The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 224 Hope and Disappointment

This was the first time Li Menglong entered the police station as long as he could remember. The more it came to this kind of time to uncover the mystery, the calmer Li Menglong became.

So he was still looking around with great interest. Generally speaking, it was not much different from the general company. They were all busy with a group of people, except for the small temporary detention rooms at the rear separated by iron railings. place.

"What did these few do? It wasn't robbery, right? This fat man can't even run away!" A police officer who seemed to be the leader asked casually.

Unlike a rookie like Li Menglong, the police station was Fatty's second home at least a few years ago, and it wasn't because of his sister that he restrained himself a lot. It might be quite difficult for Li Menglong to see him outside.

So with that big fat face with a protective look, he said with a silly smile: "Sir, you have good eyesight, we are actually victims, and we are still trying to maintain justice!"

It happened that there was nothing wrong now, so the police officer took them aside and listened to the fat man's nonsense. In fact, as long as they didn't commit any major crimes that both people and gods outraged, the police's attitude was acceptable.

"So you are still trying to protect Taeyeon? That's why you beat someone?" The police officer said incredulously.

"Isn't that right, but police officers, you must keep your mouth shut, it's not good for Taeyeon!"

"Don't worry, I'm also a fan of hers. If things are really the same as what you said, I will try my best to tell you what I didn't say!" The police officer really envied Fatty for doing such a happy thing for his idol. It is simply the wish of all fans. As for the prison for a few days, it is simply a reward.

"Then thank the police officer first, and I'll ask you for her autographed photo!" Fatty lit a cigarette for the police officer familiarly, then stuffed another one for Li Menglong, and finally took one himself.

Seeing Fatty's behavior, the police officer also knew that Li Menglong was the main character, but seeing his calm look, with a humble smile on his mouth, he believed that he was a university teacher.

In the end, he could only think that it was the other party's impulsiveness, and felt a little pity for them, so when he took them to the temporary detention place, he also specially warned the other gangsters inside.

But not long after the police left, several people gathered around one after another, each with a smirk, and slapped each other from time to time, Li Menglong could probably guess what it meant.

But the fat man couldn't take it anymore, when did he become a fat sheep? In the prison, his fat man is also the role of prison bully! So everyone tacitly took advantage of the absence of the police officer to start a small fire.

When the police officer came back to bring them some blankets, he saw that Li Menglong was half leaning against the wall, boredly looking at the sky through the small window, while a few punks on the opposite side were standing straight against the wall, seeing When he came over, he didn't even dare to say anything except to give a terrified look.

At first I thought about helping Li Menglong again, but it turned out that they handled it well: "It's good if you can handle it well, otherwise I want to change you to a private room at night. Take a good rest, I will pay attention to the news, and What can I do to help? I’m afraid I can’t send messages!”

Li Menglong looked at Fatty and the attendant. To be honest, the two of them didn't know what to ask for. They had entered the police station so many times and had never been asked this question.

So Li Menglong thought about it, and said very politely: "If you are dissatisfied, can you give me a book? Any book is fine!"

"It's not impossible, it's just that there are not many people who read books here, let me ask for you!" The police officer's impression of Li Menglong is getting better and better.

Therefore, when Li Menglong carefully flipped through the book with the brighter light from the window, the images of the fat people snoring and the gangsters whispering were completely separate worlds.

Passing by a few times, the police officer always felt that something was missing, until finally he brought a cup of coffee to Li Menglong, so accompanied by the faint steam and aroma of coffee, the picture of Li Menglong reading a book was completely perfect.

When the police officer got off work, he specifically explained to other colleagues on duty that he heard that a scholar was wronged because of his idol and hit the manager of the other party. Li Menglong is definitely a weak character, so everyone sympathized.

Especially when they saw that Li Menglong was holding a thick book of Korean law and read it so seriously, they all felt a little ashamed, so later on Li Menglong got a desk lamp again for the first time.

Everyone should warn the other gangsters when they come over, after all, these gangs always like to bully newcomers.

But these hooligans are going crazy. Now it's like the underworld and the police are coming together to suppress them. Both sides can't get along anymore, and they have a conscience.

Just when Li Menglong was about to spend a quiet night here, s*m was completely blown up. In a small conference room, Jin Yingmin, who had just rushed back from a dinner with the smell of alcohol, frowned tightly. .

Of the four people who were beaten, except for SJ's manager, who was in better condition, who was still here, the other three had been sent to the hospital, and the scene of the car accident had been cleaned up.

There are only three of them in the conference room now, and he, Kim Youngmin, has to set the tone in private, the smaller the number, the easier it is for them to tell the truth.

Facts have proved that SJ's manager did not dare to lie, except that he used some tricks to push the responsibility to Li Menglong as much as possible, most of the details are still reliable.

And Kim Youngmin naturally has the ability to distinguish right from wrong, especially looking at Kim Taeyeon, who can be said to be his favorite work.

