The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 240 National first love

(Thanks to "Divers liu" for the reward, four more! I guess many people have been thinking about this chapter a month ago, I didn't procrastinate on purpose, everyone forgive me!

At the same time, Sigeng asks for favorites, subscriptions, rewards, and recommendations. I hope everyone can move to the original version, thank you! )

Before the three of them got home and waited for Taeyeon to speak, they threw a fried chicken over and sent her away. It is good that many people live together, and they can always have something to eat.

"Have you guys gone to a fried chicken restaurant? Oh, President Lee's company, right?" Kim Taeyeon asked while picking out her favorite parts.

"Why do you all know about this company?" Li Menglong was still adding things to the refrigerator, and couldn't help poking his head out to ask. Although he didn't need to hide this matter from his heart, it seemed that he didn't need to make it public.

"What do you think?" Because she didn't wear glasses, Taeyeon rummaged for a long time but couldn't find the chicken wings. She could only take a chicken drumstick, which felt greasy just after taking a bite.

"During that time, she came to harass us every day when she was doing renovations, and we were still playing songs at that time!" Looking at the yellow orange drumstick, Kim Taeyeon was very unscrupulous and put it back again. down.

"How about it, do you want to sign a contract?"

"Sign me up? I'm Kim Taeyeon, look at me! Didn't you admit the wrong person?" Kim Taeyeon pointed at herself as if she had suffered some great grievance.

"What's wrong with you, Kim Taeyeon? Our temple is too small to accommodate you? Think we don't want you!" Lee Soon Kyu, who changed her clothes, quit immediately. Now she is excited, and has the feeling of having a big fight impulse.

"If you beg me to go, I won't go! I'm so hot, if I go, it's just a waste of money for you!"

"Don't say that, if you want to make money for nothing, you are looking for Xiaoxian." After speaking, he found out what seemed to be the popsicle left over from last time, broke off half of it and handed it to Xiaoxian: "I will terminate the contract with s*m in the future." Remember to come to us, Actor Xu!"

"Don't be kidding, I don't know if I can be an actor in the future!" Xu Xian obviously thought about what happened today, and Li Menglong wanted to slap himself.

They gave Kim Taeyeon a color, and they surrounded them together under a pile of health balls. As for the comfort method, of course it is physical comfort.

After washing some fruits, it was actually getting late, but who let the girls have nothing to do these days, half of them went back to their respective homes.

As for why Kim Taeyeon didn’t go home, here is another story about a sad listener who shed tears. The general idea of ​​the story is that Kim Taeyeon couldn’t go back to Jeonju because of some scattered work, and Kim’s mother had to take care of Kim Hayeon who was at the end of the semester. Can't come to Seoul.

"It's been half a year since I left! You don't miss me either?"

Regarding Kim Taeyeon's question, Kim's mother answered it from various angles: "Don't worry, you guys are going to come back to record a show or something! If it doesn't work, I'll go to Japan to see you!"

Naturally, Taeyeon wouldn't say such a shameful thing, so when Pani went to see her father and sister, Taeyeon still lived here because she didn't want to go home.

Xu Xian is because he has been busy with film work. It is actually a big burden for Xu's mother to go out early and return late like this. After all, Xu's mother is a strong woman who works very hard, and she has to cook breakfast for Xu Xian every day. It was tiring waiting for her to come back at night.

So Xu Xian, a filial girl, also lived here. As for Lee Soon Kyu, she would not let her go home now, it's annoying to watch too much!

Tomorrow's publicity is still in the afternoon, so after a long time, several people snuggle up again in various comfortable positions, playing with mobile phones, watching TV, or reading books, chatting a few words from time to time besides eating snacks.

"By the way, how is your mini-album going? There has been no news since you came back!"

"It's okay, I heard it's selling well!" Xu Xian answered, adjusting his glasses.

Spitting out the grape seeds in her mouth, Taeyeon said dissatisfiedly: "What is good? It's selling quite well, a big seller!"

"Those people are not all looking at my face!"

"Mr. Lee is the best, our fans are all thanks to you!" Kim Taeyeon said sourly.

Not to mention the two people who complained to each other over there, Xu Xian's answer is still reliable. After all, the album is not so in tune with the oriental tone, so it is their fans who buy the most albums, so the basic sales are still there, more than a hundred thousand copies. some.

But what is surprising is that the title song twinkle ranks very high in the US charts. Although there are deliberate support from fans, there are still quite a few fans from foreign passers-by.

As a result, the three of them had a magnificent status. So far, they have the highest ranking on the mainstream music charts in the United States. It can be said that this small group has been preserved.

"It's okay to listen to!" Li Menglong said very calmly, he didn't understand these things at first.

But Kim Taeyeon, who was arguing with President Lee there, immediately blew up: "How do you say it? Are you excited? Are you feeling? Are you complimenting?"

"Nai, Taeyeon is awesome!" Li Menglong squeezed his voice and said softly, and the four of them got goosebumps all over at the same time.

"Go to sleep, it's already a little bit, Xiaoxian's skin regeneration time has passed!" Li Menglong coaxed the girls up like a duck, and then he lay on the bed himself, thinking about getting ready again things.

The next day he still got up early for a run, but it was different from running around the neighborhood as usual. Today, Li Menglong followed the navigation instructions and found the nearest newspaper shop. When he casually flipped through the headlines of a newspaper, he finally knew What is the meaning of Li Zhouyong's weird expression yesterday.

