The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2283 Advancing with the Times

Although Li Menglong wanted to continue wandering outside for a while, and if possible, wandering all night was not impossible, Xu Xian disagreed.

So he forcibly pulled Li Menglong back. After all, in Xu Xian's opinion, Li Menglong's performance tonight was pretty good. Maybe he gave Liu Jae Suk a lot of ammunition. At least he didn't attack the girls so frequently. .

As for what he said to annoy the girls before going downstairs, it wasn't too much. It couldn't be considered a personal attack. If such things were to become a big deal, there would be no peace in the dormitory.

Compared with Li Menglong's own understanding of the girls, he was very willing to trust Xu Xian's judgment of this group of people. After all, Xu Xian had spent much longer than him studying this group of people.

"Don't worry, oppa will be standing behind me soon. If something goes wrong, I will be the first to protect you!" Xu Xian said firmly, patting his chest.

Xu Xian rarely says such affirmative words, mainly because she does not have the corresponding ability. If the girls really get angry, she has very few means of coping.

Basically, she is the kind of person who cannot protect herself. How can she still take care of others? Therefore, she can also see Xu Xian's confidence in this judgment. She believes that there will not be any threats.

But as she approached the door, Li Menglong actually hid behind her, grabbing her clothes and following her step by step. Do you want to carry him on your back?

"Oppa, don't be like this, okay?" Xu Xian turned his head and said dissatisfied. Didn't he know that his acting skills were terrible?

The answer, of course, is that I don’t know. As a director, Li Menglong can objectively and fairly evaluate the acting skills of actors, but it is completely unworkable when it comes to himself.

He even thinks that his acting skills are very good, that is, without the director's discerning eye, otherwise if he is developed properly, maybe he, Li Menglong, will be the first to win the Best Actor trophy before Yoona becomes the Best Actress!

Not expecting Li Menglong to give any reliable answer, Xu Xian took a deep breath and opened the door directly. At the same time, he quickly put his arms in front of him, a standard boxing protective action.

Isn't it a little too much to use this action to face her group of unnies? You must know that this action is also somewhat provocative.

Fortunately, the girls ignored Xu Xian, which was in line with Xu Xian's original expectations. At this time, Li Menglong, who was behind Xu Xian, poked his head out. Everything seemed to be normal.

He originally thought that no one might be seen on the first floor, but the scene was even more lively than when Liu Zaishi and his wife were there just now.

This group of people is having the second round at the dinner table. Although Yoo Jae Suk and Na Jung Eun are not outsiders, the girls inevitably have to pay attention to their image.

For example, pulling your favorite dish directly in front of you, putting a spoon directly into the soup pot to drink the soup, or holding your feet with one hand and gnawing on a pig's trotter with the other until your face is stained with grease. , can you do this in front of Liu Zaishi?

Even if Li Menglong saw this unexpectedly, he was trembling all over. If Liu Zaishi saw him, would he be frightened and fainted?

"What kind of look is this? Does it look down on us?"

Li Menglong really wants to say "yes". Don't these people have some idea of ​​his current image?

But in the face of this active provocation, Li Menglong did not dare to tell the truth, otherwise it would be new and old hatreds that would be combined for revenge. He did not want to experience such a painful night.

"How could that be? You must have seen it wrong. I just looked at it in admiration!"

"Appreciation? Why do you appreciate us? Say it and make the gentlemen happy!" Li Shungui took another sip of soju while speaking, and then he hugged Pani beside him and kissed him hard.

Although Pani immediately ran away and wiped the oil stains on his cheeks in disgust, Lee Soon Kyu created this momentum perfectly.

Now Li Menglong couldn't care less about envying Li Soonkyu's happy life of drinking heavily and kissing little beauties at any time. He wanted to come up with words to praise these people.

It's just that there are so many good things to say at once, especially when faced with the image of this group of people at the moment. Sure enough, people can't lie, sooner or later they will be exposed.

