The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2334 Prepare your own food

Faced with Li Menglong's lightning-fast apology, the girls were really caught off guard. Could they be a little more persistent and wait for them to finish their threats? Otherwise, they would feel very unfulfilled.

I have to say that the stunned look of the girls at this moment was very interesting. Xu Xian really couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing.

This smile was like poking a hornet's nest. The girls immediately looked away from Li Menglong and turned to look at the overjoyed maknae. Is there anything happy? Share it with the Ernies!

Li Menglong, who was driving in front, also breathed a sigh of relief. She was indeed the goddess he had always admired. Not only did her appearance meet the standards of a goddess, she was also surprisingly kind-hearted.

This act of sacrificing oneself to save Li Menglong cannot be overstated. As long as he can survive for a while, it is all Xu Xian's credit.

As for why the girls let Li Menglong off so easily, it was because they really had no extra means, especially when they were starving.

Furthermore, if there are still people in the family who are half-hearted, how can they confront Li Menglong? Traitors are always more hateful than enemies.

Moreover, they have been displeased with Xu Xian for more than a day or two. Nothing else, but they always flirt with Li Menglong, which is inappropriate and can easily be corrupted by the enemy.

Normally, girls just turn a blind eye to these little tricks, but now what do you mean, you don’t even want to act, right?

While the girls were attacking Li Menglong, Xu Xian openly attacked her own morale in the rear. If she didn't teach her a lesson, she might not even know that she had eight sisters above her!

Xu Xian curled up in her seat and felt helpless. How could she have so many thoughts? She really just couldn't hold it back. Could she not mix in too many other thoughts?

But she also knew that even if she told the truth, the girls would not believe it. To be precise, they had no intention of believing it, no matter what Xu Xian said.

In this case, whatever Xu Xian said was redundant. The best way was to curl up as much as possible, which should also reduce unnecessary pain.

Xu Xian's laughter lasted for more than ten minutes. Yes, it was indeed Xu Xian's laughter, and it was the kind that made people cry.

This is not because Xu Xian has any tendency to self-abuse. It's just that girls don't play by common sense. If you want to hit someone, just hit them properly. What's going on with scratching here?

The girls still have something to say about this. No matter how disobedient Xu Xian is, she is still their sister. How can they teach their most beloved sister a lesson because of such a stinky man like Li Menglong?

Besides, their main purpose now is to persuade Xu Xian to find his way back and not go to the dark side with Li Menglong, so they cannot use rude methods.

Looking at it this way, tickling is naturally the best way. It won't cause Xu Xian any pain, but it will make her feel more in awe. It's perfect.

Li Menglong didn't dare to look back during the whole process. The little girl's smile was too "sad", and he was afraid that he couldn't help but fight with the girls after looking over.

Secondly, the girls have no control over their fights. They regard Li Menglong as a man less and less. This may make Xu Xian look cool, so it is better not to take it as disrespectful.

But now it seemed that the girls had finished their work. Li Menglong glanced back secretly, but he felt very sad in his heart.

Xu Xian was like a dehydrated little fish. She lay down on the seat limply, looking at the roof of the car with blank eyes. The most bizarre thing was that there was a smile on the corner of her mouth. This was completely crazy. Yet?

However, Li Menglong no longer needs to sympathize with Xu Xian, because his troubles are not over yet: "Where did you decide to have lunch, and why did you drive all the way to the river?"

"I don't know much about it either. It's up to the people below to decide it themselves. How about I call you now to help you ask?"

Li Menglong's excuse, which was obviously an excuse, actually passed the test, mainly because the girls were too lazy to argue with him.

Besides, it didn't matter where they went for lunch. Anyway, there was such a large group of people following them, so they couldn't enjoy their meal.

It's just that the girls have set their requirements so low, but when they arrive at the dining place, they are still very puzzled. Li Menglong has gone to great lengths to create trouble for them.

"Is this the place you ordered for us to have lunch?"

Kim Taeyeon looked at the endless river in the distance, and she couldn't help but be filled with doubts. What can be eaten here? Do you want to go fishing in the river to eat by yourself?

"It should be right here. The address they sent me is right here. How about we find a parking lot and go take a look?"

Looking at Li Menglong who was still performing there at this moment, the girls really felt like they were watching a clown. Who gave him the confidence to show off such poor acting skills in front of so many actors?

However, the girls were really curious and wanted to see what kind of trick Li Menglong was going to pull off. Of course, his poor acting skills were worth appreciating again.

"I remember we made specific requests beforehand, are you sure you still remember?"

After hearing the girls' questions, Li Menglong patted his chest quite confidently. If it weren't for their conditions, he really wouldn't be able to think of such a good place and plan.

"It fully meets your requirements. First of all, the environment is absolutely fine. You can't still say you're not satisfied with the scenery, right?"

The girls were not that stingy. They nodded and acknowledged Li Menglong's point of view. However, they had two other requirements, which were also the most important.

"You have to eat meat throughout the whole journey, not a piece of vegetables, and fruit after meals, right? These are all guaranteed, so just keep it in your stomach!"

Li Menglong said so, so the girls just believed it for the time being. As for whether they would come back to find fault later, that would depend on whether Li Menglong's arrangement satisfied them.

But the further they drove in, the more determined the girls became. Although they rarely come to the riverside for picnics, they have never eaten pork and have never seen pigs running. This scene is clearly in the rhythm of a picnic.

