The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2287 Unexpected

Seohyun's hands were filled with all kinds of snacks. This was before the real food delivery truck arrived. The fans were more prepared than Seohyun imagined.

At most, they are just snacks before meals, which fall into the category of snacks, and these snack carts will stay here all day long until Li Menglong and his gang finish working overtime.

The cost of these food carts alone is quite a lot, but it’s not even a big expense. Judging from the rather proud looks on the fans’ faces, the lunch boxes ordered for lunch and evening must also be quite expensive.

To be honest, Seohyun is a little bit opposed to fans spending too much money. After all, the money is collected by the big guys, and they can work well, but there are many students among their fans.

Although the student group does not have much money, there are many who are willing to spend it. This is equivalent to borrowing money. Those with a net worth of one million eventually borrowed ten thousand, while those with a net worth of one thousand borrowed nine hundred. This People's situations are different.

Thinking about those students saving their little pocket money to do this, how could Xu Xian eat with peace of mind.

Fortunately, fans are at least fully prepared this time, and have even anticipated various problems that may arise among the girls in advance, and have corresponding plans for each.

"This money is not spent on membership fees paid by fans, so we won't spend that money indiscriminately!"

"Then where did you get the money? Did you collect it yourself?" Xu Xian asked, now he was simply jumping from one pit to another.

Xu Xian feels a little conflicted about spending money from students, but can she feel at ease by spending money from these so-called "rich people"? Xu Xiancai is not that utilitarian.

She stubbornly believes that fans’ money belongs to them. No matter how much they are worth, being able to buy their albums is the greatest support for them. If she has enough energy, she can support the merchandise they endorse and come to see the concert. That's enough, there really is no need for any additional expenses.

However, the answer this time was obviously beyond Xu Xian's expectation. It was neither fans' membership fees nor big-money fans booking the venue, but in a way that was so reasonable that Xu Xian was speechless - ticket money!

"Our concert tickets? We don't seem to have collected them." Xu Xian asked anxiously. After all, once this matter is confirmed, a good thing will turn into a bad thing.

Without the knowledge of the girls, SW staff secretly charged for concert tickets. This is simply a scandal. It might blow up SW and leave nothing behind. I can’t help it. Xian is not afraid.

Fortunately, the fans' subsequent explanations relieved her. It turned out to be a spontaneous act by the fans. It originated from discussions on the forum. Everyone felt that the girls were really at a loss by not accepting concert tickets. .

So I don’t know who brought it up first, but somehow the tickets for this concert have a price, five thousand yuan, which is slightly less than the cost of watching a movie.

The price is naturally not high, it can even be said to be very low, but it is precisely because the price is low enough that many fans are willing to participate, especially when the brain is more excited and emotional.

Although many of the people who watched the concert live the day before yesterday were casual spectators, and there were also many fans who were unaware of or unwilling to participate in the current action, but because the base was large enough, fans were still forced to gather a large number of people. money.

"We know you won't ask for this money, so we use this method to thank you. As for the rest and the ones we receive one after another, we will donate it to the corresponding charity account and will not use it indiscriminately! "

As expected, the fans who had done their homework were very comfortable in dealing with Seohyun's questions. They first explained the legitimacy of the source of funds, then expressed their helplessness in providing support with meals, and finally arranged the whereabouts of the remaining balance, so that Seohyun could still How to speak?

"Then you should eat some for yourselves. I will go upstairs and tell everyone. It is expected that someone will come down to eat in a while!" Xu Xian came up again with many snacks and the expectations of the fans.

It's just that Xu Xian really didn't know how to speak, so he could only secretly call Li Menglong out first.

"Xiaoxian still knows that you feel sorry for me? You did the right thing. The two of us went to the third floor to eat quietly without letting these people see it!" Li Menglong's first reaction after seeing Xu Xian was like this, which made Xu Xian Xian wanted to laugh.

"Oppa, stop making trouble, how can I be so stingy?" Xu Xian defended first, and then introduced the situation downstairs to Li Menglong.

