The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2244 Climb to the top quickly

The reasoning becomes clearer and clearer, and this makes sense. Fans have been discussing it back and forth for so long, and finally came up with the most reliable answer. There should be nothing wrong with Pani's legs. Well, if there is any problem, then Li Menglong cannot agree.

In this case, the fans were relieved and began to appreciate the gifts brought by the girls. I have to say that it was really a pleasure for these people to dance, especially this song that can bring countless memories to the fans.

It is said that because this song has not been widely sung, even the girls' fans' memories of this song are quite vague. In fact, they cannot hear it at all on weekdays.

So Leng Buding was released by the girls in this way, and everyone felt it was very fresh. Even though this song has been for so many years, it is still timeless to listen to it now, and even paired with the dance, it is still very touching. .

I don’t know which fan made the noise first, but in short, a group of long-term fans, led by the girls’ old fans, began to attack online. Not only were they sharing the video, but they also gave it a very interesting name.

"Girls' Generation's latest single is suspected to have leaked. Please watch it as soon as possible. It may be deleted from the website later. Remember to download and save it!"

There are a lot of similar messages. With the current popularity of girls, this title alone is enough to arouse the interest of passers-by. This is just a quick glance, and it feels like you will suffer a loss if you don't click in.

It would be fine if it was just a headline, but this video actually has content, and the rough picture quality, inexplicable plot, and dance clips on the beach really make it feel unfinished no matter how you look at it.

After the video content and title complemented each other perfectly, the news became a little out of control. Some people who heard the song were refuting the rumors, but rumors are so easy to stop. They simply don’t work. After all, most people I have no memory of this song.

Moreover, in the face of the rebuttal "anti-fans", the long-cherished friends also provided ironclad evidence: "The sound source of the song has been put on the shelves urgently and can be listened to online on all major music platforms. Let's work hard together and strive to let the children rush." To the first place!”

Can this song be found on the music platform? Of course it is possible. After all, this album was actually released and has always been in the music library. It is just that because there are not many listeners, it cannot be on the charts.

Many old songs may inexplicably become popular again and hit the hot song charts for various reasons. The most common method is to select songs from TV series and movies. After using them, they can easily evoke a generation of people. memories.

But the difference is here among girls. Those who can actually search the website really treat this album as a brand new album, so there are many more questions: "Why are you so young in the cover photo this time? Are you pretending to be young?"

"It feels like meeting your first love. Hasn't this group of people changed much after so many years of debut?"

"Are you sure you know what they looked like when they debuted?"

"Nonsense, I watched them debut. Their debut song GEE, I still have that album at home..."

Conversations similar to the ones that don't match the lips of the horses are scattered in various forums. After all, many fans only noticed the girls later. They may have looked through their past albums at that time, but they have long forgotten them by now.

Of course, if you look carefully, you can definitely find various clues. The simplest one is the release date of the album, but few fans will notice this. They all listen to this album as a new album. Some people are even asking why the two versions of the MV are different. It would be damned if they were the same.

The fans are really in a carnival. As the saying goes, having fun alone is not as good as having fun together. It is very meaningful to be able to introduce your favorite artists to everyone, especially the debut songs of girls.

As for the joy brought about by the success of this kind of prank, that's another story. In short, the long-cherished wishes have really taken action, just like the girls have really released a new album, and they are promoting it online and ranking on the charts. .

The result was that the song "The World We Meet Again" soared like a rocket, reaching the top 20 hits within an hour, and it still has great staying power and is on track to reach the number one spot.

This kind of change in the list can easily attract the attention of reporters, but this time the reporters are also a little confused. Why do the girls' debut songs rise so quickly? Is there any big news that they don't know?

While the reporters were exploring the inside story and the fans were working hard to make the list, the girls at the center of the storm were eating barbecue here. Fortunately, this scene was not seen by the fans, otherwise they would be sad.

But it’s not the girls’ fault. Who wouldn’t know? Every time they release a new album, they are more nervous than anyone else. Even if they have high popularity as a foreshadowing, they are still very nervous.

After all, there is no eternal popularity. If an album is not to the fans' liking, they may lose many fans. Besides, they take music seriously and really want to communicate with everyone through music.

So every time when a new album is released, these girls usually stay up all night, using all electronic devices to watch their music videos, and then they themselves open various trumpets and hang out in various forums.

The main reason why they open trumpet accounts is to get first-hand reviews from everyone, but things will always change as they go on. For example, they can brag with the fans, or even lead the fans to brag. They all do this kind of thing. Passed.

"Oppa, you can eat less. Can you take care of your female compatriots first? Look at Jong Kook, oppa!" Yoona said to Li Menglong, they are both men, why is there such a big difference?

While Li Menglong stuffed the roasted meat into his mouth, he looked at Kim Jong Kook on the side. This guy was indeed putting the roasted meat to Yoon Eun Hye, but he shouldn't. This is not an outsider, why are you being polite?

As if aware of Li Menglong's doubtful gaze, Kim Jong Kook explained without raising his head: "I have to work out soon. It's not appropriate to eat too much."

Kim Jong Kook's words directly changed the atmosphere. Now it was Li Menglong's turn to mock the group of people: "Everyone is still eating. The coach knows to eat less. Look at yourselves, how much have you eaten? Think about it for a while. Are you going to practice throwing up?"

At this moment, the girls no longer had any appetite. The joy of shooting the video made them a little forgetful. They even forgot about the arrival of Kim Jong Kook. This person did not come here to eat barbecue with them.

"You can't eat anymore, can you? Don't waste food. I don't dislike you. I will eat the rest of you with difficulty."

