The girls are a little conflicted at the moment, mainly because they don't know how to make a choice.

If they don't admit that the evening's activities are private, then they have no way to support their fans unless they use their own private money to make up the money.

But they were unwilling to do so. It was obvious that Li Menglong was talking nonsense over there, but in the end they had to pay for it with real money. No matter how much they earned, this was not how they spent the money.

If they just choose to admit it, the result will not be very suitable. Not only will they still have to pay the so-called ticket price, but they will also have to give Li Menglong a large amount. How can they be convinced by this.

"If you are not convinced, do you need me to find some people in the industry to help you ask about the price? This is the share I deserve, okay?"

Li Menglong said it very confidently, because he was not deceiving the girls at the moment, and he didn't even want that much.

Although it seems that he did not play any role in it, after all, the reputation of the girls is here, and it seems that it is okay for them to go out and directly contact the performance.

But this is all theoretical. Let’s not talk about whether girls can do it. Whether they can do it is a question.

This is not a question of ability, but because they have no relevant experience and can easily be deceived. After all, the fees involved are not a small amount.

They only know a rough idea of ​​the price of their commercial performance. As for asking them to negotiate the price themselves, they can't say anything. It is estimated that whatever the other party says is the price.

And the price is just the beginning. They can't be responsible for many details including their clothing, styling and even on-site security, right?

Although they seem to be simple things, when a person can integrate these things and completely solve them, then this person has his most basic value.

And Li Menglong is undoubtedly doing quite well in this regard. He has not lost these eating skills because of the increase in his net worth.

After all, by his own admission, his full-time job is still as an agent for girls. Directing and running a company should all be considered his side jobs.

If these personal factors affect the girls, he himself will not allow it. Therefore, his business ability is still above average, especially in dealing with the relationship with fans.

Of course, what Li Menglong is best at may be getting along with artists. After all, considering his personal relationship with the girls, there probably aren't many collaborators who are closer than them.

As for how much Li Menglong's ability is worth, that is a matter for the wise, and it is particularly affected by the subjective opinions of girls.

However, although there is no specific industry standard, in terms of pure salary, the wages given to girls are indeed quite low. Anyone who sees it will feel this way.

It's just that salary is only one aspect of Li Menglong's salary. Although his salary is a little lower, his welfare benefits are terrifyingly high!

Food and accommodation are the most basic. In terms of accommodation, nine girls live on the second floor. Li Menglong lives alone on the first floor. What kind of treatment is this?

And when it comes to food, he goes too far. He eats whatever the girls eat, let alone what he eats. Most of the time, he can eat as much as the entire team of girls. How much should the food expenses be? ?

In other aspects, the girls did not treat him badly. The clothes in the wardrobe were all bought by the girls. He did not have to spend money at all, but they were all very expensive.

Not to mention driving, the girls' private cars are open to him, and he can drive away at any time if he wants.

Looking at it this way, Li Menglong's food, clothing, housing and transportation are all taken care of by the girls. He has nothing to spend in his life, and the salary given to him is more like pocket money.

The girls thought they did not owe Li Menglong anything, but what they were struggling with now was not this issue, but how much Li Menglong's so-called value was.

Naturally, they wanted to calculate it according to the so-called salary, but they didn't say this themselves, because it was impossible for Li Menglong to admit it.

So they simply included all his benefits, but this was very scary. If you didn't know, Li Menglong's income was a bit off the charts.

After all, girls would not think about such calculations when they have nothing to do, and most of the expenses given to him on weekdays are entangled with the details of life, which is not easy to attract everyone's attention.

But now that he brought it up individually, the girls were all jealous. They didn't think that Li Menglong was not worthy of the treatment, but they also wanted to be an agent. The treatment was really good!

It's a pity that they themselves know that this is unrealistic, and now they can only settle Li Menglong's share here honestly.

After all, they were a little desperate, because after all, Li Menglong wanted less, and they had to take the initiative to make up for him.

After coming to this conclusion, the girls suddenly lost interest. They were all dejected and unwilling to talk to Li Menglong anymore. You must know that they had just performed and were very tired.

As for how to end this matter, the girls also have a very sophisticated plan. This set of methods has helped them solve countless similar situations. To sum it up in one sentence, let Xu Xian go!

Although doing this seems to betray Xu Xian, but Li Menglong loves this little girl. In this case, don't blame the girls for seizing this weakness and attacking.

So far, this trick has rarely failed. Although it has helped them escape a lot of embarrassment, they are also a little jealous. Is Xu Xian so much cuter than them?

Regarding this question, Li Menglong's answer is of course yes. These people should not have such thoughts and bring shame on themselves!

As for Xu Xian herself, she was a little shy at first, but after being "betrayed" many times, she got used to it. Besides, it is also her habit to clean up the messes of girls.

Seeing the girls going to the fans together, Xu Xian could only stay and negotiate with Li Menglong. Fortunately, solving the problem was not as difficult as imagined.

"Okay, you should take a break. I don't really want to ask you for money."

Before Xu Xian could speak, Li Menglong took the initiative and said that if the other girls saw him, they would probably cause trouble for him again. Is this different treatment too unscrupulous?

It was a pity that they were not here, but Xu Xian himself was prepared for this situation. He smiled sweetly at Li Menglong and went over to make him coffee very attentively.

