The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2292 Three-Party Meeting

Xu Xian thought she had seen through everything, but she didn't know that she still had a lot to learn!

But employees who really think their boss is a fool will often find out in the end that the fool is just themselves!

It’s not that there is a gap in IQ between the boss and the employees, but that the boss has an inherent advantage because of his position.

In addition, the boss can accumulate corresponding experience through different employees, but employees always work alone. Unless they are extremely talented, the chance of gaining the upper hand is very small.

This is just like a boss in an online game. As a boss, the boss can be upgraded through battles, and becomes more difficult to defeat in the later stages.

Although the staff as players can also be upgraded, the speed is not that fast. The key is that the turnover of personnel is very high.

In the later stage, the terrifying boss faces a group of newcomers who have just entered the workplace. In this case, it would be strange to be able to outplay the boss.

It's just that bosses often need wisdom. If they directly confront employees, it will not be beneficial to the development of the company.

Being appropriately silly is conducive to the healthy development of the company. This is Li Menglong's current state.

Do you really think that he can't see the clues that Xu Xian can detect? He is not blind!

It’s just that we still expect these people to work hard in the future. It’s best to work overtime together or something. If we fall out now, you can imagine how efficient the whole day’s work will be!

Even Li Menglong has to succumb to reality. Of course, this does not mean that he generously forgives these people.

He just silently kept everything that happened today in his mind, waiting for one day when he has more free time, he will be able to torture these people to death.

The darker the thoughts in his heart, the brighter the smile on Li Menglong's face became. However, when the smile is too bright, it will look ferocious and perverted.

Maybe only Li Menglong himself didn't realize this, but people around him didn't dare to remind him. Anyway, they were all laughing along here, and the entire second floor was filled with a sense of stupidity.

"Xu Xian and their fans will bring food to you in the evening. You have to work hard to eat other people's food. You don't need to remind me about this, right?"

Li Menglong is beating these people here. If today's work does not satisfy him, Li Menglong does not mind starting the hell mode in advance.

"Don't worry about this, we are not the kind of people who eat and drink for free!"

"Xiao Xian, just ask what you need to do today. Don't get tired!"

"We are ready to work overtime today, and everyone is very aware!"

In order to make Li Menglong feel more comfortable, these people directly threw out the conditions agreed in advance. It seemed that they had made a big decision, but in fact they were just a favor without any cost.

After all, they have worked with Li Menglong for several years. Although they don't know him that deeply, as far as overtime work is concerned, everyone has already summarized various rules.

In short, working overtime tonight is almost certain. Instead of letting Li Menglong speak, why can't they turn passive into active?

In their imagination, they can even propose some preferential conditions based on this, such as overtime hours, etc., but now it seems that being able to save their lives is already pretty good.

Faced with such a sensible subordinate, Li Menglong was also very satisfied. Naturally, he would not be hypocritical or anything like that, otherwise if these people came and acted like a fool, he would not be able to find a place to cry.

After some open and covert confrontations, the second floor finally became quiet again. Xu Xian also learned something inexplicably from it, but it still needs to be summarized later.

As for now, of course, we have to focus on work. The entire second floor is now like a precision instrument. Every part must operate at full strength, otherwise it will easily get stuck.

While they were busy here, the fans downstairs were secretly worried about the large portion of fried chicken. After trying a few pieces, they really couldn't eat any more.

I deliberately chose to pack it, but I was afraid that the boss lady would misunderstand that they wanted to take it out and throw it away. You must know that they came here today to please the SW group, so they couldn't directly offend this big shot.

Due to their love for girls, fans have naturally known all about SW, whether it is the company's personnel composition, the company's internal structure, or even part of the company's revenue.

If there really is a so-called business war in the entertainment industry, then the best way to choose the source of information is to go to the fans of the company's most popular artist, where they will have everything they want to know.

Among the important people highlighted in SW who can influence the girls, there is the boss lady.

