The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2329 Overlord Clause

"Still oppa? I have the nerve to scream, but are you too embarrassed to agree?"

"How do you say this? Why am I embarrassed to agree? Have I done anything to make you sorry?"

"You have to ask yourself, you know what you have done!"

"This is not easy to guess. How about you give me a little reminder? Otherwise, I have done too many similar things. I will tell you one by one when it will be done!"

Hearing Li Menglong's shameless words, Yoona really wanted to rush over and fight with him. However, considering that he was sitting in the passenger seat and there was a possibility that they would both end up in a quarrel, it was really a loss.

So Yoona decided to look for another possibility: "Onies, look, this is how he bullies me. You still force me to call him Oppa. Is he worthy?"

What Yoona said was quite reasonable. At least the girls couldn't find any fault with him: "He has no qualities, but you are a good and polite boy. You can't be like him."

"That was normal times, you didn't even know what he did to me!"

Yoona had the evidence of Li Menglong's crime in her hands, so she didn't panic at all. Instead, she deliberately delayed it for a while.

She was waiting for Li Menglong to take the initiative to come over and compromise with her. This could be regarded as learning now and selling it now. She had been forced by Li Menglong to become an insider before, and she also wanted to experience the feeling of being a superior.

It's a pity that Li Menglong is not that easy to fool. Not to mention that Yoona has not said anything yet, even if Yoona really has some inside information, is she sure that this can make him submit?

Seeing that Li Menglong was crying without seeing the coffin, Yoona didn't think there was any need to wait any longer: "Then tell me about the post on the forum. I obviously didn't post anything, why is it there? Will there be content I post?”

The girls originally thought that Yoona had some great inside information, after all, her tone just now was really arrogant.

However, I was so excited just now, and now I am so disappointed. This is not to say that Li Menglong did the right thing, but that the severity of this matter is really very low.

As expected, even Li Menglong himself did not panic at all after hearing this. Instead, he took the initiative to ask Yoona why he knew the news.

"You don't need to know where I learned this from. Do you want to take revenge on my informant? Oh, I, Lin Yoona, am very loyal!"

Yoona here seems to be reciting lines from a movie. Is this kind of thing hidden? There are only a few sources of news, the most likely ones being fans.

Li Menglong is not stingy enough to go to the fans to cause trouble, let alone just because of such a small thing.

"That post was indeed made by me, and I used your account. Do you have any questions?"

Because what Li Menglong said was too righteous, Yoona didn't have any words to respond for a while. After a while, she said angrily: "Do you have any more questions? What's going on with your tone? What do you think? Did you do the right thing?"

"Otherwise, is there anything wrong here?"

"Please, that's my private account. Why do you publish information through it without my consent? You are committing a crime!"

Yoona's face turned red with anger. Originally, she didn't care much about it, but Li Menglong's current attitude made her very dissatisfied. He wanted to apologize!

It's a pity that Li Menglong has no such plan: "It is indeed your private account, and it is indeed without your permission, but it has nothing to do with crime. Don't always talk nonsense and look like you are a legal illiteracy. You will be accused." Laughing!"

Now even the girls on the side couldn't listen anymore. He could just pretend to be stupid and deal with Yoona, but it wouldn't be appropriate to have to use such a fallacy.

If they don't take the initiative to support Yoona now, maybe this trick will be used against them in the future. They are all doing it for themselves now!

Faced with the angry outbursts of the girls, the driver couldn't stand it anymore. Is this how the big guys usually quarrel? It looks so scary!

He silently raised the rearview mirror. He didn't want to make unnecessary eye contact with an angry girl at this time, which could easily become a punching bag.

But as the saying goes, you get what you're afraid of. When he was adjusting, Xu Xian happened to see him. Under the gaze of Xu Xian's clear and big eyes, he didn't know where to put his hands for a moment.

Fortunately, Xu Xian understood the other party's emotions very well. That is to say, she had been in this environment for too long, so she could turn a blind eye and even wanted to sleep.

For an ordinary person, it would be a bit awkward or even scary to come over. Although there was no way to comfort the other person directly, Xu Xian still showed his goodwill with a warm smile.

While the two people were interacting here, the dispute between the girls headed by Yoona and Li Menglong also reached its peak. Then one party is destined to die out and exit with failure and loneliness, but both parties firmly believe that it will not be them!

Li Menglong's confidence mainly lies in some objective and realistic conventions, which even fall into the scope of contracts and laws to a certain extent.

As we all know, every move of celebrities can be linked to interests, and as long as interests are involved, the company level will definitely take a share of the pie.

After all, in theory, the source of artists' income is popularity, and popularity is packaged and promoted by companies. In terms of product attributes alone, it is understandable that companies require returns and profits.

But after all, a celebrity is not a commodity without emotions. When you have no money, everything is easy to deal with. But when you really make money, sordidness is inevitable.

It's just that celebrities are all pawns after all, and entertainment companies are the iron-clad camp. After so many entanglements in the past, more targeted preventive measures will definitely appear at the company level.

And this is what Li Menglong is saying now: "Didn't you read it when you signed the contract? All your social account companies have management rights!"

"You're farting, that's our personal account, how can it belong to the company?"

Li Menglong spread his hands and had no intention of explaining to these legal illiterates. They might have to ask their seniors in the industry for the specific reasons.

Who was the first person to use social accounts to incite fans to support his termination of the contract? And who was the first to accept advertisements through social accounts without splitting the accounts with the company?

Of course, there are also those who are found to be in love by fans through articles on social accounts. There are not too many weird examples!