"Of course I appreciate your beauty. As for where the beauty lies, it may be every detail of you!" Li Menglong kept hypnotizing himself, and finally made up a lie.

The girls were still reluctantly satisfied. After all, they didn't expect him to say anything nice at first: "Go on, what are the details of our beauty?"

"Well, the beauty may be the touch of oil on the corner of your mouth, the beauty may be the wisp of athlete's foot stained on your fingers, it may be..."

It’s not that Li Menglong can’t continue knitting, but the girls have already thrown various cushions and seat cushions over. The oily spots on the corners of the mouth are just that, but what does the athlete’s foot on the hands mean?

Xu Xian couldn't help but shook his head when he saw this scene. As expected, Li Menglong was also a little expert when it came to committing suicide.

Originally, she just had to praise the girls honestly and then go over to eat, but in the end she had to stimulate the girls here, and as a member of the girls, she had to say these stimulating words to Li Menglong. Very sharp.

It's just that Xu Xian didn't realize one thing while thinking. Li Menglong had been hiding behind her the whole time, just sticking his head out. If he retreated immediately, Li Menglong wouldn't be the one who suffered.

By the time Xu Xian realized this, it was already too late, especially when Li Menglong's two big hands squeezed her shoulders like pliers, forcing her to temporarily act as a shield.

Although the impact of the cushion on the body was not very painful, it was extremely insulting. Now there was no need for the girls to come up, Xu Xian himself started chasing Li Menglong all over the room.

"Our maknae finally can't bear it anymore? I've told you a long time ago that Li Menglong is not a good person!"

"Remember to join the group in the future. It will be troublesome for you to catch him by yourself."

"Come, come, come, let's cheers to commemorate this historic scene of maknae!"

The girls responded happily, and everyone felt that the scene in front of them was very drunken. This made Li Menglong feel very embarrassed: "Ah, you didn't drink enough yesterday, why don't you control yourself today?"

"How many sips did we have in total because Oppa was here just now? Drinking some more now will actually help us sleep!"

"You still need alcohol to sleep? You all want to lie in bed and sleep all day and night. I'm suspicious. Where do you get so much sleepiness?"

Seeing the girls and Li Menglong starting to discuss, Xu Xian also slowed down appropriately. After all, her so-called pursuit of Li Menglong was completely a routine.

Because only if she takes action first, the other girls will not stand up and compete with Li Menglong, and the result of this is that the initiative is in her hands, Xu Xian, and it will stop if it doesn't stop.

A group of people gathered around the table to eat, chat, and drink. I have to say that everyone enjoyed it, and this enjoyment even started from last night.

From the tension of a temporary concert to enjoying the music with all the fans on site, falling asleep with spiritual satisfaction and physical exhaustion, and having a full meal after having a full sleep, the girls were very happy after the whole process. ah.

If you can lie down on your bed, watch new dramas, or play with your mobile phone after eating and drinking, and turn off the lights and rest as soon as you feel sleepy, then the day will be considered completely happy.

It's just that Li Menglong seemed determined to cause trouble for this group of people. When the girls were about to leave, he stood up and said, "We are about to go upstairs now? What kind of chaos is here on the first floor, can't you see it?"

Messy is a given. Including the kitchen and even the living room are a mess. How tidy can the scene be after a dozen people gather for dinner?

But this has nothing to do with the girls. After all, Li Menglong has always done the tidying up. Do you want to rebel today?

"That's all on weekdays, but did I invite Yoo Jae Suk and Na Jung Eun today? Why should I clean up your mess?"

"You...I...aren't Yoo Jae Suk and Na Jung Eun your brother and sister-in-law?"

"Then what? I didn't invite you!"

"Can you be reasonable? They are obviously more familiar with you. We are here to entertain you!"

"I didn't invite you here!"

"Could you put it another way, are you a repeater?"

"You invited me here!"

Faced with Li Menglong's rogue face, the girls couldn't find any reason to refute. After all, the facts were here, and the girls couldn't confuse right and wrong out of thin air.

