The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2321 Frequent Accidents

Li Menglong naturally doesn't have too many requirements when taking a shower at someone else's house, as long as he can basically meet his normal needs.

Besides, if he hadn't been unintentionally tricked by Xu Xian, Li Menglong wouldn't have had to ask for trouble like this.

After all, there are too many things missing here. Not to mention other things, just changing clothes is a trouble.

Although Pani's pajamas were taken from her own body, which had a somewhat ambiguous bonus, Pani's charm would not work for a being like Li Menglong who took it as his own duty to bring disaster to the scene.

He pulled off the slightly tight clothes on his body. Even though it was Pani's largest pajamas, it still felt a bit small on Li Menglong.

However, there was no other choice left for him. Unless Li Menglong chose to sleep naked, he might as well dress honestly.

Besides, you can smell the fragrance of Pani when you lower your head. It's like sleeping with your own aromatherapy. Li Menglong can enjoy it secretly without asking him to pay for it.

When I came to the living room and took a look, the doors to each room were closed tightly, as if to prevent him, Li Menglong, from playing hooligans.

However, he knew that these people were just declaring their sovereignty, and without consulting him, they directly arranged their respective rooms for tonight.

In fact, according to this logic, the girls were pretty good to him. At least they left the biggest room to him. This didn't mean they were touched, but at least they shouldn't complain.

However, things still need to be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. The room is big enough, but it is also a bit too big.

Not only is the living room left to him, but the kitchen, balcony and even the bathroom are his territory. There is really no need to worry about rolling on the ground at night, because there is not even a bed here.

As for why Li Menglong was so sure that this was his room, it was because there were already two more blankets on the floor.

Maybe these girls knew him well enough to know that he didn't like sleeping on the sofa, so they thoughtfully placed it on the floor.

Of course, these are Li Menglong's best thoughts after self-optimization. As for the truth of the matter, he is more optimistic that the girls just threw it away casually.

But people should be optimistic. Li Menglong didn't think there was anything wrong with sleeping on the floor in the living room.

At least he really has a bigger territory than the girls. Although there is indeed a bed in the room, one has to look at the terrifying number of girls. How can they all sleep on the bed.

If nothing else, there will be a fight over there for the bed, but this has nothing to do with him, Li Menglong.

His main task now is to clean up the living room. After all, in addition to the messy cups and plates left by the girls, there is also Xu Xian's large basin of juice.

Although part of it was absorbed by Li Menglong's clothes, who made Xu Xian so generous? There are still a lot of them scattered on the ground.

Without looking for any additional containers, I directly picked up the basin of juice that fell on the ground. There was still some juice left in it.

Li Menglong naturally didn't waste it. He drank it all into his stomach, then filled the basin with water, squatted here and wiped the floor silently.

Occasionally, I could hear the clear voices of the girls in the room, and I could tell that the group of people were still in a good mood. It seemed like he was the only one working silently.

Fortunately, Li Menglong's mentality has been adjusted very well, and he does not regard the current situation as a grievance.

After all, in his opinion, this is more like a compromise when everyone lives together. It's not that the girls don't work, it's just that Li Menglong is a little too clean compared to them.

In this case, Li Menglong can only work harder on his own, otherwise he will get closer to the girls. Isn't he unwilling?

Besides, the girls also compromised a lot for him. Everyone was caring and cooperating with each other, which was enough. As for who did more work, it was just a minor issue.

If Li Menglong really feels that he is wronged, he can go and see Xu Xian more. This child is not much worse off than him, but he still doesn't live in harmony with the girls.

With these random thoughts, Li Menglong finally cleared a place for himself. The rest will be cleaned up by everyone tomorrow. He also wanted to rest.

But as soon as he lay down, a figure sneaked out, and his target direction was Li Menglong.

At first, Li Menglong thought it was some girl who couldn't sleep after lying down. Thinking about all the previous events, he became more and more suffocated, so he came to seek revenge on him.

Naturally, he would not pretend that he was sleeping and then deliberately let the girls get angry. This kind of fool's behavior was not suitable for him at all.

But he quickly lowered his guard. Although the other party was indeed cautious, the pace did not sound like he was coming for a sneak attack.

Sure enough, I soon heard Xu Xian's weak voice: "Is Oppa asleep?"

"No, what happened to you? You were kicked out because you didn't get a bed!"

"No!" Xu Xian said dissatisfiedly, mainly because he could hear a hint of schadenfreude in Li Menglong's tone.

She took the time to care about Li Menglong before going to bed. Is this how he repaid her?

Fortunately, Li Menglong couldn't see Xu Xian's expression clearly in the darkness, otherwise he would have stood up and apologized long ago: "What does that mean? Isn't it because there are not enough quilts? I only have two quilts here, so I can't support you. what about you!"

Xu Xian really didn't know what to say. Li Menglong always complained that their thinking was sometimes very strange. Didn't he ever think that he himself was not normal?

However, Xu Xiandao can still confirm one thing, that is, Li Menglong's mental state is not bad, and he does not seem to feel sorry for himself because he was left in the living room by the girls.

This was the purpose of Xu Xian coming here. Someone had to care about him. Xu Xian thought he had done a pretty good job.

After Xu Xian returned with a satisfactory answer, Li Menglong also planned to fall asleep. With the goddess' care and smelling the goddess' fragrance, he was personally very satisfied.

But just as he was getting sleepy, someone came over. Who was this and what did he want to do? Do you really think that he, Li Menglong, has no temper?

In fact, Li Menglong was really angry and couldn't express his anger. After all, Pani was also here to care about him. As the landlord here, Pani always felt a little unfriendly to Li Menglong.

