Li Menglong had already walked in in advance. After all, they were giving free meals to the girls, and he just wanted to chat with the girls. Wasn't he superfluous in the past?

After having this kind of awareness, Li Menglong naturally had to make room for others. This is called being discerning and knowing how to advance and retreat, and it is a sign of being sensible!

But why did the girls come in so quickly? This speed is unscientific: "Didn't you say you want to give each other small gifts? Don't be perfunctory, they are your parents!"

"Gui, we are going to give our parents some good things now, so can you just stand still?"

Li Menglong was not the kind of person who would be obedient. Besides, what the girls said was so confusing, how could he possibly obey their requests.

But the more this happened, the more unwilling the girls were to explain to Li Menglong. They just took this opportunity to vent, because the previous situation had frightened them a lot.

The relationship between the girls and Li Menglong is so interesting. No one will always have the advantage. This is a process in which the east wind and the west wind compete with each other.

As for who will have the upper hand in the end, it depends on the specific situation, but now it is obvious that the girls have the advantage.

"Just lie down obediently and don't move around. You know, we will be gentler, little baby!"

Xu Xian did not go in to participate in the riot. After all, someone had to be left outside to take care of the food delivery boy.

But just as the two were chatting, this terrible line came out through the unclosed door. Even though Xu Xian knew that it was absolutely normal, the other party didn't know.

Although the other party also knows that girls are not willing to do such shameful things in public, it is really easy for people to overthink it.

So this little brother planned to leave first, but the more anxious he was to leave, the more Xu Xian wanted to retain him, otherwise the matter would not be explained clearly.

Even though he is just a fan, every fan deserves to be cherished, otherwise how can the accumulation of a little make a big difference?

Just when Xu Xian was forcing the other party to stay, the girls in the room finally came out, each with their little faces flushed and looking quite cute.

Seeing that this group of people wanted to show off, Xu Xian would give them this opportunity, so they should understand the matter quickly. She really didn't want to be worried anymore.

Under Xu Xian's repeated urging, the girls could only reluctantly hand over the trophies in their hands: "This is what we just snatched back from Li Menglong, it was not written temporarily!"

The girls are still emphasizing here, mainly because the gifts are still a bit light, they are just some of their autographed photos.

As for why Li Menglong carries these things with him, it's certainly not because he likes girls.

Even if he is a crazy fan of girls, he doesn't have to look at the photos. Are the photos better-looking than the real people?

Although it is indeed not the reason, but as far as this issue is concerned, Li Menglong dares to say responsibly that the girls in the photos are definitely much prettier than the real people in private.

Even though girls are naturally beautiful, how are the photos taken?

Professional stylists and costumers will match them, professional photographers will take photos of them, and select the best from thousands of photos. In the end, there will probably be experienced people responsible for retouching the photos.

With so many professionals involved in the work, if the effect of the filming is not as good as the real people in private, then is there any need for the work of these people to exist?

However, Li Menglong is a special case. Maybe he is one of the few people who seems to be more ordinary the more he looks at girls. After all, he sees them too many times in daily life.

Fans, however, are very curious about the status of the girls in their lives. However, the photo companies and even the artists themselves will not release these photos, so there is room for Li Menglong to operate.

The photos he holds are almost all taken by himself, at least initially.

However, considering Li Menglong's photography skills and "shipping volume", the girls feel that this has reached a point where they need to control it, otherwise Li Menglong will simply be a black fan leader lurking around them.

After an arduous battle, the girls finally achieved a staged result, mainly because Li Menglong was particularly stubborn in this matter.

But girls can also understand that cutting off a person's financial path is like killing his parents. They are simply digging up Li Menglong's roots.

In the end, it was actually the girls who took the initiative to compromise. When Li Menglong needed photos again, he could come to the girls and ask for them. Anyway, they had a lot of photos on their phones. No matter how ugly they were, they were better than those taken by Li Menglong.

With the photos provided by the girls, Li Menglong's autographed photos were instantly upgraded by two levels.

In order to better manage this business, Li Menglong also imitated NBA star cards and put fragments of certain girls' clothes inside, which increased the value again.

Li Menglong seemed to be enlightened on this matter, and then came up with various gimmicks, such as numbered ones, complete sets, and special commemorative items for certain occasions.

When the photo was finally coated with a hard film, the effect was very interesting to the girls. They themselves did not resist the temptation and spent money to buy several sets from Li Menglong, which was also proved from the side. Li Menglong has been successful in this aspect.

Even girls can't resist the temptation. Do you expect fans to be able to withstand it? That's not a daydream.

But it is a pity that even though fans have become extremely enthusiastic about these photo cards and have even requested the company several times to open such peripherals, the results have always been to nothing.

After all, the commercial value of girls is already very high, and the company's appearance does not need to be so ugly. Besides, after opening up, it will be easy for many people to hoard and speculate maliciously, and the impact will not be good.

So after all the twists and turns, the only genuine source of the photos turned out to be Li Menglong. This can be regarded as a disguised increase in the rarity of the photos.

Li Menglong himself has discovered this, so he doesn't need to bring money in many cases, but he will definitely bring a few photos of the girls. In many cases, this thing is more useful than money.

The girls knew this, so they just pushed Li Menglong down and plundered such a fine product from him. It should be regarded as a satisfactory return gift, right?

In fact, if possible, girls are more willing to give each other some items such as albums. In her opinion, this is a sign of sincerity.

Unlike these photos, there is almost no cost at all. The value depends on how much they are valued in the other person's heart.

This can be regarded as consuming fans in disguise, at least that's what they think.

