The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 230: Surprises and Surprises

(I strongly recommend everyone to watch this video and directly search for "sunny is very full of ten". It's very interesting. This plot has been around for a long time, but I didn't expect the protagonist to be in prison, alas.)

Night, as cold as water. Most people fall into the deepest sleep at three o'clock in the middle of the night, but the mobile phone is still working precisely, even if it is a program that has been set long in advance, it will execute it meticulously.

Just as the second hand jumped to three o'clock, the mobile phone began to play a heavy bass guitar at the highest volume. Because the mobile phone was right next to his ear, Lee Soon Kyu jumped three feet high.

"Hey. Li Shungui, are you ready? Watch the video, don't be in a daze!" The voice of a minion changed his voice and came over.

He didn't know what happened, but he still picked up the phone. Seeing that there seemed to be writing and pictures on it, Lee Soon Kyu touched a pair of glasses.

The mobile phone screen is a very rough PS work, just a photo of her with various texts, but why are the tone of those texts so embarrassing?

"Tsundere and innocent Li Shungui, who can sing and dance, has been on the road for three years. Please give me your advice, and the reference price is XXXX." Li Shungui read out in a low voice with squinted eyes: "Short stature is the most annoying thing; say I am a partial eclipse Is it not tall, evidence?..."

At this time, the screen has started to switch, replaced with photos of her from various time periods after her debut, sexy and cute ones, and the cheap voice rang again: "Ahem, congratulations to Ms. Li Shungui who is one year older, It's been another year since I died, and I'm about to go to the third, and then to the fourth... Anyway, happy birthday, Sahua, Kang Sang Smecta!"

"Are you ready? Don't be disgusted by yourself!" After the opening, the voice finally reminded, and then Lee Soon Kyu's big face occupied the entire screen. The hairstyle is perfect, the expression is cute, the only thing I want to complain about is the pouty duck mouth, and the shameless cuteness in the mouth: "Pikachu..."

The moment she saw this scene, Kim Taeyeon behind her couldn't help laughing. Although it was uncomfortable to be woken up in the middle of the night, it was worth it to see this scene.

At this time, the subtitles are still caringly complaining: "Li sunny, it's shameful to be cute, do you make (know) it?"

Then the main show began, and the humble voice began to sing this very perfect ten, the lyrics and the picture matched perfectly, and all kinds of ugly photos of Lee Soon Kyu accumulated over the past five years were all displayed.

Fortunately, the moment the climax appeared, the picture was refreshed a lot. It is obvious that the author of this video also knows Lee Soon Kyu's temper: "

Her lips are sweet Lips are sweet (10 out of 10)

Her legs are very slender and her legs are very slender (10 out of 10)

her flowing hair flowing hair (10 out of 10)

She is (10 out of 10) from head to toe"

Each line of the lyrics is accompanied by a variety of corresponding beautiful photos of Li Shungui. Before Li Shungui said anything, Kim Taeyeon began to complain: "The second sentence is obviously fake. What kind of legs do you have?"

"I don't want to watch it, I can send you to die in advance!" Li Shungui stared at the screen, not willing to leave at all.

"LALALALALALA I'm stuck in

life without her is meaningless she gives a lot

The smile on my mouth keeps on

life without her is meaningless

what should i do next

Oh, it doesn't matter, that's fine

If she was wine, I'd be drunk for her"

The only pity about this lyrics is that the images are all of Hyomin calling Lee Soon Kyu, she can't help but curl her lips slightly, thinking about coward silently in her heart.

However, this video has been complaining about it, and at the end it finally teased Li Shungui's Ni Lin. In the second paragraph, when her legs were very long and slender (10 out of 10), this bitch paused, and then abruptly inserted Come to a picture of undefeated youth.

Inside, Lee Soon Kyu leaned on a shovel like a village girl, and looked at the camera blankly: "Height 155m!" After that, 155cm of various colors and sizes covered the screen.

Kim Taeyeon behind him laughed unscrupulously again. This song coupled with this voice and this complaint is simply a perfect kill for Lee Soon Kyu.

Fortunately, things went back to normal later on. In the end, there was a picture of Lee Soon Kyu covering the camera with one hand in the MV. The screen returned to pitch black, and that lowly voice no longer appeared.

Fortunately, Li Shungui is familiar with mobile phones. When he saw the lights below, he knew that the video was still playing. Sure enough, after coming here for half a minute, a familiar voice came out: "Look, after I have been working here for 24 hours, You are still dragging your exhausted body to find the material, so let me go! After all, it is your birthday. If you have to take revenge, please wait until tomorrow morning, okay?"

There was another short period of silence, and the video was played almost to the end. Although the man was formal, he said in a low voice: "Lee Soon Kyu, happy birthday!"

The video is completely played, it is self-evident who set it up, Li Shungui really wants to go downstairs and beat him up now, who made him not only dare to laugh at her, but also dare to let her dove.

