not ruled out, at least at this moment the two of them are still comrades on the same front, so they must communicate with each other.

It just so happened that Li Menglong's plans here were all improvised, and he really needed Pani's help.

As the two of them muttered in the corner and laughed sinisterly from time to time, the villain's aura was unmistakable.

However, there must be a specific distinction between them. Even if Pani is playing a bad guy, his face is the kind that can be saved.

The really bad one is Li Menglong. In the eyes of everyone around him, it is clearly Li Menglong who brought Pani into trouble.

It's just that they don't dare to rescue Pani from Li Menglong's hands. This is what worries everyone the most. They are cowards!

Fortunately, Li Menglong did not stimulate them for too long, and even actively invited them to participate in this plan.

Ten minutes later, it was not just Li Menglong and Pani who laughed treacherously. Everyone on the second floor was laughing horribly.

That is to say, there are no children on the second floor, otherwise it would scare two of them into tears every minute. This kind of laughter would be enough in a horror movie.

When Li Menglong first came up with this idea, he just had a flash of inspiration.

When Pani came on board as a consultant, she filled in many possible gaps from the girls' perspective.

When the group of people on the second floor joined in as extras, the whole plan began to move towards a big one, and it was quite formal.

It is an eternal truth that things get easier when there are more people. The girls have proven this through their own experiences countless times.

This is even more true now. We are all colleagues in the company, and we naturally have the talent for organizing and joint actions.

Therefore, without Li Menglong's orders, everyone spontaneously gathered into groups and made preparations to the best of their ability according to the previous plan.

In less than half an hour, the preparations for the entire plan were completed, and Li Menglong couldn't help but feel a little excited.

But after having this emotion, he laughed at himself again, how virtuous and capable the girls were, allowing him to create such a big scene.

The key is that if the girls find out about this plan in advance, the scene will probably be quite embarrassing, but it shouldn't be so, right?

Not to mention the meticulous preparations made by so many people, the IQ of the girls alone seems not enough to see through it.

Especially since each of them has just eaten, maybe sleepiness has taken over the high ground. In that case, what are they waiting for?

With everyone's expectations, Pani took a deep breath, and then strode upstairs!

It's not that these people are determined to trick Pani, but among all the people, the girls are the least wary of Pani, which even Li Menglong can't do.

Standing at the door of the practice room, Pani looked around and could faintly detect a few cameras, but this was the result of her deliberate observation.

This degree of concealment is generally enough. Next, we will watch Huang Meiying's performance. I believe these women will have an unforgettable time.

There was a knock on the door, and even through the thick door, Pani could hear the sound of running inside. It is estimated that these women were making temporary preparations.

Sure enough, after pushing the door open, the girls were in a very dangerous position. There was one hidden behind the door. Did they want to stab Li Menglong in the back?

However, when they saw that the person coming was Pani, the girls immediately felt disgusted. They were not working so hard just to show Pani.

Besides, these methods can only be used on Li Menglong. Although they can reluctantly vent their anger on Pani, the girls are obviously not so heartbroken.

"Ah, I asked you to call Li Menglong up. Why did you come back by yourself?" Kim Taeyeon threw the cushion in her hand on the ground, and her whole body immediately lost her vitality.

The rest of the girls were similar. They were able to hold back their sleepiness just for this moment. But this was how Pani repaid them?

"I can't help it, he is very vigilant!" Pani defended here according to the established lines: "He also said that my words are not effective, and I have to have someone with reliable words go down!"

Faced with Pani's excuse, the girls had no doubts at all.

After all, Li Menglong's request was very normal, and the promise given by Pani was indeed not binding, especially for them.

In other words, this is the result of the normal development of things. If Li Menglong followed Pani obediently, the girls would still be suspicious.

It's just that it's hard to say these words directly, otherwise it won't boost others' ambitions and destroy your own prestige.

"Then this can't be an excuse for you to get away with it. After all, you haven't accomplished anything on this trip? Then what's the use of us raising you?"

