The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2278 Team Coaching

After all, YoonA and Sooyoung did not waste the second chance that Lee Mong-yong fought for. Of course, it was also inseparable from the help from their opponent, Kim Taeyeon, but it could be said to be a threat.

The two of them were really scared. If they couldn't find the right timing, Kim Taeyeon would probably kill both of them later.

Fortunately, at times like this, the hard work in youth is worthwhile. Although the singing voices of the two are not as good as those of Kim Taeyeon and other lead singers, they are definitely not bad, and they can definitely be used.

All the guests at the wedding also thought so. Although the singing voice transmitted through the mobile phone was actually a bit distorted, it also depends on who is singing on the opposite side. The name Girls' Generation still has an extra bonus.

With Yoo Jae Suk coming to host the wedding and girls coming to sing congratulatory songs, the wedding was already a big deal, at least everyone in the audience thought so.

However, there may only be a few insiders who understand that the person who adds the most glory to the scene may be Li Menglong. After all, he can give the two newcomers the most crucial opportunity.

Although it is a bit utilitarian to say this, after today's acquaintance, at least we can say hello when we meet in the future. If the opportunity is right, there may be a chance to work together.

Of course, the possibility of these happening is not very high, but it is enough to have this possibility. If it must be said, there are really not many opportunities that Liu Jae Suk can provide in this regard.

Although Yoo Jae Suk has a lot of money to show, he can also introduce one or two new talents from time to time by inviting guests, but it is a bit difficult to provide a fixed position.

It's not that Yoo Jae Suk is unwilling, but the team behind him doesn't agree. After all, with his current status, even if it is a new variety show he has joined, he is basically the ace card of each TV station, and he is the kind of person who will succeed or succeed.

From the time a program is established, there may be hundreds of relevant people involved. This is not something Liu Jae Suk can just say to promote newcomers. He also has to consider the overall variety show.

That's why everyone discovered that Liu Zaishi always cooperates with only a few people, not because he is willing to do so, but because these people are the safest together, and no one wants to experience failure.

This in itself can be regarded as a drawback of being an MC. Even if Yoo Jae Suk can influence the decision-making of the program team to some extent, there are still limits after all.

In this regard, Li Menglong has too much freedom. Of course, he may also need to add Director Luo. As producers of variety shows, these two are notorious for not following common sense.

Although I am relatively more willing to use actors, and at least they are idols of the level of girls, but I don’t think I will be willing to cooperate with comedians in the future.

The industry is often so utilitarian that it is really difficult to become famous, but ordinary people may not see this.

However, the groom and the bride are not ordinary people, so when the formal part of the wedding was over and everyone was preparing to eat and drink, the two people immediately came to Li Menglong and Liu Zaishi.

Naturally, he thanked Yoo Jae-seok profusely, and it was obvious that he was sincere. However, when it came to Li Menglong, his words were more respectful, but he couldn't make any more demands emotionally.

Fortunately, Li Menglong didn't think too much. He was just temporarily recruited by Liu Zaishi. Does a driver want to get any thanks? As long as you can eat enough.

Facts have proved that as long as the goal is set low enough, the person's desire is quite easy to satisfy. Especially when he saw Liu Jae Suk holding a fan meeting and having difficulty eating, he ate even more happily. .

Although Yoo Jae Suk still has a cheerful expression and a gentle attitude, Li Menglong estimated that this person may have started to curse in his heart. Even if it is not good, he will complain a little. This meal is too big.

However, Li Menglong had no intention of going over to help Liu Zaishi. This scene looked like a lot of food, which meant that it was not easy to add dishes to the wedding, otherwise Li Menglong would definitely ask for more.

When Yoo Jae Suk finally fulfilled all the fans' wishes, there were almost all leftovers on the table. Yoo Jae Suk holding the chopsticks was really crying without tears. Did Li Menglong need to be so awesome?

Leaning on the back of the chair with a shy belly, Li Menglong was about to pick his teeth with a toothpick: "What do you mean, should I drive the car over?"