Thinking of how Li Menglong dragged his tired body to make the video for himself, Li Shungui couldn't put down the corners of his mouth. He opened the video again and listened to it. This time, he focused on something different.

"Did you hear his intonation? It seems that there is no problem with the rhythm and intonation at all?" Lee Soon Kyu was afraid that he heard it wrong, so he specifically asked Kim Taeyeon.

As a result, Taeyeon, who was in a daze over there, was forcibly called over. She listened to it again and gave an affirmative answer. This was the first time they heard Li Menglong sing.

After a farce ended, Lee Soon Kyu was still a little unfulfilled, and she even looked forward to playing another song later, but based on his understanding of Li Menglong, pranks usually end in one go, which is a pity!

And she wanted to go and beat Li Menglong now, but no one was there, she even wanted to go downstairs to see, is there anyone outside? But reason stopped her.

But Kim Taeyeon on the other bed was secretly annoyed, she was thinking about what gift Li Monglong gave her on her birthday? It looks like a cake, but it will be gone after eating. How can there be such a memorable gift!

But she didn't want how long she and Li Menglong had just known each other. With deep resentment, Kim Taeyeon fell asleep for a long time, and everything will be settled with him slowly later, as for what she neglected in her heart, only she knows.

Time quickly came to June 5th, and it was only a few days before Li Menglong came out. If the girls usually still have time to miss him, then today they really can't care about him, because today is a big day.

With the congratulations of all the inmates, Li Menglong smiled and greeted everyone outside the cell, but in the back room Li Menglong couldn't care about the peachy eyes and the fat man's resentful eyes.

"Thank you for shaping the culture in the prison recently. To be honest, I really want you to stay for a while, and we are all relieved!" A prison guard said kindly to Li Menglong: "But I know you don't belong here. Don't come, don't be so impulsive!"

"Don't worry, I won't even come if you invite me!" Li Menglong walked out of the dimly lit building with a contented smile. It melted away.

However, Li Menglong still greedily enjoys the warmth brought by the sun, and the freedom that is still far away. The freedom of the body is only one aspect, and more is that Li Menglong can do what he likes freely in the future.

You don't have to worry about everything anymore, and you don't have to be careful everywhere. He can go to school, take a plane, go abroad, and do everything he wants, and of course there are things that men understand.

In short, after being released from prison today, Li Menglong will not only bid farewell to those memories that cannot be recalled in the past, but also the cautious and cautious days of the past year. He will face the world with a more open mind.

The more Li Menglong thought about it, the happier he became. He felt like he was going to fly, so he couldn't help closing his eyes and opening his hands as if he was going to fly...

"Are you blind? Do you want to choose a good place? Do you have to blackmail me?"

Feeling the strong wind in front of his cheeks, listening to the abuse coming from the car in the distance, all these brought Li Menglong back to the mortal world again, it seems that he is still the original Li Menglong.

After finding a bus to the city center, Li Menglong leaned aside in a sunny position, and then turned on his mobile phone. This was for the prison guards to charge the battery in advance.

There are a bunch of missed calls and text messages inside, including those from Liu Zaishi's group and girls, but there seem to be some Xiaoxian's among them, and they are all from after he was imprisoned.

"The singing stage ended early, because of my personal promotional reasons. In fact, I can run on both sides, but the company does not agree, I am really sad!" 5.20 at home late at night.

"On the first day of movie promotion, everything was very fresh, but I didn't understand a lot of things. Fortunately, I had Sunny Ernie with me. I wish you were here, Magnum Oppa!" Backstage at the Busan Cinema at noon on 5.23.

"Today's post-dubbing of the movie, I'm so excited. It feels weird to see my own performance! But I won't finish watching it, and I will watch it with you when the time comes!" 5.25 Night Editing Room.

"The movie is scheduled to be released on 6.6, and everyone is in a panic. What should I do if someone scolds me outside? I'm already serious about acting, and you know it!" The nanny car was moving in the evening of 6.1.

"Tonight is the premiere, and I really want to attend it with you. But I will take more photos for you, don't feel too sorry! I'm going to find a dress with my sisters, it's so troublesome, I can't eat yet!" 6.5 Early in the morning, the yam juice is being squeezed.

Looking at the short messages of resentment or miss, the smile on Li Menglong's mouth never fell. He is really glad that he came out a few days earlier because of his good performance.

Leaning against the side of the glass, he hesitated a little, and took the finger off the phone screen anyway. Then put the phone between the thumb and index finger and rotate it non-stop. Since it came out in advance, it will be a surprise then.

Leaning his head on the back of the chair behind him, he seemed to have a lot to think about during this time, not to mention these girls, just the work of these people is scary.

At this time, he missed his big notebook very much, at least there were still some plans of his, but let's talk about it when he got home at night, he was already looking forward to it.

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