Not being arrogant is what Xu Xian requires of herself, and it is something she reminds herself repeatedly. This is the bottom line. She cannot accept Li Menglong's kindness to her endlessly. There must always be a return.

Although she thinks that compared to what Li Menglong has done for her, what she has done is not good enough, but she must at least show her attitude.

It's obvious that both of them are very satisfied with this state. As for it occasionally irritating the other girls, they can only let them find the reason for themselves.

I rested for a while with Xu Xian in the tent. The two of them didn't actually have much conversation, but they didn't feel awkward. It seemed that they were very relaxed just sitting there.

This unique way of getting along between the two people undoubtedly makes them enjoy it. It would be great if they could stay for a while longer, but it is a pity that there is not enough time.

Besides, Li Menglong didn't dare to let those women stay out for too long, otherwise who knows what they might do. He didn't have Xu Xian's patience.

So he took Xu Xian out. It was not difficult to find this group of people. Just go directly to a crowded place. They are undoubtedly the absolute center of the crowd here.

That is to say, they are all their fans here, otherwise Li Menglong would not be so calm. After all, being surrounded at such a close distance is a potential risk.

Especially when it sounds very lively outside, you can even occasionally hear the voices of girls. Are they not bullying the fans into speechlessness?

If Li Menglong were a fan, he would definitely give these people a good look. Unfortunately, people like him are destined to be rare, at least there are none here.

When I got closer to the front, I saw what the girls were doing. They were actually bargaining, or with the fans. Isn’t this a bit of a price drop?

Li Menglong was not in a hurry to separate the group of people immediately. He also wanted to see what the girls would do next. It would be best if they could be a little embarrassed. This was perfect.

But the possibility is not very high. The girls just took a fancy to the fans' collections displayed there.

It can be said that they are die-hard fans of the girls who have been screened. Almost everyone has some of the bottom-of-the-box stock, and even the girls are very surprised to see many of them.

It's just that if they want it, they have to abide by the rules. Fans are all bartering for things, so it should be very simple for girls to give out something that makes fans excited.

After all, they are the idols of this group of people, and any personal items related to them are valuable to fans.

Fans can look at it this way, but girls can't do this. Some consumer fans are suspicious. Fortunately, they saw Li Menglong on the side.

Naturally, the girls knew all about some of Li Menglong's bad habits, so they started to search Li Menglong without any explanation.

In front of so many fans, Li Menglong couldn't do anything, so the results of the girls' body search were very gratifying.

Holding a set of photos signed by themselves, they couldn't remember when they wrote it to Li Menglong. After all, he could always find an excuse to get them to sign his name.

Fortunately, this time it finally had some positive effects: "We have to exchange all of these, and we have to be quick and slow!"

As the girls shouted, the scene became more lively. Fortunately, everyone was still somewhat sensible and did not swarm over.

But Li Menglong didn't dare to let these people stay here anymore, so why not let their fans go?

Seeing the girls sitting in the nanny car reluctantly waving to the fans, Li Menglong felt inexplicably that he had become a bad guy. If this is the case, then he should be a bad guy to the end.

He closed the car window directly from the front and stepped on the accelerator, cutting off the endless farewells of the girls and fans. However, it actually aroused dissatisfaction from the girls: "What are you doing? Didn't you see that we still have something to say?" Tell me."

"If you have anything else to say, can I listen to it first?"

This is a forced argument. The girls are just expressing their dissatisfaction. Li Menglong should pay attention to their tone rather than the meaning of their words.

"That means you have nothing to say, right? You'd better have a good rest during this time. There is a business performance tonight. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

In Li Menglong's view, it was just a kind reminder, but Kim Taeyeon thought it was no different from provocation: "What's one game? We could run more than ten trips a day back then, and you go and give it..."

Kim Taeyeon's next words were not interrupted by Li Menglong, but were directly covered by the girls.

Although doing this may easily cause Kim Taeyeon's dissatisfaction, it is better than having to run the schedule again. They don't want to continue to increase their work just because of such a joke.

Although Kim Taeyeon is right, they did have such a crazy period back then, but they were still young at that time. How old they are now!

For a group of little girls in their twenties lamenting their age here, Li Menglong decisively chose to shut up. If he really participated, it would be ungrateful.

When they talk about this kind of topic, they are self-deprecating and joking, but what Li Menglong said is not the case. Do you want to start a war?

Li Menglong, who had no such idea, naturally chose to drive honestly and quickly send these aunts to their destination, so that he could feel more relaxed.

The journey was relatively smooth. Except for Li Menglong's ears being tortured a little, the rest was nothing.

"Get out of the car. There are already people from the company inside. You can go and rest first."

"Huh? Then why are you going? Shouldn't your agent stay with us?"

The girls were still sensitive enough at the moment. They thought Li Menglong was going to be lazy. How unfair was this, especially when they had to work hard.

But this was wrongly blaming Li Menglong. Although he did have this plan, it was all for later arrangements. He still had work before that.

Help the girls to check out the stage, ask the merchants what they want the girls to say, and of course, go and have a chat with the girl who took the final spot.

Although this kind of thing is considered normal in the circle, it still has a bit of a hunger for food, and besides, having more friends is always good.

Although Li Menglong thought he was not very good at such communication, as his personal wealth increased, he met more and more "good people". Everyone was willing to give him face, but it was still not that easy.

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