If there was no one here, Liu Zaishi would really slam the plate on Li Menglong's face. Anyway, he is too thick-skinned to be injured, so what are you worried about?

It’s just that Li Menglong didn’t finish the dishes by himself. Although he was indeed the main force, he couldn’t just let others wait for Liu Zaishi. Wouldn’t this be ruining his reputation?

"Then it's okay if you don't eat. Have you ever heard of the problem?"

"I've heard this before, but is there another sentence before it? When did you and I share the blessing?"

Li Menglong's question was very hurtful. Liu Zaishi pointed at him and wanted to say something. From the moment the two met, Liu Zaishi regarded him as his biological brother, and now he is doing this with him? How to make him not sad.

He just had to ask Yoo Jae-seok to give some examples of sharing blessings, but he really couldn't think of anything. Firstly, the two of them wouldn't consider these things when getting along, and secondly, when Li Menglong was really in trouble, it was also the girls. There is no need for Liu Zaishi to accompany him through the difficult times.

So he could only endure this sullen mood. Fortunately, it seemed that the newlyweds noticed that Liu Zaishi had not eaten. When the two of them left, they received many souvenirs. In addition to regular candies, there was also a pile of To-go meal boxes.

This is very considerate, at least Li Menglong thinks so. It can be seen that these two are really good at life. If the company has the opportunity in the future, they can cooperate.

Of course, Li Menglong himself would not remember this kind of thing, otherwise he would be deceiving the other party, even if the other party knew nothing.

"How are these two's business skills? Don't take advantage of others. If you have the opportunity to help others, what's the point of always carrying Kim Jong Kook's muscle bumps? I don't even watch Running Man myself. It's very boring!"

Li Menglong really has no inhibitions when it comes to his words, especially to Liu Zaishi. Maybe one of his words will directly hit Liu Zaishi's heart.

"You know nothing about variety shows? Just keep making your movies and don't keep thinking about meddling in my affairs!"

"How can you call it interference? One of the pillars of our company is variety show shooting. This is our old profession. As the representative of the company, can't I care about it?"

This is another sentence that Yoo Jae Suk cannot refute. After all, SW is indeed quite strong in variety shows. As a simple production company, it can compete with the huge variety show production teams of several TV stations. I have to say that it is admirable to be able to break into a world. .

But don’t expect Yoo Jae-seok to say such things, at least not to Lee Mong-ryong. Isn’t it better to go back and flatter Lee Eun-hee and praise Director Luo than to waste saliva on Lee Mong-ryong?

While the two were complaining about each other, the girls were not idle either. When Xu Xian walked out of the bathroom, what he saw was a rather strange scene.

Kim Taeyeon was sitting cross-legged on the sofa, holding a feather duster she didn't know where she found in her hand, looking like a landlady.

And if you have a landlady, you will naturally have a cute little maid, otherwise this feather duster will be useless.

Opposite them, Yoona and Xiuying each held a tablet and stood upright, but their emotions were revealed by the eye rolls from time to time.

"Still glaring at me? Hurry up and sing. If you don't sing all the title songs to me again, today's work won't be finished!" As she spoke, Kim Taeyeon turned on the accompaniment again, and Yoona and Xiuying didn't have time to act bad. If they couldn't sing well, , Kim Taeyeon really knows how to hit people.

Xu Xian wiped her hair with a towel, and then sat next to Kim Taeyeon. This scene had really been a long time coming. In her memory, the last time was probably back when she debuted. Woolen cloth.

As for the most similar situations, it was during the trainee era. At that time, the company had big exams every month, and they were divided into different groups. The ranking was said to have an important impact on debut.

In fact, thinking about it now, this sentence is really a big lie. The so-called results are probably just a reference. As for the proportion it accounts for, it is probably not even half.

However, this is the only factor that they, as trainees, can influence through their own efforts, so naturally everyone attaches great importance to it.

The team is not fixed, there is a new combination every time, and there are many things to test. In order to prevent certain members from being held back, similar scenes occur frequently.

