The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2264 Collision with the Dining Car

Xu Xian has a very strong sense of time. She may have developed this habit since she was a trainee. Some important things will even be set as alarms by her. Although she doesn't use them many times, they are very important every time. Woolen cloth.

For example, the alarm that is ringing now is to remind her to prepare to order food. After all, she has made a promise in advance. Xu Xian is not the kind of person who brags casually.

First, he looked at Li Menglong's side. He was still very busy. He probably wouldn't be looking for her for a while, so Xu Xian quietly walked out with his cell phone. There was no need to ask Li Menglong about this kind of thing.

Xu Xian originally said that he would only invite those colleagues who stayed up late last night, but it seemed a bit stingy if he only did this, especially when everyone in the same office meets without looking up, which is not appropriate.

Xu Xian even wanted to bring everyone on the first floor, who helped a lot on weekdays. Especially today, their fans seemed to have slightly increased the workload on the first floor.

It may be a big trouble for ordinary people. After all, if so many people join, the fee will increase. But for Xu Xian, it is not that serious. She can also banknote abilities and so on.

Although Xu Xian could easily take out the money and was not reluctant to part with it, in the end she still called the girls. This was all for the sake of team unity.

The girls naturally have nothing to say here. Treating guests in their name is the right thing to do. Even if Xu Xian is just here to share the cost, they will agree. The more he earns, the more he will be free and easy. With this little money It's drizzling.

After receiving the support from the girls, Xu Xian felt more confident, and even went up a notch when looking for a restaurant.

After ordering food, making payment, and agreeing on a delivery time, Xu Xian walked in. He wanted to tell everyone directly, but he still felt a little shy.

If you have any questions, just go to Li Menglong. This is his territory anyway, and Xu Xian won’t be polite to him, so he just whispered in Li Menglong’s ear: “Oppa, I ordered lunch for everyone at noon, please tell me You don’t have to go out to eat anymore.”

Although similar actions are extremely romantic scenes in TV dramas, Li Menglong never feels that way. Don't these people feel itchy ears? Don’t you have the urge to turn around and slap him subconsciously?

Li Menglong rubbed his ears and moved his chair to the side in disgust. Opposite him was Xu Xian. If it were the other girls, he must have thought that this was a prank on him. Is it interesting?

Seohyun obviously knew this, but she really didn't mean it, and even though she knew it in her heart, she still couldn't get rid of the inexplicable feeling of frustration. Do you need to be so disgusted? She was Seohyun in her teenage years.

"If you have something to say, say it properly. Don't keep talking about it!" Li Menglong scolded here with a fierce face, even attracting everyone around him to look over.

Although they don't know what happened specifically, looking at Li Menglong's bad attitude and the pitiful look of Xu Xian opposite him, everyone can roughly guess what happened. Sometimes they are very curious about how they found this guy. Girlfriend's?

But this question needs to be asked to Li Soonkyu. Li Menglong himself couldn't give an answer. He just kept telling Xu Xian to stand farther away. Now he felt his ears itching when he saw her.

If he didn't really have something to ask of him, Xu Xian would definitely turn around and leave now, but it was better to endure it for now, so he repeated it in a voice that the two of them could hear.

In fact, Xu Xian can leave now. After all, the goal has been achieved. People nearby have heard it. They just need to inform each other.

But Li Menglong insisted on adding drama to himself. To be precise, he wanted to give Xu Xian an answer: "Buy lunch for these people? What qualifications do they have to eat lunch? Aren't you wasting money!"

Li Menglong's words were no longer so quiet. With his tone and expression at this moment, it was a mocking effect in the game, and the whole office was almost in an uproar.

It’s not like Li Menglong was asking for a treat, but he was still trying to stop Xu Xian from treating him? If it's just from the perspective of saving money, everyone can understand it, but what does it mean that they are not qualified to eat it? Is there a specific standard for this qualification?