But they couldn't see the joy on the face of the delivery boy. He was obviously a good shopper and knew how precious these cards were.

You must know that among these cards sent by Li Menglong, what everyone hates the most is the so-called suit.

It would have been fine if he had given them out in one set, but Li Menglong had to give them out one by one. The result was that everyone who got the singles wanted to collect the whole set.

It is a pity that there are still few people who can achieve this achievement. It is not that Li Menglong is not a good character and deliberately intercepted such a car to sell it at a high price.

It's completely because no one is willing to sell it. After all, even if Li Menglong exchanges these items, the target is usually a die-hard fan of girls.

If something falls into the hands of such people, you still want them to take it out? Wouldn’t that cost them their lives?

Therefore, the probability of getting a complete set is really small. To achieve this goal, the most effective way at present is to exchange the same cards.

As for spending money, those who are willing to chase celebrities can’t say that they are not short of money, but they will not sell this no matter how short of money they are.

The result is that this type of card, which obviously has huge market potential, has simply not appeared on the market. It is not impossible to say that there is a price but no market.

But now the girls have taken the initiative to put together a set of high-quality products and give them to each other. If they really sell them for money, if they meet a rich fan, they can really make a small fortune.

Although the girls know nothing about this, they are aware of their actions and can see that the person opposite is very satisfied with the gift. In that case, that’s fine. The most important thing in giving a gift is the reaction of the recipient.

This farce that had been going on for a long time was finally coming to an end. Xu Xian was the last one to walk in and locked the door behind him.

She has already made up her mind. No matter who knocks on the door next, she will not pay attention. She really doesn't want to wipe the butt of these people anymore. She is already exhausted mentally and physically.

In fact, many times this kind of exhaustion is acceptable. As long as the girls can pay attention to comfort Xu Xian and relieve her depression, everything will be easy to talk about.

But will girls do this?

As soon as I walked in, I saw the girls eating and drinking around the table, as if they had spent a lot of energy. She must be the most tired one, right?

"Xiaoxian, why are you still standing there? Come over and eat quickly!"

The first person to ask Xu Xian to sit down was Li Menglong. No wonder Xu Xian was often torn between the girls and Li Menglong.

It stands to reason that she and the girls have known each other for many years, and they have experienced so many ups and downs together. This relationship is definitely not a joke.

But in the end, Li Menglong, a latecomer, succeeded in occupying a certain position in Xu Xian's heart. Don't the girls have nothing to reflect on this?

As if they were aware of Xu Xian's resentment, the girls reluctantly put down the food in their hands and stepped forward to care about Xu Xian: "What's wrong with Xiaoxian? He's crying in despair. Let Ernie hug him!"

"Are you hungry? Here are the chicken wings I managed to grab. Here they are for you!"

"Do you feel sorry for me? It doesn't matter. Let's have enough food and drink before we argue with Li Menglong!"

Xu Xian didn't even know what expression to use to face these unnies. It was okay to care about her, but what was the point of stuffing his half-eaten chicken wings into her mouth?

And Kim Taeyeon’s words mean that she hasn’t figured out her position yet, right? Are you still counting on Xu Xian to fight with her? Go ahead and dream!

Ignoring these people, Xu Xian turned around and walked to the bathroom. At this time, Pani finally found the opportunity to speak: "This is not a dormitory. All the toiletries are mine. Ernie doesn't mind. And you."

From an angle that Xu Xian couldn't see, the girls all looked at Pani with contempt. Although everyone was flattering Xu Xian just now, who made Pani shoot so sharply? This made other people very angry. It's jealousy.

However, it is difficult to express jealousy directly, so contempt has become a good substitute. They just said it directly: Huang Meiying, we despise you!

Pani naturally doesn't care about the contempt of this group of people. When everyone is shameless, why should she be the only one to despise her?

It's just that Pani's flattery wasn't accurate, and Xu Xian hadn't done any strenuous exercise. Even if he was tired, he was physically and mentally exhausted, so why did he come to Pani's house to wash up?

She went to the bathroom to give herself a calm space to prevent her from saying something rebellious on impulse.

The second step was to put on the pajamas she had brought with her. After all, she had carried them all the way and she had carefully selected them. If she didn't wear them, she would feel very disadvantaged.

So when Xu Xian walked out, the group of people eating immediately felt that the food in their mouths no longer tasted good. It was really comfortable to look at the pajamas. They also wanted to change into pajamas to eat.

It's a pity that not everyone has this kind of forward-looking vision, and no one thought that they might have to rest at Pani's house tonight, so who would bring that thing over.

At this time, we can see the benefits of Pani as a landowner. Although she does not live here many times, she still has pajamas, and even a change of clothes.

And this set of pajamas became the focus of the competition among the girls. They couldn't give in to each other, and the scene was quite tragic for a while!

The final result can be guessed almost before taking action. It is nothing more than a complete victory for these people from the Big Sister Gang. The only thing you need to be curious about is how the power holders will distribute it.

In the end, Jessica grabbed a top, and Lee Soon Kyu grabbed a pair of pants. As for the eldest sister, Kim Taeyeon, she was not qualified to do anything today, so she was directly excluded.

Although the result is not a happy one, at least there is a result, which is better than arguing all the time.

Some smarter girls didn't get involved at all. It wasn't their turn anyway. In this case, they might as well take advantage of this time to eat more food, so as not to fight for it later.

Even if everyone knows that they can't finish all these, there are always some dishes that they particularly like. When everyone has similar tastes, in the end, they still rely on their own hands. Of course, relying on their elbows is not impossible. After all, The elbow is more powerful!

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