In short, the past is the lesson of the aftermath. Compared with the dispersion of celebrities, even though various entertainment companies are full of sordidness, everyone is still quite united when exchanging these experiences.

Although SW has never thought of using these terms to restrict the girls, they are all contracts based on the same set of templates, and there are still a lot of things that should be included. It is very convenient for Li Menglong to entertain the girls here!

After hearing what Li Menglong said, the girls were a little dumbfounded, mainly because they really didn't know whether there were similar clauses in the contract.

After all, the contract is so thick, how can they read it one by one? Besides, whether they can understand it is also a question.

So in the past, they went directly to the lawyer to review the contract, but this time they chose to believe Li Menglong. In addition to confirming the share of the contract, the girls basically believed whatever he said.

It's just that at this moment, they felt that they were a little careless. Since there is this kind of overlord clause, no one can tell whether there will be others.

Perhaps seeing the worries of the girls, Li Menglong said speechlessly: "Please, our company is formal enough. Besides, you are also shareholders of the company. Are you deceiving yourselves by signing the contract yourself?"

Although this explanation is a bit crude, it is very consistent with the girls' logic, and it sounds quite reasonable.

You must know that under Li Menglong's operation in the past two years, the financial planning of girls has become much more formal, and they have also experienced the corresponding benefits.

Nowadays, their income is basically divided into three equal parts, and one part goes to them for daily expenses.

Use the remaining two shares to invest in real estate. After all, even for celebrities, real estate is still a very high-quality investment method.

If there is no better investment target, then investing heavily in real estate is not a bad idea, but it happens that the girls actually have such a good project here.

Almost all of their remaining income has been converted into SW shares. After all, everyone sees the company's development speed, and they almost make money by buying it.

It can be said that many people want to buy shares of sw. Unfortunately, the company has no plans to go public and does not lack operating funds.

The shares that the girls can buy are actually deducted from Li Menglong's own share of equity, which is regarded as a personal transaction between him and the girls.

It's just that he always asked the company to come forward to prevent the girls from resisting. That's it, he didn't dare to make any moves on the price.

After all, if the girls find out that he sold his shares to them at a low price, he will definitely not be able to bear the consequences.

So it's better to make an honest deal. Even if it is exposed later, you don't have to worry about the girls pursuing it.

However, as a result, there are not many shares that girls can buy. Although their income is very high, they still seem a bit small compared to SW's terrifying valuation.

Faced with a stock that only a few people could take a look at, the girls had no dissatisfaction. It was great to have this opportunity.

Besides, no matter how small their shares are, they are still shareholders of the company. They are invited to the year-end shareholders meeting every year, but they have never attended.

Their status as shareholders brings them not only economic growth, but also inexplicable confidence. For example, why are they so confident now?

However, Li Menglong still deceived these girls a little. Of course, the overlord clause that the girls understood existed, but it was not targeted at a group of them. The core contents of all company contracts were almost the same.

As for why Li Menglong didn't take the initiative to delete these clauses in the first place, he was afraid that the girls would be too independent and would easily cause conflict within the circle once the details of the contract were exposed.

Furthermore, this contract is ultimately executed between people. As long as it involves the existence of people, it is definitely not something that can be regulated by a cold contract.

To put it simply, although everyone's contracts are similar, the greater the reputation, the higher the corresponding degree of freedom. If it reaches a certain level, it is not impossible for the company to kneel down and lick it in turn.

As for SW, let’s not talk about the existence of Lee Menglong and Lee Soonkyu. The girls’ own fame alone is the best guarantee for them.

Even if there are indeed some clauses in the contract that are not very friendly to them, does the company dare to force the contract into asking them to do that? Believe it or not, they will just change jobs the next day?

However, even though the company will not reveal these things, Li Menglong still has no problem using them to disgust Yoona: "So what's wrong with me using your account to send messages? Besides, the messages are all business!"

What else could Yoona say? She was also very helpless. She couldn't really find a lawyer to discuss it with Li Menglong.

"Hmph, they are all really evil capitalists. Don't talk to me anymore. I think you have the smell of copper in your mouth!"

"Do you dislike me now? Why didn't I see you dislike me when I gave you money?"

" are unreasonable!"

"Now you want to reason with me again? Why didn't I say that when I was trying to reason with you?"

"It's all your fault anyway. Remember to ask for my permission in advance when using my account in the future!"

"Then you may go to the company and ask them to change your contract. Do you need me to give you the phone number of the legal department?"

Li Menglong was also very unreasonable, at least he didn't intend to let Yoona do it. This made Yoona feel very wronged. Why should she be bullied by herself? It's not fair!

"How can there be so many fair things? You are no longer a child. It's time to learn to be more mature. This is a lesson oppa has taught you. From now on, you can only rely on yourself!"

After Li Menglong said this, he immediately aroused public outrage. What does this mean? Didn't they educate their younger sisters well when they were young? It's his turn, Li Menglong, to dictate here!

Seeing that someone finally supported her, Yoona immediately jumped away: "You should be more careful in the future. I, Lin Yoona, am not someone who can be bullied by anyone!"

"Gui, I will definitely learn a lesson, but of course it's fine if I don't use your account. Whose account do you think is appropriate?"

Faced with Li Menglong's question, Yoona felt that the other party was treating her as a fool. Is this intention to sow discord too obvious? If she really said someone's name, wouldn't it cost her her life?

It's just that she made a mistake. The person Li Menglong was provoking was not Lin Yuner. Didn't she realize that the people who just spoke for her had stopped speaking?

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