Facts have proved that Li Menglong is still far from omnipotent. Even though he thinks he can control the vast majority of fans, these fans still give him little surprises from time to time.

There is obviously no problem with the fans' logic. Seohyun and his gang held free concerts for various reasons, and they have the right not to charge tickets.

In response, fans spontaneously subscribed for their own tickets out of gratitude to the girls. This is also their right. Who can stop it?

The most that can be considered is how the money will be spent in the end. Fans still gave a good answer. All subsequent money will be donated. Isn't this okay?

Since you can't resist, just go and enjoy it. Anyway, the people in the company have indeed helped. After having a dinner party invited by the girls, and then a banquet thanked by the fans, these people will work overtime all night. Does it make sense?

Although he didn't deliberately notify everyone, he just told everyone he met normally, but the news spread much faster than Xu Xian expected.

Moreover, she and even Li Menglong ignored a small situation. Everyone in the company is an ordinary person. They are not the stars that attract everyone's attention. They always receive the admiration of many people.

As an ordinary person living a normal life and growing up, when I am suddenly thanked so solemnly by a group for doing something, I feel a sour and itchy sense of accomplishment in my heart.

This can be regarded as a disguised psychological construction. This is how the so-called collective sense of honor of the company comes from, but the intuitive manifestation now is that no one is interested in working.

Even on the second floor where Li Menglong was swarming, everyone just didn't dare to go out blatantly, but whenever someone passed by the door, everyone would look over subconsciously.

As a result, the number of people going to the bathroom began to increase. However, after half of the office was empty, Li Menglong proposed the procedure of raising your hand to ask for leave to go to the bathroom, which made the remaining people complain.

"What era is this? We are all free people, you can't restrict our freedom in such an inhumane way!"

"Your current behavior has already involved workplace strife. Are you sure you don't need to ask the company's legal department?"

"If you are willing to apologize now, we can forgive you!"

Looking at the excited group of people in front of him, Li Menglong just calmly raised his hand, indicating that the group could be louder, and it would be best to call the police or something directly, and everyone would disperse in a row.

It was obviously during working hours, but half of the people in the room ran to the bathroom. Are you sure those pits can accommodate so many people?

And the minimum time to go there is ten minutes. In total, it is the feeling of going there to brew on the spot, right? Or else the company is collectively constipated?

Seeing that Li Menglong was being criticized by so many people and couldn't speak, Xu Xian also admired his fighting ability, but he just couldn't watch him continue, otherwise it wouldn't end.

"Ouch, my stomach hurts. It hurts so much!" Xu Xian bent over and supported the table, shouting rather abruptly.

The two sides who were still fighting immediately turned their attention to Xu Xian. After all, she was everyone's treasure in the office, but it felt a bit strange.

There is no need for Li Menglong to come forward. From the perspective of ordinary people, Xu Xian's current movements and tone are very fake, like the kind of artificial performance in a comedy skit.

Even ordinary people can't be fooled, let alone Li Menglong as a director. Fortunately, he knows Xu Xian's acting skills. Otherwise, if Xu Xian keeps acting like this, Li Menglong's movies will stop losing money in time.

After judging that Xu Xian acted deliberately, there are many conclusions that can be drawn. The little girl has worked so hard, so he must not give her face.

"Where does it hurt? Do you want me to get you a cup of hot water?"

Faced with Li Menglong's straight man's concern, Xu Xian waved his hand "weakly" and just motioned for him to come over and support him: "I'll just go upstairs and lie down for a while. Oppa can stay with me, okay? I can do it alone." Afraid!"

This sentence was a revelation to Tu Qiong Dagger. The people around him wanted to cry when they saw it. Xu Xian took the initiative to lie for them. This was very touching.

However, it cannot move Li Menglong's hard-hearted heart. After all, those people have benefited, and the victim is Li Menglong: "I'd better just call an ambulance for you. It hurts to see you in this state!"

Xu Xian subconsciously tightened his grip on Li Menglong's forearm. Where did Li Menglong see it? Has her performance reached its peak?