As he spoke, Li Menglong directly stretched his chopsticks into the bowls of the girls. Even though Yoona and the others were complaining about how much Li Menglong ate just now, none of them had a bunch of food in their bowls, and they all picked them individually. Excellent product.

They deliberately put the bowl on Li Menglong's head, but the girls really couldn't bear to part with the meat. In the end, they had to give Li Menglong an advantage. Watching him eat it would at least satisfy their eyes.

Yoon Eun Hye particularly understands the resentment of girls. After all, keeping in shape is really a pain for every star, especially for female idols. Fortunately, Yoon Eun Hye has not been an idol for many years.

"Onie, please stop laughing, okay? You also have to participate in the filming of the movie. Do you also need to prepare for a rainy day?" The girls were really frustrated, even Yin Eun Hye, who was watching the excitement, didn't let go.

Fortunately, this little complaint was not enough to make Yoon Eun Hye unhappy. Not only did she not give up the barbecue, but she even ate more deliciously: "This time my character is a middle-aged woman, so it would be more realistic to be fatter. What do you think, director?" "

Li Menglong shrugged his shoulders. He personally didn't have any objections. It can be said that Yin Eun Hye's foundation lies here. She is a beauty when she loses weight, and she becomes a fatter beauty when she gets a little fatter. As long as she feels okay, Li Menglong will be able to talk to her.

It's just that this makes the girls very unhappy. They are also actresses participating in the movie. They not only have to eat less but also work out extra. In the end, Yoon Eun Hye doesn't have to worry about anything. Can it be fair?

"Then we can eat it too. Can't adolescent girls be fatter? There's something wrong with the setting of your script!" Kim Taeyeon held her head high and spoke forcefully.

However, Li Menglong just stated the fact calmly: "I personally don't care, but you can think about it for yourself. When you were a trainee, did you have any fat companions? If so, I can respect the fact."

The girls are frowning because they are overthinking. I really can't find any examples. Maybe there were some fat people when they first joined the company, but they are already a very small number. After officially becoming trainees, Then there won't be any fat people.

After all, adolescent children, coupled with such a large amount of exercise and the pressure of competition similar to that of the workplace, it’s crazy how fat they can get. Do you still want to make a debut?

Not to mention getting fat, there are more people who practice to become as skinny as a stick. Those who practice frequently break bones or faint, and those who practice for more than ten hours are commonplace. In this state, even wanting to gain weight is a luxury.

After all, they have to be close to reality. Girls admit this, but now that they are not fat, can they skip the step of fitness?

"You are definitely not fat, but what should I say? Your mental state is too full." Li Menglong considered here: "Although you can make up for part of it through makeup and hair, it is still a little bit behind!"

The girls sneered at Li Menglong's words, and even thought that this was an excuse deliberately made by Li Menglong. Perhaps only Xu Xian, the director, could truly understand Li Menglong's thoughts. He was right!

The appearance of the girls may not be much different from when they debuted, but their spirit and temperament are much different. It’s really hard to say this kind of thing. This is the imprint of their growth over the years.

Therefore, if you want to show the youthful feeling of those days, you cannot rely solely on acting skills, at least not for the audience. It must be matched with makeup, hair, body posture, etc., and even lens filters, shooting techniques, etc.

On this point alone, Xu Xian thought that there was still a big difference between him and Li Menglong. Fortunately, although the girls didn't quite understand, they didn't continue to move their chopsticks.

This large group of people stopped. Although Li Menglong and Yin Eunhui could eat a lot more, it seemed difficult to continue eating, which could easily cause public outrage.

Although these two people are not forced to go to the gym, they still need to be gregarious. Besides, the whole army has left, so what can the two of them do, go for a ride? Even if Jin Zhongguo was relieved, Li Menglong himself wouldn't dare.

In that case, let's go and do some activities together. As for the gym here, it's relatively simple. It's not that the place is bad, but the space, the scenery outside the window, and the cleanliness are all very good. What's missing is fitness equipment.

This is obviously a personal fitness room built by the boss himself, but who is Kim Jong Kook? He has been working out for more than ten years. It doesn't matter if there are few equipments. Isn't it a venue and dumbbells? That's enough.

The girls are still in the secretive stage. After all, there are not many large-scale equipment. In their minds, tonight should be very relaxing. Kim Jong Kook won't lead everyone to dance together, like that kind of fitness for the elderly. Room average?

Soon the girls paid the price for their rash thoughts. It is said that when a person is not mentally prepared, this will indeed affect the physical performance.

But in the past few days, Jin Zhongguo has become very clear about the physical limits of the girls, so when faced with the begging of these girls for mercy, he has no mercy: "Stop talking. If you have the strength, you might as well do another set. Everyone, listen. My command is, surrender!"

The girls' "landing" process was very smooth, but it was really laborious when they had to use their arms to hold them up. During the break, they were shaking even when they drank water.

For those people who just lie down and don't want to open their eyes, Lee Soon Kyu said that these people don't know how to rest. Now it's not just the body that needs to relax, but the tired nerves also need the same rest.

So Li Soonkyu took out her phone tremblingly, intending to play a game, but considering how trembling she was now, there was a high probability that she would cheat her teammates. She, Li Soonkyu, couldn't do such an unethical thing. .

What you can do is read the gossip news. Don’t think that celebrities don’t gossip. Everyone has a little darkness in their heart, but it’s not that happy when it’s their own fault.

“Is anyone releasing an album today?”

"What nonsense are you talking about? Is your brain too tired and stupid?"

"It's written on the hot search. Girls' Generation's new album was forced to be released early, and its performance quickly reached the top. It's not like you guys released the new album behind my back, right?" Lee Soon Kyu looked at these embarrassed sisters suspiciously. It didn't seem to be the case. There is no such possibility.

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