The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2384 Double Standards

It seems that being cheated has become Yoona's daily routine, especially being cheated by this group of women. You must know that fans can't bear to treat her like this, and only this group of people can be cruel.

Yoona even thought that this was out of jealousy. After all, same-sex people repel each other. Besides, she was so beautiful, so it seemed okay for her to be targeted?

This is how it is played in many TV dramas. Often the most beautiful children will be collectively isolated by the "ugly women".

The more adolescent children are, the more this is true. But these people in front of them should be far away from adolescence. Why do they still have these bad habits?

But this is because everyone on the opposite side doesn’t know what Yoona is thinking, otherwise they would definitely communicate with her. Why do they have to be jealous of her, Lin Yoona?

In other words, what does she, Lin Yoona, have that they don’t have?

Even if Yoona is indeed chosen by the company as the face of the team, and is officially recognized as Girls' Generation's most beautiful girl, there is still room for discussion.

Putting aside the fact that the other girls are not uglier than Yoona, haven’t the fans ever thought that appearance itself is a problem?

That is, at least in the beginning, apart from being good-looking, Yoona didn't have any other advantages. If the girls hadn't given up to her, Yoona might not have been able to debut.

The girls didn't share the same idea with Yoona, and the two sides just confused each other and numbed themselves. Anyway, so far, both sides are very satisfied.

However, Yoona really has no excuse at this moment, and she even personally thinks that she is the most suitable candidate.

It’s not that I look down on these people, but in terms of talent in lying and pranks, Yoona really beats them all.

Although this was not considered an advantage, Yoona still raised her head proudly. This was what they asked her to help. Why should she be embarrassed?

In other words, the reason why Yoona is like this is that none of the people present have anything to do with it. They are all responsible for Yoona.

However, this kind of thing can be discussed later. The most important thing at the moment is to successfully deceive Li Menglong back: "Do you have a good explanation? Do you want the Ernies to help you think about it?"

Facing Lee Soon Kyu's inquiry, Yoona just snatched the phone from her hand, then ignored the women and directly dialed Lee Mong Ryong's number.

The scene immediately became much quieter as the phone call started to sound. Everyone was waiting for Yoona's wonderful performance.

On Li Menglong's side, colleagues who are still working overtime are also waiting for a possibility, but Kim Taeyeon and Pani seem to be planning to betray their trust?

It was almost eleven o'clock, but no news came down. If they hadn't known that the two of them were watching a movie above, they would have thought that something unexpected happened to them.

However, when everyone was being cautious and lazy, they naturally discovered the excitement on the Internet, but they even watched the excitement secretly, which makes them feel pitiful when they think about it.

Just when everyone was feeling sorry for themselves, Li Menglong's cell phone rang. For a moment, the entire office's eyes were focused on this place, and everyone was speculating on the possible candidate.

"It can't be Taeyeon, right? Tell Li Menglong that they are going home first?"

"Bah, don't speak if you can't speak. Taeyeon is not such an unloyal person!"

"Could it be Xu Xian? He came here specially to rescue us?"

"If you want to say that, then Yoona is also possible, who is not a little angel!"

Everyone's guesses were all kinds of, but Li Menglong didn't have any desire to reveal the answer. He allowed the phone to vibrate non-stop, but he seemed to have seen nothing.

This is a bit too much. What do you do when you assemble a mobile phone? This behavior of not answering the phone is really disgusting!

Dissatisfaction is only one aspect, but if you expect these people to accuse Li Menglong, it's better not to joke. They all want to live for two more years.

However, it seemed that the person on the other end of the phone was very familiar with Li Menglong's habits. After one call was not answered, he persisted in calling a second and third time!

It wasn't until ten minutes later that Li Menglong glanced at his phone amid everyone's silent calls, but nothing more happened. He still didn't seem to intend to see who the person who was so anxious to find him was.

Now the people in the office began to despair, and it seemed that they could now consider the issue of a place to sleep at night.

There are only so many comfortable places to sleep in the company. If you don't take them first, you will have to stay in the office with Li Menglong during the rest of the night. This will give you nightmares!

And it's not just the colleagues here who are desperate. Yoona in the dormitory also squatted on the ground and subconsciously pulled her hair.

She, Lin Yoona, was ignored by a man. She really never thought that such a thing would happen to her. This is simply unrealistic!

"Don't think too much, maybe he simply didn't see it!"

"You're right, Yoona is so cute, how could anyone refuse to answer your call?"

"I guess he's just busy. If you don't believe me, I'll give him a call. Look, there's still no one picking up!"

The girls are kind-hearted at heart. It is one thing to force Yoona to call and trick Li Menglong back. This does not conflict with Yoona going to comfort her after being hit.

It's just that the girls' words were relatively empty, and it was difficult for Yoona to feel comforted.

And rather than comforting her, Yoona felt it was more like it was deliberately entertaining her. She even suspected that this was a prank aimed at her.

This suspicion reached its peak after Jessica’s call was answered!

The only reason why she didn't jump up immediately at this moment was that she was waiting for the person on the other side of the phone to speak first. She wanted to make sure that the person on the other side of the phone was Li Menglong!

In fact, the one who was most panicked at the moment was Jessica. Li Menglong's behavior of answering her call immediately made it difficult for her.

Although she was very grateful to him for taking a fancy to her, after calling Yoona for more than ten minutes and still not getting through, her behavior at the moment was more like digging a hole for her, and it seemed that there was some unfair transaction between them. Similar.

"What are you doing? Aren't you in a hurry to find me? You didn't say anything after the call was answered. Are you kidding me?"

As Li Menglong's voice came over the phone clearly, Yoona's whole body immediately exploded. This must be intentional, right?