The one who came forward to teach everyone the most lessons at that time was actually Jessica. After all, she was really the eldest sister among the trainees at that time, no matter in terms of qualifications, age or strength.

As for Kim Taeyeon at that time, I dare not say that she was a little transparent, but she did not have the opportunity to educate others. At most, she rarely held back.

So Seohyun also has some dark thoughts now. Isn't Kim Taeyeon playing "role-playing" here and wants to make up for the regrets of the past?

But no matter what, she won't say such words, otherwise she will probably join the practice team. It's better to look here, where she can see Girls' Generation's Yoona and Sooyoung alone. Performance, this scene is cherished even by Seohyun.

The sound of the two practicing naturally woke up many people. They were all very angry when they came down. However, after seeing this scene, they all watched with interest, and no one spoke to relieve the situation.

This made Yoona and Xiuying really feel despair. They originally made a louder noise on purpose, hoping that these people would come over and help, but in the end, they all watched the fun and were good at it.

That is to say, none of the people present are outsiders. Otherwise, even if Lee Mong-ryong is here, Yoona and Sooyoung will not sing again. It is really embarrassing. They are all big stars and they can no longer use the rules of the trainee days. Educate them.

The one who appreciated this scene the most was Jessica. Although it was really hard when she was a trainee, she definitely had many more beautiful memories than the others. At that time, Kim Taeyeon could only cry.

As if aware of Jessica's teasing gaze, Kim Taeyeon also blushed, and immediately turned to scold: "What are you singing? That's how I taught you, sing it again!"

Yoona and Sooyoung are almost crying. Can this make some sense? There is nothing wrong with their singing. Why is it that Kim Taeyeon's singing is not good? Do you dare to ask fans? listen and see?

While everyone was enjoying the music, they also began to inquire about what kind of illness Kim Taeyeon had fallen into. Was it because she was still drunk and crazy? This was a bit scary.

First, Kim Taeyeon explained a few words, but she still couldn't understand what was going on during the wedding. Then Xu Xian took the initiative to add it, and the whole thing became clear.

"Why are Lee Mong-ryong and Yoo Jae-seok together? The timing doesn't match up."

"That's right. Li Menglong will definitely not know this pair of comedians getting married. It seems that there is something we don't know about."

Just when the girls were about to get to the bottom of it, a phone call immediately made them busy. Naturally, it couldn't be Li Menglong, and he didn't have such a big face.

Luo Jing'en actually wanted to come over as a guest. To be precise, she brought her husband and son to the house for dinner. This gave the girls a headache.

It's not that they don't welcome each other over. If they can go out to eat, the girls can let each other choose the restaurant. But if they come over to the house, the chef won't be home either.

But it's definitely impossible to shirk it. After all, they are elders. In this case, let's assign tasks. Although many people are still in the sober stage, just bear with it.

"First of all, the rooms need to be cleaned. Mainly on the first floor. Let's see the time on the second floor. There are four labor quotas. Is there anyone who has taken the initiative to sign up?" Kim Taeyeon held a notebook and recorded it here.

But there are no stupid kids here among the girls. No one will speak first until all the tasks are finished. Otherwise, in the end, all the tasks will be claimed by everyone, and only Kim Taeyeon will be free. What will happen?

Kim Taeyeon expressed that she was quite sad about her sisters' distrust, but it seemed that no one even cared about her sadness. In this case, she could only continue to assign work, and people still have to live strong.

"There are three places in the kitchen."

"Three people? Do we still have to cook for ourselves?" The girls obviously have a clear understanding of their cooking skills. It is enough to disgust Li Menglong on weekdays, and don't show it to embarrass others.

"You have to make something by yourself. Let's see what we can make. Of course, takeaways are also prepared in advance!" Kim Taeyeon nodded and accepted everyone's suggestions: "Let's pick up the remaining two. It’s hard to let people come here on their own.”

"I'm going to pick someone up!" Yoona raised her hands and introduced herself. No matter how you look at it, this is the easiest job. It would be even better if you could work outside for a few more hours!

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