"I really don't have any problem at all, and I definitely don't mean to be sarcastic. Just keep your heart in your stomach, so can you let me sleep now?"

"Tch, why aren't you impatient? It's me who should be impatient!"

"Love so and so, but don't disturb my rest, otherwise I will curse!"

After saying this, Li Menglong turned sideways and fell asleep regardless of whether Pani had left or not.

He just fell asleep for who knows how long. There really is someone who forgets about eating and not fighting. If you insist on picking this time to continue to disturb him, it seems that he is really going to go on a killing spree today!

"Have I ever said, don't come and disturb me when I'm sleeping? Do you really think that I, Li Menglong, have no temper?"

Li Menglong said these murderous words with his eyes closed. He was too lazy to open his eyes. Even at this moment, he still had the idea of ​​settling the matter.

After all, if he really got angry, wouldn't this fulfill the wishes of the girls? He is not that stupid.

In Li Menglong's view, the girls have probably achieved their goals. Whether it is a bet between each other or a personal joke, enough is enough.

The girls have always done very well at this point, so Li Menglong planned to continue turning over and sleeping.

But things didn't develop as he expected. The person around him obviously waited for a while, and then continued to push his shoulders relentlessly, and with a lot of force.

Li Menglong was really angry now. Even though he had a really good temper, he couldn't stand the other party's repeated provocations. What's more, he was woken up abruptly, which added fuel to the fire.

To be honest, Li Menglong was still a little dizzy right now, so when his nose smelled the smell of Pani, he almost instinctively identified the person who came as Pani.

"Huang Meiying, I didn't deal with you yesterday. Do you feel your butt is itchy? You took the initiative to tease me. Come here!"

As he spoke, Li Menglong hugged him back and easily caught the culprit, but the feeling of his hand was slightly wrong.

You must know that Pani's body is full of flesh, and it feels very comfortable to touch. It doesn't look like it is now, it can be said that it is holding a dry old tree trunk. Except for the bones, there seems to be no flesh.

However, Li Menglong still didn't think too much. He even thought that he might have smelled the wrong scent. After all, the fragrances on girls' bodies were different, but it was normal to make mistakes occasionally.

After Li Menglong pulled the other party to his side, he didn't open his eyes in a hurry. The little beauty took the initiative to come into his arms. It would be unreasonable not to hold her for a while.

It's just that Li Menglong didn't think much about taking advantage. The action just now was a decision he made out of anger, but now that anger has long dissipated.

While he closed his eyes, he was also waiting for the girls to resist. He was even prepared to hold his head and be hammered by the opponent. After all, the action just now was indeed a little too much.

It's just that the rage he imagined didn't come, which is a bit strange. He didn't think that his embrace would be so charming that the girls would be trapped in it and unable to extricate themselves!

So Li Menglong decided to stimulate the little girl a little bit. Maybe the girl was a little confused for a moment: "If you don't get up, I will shout molestation. Although I also know that I am very attractive, you still have to control yourself!"

Having said that, Li Menglong really didn't think that the girls could continue to tolerate it, otherwise they would no longer be the girls Li Menglong knew.

But the result was once again beyond Li Menglong's expectation. Since he was woken up, was this the first time his guess had failed?

This is unscientific! Based on his understanding of the girls, it was a very small probability that he could not guess correctly once or twice. As a result, he failed to guess correctly even once. This could not be because the girls changed people directly after sleeping all night. Bar?

Li Menglong was too lazy to continue speculating. He planned to have a careful discussion with the person in his arms. He couldn't always play his cards according to the routine, which would be unfriendly to everyone.

So Li Menglong, who had been "blindly practicing" for so long, was finally willing to open his eyes, but when he first looked at it, Li Menglong thought he was not awake yet, otherwise the image would not match at all!

Blinking hard, Li Menglong almost widened his eyes, but the image of the person in his arms still did not change at all.

Li Menglong was really panicked now. He couldn't even remember how long ago it was when he last felt this way, but the feeling itself made him unforgettable!

How should I describe this feeling? It's like holding the wrong girlfriend's hand on the street, and in the presence of both parties' significant other.

In short, in addition to being embarrassed and wanting to make a hole in the floor, Li Menglong was also a little guilty and even scared. After all, he had already recognized who the other party was.

If Li Menglong could be given another chance to choose, he would honestly open his eyes the first time. No, he would kneel down on the spot the first time. This is the attitude of normal conversation.

Moreover, Li Menglong himself didn't feel any grievance. After all, if he were to put himself in the other party's identity and perspective, would he still go over and shake "Li Menglong" awake? Just break a leg first. Even if you accidentally kill him, you deserve it!

Ten minutes later, Li Menglong opened the door of Pani's room again just like last night. His goal had not changed and he still wanted to pull Pani out.

The room was very dark, which seemed to have become a standard feature for girls. As long as conditions allowed, they were always accustomed to replacing the curtains with thick blackout curtains. They attached great importance to the comfort of sleeping in.

Because there were so many people squeezed into the room, there were several girls lying in a mess on the floor, although it seemed that two or three people could barely fit in the bed.

However, they are used to sleeping alone. Although it may not be assigned before going to bed, it is not impossible to do it in a dream after falling asleep.

As for who is lying on the bed, no one has to guess. Maybe under normal circumstances, Kim Taeyeon's absolute strength still has room for improvement, but after falling asleep, she is really able to defeat all the invincible opponents in the world!

So Li Menglong directly rummaged for Pani from the ground. Fortunately, the process was not too complicated. After all, Pani's pajamas were the same set as his pajamas.

But when he thought of this, Li Menglong's mouth turned bitter again, which was not necessarily a good thing.

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