It stands to reason that as the owner of a fried chicken restaurant, the proprietress has basically nothing to do with SW if it is not located on the first floor.

On the contrary, in order to get free help from the girls, he should beg the girls. Many fans who do not know the inside story have raised questions about this.

But at this time, the horror of the long-cherished wishes became apparent. They explained to the newcomers the status and influence of the boss lady in the company from almost all angles.

In short, this person can directly beat the girls without them daring to fight back, and he can also interfere with the judgment of the company's senior management by influencing Li Menglong and Li Enxi.

Although the statement is a bit exaggerated, the vast majority of fans still realize the importance of the boss lady, so now fans dare not do anything except sit there obediently and sigh at the fried chicken.

After all, the proprietress was sitting at the cashier, staring at them. Even if a customer occasionally came, she would always look at it from the corner of her eye.

This tense atmosphere once forced several fans who wanted to go to the bathroom to hold back. These people had the intention of sitting down to digest the food in their stomachs, and then swallowed the fried chicken.

But while waiting for the food to decompose, these people can't be so bored that they play a game of who can blink first with the boss lady, right?

It just so happened that I still had a lot of news to share in the forum today, so I just took out my phone to initiate a message.

In fact, fans' support today has caused quite a stir. Firstly, the scale is indeed quite large, and secondly, the popularity of girls has continued to rise recently, and news related to them is always easier to attract everyone's attention.

So it's natural that those people who had just woken up at home paid attention to this news. After all, searching for their own names every day is almost a daily routine for celebrities.

"Fans went to the company to support us? Why didn't anyone notify us? Are we still members of Girls' Generation anymore?"

"You can see clearly for yourself, okay? They are saying it to thank the company for taking care of us, and they are not thanking you themselves. Why should I inform you?"

"It's okay to do something. In the past, it was good to eat and drink for free. It would be a pity if we can't get this support."

"There's still Xiaoxian here, don't worry!"

Logically, the conversation should have ended here. The next step would be to play games or go back to sleep. In short, the topic would not be continued.

But who knows which muscle of Kim Taeyeon is wrong today? Sitting on the bed is so awkward. It’s really hard to bear the more and more angry you think about it. The more you step back, the more you think about it, the more you lose!

It was obvious that they worked tirelessly to hold a concert for their fans, it was obvious that they did not hesitate to use favors to invite heavyweight guests, it was obvious that they did all of this, so why should the credit go to the company?

Although her thoughts were a bit extreme, Kim Taeyeon herself was not going to correct it, especially after seeing the photos of various food carts posted by fans on the forum, she became more determined in her plan.

In order not to appear weak, Kim Taeyeon started her own mobilization journey, and the first target of mobilization was naturally Lee Soon Kyu beside her.

But Li Shunkyu didn't have time to talk to this guy. The game wasn't fun anymore, or the takeout wasn't delicious anymore. Why did he have to rush over to join in the fun?

You must know that if they go there, it is not only the time cost of eating, but also the round trip and the fact that they have to go to the company to talk to each other after passing, plus the makeup and preparation beforehand. In short, Li Shunkyu thinks it is particularly disadvantageous.

Kim Taeyeon also knew her roommate well and decisively gave up investing in her, otherwise the huge sunk costs would make her suffer more and more.

Besides, there were so many girls, and she, Kim Taeyeon, would not hang herself from a tree. After searching around in various rooms, the expeditionary force gradually took shape.

There were a total of eight people in the dormitory, but in the end, including Kim Taeyeon herself, only three were mobilized, which made Kim Taeyeon feel a little sad. It was becoming increasingly ineffective for her to speak in the team.

Fortunately, her words have never been of much use before, especially on this kind of matter, which can be regarded as the greatest comfort to her.

Agreeing to go out together didn't go so smoothly. Yoona was put under some pressure by her status as the eldest sister and captain, and the little girl had a bit of a greedy will, so it took shape.