But they can still fight for some opportunities for themselves. After all, it doesn't take nine people to clean this place. They can choose and select the best people to do this important job.

Similar scenes often occur among girls. After all, when there are more people, there will always be various demands. In this case, is there any more appropriate method than a fair game?

As for the type of game, it doesn't matter. Generally speaking, they will find some games that they have played on the show. After all, they can be adapted to TV. Not to mention the fun, but at least there are no loopholes in the rules.

But today, Lee Soon Kyu took the lead in opposing it, and the reason was very strong: "Please, it's the 21st century now. This is the era of the Internet. Can't we keep pace with the times?"

"What do you mean, just say it!"

"How about we use computer games to decide the outcome?" Lee Soon Kyu finally showed his fox tail.

As a well-known game expert in the team and even the entire idol circle, Lee Soon Kyu is confident that she can completely torture these people. As far as she knows, there are people here who have never played games.

The suggestion itself was adopted, even if it was somewhat advantageous to Lee Soon Kyu, but the girls also wanted to find something new, so the problem lay in the specific game.

Since it was Lee Soon Kyu who made the suggestion, normally she should have made the suggestion, but the girls didn't believe her at all, especially with Kim Taeyeon as the mole.

As Lee Soon Kyu's close roommate and the first and only comrade in the team who was corrupted by Lee Soon Kyu, Kim Taeyeon was not abused by Lee Soon Kyu too many times in the game, and she even beat her to tears a few times.

In this case, the suggestions made by Lee Soon Kyu were simply cheating in disguise, as if they were competing with passers-by in singing competition. What else could this mean if it wasn't cheating?

Lee Soon Kyu looked at the impassioned Kim Taeyeon in front of him and was really angry. Although the suggestions made by Lee Soon Kyu were indeed cheating, would they do any harm to her, Kim Taeyeon?

As a gamer who has been tortured by Lee Soon Kyu for many years, Kim Taeyeon can't beat Lee Soon Kyu, but bullying Seohyun and others is not the same as playing? Why don’t you know how to use your brain?

So I had to choose a lot, and considering how difficult it was for everyone to get started, I finally had to choose among the several mini-games that come with the computer - Minesweeper, Spider Solitaire, FreeCell...

After deciding that the final game project was "Mine Sweeper", Lee Soon Kyu was really banging his head against the wall.

Everything was going so smoothly before, but seeing that she was going to "immortalize and become a god" today, these people actually chose to play minesweeper?

The last time she played this game was probably in the so-called computer class in elementary school? In short, I definitely haven’t touched it since junior high school. It’s too boring, okay?

But boredom also has its benefits. For example, it is available in everyone’s computer. For example, after setting it up, you only need to monitor the time. It is fair to everyone.

After more than ten minutes, everyone took out their notebooks one after another, and some even tried a few games for a while, and then silently took out the charger, as they had to do a good job of logistical support.

As for where to play games, everyone has their own unique skills, because a large area of ​​​​the living room has been occupied by the dining table, leaving them little space to choose.

On the sofa, the TV table and even lying on the floor, when Li Menglong came over last, there was almost no place to put his feet.

There was obviously some deliberate suspicion in this scene, and the girls were expressing their dissatisfaction with him in disguise. After all, the whole incident was caused by him.

However, Li Menglong had his own way, and even mocked them a little: "I'm surprised, can't you see such a big table?"

While talking, Li Menglong simply tidied up, and immediately there was a space on the dining table. The girls who saw it were very envious. After all, the position looked very comfortable.

But just let them follow suit, wouldn't they have thought of it? It’s not intentional. If you clean up now, what will the loser do later?

This is wrong. The most difficult tasks should be left to those few.

"Intermediate maps can be restarted infinitely, just win." Li Shunkyu said the rules here: "The last three unfinished ones, just go and clean them up. Do you have any questions?"

No one answered Lee Soon Kyu at all, because everyone had started moving the mouse crazily. It was obviously just a casual game, but once it involved some bets, it would inevitably make people a little nervous!

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