Kim Taeyeon was lying on the floor with her legs crossed, looking like an unscrupulous landowner, and Pani was undoubtedly the little maid she was teasing.

Pani did have a similar temperament. He stood there with his head bowed, looking like I was wronged but I just wouldn't say it.

Although this temperament makes people feel loved, it is also very easy for people to want to continue bullying. In short, it is very contradictory.

But if anyone could see the look in Pani's eyes at this moment, they probably wouldn't think so. There was no trace of grievance in it, it was all excitement!

Speaking of which, the plan actually went a little wrong here, but it was still within the acceptable range of Pani. The next step was the most important step, she had to adjust her expression!

"If I can't do it, then you should send someone to do it. Why are you trying to show off your prestige here!" Pani sobbed aggrievedly with tears in his eyes. He was really pitiful.

Even the girls on the side couldn't stand it, and they all sided with Pani: "Kim Taeyeon, don't you want to be the captain anymore?"

"I made you the captain for our benefit, so you're going to dominate your own team members, right?"

"Would you like to teach us a lesson too?"

Faced with the accusations from the girls, Kim Taeyeon just pinched her nose. She could understand that the girls were not targeting her at this moment, but just to relieve Pani.

But she still feels a little unhappy. If that's the case, let's show these people what it means to be a captain. Was she the captain who was given charity by these women?

"You all wait here for me. I will bring Li Menglong up to you in a minute!" Kim Taeyeon snorted and walked away stubbornly with her hands behind her back.

From the moment Kim Taeyeon said these words, Pani never took his eyes away from her. Seeing her walking away, Pani immediately turned around and gathered the girls together.

Looking at Pani's sudden change of expression, the girls were still a little bit scared. Wasn't this woman driven crazy by Kim Taeyeon?

Fortunately, instead of going crazy, Pani came up with a rather brain-burning plan. The girls were confused. This plan sounded interesting, but should they participate?

But Pani is very confident about this, she is also one of these women!

If we were to choose one unlucky person from this group of people, it would indeed be extremely difficult.

It's just that the most difficult step is over at this moment, and all that's left is enjoyment. Why not join in?

While Pani was brainwashing the girls upstairs, everyone here on the second floor also received the signal. When they learned that the person coming was Kim Taeyeon, everyone became even more enthusiastic.

Although the girls are all very popular and have been recognized by everyone in the company, their personalities are still different after all.

For example, if Jung Soo-yeon came down at this moment, there would probably be people who would withdraw from the plan immediately, but if it were Kim Taeyeon, she wouldn't have to worry about this. In fact, it would be more suitable if YoonA comes!

But this is not something they can choose. It is perfect to have a girl "take the initiative" to cooperate with them. They really can't ask for more.

Kim Taeyeon didn't feel anything about the abnormalities on the second floor. First of all, she was not very familiar with the specific working conditions on the second floor, and secondly, she was not a director.

So after just a cursory glance, she immediately set her sights on Li Menglong. She, Kim Taeyeon, wanted to make a quick decision and couldn't give him any chance to defend himself.

In order to achieve this goal, Kim Taeyeon did not choose to barge in directly. Instead, she hid at the door and secretly observed the situation inside.

Kim Taeyeon's move was completely to give everyone inside more room to perform, so the office gradually became lively.

As if there was an invisible big hand controlling everything, the entire second floor was experiencing constant accidents in just a few minutes.

From the initial printer failure, to the subsequent computer crash, and in the end, I don’t know the specific reason, but Li Menglong unexpectedly slapped the table and got angry.

It is said that Li Menglong has always been quite indulgent to them, and the girls are very grateful for this, so don't talk about this kind of scene, even he rarely says harsh words.

So Kim Taeyeon got cold feet. At times like this, wouldn't it just add trouble? It's really not that she's unfaithful, it's that she didn't have anything to say when she got close to him.

So Kim Taeyeon secretly retracted her head and planned to go up and call Xiaoxian down. After all, this little girl has a familiar head.

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