The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2311 Come to the door

Li Menglong still didn't know what Xu Xian over there had guessed. He was slowly finding the way. After all, he had hardly been here.

Xu Xian no longer expects Li Menglong to tell him everything. It is not particularly important whether this is the other party's bad taste or simply to guard against her Xu Xian.

Now she was just curious about where the girls were hiding. She already felt vaguely familiar with this place.

You must know that Xu Xian has been to too many places on weekdays, and her memory will instinctively delete these less important information. In the end, what she can write down is because of some kind of necessity.

So Xu Xian started to search in his brain, but unfortunately it was always a little bit behind.

However, she can confirm that she must have been here before, and she even deliberately wrote down the address here, but she may rarely come here again.

In fact, after making this inference, Xu Xian was able to narrow down the scope, but the decisive information was when he stood outside the elevator door at the door of the unit, and he finally recovered this memory.

"Why did oppa bring me to Panioni's house? Could it be that he is here for a home visit?"

In fact, Xu Xian himself felt that this question was not very reliable. Since when did he have to bring a follower with him for a home visit?

Besides, Li Menglong didn't need any home visits. He could just talk to the girls directly about anything.

But isn't Xu Xian looking forward to the possibility of a slight surprise? What if the reason is the same as what she thinks? That way you can really avoid a lot of unnecessary accidents.

Unfortunately, things went against expectations. Although Li Menglong did not answer directly, the answer he gave was quite obvious: "Pani's father recently returned to the United States and is not at home!"

This sentence directly made Xu Xian completely despair, and so did the girls. Since they were about to run away, why not hide in a hotel? Instead of going back to their own home, were they showing off that they could afford an extra house?

In fact, girls all have more than one property in their name. Even for celebrities with relatively wide connections, a house is still the safest and most profitable investment.

Secondly, there is a certain degree of necessity. Although the girls themselves still live in the dormitory and have no desire to move out, this is not normal.

Which young person does not have the vision of living alone? Imagine decorating your own unique private space, and imagine your absolute freedom of life. It is obvious that living by yourself is the most comfortable, especially if you can afford a house.

Most idols who have made money will do this, but this time it depends on their savings. If the funds are not that rich, they often buy a house and live with their parents.

But when it comes to girls, it doesn't have to be so complicated. They can afford to buy a house for their parents to live in first, and then invest in some shops themselves.

Besides, girls are also willing to live with their parents. On the one hand, they miss too much of the warm daily life of family when they are young. On the other hand, because they mainly live in dormitories, they are not afraid of quarrels if they spend too much time together.

In short, all girls have a second home, but because each family's situation is different, the situation at home is also different.

For example, Kim Taeyeon's family mainly lives in Jeonju, Xiaoxian's family is almost always filled with people, and Pani's family is often empty.

Although Li Menglong persuaded Pani's father to come back and spend more time with Pani, which was extremely beneficial to Pani's career and body and mind, his focus for many years has been in the United States, and nothing can be changed.

However, Pani is very satisfied with this, and it is convenient to provide a private gathering place for these people when no one is around.

Although the dormitory can meet most of everyone's needs, life is always full of surprises, such as today!

"Why is there still someone ringing the doorbell? Hasn't the food ordered been delivered?"

Pani tilted her head and asked here. After all, there will be no one in her house after these people leave. Isn’t it a waste to order too much food? This is not a good habit.

It is said that in the past, girls had similar habits, but that was mainly because they had too little private time.

This is especially true when it comes to food. Every time they order, they don't order a lot. After all, they themselves don't know when they will be so indulgent next time.

But since Li Menglong arrived, this problem has really been solved.

Firstly, he gave the girls more extra time, so that their desire for food would not reach the level of hunger; secondly, because Li Menglong was so good at eating, no matter how much they ordered, they would rarely eat it. What's left.

The girls were naturally very curious about Li Menglong's appetite. Every time he ate, he seemed to be underfed, which greatly affected their image.

As a result, the number of meals ordered by the girls was increasing, and Li Menglong's appetite finally had a limit, which satisfied the girls.

But even if there was leftover food, Li Menglong would not throw it away. Instead, he would save it for the next meal for secondary processing.

At first, the girls were naturally quite repulsive towards leftovers. They worked so hard and made money not just to eat leftovers!

It's a pity that their willpower is not as high as they thought. Li Menglong did not force them to eat the food. At first, he only ate it by himself.

It's just that he tasted so delicious that the girls couldn't help but want to taste it. After the first time, everything became a matter of course.

Of course, the girls would never admit that they were tempted by Li Menglong's delicious food. They simply did not want to waste food, and there were absolutely no other factors.

But in this way, over time, the girls will habitually start to cherish food, which is one of the proofs that they were influenced by Li Menglong.

After being questioned by Pani at the scene, everyone looked at each other, but no one took the initiative to come forward: "Ah, doesn't your family owe the water bill?"

"Are you stupid? In what age are you still coming to collect water bills?"

Seeing that this group of people was about to start a lengthy discussion on the topic of water bill collection, Yoona had some different opinions.

It's just not easy to share with this group of people. After all, looking at the time, if everything goes well, it seems that Li Menglong should also arrive.

To be honest, Yoona has completed the most important task that the traitor needs to do. She successfully conveyed the hiding place of the girls to Li Menglong.

Relying on this alone, Yoona could straighten her back and bargain with Li Menglong. At least the other party couldn't accuse her of playing tricks.