It is also wishful thinking to expect to defeat Li Menglong with this kind of question. Li Menglong's face is definitely beyond the imagination of this group of people: "Of course, those who can work overtime until midnight tonight are eligible to eat. You can weigh it yourself. How many are qualified?”

Li Menglong's move seems a bit like a hooligan. He directly links having lunch with working overtime, or working overtime until midnight. Does this mean that he is treating guests to supper in advance?

Faced with the exciting scene, Li Menglong still calmly dealt with it here, what kind of capitalists, exploitation, unscrupulous bosses, no matter what these people say, Li Menglong will bite this one to death, whether he likes it or not!

Xu Xian looked on with amusement but also felt tired. Could you please stop creating such hostile scenes all the time? It would make Li Menglong look like a bad guy.

It stands to reason that in a similar scene, Xu Xian should not speak out again, otherwise it would not be to cause trouble for Li Menglong, but this kind of thing happened not only once or twice, Xu Xian and even many girls were not to cause trouble for Li Menglong, but to stand up for Li Menglong. He's cleaning up the mess.

As far as the current situation is concerned, if Xu Xian never comes forward, the final result will probably be that everyone will not be able to eat, and they will have to work overtime at night as usual, and the corresponding resentment will accumulate in the stomach.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. It's us, Girls' Generation, who are inviting you to dinner. Thank you for taking care of us recently. I ordered a lot of delicious food. Everyone can eat whatever they want. Eat more!"

What Xu Xian said was quite grand, especially when compared with Li Menglong's previous words, everyone immediately started cheering. Of course, it can also be understood as a demonstration against Li Menglong. He said so much, did it work in the end?

Li Menglong just shook his head and didn't care about this group of people's "little people succeeding" appearance, but this group of people screamed endlessly: "Ah, it's still a long time before lunch, they make loud noises during working hours, and they don't care about the salary. Too much, right?”

This scolding was quite effective, mainly due to Li Menglong's reason. Although it seemed more like retaliation at work, it was a pity that there was no evidence.

But after these interactions, everyone's working atmosphere has improved a lot. After all, everyone has hope, and they can even despise Li Menglong, feeling very happy.

Li Menglong didn't bother to speculate on the thoughts of this group of people. As long as they were willing to work down-to-earth here, they were all good comrades. It was not in vain for him to deliberately liven up the atmosphere here, right?

Xu Xian also thinks that she did a perfect job. She not only communicated with the girls to invite so many people to lunch, but also solved the potential conflicts in the office very well. If the work efficiency can be improved, this is all her contribution.

Of course, with her relationship with Li Menglong, Xu Xian wouldn't just ask for credit in the past. Quan should treat it as a contribution. They should repay Li Menglong's care for them. They were not the white-eyed wolves that Li Menglong said when they were young.

After being busy for a long time, Xu Xian's phone rang again. Although everyone around her didn't make it obvious, her sixth sense told her that many people were staring at her.

In fact, Xu Xian is a little panicked now. The main reason is that the food delivery truck arrived a little late at this time. However, this cannot be completely blamed on the store. Xu Xian ordered too many meals and was in a hurry. It is best to say hello a day in advance. .

Fortunately, the call came from the restaurant, indicating that the dining car was almost here, and Xu Xian could go down to prepare to pick up the food.

As Seohyun stood up first, more than half of the people on the scene stood up in an instant, as if they were filming a gangster movie. Seohyun is now the prestigious, ambitious and rebellious younger brother.

As for the boss, no one except Li Menglong, who is sitting opposite, can afford it: "What are you doing, are you standing up together to scare me? Do you think I, Li Menglong, scare me?"

To be honest, Xu Xian was also taken aback by everyone's actions. Fortunately, she quickly realized what everyone was thinking. She clearly wanted to go down and help, which was definitely a good intention.

"Everyone, please stay upstairs for now. It will be a while before the food truck arrives. I'll go down and check the situation first. If necessary, I can call our army for help at any time." Xu Xian said proactively.

This is the affinity of the goddess. One sentence can directly make the people at the scene feel like spring breeze. While solving the situation, it can also take care of everyone's emotions. At least Li Menglong should learn from it!

