The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 235 Return to Daily Life

Seo Hyun and Lee Je Hoon have brought to life the youthfulness of young people. They have truly brought back the memories of everyone at the scene, especially those over 30 years old who have been baptized by the society. They have some good memories in their hearts. was touched again.

Li Dixun dared to pretend to be nonchalant and asked his brother who she was after Seohyun walked far away; he hesitated for a long time on the bus, and he dared to ask the first sentence when Seohyun got off the bus; When he found out that Seo Hyun lived nearby and invited him again, the hero washed his best clothes, took a shower, brushed his teeth, and sprayed on hairspray...

It can be said that this scene really appeared in the minds of many people. They have done it more or less. How could they forget the thrill of meeting the opposite sex for the first time.

Although the pace of the film is slow, it is not procrastinating. After more than ten minutes, Li Shungui unexpectedly left the country. A CD that symbolizes the production of the 1990s is printed with Li Shungui's retro style. As the two listened to this scene together In the song "Meeting You in a Sea of ​​Crowds", the scene of looking at each other returns to reality again.

The film has only been here for half an hour, but it has already amazed many people. Some film critics are even constantly rewriting the records in their hands. There are too many surprises.

Afterwards, the rhythm is basically interspersed between reality and memories every twenty minutes. Here, Han Jiaren said that Yan Taexiong chased her, and the camera immediately recalled the scene where the hero and his friends were talking about confession. Here, Han Jiaren hid in Yan Taexiong's arms and cried bitterly, while on the other side, she returned to the main line of explanation of the students.

The back and forth camera cuts were used by Li Zhouyong to the fullest, without being abrupt or complicated at all. Although everyone had questions, they could patiently follow the camera to find the answer.

At 60 minutes into the film, halfway through the film, the pure beauty of first love finally came to a perfect climax. At that small bus stop, Seo Hyun leaned on Lee Je Hoon's shoulder and fell asleep soundly.

After several hesitation, Li Dixun still turned his head slightly, the whole shot seemed to be in slow motion, Xu Xian was the white lotus waiting to be picked by a destined person.

A simple kiss seems to have passed a century, there is no desire, no struggle, the two are a delicate picture. Kiss, one touch is instant, but everyone has obtained great satisfaction from it, isn't that what first love should be like.

At this time, the attentive audience could still find Li Dixun who was in a state of dementia. Although Xu Xian was still lying down, his face gradually turned reddish, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

This expression was caused by Xu Xian's shyness. Li Menglong knew it very well, but later he persuaded Li Zhouyong by virtue of his three-inch tongue. In this scene, Xu Xian was sober and knew that the male protagonist wanted to kiss her. , she likes him too!

But because of the girl's reserve, she just chose to accept it silently, and the male protagonist didn't know anything until many years later.

When the camera switched to reality, facing Yan Taexiong's various denials, Han Jiaren directly told the story, and Yan Taexiong was so surprised that he died.

If the film had a happy ending here, I believe it would have won a lot of recognition, but Li Zhouyong did the opposite. The second half started another feature of first love. Although it is beautiful, the result is often regrettable.

Because of a little misunderstanding, Li Dixun watched Xu Xian half drunk and walked into the hotel with a wealthy senior, he didn't make a sound except covering his mouth and turning to run away.

He is just a child of the boss who sells cooked food. Xu Xian also wants to mix with the circle of rich people because of his poor family and self-esteem.

The material worship unique to adolescence made the two of them a little extreme at the same time, and it was also because of the shyness of youth that everyone couldn't think of an explanation except for hurting each other.

Lee Je-hoon hid behind the alley after saying no to goodbye, crying bitterly with his arms around his friend. And Seo Hyun picked up the house model that Li Dixun made for her in the garbage dump. He once said that he would build a house for her.

The memory of youth ended in this almost stupid way. Everyone looked at the real part with a touch of reluctance, but they couldn't afford to complain. After all, whose youth was not like this.

Originally thought that Xu Xian was a gold digger, but in reality, the misunderstanding between the two was only resolved after more than ten years.

Everything was a beautiful misunderstanding, Han Jiaren took out the model that was saved back then, and Yan Taexiong realized that when Han Jiaren approached him and proposed a series of troublesome requests to renovate the house, it turned out to be his dream.

When the two began to kiss passionately, the audience seemed to have seen the ending. Although the man had a fiancée, he was still unmarried; although the woman was married, her husband had just passed away, so she was considered unmarried.

But the ending turned out to be that Uhm Tae-woong flew back to the United States with his fiancée, while Han Ga-in lived with his father in the house on Jeju Island.

At the end of the film, Han Jiaren received the package, which turned out to be the song they heard when they were young. Accompanied by Lee Soon Kyu's singing, a series of causes and effects emerged in everyone's minds.

The woman keeps the model that the man promised to help her build, and the man keeps the album they first listened to. Although we have each other in our hearts, although youth is full of regrets, although reality is full of helplessness, but this is youth, this is first love!