But at this moment, it became clear that Li Menglong's assessment of Yoona was accurate. This little girl indeed had a soul marked with betrayal in her heart.

Of course, Yoona can still be relied on when it comes to matters of right and wrong. In this case, it is difficult to say that she was stimulated when she was a child, which means that she has nothing to do with pity!

If you have to find a reason, the most likely reason is that there is a lack of excitement in this little girl's life. At least Yoona herself needs some excitement to spice up her boring life.

Although there are many ways to achieve the goal, in the end Yoona chose the one that was most consistent with her character - that is to keep seeking death!

Of course, these are the most straightforward and even malicious speculations. Yoona herself prefers to call it challenging authority and self-motivation!

So now Yoona is getting ready to act. Although no one is forcing her to do this, Yoona just can't control herself, so she is taking advantage of Li Menglong.

"Is there something missing from any takeaway? Let me go over and have a look."

Yoona volunteered and stood up quickly without waiting for the other girls to react. The girls around her were confused. When did Yoona become so diligent?

However, no one took the initiative to stop her. Everyone just watched Yoona walking to the access control screen: "Hello, are you a food delivery person?"

Li Menglong downstairs has already begun to consider other methods at this time. A living person cannot be choked to death by urinating. Whether it is to go to the security guard or ring someone else's doorbell, it is better than spending time here. Is it possible that he has to wait for the girl? Can we walk down by ourselves?

But the more anxious he became, the more at ease Xu Xian felt. It would be best for Li Menglong to just give up. Wouldn't it be better for the two of them to go to the nightclub directly?

Of course, Xu Xian definitely didn't want to go to the nightclub for herself. She was completely public-minded and she was thinking about the girls!

"Oppa, otherwise forget it. I don't know where you got the information, but what if it's wrong? How embarrassing!"

As soon as Xu Xian spoke, Yoona's sweet voice came from the transponder over there. This voice was really like the sound of nature. If anyone says that Yoona's voice is not nice in the future, Li Menglong will be the first to disagree. !

However, as proud as Li Menglong is, Xu Xian's heart is as dead as ever. It seems that things are beginning to move in the darkest direction. But how did these two people get in touch with each other? Is it through thoughts?

Now the only thing Xu Xian can hope for is that the inappropriate relationship between the two will be exposed to the world. It doesn't need to be known by too many people, just the girls in the room.

In this way, they didn't need to do anything more. They just didn't open the door. After all, Li Menglong couldn't force his way into a house, right?

In fact, the possibility of Yoona being exposed still exists. If nothing else, the image on the screen alone is enough to destroy everything.

It's a pity that the girls are too lazy to come over and take a look. Sure enough, God is only willing to help those who are diligent. Indeed, these talents have more possibilities to create miracles.

For people like girls who are too lazy to walk these few steps, no one can save them!

To be precise, there is still someone who can save all this at this moment. As long as Xu Xian shouts like this, Li Menglong will not be able to enter the room in the end, and Yoona will die in this room tonight.

But Xu Xian has no reason to do this. After all, she has given the girls too much help in this matter. Without her existence, the girls would not be able to survive now.

So Xu Xian's idea at this moment is that the two of them don't help each other. This is convenient for her to finish the job at the end. After all, even if two people are killed, someone has to go in and collect the bodies!

As a result, the conversation between Li Menglong and Li Menglong became more and more natural, and they even vaguely communicated about the situation in the room: "After I went back to the store, I found out that it was the meal you Girls' Generation ordered. The boss asked me to bring some more. He But what about your fans!”

Everyone in the room heard Li Menglong's words. After all, the sound on the display screen was played externally. Everyone just didn't see who was inside.

In fact, even at this moment, the girls still have the possibility of making a comeback. You must know that as singers, their sensitivity to sound should be far beyond that of the average person.

Even through some distorted equipment, you can still detect a familiar flavor through some sound details and the rhythm of the dialogue.

But the girls really never dreamed that Li Menglong had already come downstairs. Besides, these people had all drunk some wine, and they didn't have such sound brains to think about problems.

As for Li Menglong's current answer, the girls don't think there is any problem. You must know that their fans can do anything. It is not too normal to meet a fan who owns a restaurant.

Yoona's heart was still a little trembling after hearing this. It was almost like dancing on a sword, but it was really exciting, especially after realizing that the girls didn't notice, the sense of accomplishment was no joke. .

"Then thank you boss first. I'll open the door for you right now, but you can't take pictures when you come in. The Ernies are in a bad state!"

The purpose of Yoona's words was to tell Li Menglong about the situation here. For example, many of her unnies were gathered here. Or, they had all drank a little, and there was a possibility that each of them might act drunkenly.

However, it was obviously a code word between the two of them, but the girls also heard the so-called subtext. Of course, it was still different from Yoona's original meaning.

"You little girl are talking nonsense here. Why is our condition so bad? Don't we deserve to see people?"

"That's right, even if we drank some wine, it's still beautiful!"

"Whoever, go and take out the camera for me. I, Kim Taeyeon, already took this photo. Don't let anyone stop me!"

Someone tried to stop her, but Kim Taeyeon was damned. She was waving her arms like iron rods, and when she got closer, she probably got punched in the nose before she could say anything!

You must know that girls really rely on their reputation to make a living. Once Kim Taeyeon breaks up with her, who will bear the economic losses?

So Kim Taeyeon can do whatever she wants. She feels that she can exude superhuman beauty all the time, so go take pictures!

But whether the other girls will appear together is a question!

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