"Ah, Li Menglong, you bastard..."

Even though Li Menglong didn't turn on the external sound, even if Yoona was yelling from a distance, the people in the office still clearly heard Yoona's dirty words.

It stands to reason that Yoona is a goddess-level figure after all, so if she uses dirty words again, she will be easily disliked by others.

But at this moment, everyone wants to applaud Yoona. If she released an album on the spot, everyone in this group would at least buy dozens of copies to support her!

The only reason for doing this is that Yoona did something they wanted to do but didn't dare to do. Instead of scolding people, she was clearly speaking out her heart for everyone. They just hoped that this moment could last longer. .

It's just that their wish was about to come true. It wasn't that Li Menglong stopped Yoona's output, but that Yoona's own vocabulary reserve in this area was seriously insufficient.

After all, she still pays great attention to her image on weekdays. In order to prevent her from suddenly saying something in public, she will not say it in private.

This is undoubtedly a good habit, but at this moment, she was embarrassed: "Why don't you speak? Do you have nothing to say? Are you still ashamed?"

"Uh... Well, I just think your rap is pretty good. Do you want to consider transitioning into rap? This will be a good trend in the next two years, so seize the opportunity!"

What Li Menglong said was very sincere. In fact, he didn't lie. This was indeed a suggestion given by the company, and it had been fed back to him.

Naturally, he is not responsible for company-level operations. He just wants to seek the opinions of the girls, but it seems that the girls are not very interested in this matter.

First of all, their popularity is already enough, so there is no need to venture into new areas. Winning is the icing on the cake at most, but what if there is some negative feedback? Wouldn't that be worth the loss?

Of course, this is one of the excuses. The core reason is that they don't have any rap talent. This has become one of the recognized facts.

In fact, not long after the girls debuted, it has become a trend, or a standard feature, to add a member who is dedicated to rapping in the group and add a rap section to each song.

But the girls have always stuck to themselves, and they have decided not to include rap in their songs. Even if they do, it is only a short paragraph, and everyone can be fooled by one sentence or another.

This is not a girl who wants to be retro, but there is no other way!

Of course, it would be wrong to say that girls can't do rap here, but they are just not that fond of it and are not good at it.

If I had to choose one person in the team, Hyoyeon would undoubtedly be more suitable. After all, rapping is not just about skills, but also includes a person’s aura, style, and personality.

Li Menglong also discussed this matter with Xiaoyuan in private. Generally speaking, Xiaoyuan was not very interested, but he was not that resistant.

After all, Hyoyeon is already an adult, and it is normal to have some thoughts based on reality.

From Hyoyeon's own point of view, it is undoubtedly relatively difficult for her to develop in the team in terms of personal development. Although it is not difficult to say that she is struggling, her personal characteristics are not as conspicuous as others.

This is a fact and there is no need to deny it, so if we talk about transitioning to rap, it can be regarded as a way.

Although I don’t like it that much, in the adult world, there are so many jobs that I like. It’s good to be able to achieve a balance relatively speaking.

As for the other girls, Li Menglong didn't even mention it. It was really not him who treated them differently, and those people were not rap material.

Even if they are really interested, the company might stop them, so it’s not easy for them to accumulate a positive image!

The conversation at this moment also proved how wise Li Menglong's idea was. He did not ask the girls one by one. This really saved his life in disguise.

"Li Menglong! What do you mean? Are you insulting me? Where are you now? I'm going to challenge you. Only one of us can survive tonight!"

"No, I'm just asking you if you want to challenge me to rap. How come I'm insulting you?"

"You still say that, right? Are you in the company? Just wait for me. I'll go over now!"

This sentence was accompanied by a thumping sound. It seemed that the person on the other end directly threw the phone away. This behavior was very violent. I hope the phone belonged to Yoona, otherwise the owner of the phone Will you be very angry? By the way, who was the caller ID just now?

Jessica looked at her mobile phone on the floor in the distance, and she felt like crying without tears. Although based on their relationship, a mobile phone or something was trivial, but it couldn't be done in this way.

Yoona was a little calmer at this moment. She glanced at Jessica first and saw that she could still control herself. Yoona was also relieved.

"I'm going to have a PK with Li Menglong. As my backup team, do you want to come with me?"

Faced with Yoona's question, everyone who was still sharing the same hatred instantly changed their expressions: "Well, wouldn't it be good for us to get involved in the matter between the two of you?"

"We'd better not cause trouble for you, otherwise what will you do if he seizes us as hostages and threatens you?"

The girls looked like they were thinking about Yoona, but the core meaning was very clear, that is, they were determined not to go.

This is really not a deliberate attempt by the girls to trick Yoona. If it was in the dormitory, they would have helped Yoona beat Li Menglong until he was speechless.

But now it also involves the process of driving there to find trouble, which makes them very worried. The time wasted on the road alone is almost an hour.

Their time is still relatively precious, not to mention that it is so late at night and they have to prepare for rest. It is a sin to take up sleep time.

Looking at the group of Ernies in front of them who were all looking away, Yoona's heart was filled with tears. After all, we have been sisters for so many years, so we just watched her pass by alone?

Let's not talk about whether she can win in the end. Driving alone at night is also very dangerous. Aren't they worried about her?

Yoona is being extreme. Their love for Yoona is quite sincere, but everything must follow a process.

After they first made sure that they didn't have to go there, they started to persuade Yoona. There was no rush to challenge Li Menglong to a one-on-one challenge. They could wait until tomorrow.

Yoona did feel a little hesitant when she heard this, but while she was hesitating, she didn't know that there was a group of people eagerly looking forward to her arrival!

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