The screen turned dark again, and the lights of the cinema were turned on. There were tears in the eyes of many middle-aged people, and everyone just clapped their hands vigorously without thinking about anything else.

The main creator of the film crew naturally had to stand up and bow in return, but Xu Xian obviously knew something in advance, and asked Li Menglong to let him watch the subtitles, and Li Menglong actually ranked first among the assistant directors.

He himself doesn't know what to say, thank you is certain, although many viewers don't even watch the director, let alone the assistant director, but this is the qualifications, with the assistant director of this movie, Li Menglong will have the ability to continue to improve Climbing capital.

Continuing to hide in the corner, he also sincerely congratulated Li Zhouyong like the audience. This movie has many advantages, but if Li Menglong has to choose one, it is probably pure.

This movie is pure in terms of first love, pure love, and aesthetics. There may be bugs in the plot, and the performances of Han Jiaren and Seo Hyun may not be so perfect, but these are no longer important in this movie.

The literary point of view is that this movie does not watch the performances of the actors, but the memories of the audience's own first love.

At the end of the song, everyone left the stage reluctantly, but many people expressed that they will definitely watch it again when it is officially released tomorrow.

Li Menglong also deliberately found those high school students, gave them some fares to take a taxi back, and then got into the girls' nanny car with peace of mind.

Because today is a collective action of large forces, two vehicles were dispatched, Li Menglong's one was going back to the dormitory, and the other was going back to his home.

Li Menglong looked at Yun'er in the back row: "I said, why don't you go home and follow me?"

"Don't worry about me, do I still have to report to you when I go back to my own dormitory?" Yuner put her arms around Kim Taeyeon and said pretending to be fierce, with an indescribably cute expression.

Ignoring her, Li Menglong leaned back and lowered the back of the co-pilot's seat, just in time to see Xu Xian on the side of the back row: "Aren't you going to have dinner tonight?"

"You think it's a TV series!" Yun'er replied first: "The movie hasn't been released yet, so what's the dinner? We'll have to wait until it's sold!"

"I said that you are a TV drama actor who hit the streets, shouldn't you keep a low profile. Here is an actress who is about to become a big hit in the future!" Li Menglong didn't even look at Yun'er, and sure enough, the other party lost his arrogance with just one word.

Then naturally it was Li Shungui who came forward to take revenge, and she was the one among the girls who could wrestle with him verbally, but when the light 200 million words flew out, Li Shungui disappeared successfully.

Returning to this somewhat familiar place after a month, Li Menglong was really indescribably at ease, and even though Li Menglong went in to wash up, the previously deserted living room was still lively again.

It reached its peak when Li Menglong interjected and chatted together: "Oppa, what do you say that the box office of this movie is not good?"

"Shut your crow's mouth!" Before Li Menglong could speak, Kim Taeyeon, who looked like an old Buddha, stopped talking: "When we become popular in the future, remember to introduce some characters to me!"

"And me! I want it too!"

In terms of joining in the fun, Girls' Generation is the second who dares to say it is the first. Li Menglong's abrupt transition from the quiet prison to the current noisy scene, with a group of men around him turned into a delicate girl, is really a headache for a while.

"What are you grabbing, just you two 155 people, what can you play? Playing Xiaoxian's daughter still dislikes your old age!" Li Menglong had a headache, but he immediately released his big move, and the world was really quiet. Then he rubbed his bluish arms, and Li Menglong walked into the kitchen by himself.

He closed the refrigerator within two seconds of opening it. As for the freezer, there were shrimps and crabs, and large pieces of pork and beef. Anyway, there was nothing left that could be cooked quickly.

Fortunately, they still had some conscience, and the instant noodles filled the kitchen of the girls again. Twenty minutes later, there was a series of piercing and piercing sounds of eating ramen noodles again in the living room.

Because everyone has some personal schedules tomorrow, they all greeted each other and went to bed. While Li Menglong was washing the dishes, there were only two girls who were still persisting in the living room.

However, it could be seen that the two of them who had been tossing around for a day were a little sleepy, but each of them rubbed their eyes and adjusted their sitting postures from time to time, trying to wake themselves up.

"Go to sleep if you're sleepy, anyway, I won't leave tomorrow!" Li Menglong looked at Li Shungui and Kim Taeyeon speechlessly.

"I would like to watch TV, you can control it!" Li Shungui defended, and Kim Taeyeon nodded quickly. Compared with the skill of staying up late, Li Shungui is still stronger.

He didn't speak anymore, just took out a few blankets to cover the two of them, and then he collapsed on the floor leaning on the sofa, and couldn't help but let out a comfortable sigh.

After being quiet for two minutes, when Li Menglong turned his head, he found that the two people were feet to feet, and each of them had passed out on the sofa with one pillow on the other, and the smiles on the corners of their mouths were so reassuring.

With a soft sigh, Li Menglong turned off the light quietly, while he himself lay on the floor below, unable to sleep for a long time.

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