As for Pani, that's just pity for Kim Taeyeon. Who told this guy to come over and hug her Huang Meiying and howl? If she didn't agree, Kim Taeyeon wouldn't cry to death in her room, right?

In short, regardless of the process, the result is always good. Yoona, as the driver, took the two Ernies to the company.

The few fans of the company who shared the news did not know that they had recruited girls. They are now immersed in the joy of having their problem solved.

Because there was another round of support in the evening, in order to prevent the fans from getting tired or having personal matters at noon, another group of fans came over to help.

Let’s not talk about what exactly this group of people can help. It’s enough if they can come over and help eat the fried chicken. For this reason, these people sitting in front of the fried chicken are frantically contacting another group of people who are about to arrive. The core meaning is to let Tell them not to eat, and preferably not to drink water!

Although the two groups started at different places and times, they finally met in front of SW, and both faced a small situation - there was no place to park!

After all, there is only such a big place in front of SW. If you want to make room for these food trucks, you must free up the parking lot.

The current scene is that fans' cars are parked in front and they are looking for parking spaces around them, followed by Yoona and three others.

In order to show off her status as an experienced driver, Yoona honked the horn crazily because the other party was blocking the intersection.

Naturally, the noise made several people in the car in front feel a little unhappy, so they simply turned off the engine completely and got out of the car with the intention of having a face-to-face chat.

Yoona, who was still bragging with Kim Taeyeon, was instantly scared. According to some movie clips, will a group of tattooed men with baseball bats come over and smash the car next?

"How about we call the police?"

Looking at the second maknae in front of her who gave in to the end, Kim Taeyeon really felt ridiculous. The SW company was just ten meters in front of her. If she just went down and shouted, they wouldn't be the ones who should call the police.

As expected, she had to rely on herself at the critical moment. Kim Taeyeon tugged on her clothes and opened the car door to have a good talk with these people. Road phobia was a must.

Kim Taeyeon was still somewhat confident when she got out of the car. Whether it was the company not far away or her own identity, even just based on her own beauty, most people would subconsciously be gentler, right?

But before she could say anything, the group of people on the opposite side rushed up with wide eyes. Now it was Kim Taeyeon's turn to be dumbfounded. Are young people nowadays so ungrateful?

She couldn't think of anything about the so-called responses just now. She even forgot to run away. She just subconsciously squatted down holding her head.

This scene confuses the fans who came over. What does this mean? Is it a new greeting action?

Although it feels a little subtle, the people who can help today are fans selected from the forum, and they are considered die-hard fans of the girls.

No matter how naive they are, they are still willing to accompany Kim Taeyeon!

So when Li Menglong ran down with a large army, what he saw was a strange scene. A group of people squatted there holding their heads. Is this the latest performance art?

After seeing Li Menglong appear, Yoona immediately became more courageous. She grabbed her mobile phone and got out of the car window and waved desperately to Li Menglong. At the same time, she did not forget to encourage Kim Taeyeon: "Unnie, our people have arrived. Who just came?" If he wants to fight you, beat him up!"

After hearing Yoona's words, Kim Taeyeon raised her head cautiously. Not far away, people from the company carrying chairs or holding mops gave her endless courage. She was finally able to talk to those people. , didn’t he just honk the horn a few times and he was about to rush over and beat someone?

Faced with Kim Taeyeon's accusations, these fans were extremely aggrieved. Let's not worry about the misunderstanding. How could they hurt Kim Taeyeon?

As for the people who came over, Li Menglong didn't know anything. The three parties stood here and looked at each other, and an atmosphere called embarrassment was slowly spreading.

Now everyone can see that there is a misunderstanding, but they just don’t know where to solve it.

This scene makes Xu Xian feel strangely familiar. She won't be asked to clean up the mess again, right? She is just a maknae, she really shouldn’t be burdened with so much!

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