Wrinkling his nose proudly at Li Menglong, Xu Xian walked out with his hands behind his back. After arriving on the first floor, Xu Xian also told the landlady about the treat.

If Li Menglong came over and said this, the boss lady would definitely scold him. With this money, why not spend it in her own store? Is her fried chicken not delicious?

However, Xu Xian had already prepared. He took the boss's arm and acted coquettishly, making her become soft and soft: "You, don't fool me all day long, bring me something real."

"Yes, yes, we got the actor's autograph for you, but we didn't bring it over today. We'll bring it to you tomorrow!"

Xu Xian also absorbed some of Li Menglong's methods of deceiving fans. Things like autographed photos are really a big weapon for star-chasers, and they are more effective than giving money directly.

As for the signature photos that do exist, the girls have actually accumulated a small batch of them, just to use them against the boss lady at times like this. The effect is indeed outstanding.

After everything was arranged in the company, Xu Xian, today's temporary "canteen director", walked out. There were many more fans at the door than in the morning, but the faces seemed to have changed. Some.

In fact, if possible, Xu Xian would also like to invite these fans to lunch, but it is not realistic. First of all, there are a lot of people here, and the cost is not a small amount. Secondly, here are only the top of their fans. The small portion is not a small problem but an uneven one. The fans who didn’t get it might be jealous.

So Xu Xian could only keep this thought in his heart, but it was okay to treat everyone to some coffee and drinks: "Did you have a good coffee? If you want to go to the bathroom, you can go to the store. I won't kick you out. .”

"The coffee is delicious. The store has replenished the machine several times."

"Xiaoxian, don't worry about us, we are here to support you."

"Are you coming down to have lunch? Where are everyone in the company?"

Xu Xian blinked, a little confused as to why the fans were curious about everyone’s lunch in the company. Just when Xu Xian wanted to continue thinking, the dining car opposite happened to arrive.

There were obviously people squatting at the window on the second floor. Xu Xian didn't even need to say hello. Twenty or so people came down and followed Xu Xian directly to get their meals.

But when she arrived at the dining car, Xu Xian found that several fans were already standing next to the car, but she didn't pay attention. Maybe the fans came over to help: "Hello, is this the dining car for me? It's parked here. Okay, there are people inside."

Xu Xian said hello naturally. The deliveryman over there looked at the fans opposite him first, and then nodded to Xu Xian. It was indeed given to her Xu Xian.

After getting the confirmation, the group behind them went directly to the company to move it without Xu Xian's instructions: "There are photos of Xu Xian and the girls on it. This store owner is very good at flattering."

"Do you know how to do business? There are also drinks here. Did Xu Xian order a set meal?"

"This is too expensive. I think we might as well pool some money and give it to them later. I'm sorry."

"Let's talk after eating. I'm really hungry."

From the time Xu Xian came over to the time the company people moved away the lunch boxes, the entire process left the fans on the side stunned. This was something wrong.

This is indeed the lunch they bought for the people in the company, hoping that they would take more care of the girls. However, although the results were eaten in their stomachs, there was still a lot of process in between.

For example, fans bring packages to offices one by one. When they enter, they bow politely to introduce themselves, then say their favors, and the other party humbly expresses that they have done nothing. This is the correct process.

Doesn't this omit too much of the process? It makes everyone feel a little uncomfortable. This means that they know that girls are not this kind of people. Otherwise, they are just fans who are taken advantage of by idols.

While the two groups were acting independently, Xu Xian didn't think so much, but took his bank card and went over to pay the balance: "How much more do I need to give you in total?"

"Give me money? No, I've already paid. How can I still ask for your money?"

Now it was Xu Xian's turn to be confused. She just paid a deposit at first. Did the store make a mistake? But it shouldn't be that big of a sum of money.

Just when Xu Xian was about to ask in detail, another huge dining car drove in and waved to Xu Xian from afar. Is this driver a fan of hers?

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