They thought they had discovered Li Menglong's trap, which was nothing more than targeting their less than outstanding cooking skills and relatively weak common sense in life.

"Tch, these are all leftovers from children's play. Li Menglong, can't you come up with something new?"

"New idea? Does this count?"

While Li Menglong was talking, he actually lowered the car windows of the girls. This move really frightened the girls. What was he doing here?

You must know that the windows of the nanny car are all one-way to block the outside view. After all, if fans find them sitting in the car, they might do something.

So the girls hurriedly covered their faces and urged Li Menglong to quickly pull up the window. They almost pressed the window button to death, but it was of no use.

Xu Xian was the one who was flustered among the girls, at least at the beginning. After all, she was the most embarrassed one.

But she was also the one who calmed down first. After all, she was the girl who believed in Li Menglong the most. If he was not crazy, it could only mean that everything he did now had his own considerations.

So Xu Xian took the lead and looked outside. He was a little surprised at this look. What is the situation now? Why is she confused?

They were on their way to the parking lot, and they were obviously surrounded by vehicles going there, which was not a problem in itself.

However, when their car windows were rolled down, the surrounding vehicles also lowered their windows and shouted their names enthusiastically.

If this is not enough to determine the identity of the other party, then the things in the hands of these people can always prove everything.

The most popular ones are Girls’ Generation’s support banners, followed by their support lamps and even T-shirts. The most eye-catching one is when someone holds out one of their flags and keeps waving it. By the way, this is also their peripherals. ?

The girls also heard the sounds around them, so they looked over slowly, and their expressions were almost the same as Xu Xian's. Where did they get so many fans?

Of course it was Li Menglong who called him here, otherwise do we expect fans to gather here spontaneously?

As for the reasons, wasn't it agreed to hold a meeting? Li Menglong's original idea was to just hold one honestly.

But who asked the girls to provide him with inspiration? He thought it would be good to make it more lively. It would be better to have lunch together. This is very innovative.

As for the initial plan to make the girls feel sad because of the increase in costs, it seems that it has failed so far. They may not realize this yet.

But even after they realize it, it's hard to say whether they will feel heartbroken. After all, they are quite willing to treat their fans.

Since they were surrounded by their own family members, the girls were not so flustered, and even took the initiative to lean out and wave and shout to each other.

"What are you all here for?"

"It's a meet-and-greet, and I can also have lunch with you. I'm so happy!"

"Kim Taeyeon is so beautiful, I almost fainted!"

"Lin Yuner, we dare to call you, do you dare to agree?"

"Why does Xiaoxian seem to have cried? Is someone bullying you? We will make the decision for you!"

I have to say that there is a reason why celebrities are willing to get along with their fans. The fans are so nice to talk to, sensible and smart, and Li Menglong couldn't help but laugh.

After arriving at the parking lot, the girls couldn't wait to get out. They are still a little confused now. They need to know the specific situation.

As for asking Li Menglong directly, let's forget it. As the culprit, it's hard for him to tell the truth. He doesn't look like fans and wants to rip his heart out for them.

And only then did they realize that only a small number of people greeted them on the road, and many people had already arrived in advance.

So as soon as they got off the bus, they were surrounded by fans. Everyone was obviously very excited. However, after the exchange, the girls found that the fans only knew a rough idea.

So the problem returned to its original point. They had to find Li Menglong to ask clearly. After all, so many fans gathered here because of them. If they didn't arrange things well for everyone, they themselves wouldn't agree.

It's a pity that when I took a look in the car, Li Menglong disappeared. This is inappropriate, right? Li Menglong ran away?

Although the girls didn't want to think so, it was the fact. Looking at the empty carriage, they didn't know what expression to show.

Fortunately, Li Menglong was not that irresponsible. He left just because he was already at the right place. There were already company staff around, and there was no problem in simply taking care of the girls.

As for Li Menglong, he certainly has more important things to do. He just took a quick look at the parking lot and found that there seemed to be a lot of people here.

There was no need to ask. Some unqualified fans must have found out the location and rushed over on their own.

If it was according to Li Menglong's original plan, then these people would definitely not be able to enter. After all, the capacity of the site was limited.

But that's not a problem now, because it's not a popular time, or maybe it's because of the girls' fame. In short, the boss gave them the entire camping ground.

The place is big enough now, but Li Menglong also needs to consider the cost. If so many people come to eat meat together, even if nine girls come to share it equally, it will be a bit overwhelming.

Li Menglong never thought about asking fans to pay more. After all, it was his plan from the beginning. It is not his style to let fans bear the responsibility for his mistakes.

So his plan is to share part of it himself. Of course, the money will be paid by him, but it must be in the name of the company, so as not to add extra burden to the girls.

However, the person who came here in advance to make a reservation gave him a small surprise. Not only was the cost here reduced, but most of the fans brought their own food.

This is indeed something that fans can do. It’s great that the girls can come and hold a meeting with them for free, and it’s even better if they can have lunch together.

Under such circumstances, asking girls to pay for a treat would make even the most shameless person feel embarrassed.

So at the initiative of several fans, the fans decided to bring their own food. It was just a picnic anyway. Even if there was not enough food at home, it was always right to buy some raw meat and grill it.

The fans are so sensible. Li Menglong is really embarrassed to be so petty. Most of what everyone brings is food. In this case, he and the girls packed drinks and fruits, which can be regarded as a little thought from them!

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