"No, I just want to go up and lie down for a while. Oppa won't disagree, right?"

"I agree, how can I disagree!" Li Menglong rubbed the little girl's head lovingly, and then without giving her any time to refute, he directly picked up her legs and held her whole body in his arms.

This action was obviously beyond Xu Xian's acceptance range, especially when there were so many people around, Xu Xian's whole body became quite stiff.

"Don't move around. It hurts so much that you can't walk anymore. Why don't I hold you? Or call an ambulance?"

It’s a matter of choosing one of the two, but this is equivalent to giving Xu Xian no choice, so he can only let Li Menglong act like a hooligan here. Xu Xian put his arms around his neck, preventing him from turning his head and facing at the same time. Everyone behind them waved their hands, indicating that everyone should go downstairs to eat quickly.

To a certain extent, Xu Xian sacrificed himself to save everyone, but this method is the easiest for people to fall into self-movement. As a bystander, Li Menglong has never advocated it, and even despised it, because it lacks wisdom. Reflect.

It would be fine if she was a fool like Kim Taeyeon or Lee Soon Kyu, but Seohyun's wisdom is enough for her to find a more reasonable solution. It seems that there are still many things to teach Seohyun in the future.

"Oppa can let me down now!" Xu Xian lowered his head and whispered like a mosquito.

"You know how shy you are now? I've been fooled so badly by you, so I can give you some compensation by hugging me for a while!"

"Ah?" Xu Xian subconsciously widened his eyes, but then became even more shy: "It's not appropriate, there are many people around!"

"Tch, I just want to teach you a lesson. Remember to come up with some good ideas next time. Don't always be so stupid and expect you to raise the average IQ of your team!"

"Is my method bad? Then what method would Oppa use instead?"

"You're still not convinced, are you?" Li Menglong leaned against the wall to lend some strength as he spoke. Don't think that holding a big beauty is a very enjoyable thing. If you don't believe it, try it with a hundred kilograms of flour. If you hold her for even a minute, you won't be satisfied. My hands feel sore.

Although Li Menglong had not thought about this issue in advance, it was still okay to give Xu Xian a suggestion. He first analyzed Xu Xian's primary goal, which was to put him away for a while.

Theoretically, of course, the longer the time and the farther the distance, the better. For example, if Xu Xian is hiding on the third floor because of her stomachache, it will not last long at all.

In order to achieve this goal, there must be an excuse that Li Menglong cannot refute. Sending some snacks to Yoo Jae Suk and Yoon Eun Hye is obviously a good reason.

After all, this meal was given by the fans to express their gratitude, and as guests of the concert, Yoo Jae Suk and Yoon Eun Hye should also enjoy this treatment. This is all from their heart.

"As for why I have to ask Oppa to deliver it, because I am shy?" Xu Xian became more eye-catching after being prompted.

"Well, I can teach you a kid. Be smarter in the future!"

"It doesn't matter in the future, how about I become smarter from now on?" Xu Xian was no longer shy now. He looked directly at Li Menglong without saying a word, and even put his arms around his neck: "Now let's go to Zaishi Oppa and the others. Send food!"

Li Menglong finally realized what it meant to be trapped in a cocoon. He took the initiative to give Xu Xian advice without saying anything, and even delivered the goods to his door. Now he couldn't even run away. What should he do?

"Oppa, don't think about not agreeing, otherwise I will video chat with Ernies first, saying that you bully me in the company!" Xu Xian pointed at Li Menglong with his chin. His current actions are difficult to explain.

Considering the possible consequences of the matter, Li Menglong could only grit his teeth and swallow the bitter pill. After Xu Xian let go of his arms, he simply threw Xu Xian directly to the ground, which was considered a small revenge.

Although the height was not high, it still hurt a bit when he fell to the ground, but Xu Xian didn't care at all. He patted the dust on his butt and stood up directly.

After all, Li Menglong needs to be comforted now. A slap in the face and a sweet date are not only used by girls. Xu Xian is also a member of the team after all. She is also very skilled in this skill under the influence of her ears and eyes.

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