He bought a copy of all the newspapers and magazines that could be bought that day, and then ran back impatiently. He wasn't very excited, but he was happy for Xu Xian.

Li Menglong ran back home in a straight line, with a layer of sweat on his body, and looked around for Xiaoxian, obviously he didn't get up early today.

Xu Xian usually wakes up early when he has a good rest and when he is going to school. Obviously, today is not such a situation, but Li Menglong really can't take care of it. He believes that Xu Xian will definitely not want to sleep.

So he stood under the first floor, sucked enough air, and then shouted loudly: "Xu Xian, it's raining, and the clothes are collected!"

Xu Xian was not the only one who yelled loudly for several times in a row. With the redness and swelling unique to the early morning, Xu Xian covered his cheeks with his hands and squinted at Li Menglong in puzzlement, as if wondering if she had misremembered the time. After all, Li Menglong Such a nasty prank was never done to her.

However, it was obvious that the fire at the city gate affected the fish in the pond, and both Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Taeyeon walked down angrily wrapped in their pajamas. They were not as gentle as Xu Xian.

Kim Taeyeon was still holding an alarm clock in her hand, and when she came up, she put it directly on Li Menglong's forehead and put it in front of his eyes: "Look for yourself, what time is it just now? It's time for you to sleep with me!"

"It's good to convert mine into money!"

Although the three of them were muttering to each other, and although Li Menglong still didn't say anything specific, the three of them still sat down on the chairs in the kitchen slowly and calmly.

Giving each of the three a glass of milk made them a little more sober, and then he threw a newspaper to Kim Taeyeon with a look of expectation: "Read it!"

"Dong-A Ilbo! The president of our country went to..."

"Turn to the entertainment page, please!" Li Menglong said speechlessly, covering his head.

"Say it earlier, who knows what you're going to do, you're so surprised!" Kim Taeyeon replied first, spit on her fingers twice, and then turned to the entertainment page.

After that, the whole person froze there, then looked at the maknae next to him, held up the newspaper again, and corresponded back and forth with Xu Xian. Li Shungui couldn't see that the newspaper was very itchy, so he reached out and snatched it.

But then her actions were surprisingly consistent with Kim Taeyeon's, she kept looking at Xu Xian and the newspaper. Li Menglong looked at these two scammers and knew that he could not count on them, so he still wanted to do it himself.

"Chosun Ilbo! Have you read it? The most authoritative newspaper has a special page in the entertainment section today. The title is!" Li Menglong shook the newspaper, then looked at the curious Xu Xian, and said with a smile: Xu Xian Xian played the shadow of the first love in every man's mind, to the nation's first love - Xu Xian. "

Open the newspaper and spread it on the table, a full page of newspaper: on one side is a still of Xu Xian's own pure white dress, turning his back and smiling. On the other side are the various praises of Xu Xian by the experts of this newspaper:

I am the editor-in-chief of the entertainment section. Because this large-scale report mixed the opinions of many people, I needed someone to come out and write an outline, so I was dragged out. The writing is not good, everyone forgive me.

The name Seohyun is still a bit unfamiliar to me. Although I have listened to countless Girls’ Generation songs, it seems that the first time I saw this child is now. Please forgive me for being so late in discovering this gem. There must be many people who are much luckier than me, because you knew Xu Xian early enough.

I am not an expert in songs, and it has nothing to do with this topic, but I still want to say one more thing: the theme song of the movie "Meeting You in a Sea of ​​Crowds" really fits the movie too well, whether it is classic level or lyrics The artistic conception and even sunny singing are so perfect.

Please forgive me for expressing again that this is also the first time I know Sunny, I will definitely get to know everyone in Girls’ Generation carefully one by one in a while.

There will be a lot to say about this movie below, so I won’t show my ugliness any more. I’ll just talk about why there is this page today. In fact, many manuscripts were written yesterday.

However, when I was choosing how to post, many colleagues obviously encountered the same trouble as me, and the layout was not enough! Can't praise the movie and Seo Hyun at the same time. So after we communicated, we unanimously decided to postpone all reports of Seo Hyun for one day. I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience caused to Seo Hyun!

There must be many people who praise Xu Xian today, but I hope I am not the most flattering one, although I think it is not too much to praise this little girl in 1991.

As my title says, all men who have a first love can find the shadow of his first love in Seo Hyun! This is my greatest compliment to Seo Hyun.

First love is the feeling of drinking the first yogurt! An immature love affair at the beginning of love! First love is sour, astringent, bitter, sweet, beautiful, astringent in sour, sweet in bitterness!

And Xu Xian is this bowl of yogurt.

Seohyun in the movie appeared in countless occasions where our first love was: on the bus, in the classroom, on the way home...

Similarly, her innocence, her youthfulness, and her beauty are all so perfect.

Some people say that Xu Xian is playing herself in this movie, which is not even considered acting. I agree with the first half of this statement, but I don't agree with the second half. I prefer this to be a perfect acting skill.

Although it is very likely that Xu Xian will not be able to break through this role even if he plays countless roles again for many years in the future, but so what, first love is never perfect, isn't it?

At least I once saw my first love again at the age of forty, thank you Xu Xian, for leading me back to the era of youthful and reckless flying.

To the nation's first love - Xu Xian!

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