Girls' Generation has something to do with him. They are one of Kim Young Min's bargaining chips. It is precisely because of the popularity of the girls that he can prove his ability and speak on the board of directors.

And in the past few years, the girl has been able to keep her peace with almost no scandals and troubles to terminate the contract. It can be said that Kim Taeyeon has contributed a lot. Almost all the small thoughts and some dark sides of the company must be communicated with her.

When she talked with the company, it was all about naked interests. For example, the tts team this time, it took Kim Taeyeon half a year, and she promised to cooperate with the publicity exchange in Japan.

It can be said that Kim Taeyeon is the big babysitter of the girls. She is doing all the initial communication with the company, and then showing some bright results to the girls. This is why she has been recognized by Jung Soo-yeon, Lee Soon-kyu and others for so many years. .

She Kim Taeyeon really paid a lot for Girls' Generation.

So without accidents, Kim Youngmin is willing to favor and love Kim Taeyeon, but this incident happened to involve exo, which is his new boy group, so it's hard to say.

Kim Taeyeon didn't speak the whole time, she just hugged her shoulders and waited for Kim Youngmin, the silent pressure was thrown on Kim Youngmin.

He constantly weighed the interests of various aspects in his heart. From the perspective of outsiders, what Li Menglong did was indeed excessive, but there was a reason for what happened, and it made sense.

But he is the president of s*m, he has to be responsible to the people inside the company, no matter who is right or wrong, three managers and an artist were beaten up in his garage by others, if he just lightly exposed it, he might not be convinced All.

As for Taeyeon, he could only look at her apologetically, someone has to sacrifice, I hope she can put the company first in everything: "Ahem, this Li Menglong, we have to sue to the end and inform the company's legal department to follow up Well, if you need to, you can contact me again!"

"Nene! The president is wise. For this kind of person, he should be put in prison! I still have a headache now, and I'm going to be hospitalized, and I'll pay for my lost wages!" .

Kim Taeyeon was extremely disappointed, she had been in this company for many years, starting from that little country girl in Jeonju. There may be various things inside s*m, such as fighting between trainees, bribery of internal staff, etc.

But she is still grateful here, because this is the place where her dream took off. And when they became popular, the conflicts with the company became more and more serious. From the beginning when they were going to enter Europe and the United States, everyone almost quarreled and turned their faces.

Why were they able to take over in 2009? Of course, the popularity of gee is unquestionable, but when did there not be some hit songs? Another big reason is that the No. 1 girl group at that time, Wongder Girls, was brought to the United States by Park Zhenying to enter the North American music market.

As for the current result, that group is about to be dismantled, and it will never regain the glory of the No. 1 girl group. This is a lesson learned from the past, but Kim Taeyeon worked hard to communicate with both parties, and finally managed to comfort her sister.

There are really countless similar things, but she endured them all, for nothing but the name Girls' Generation.

But today she was completely disappointed, from top to bottom in this company. Not to mention who has the reason, but Kim Taeyeon asked the company to help her for no reason, is it so difficult?

When she was extremely angry, Taeyeon smiled instead, not a forced smile, but a heartfelt smile, she was laughing and she was laughing at them too.

She still didn't speak, because she knew it would have no effect, and since the other party had decided, she would not change it. Turning around and leaving the room, there really wasn't much she could do, not even carrying it with Li Menglong, but she knew there was still a future.

Things spread quickly within s*m, even Xu Xian got the news after an hour, and other girls she could spare time in Seoul also rushed over, even if they didn't know Li Menglong, To see if Kim Taeyeon is injured.

Because this was the last vacation before going to Japan, many of the girls were not in Seoul, only Yoona and Hyoyeon rushed over. Although it was not a good idea for a few people to gather together, they could still be by Taeyeon's side.

Xu Xian over there hesitated for a while, but still dialed Li Shungui's phone number. She felt that this sister must want to know about it, but unfortunately the phone was turned off, and she sent a short message, Xu Xian couldn't help but sighed. Take a breath.

After Li Menglong ate a very unpalatable dinner, he leaned to the side bored, listening to everyone bragging in turn, the entertainment here is really almost zero.

The cowhide of a group of gangsters is naturally how many women they have slept with, and how many younger brothers they have under them. This is their dream life in the future.

As a result, Fatty, the former boss of the underworld, began to popularize detailed knowledge of the underworld, such as the bright red color when people bleed, and the distribution of internal organs;

In short, the group of little brothers mentioned have no love for this profession. After a long time, it turns out that it is not easy to get mixed up with the big brothers.

Then it was Li Menglong's turn. He was not out of gregarious, but he was always a bit ambivalent when talking about the underworld at the police station, so Li Menglong used the knowledge he had just learned in the afternoon to start explaining the law to these people, starting with beating people and then Speaking of compensation.

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