The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2237 Entering the water

Given the relationship between Kim Jong Kook and Lee Meng Yong, after hearing what he said, especially after understanding what the other person meant, he couldn't help but feel angry!

He is Kim Jong Kook, so he won’t say his identity. Does he get paid to help the girls exercise? If the money was not confiscated, why could Li Menglong arrange his private itinerary so confidently? Is Kim Jong-kook's time so cheap?

Li Menglong didn't have so many thoughts. He just heard the gasping sound from the other side. In fact, he couldn't do such a ridiculous thing. He had always been kind to his own people, otherwise he would always do the best. Leaving one side to outsiders is not putting the cart before the horse.

Therefore, Li Menglong never thought of bringing Kim Jong-kook over from the beginning. This was against his basic principles of life. There is a reason for this. Fortunately, the relationship between the two was strong enough, and Kim Jong-kook could at least continue to work for Li Meng-ryong. Time to speak.

"Don't you always say that your hair is growing when you stay at home recently? It just so happens that you can take this opportunity to go out for a walk. I have found a B\u0026B here. The scenery next to the mountains and the sea is great. When the time comes, I will How about I drink some more with you?"

Li Menglong finally told his complete plan, which was generally reliable. Although Kim Jong-kook could be said to be here to help, it could also be said that he came to have fun with him. It all depends on how the other party understands it. .

Jin Zhongguo was a little moved. His complaints about Li Menglong were still sincere, but just when he was about to say yes, he was keenly aware of a hint of murderous intent.

If this were Kim Jong Kook before he got married, he would never have thought of the origin of his murderous intent. After all, a straight man's mindset cannot be changed for a while, and this was also the case with Lee Meng Yong in the beginning.

But after all, he has entered the palace of marriage. In the past two years, Kim Jong-kook's emotional intelligence has risen rapidly: "What nonsense are you talking about here? When did I tell you this? I'm warning you, Li Menglong, don't You are spreading rumors about me outside!"

As soon as these words came out that were almost severance, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly relaxed a lot, and Kim Jong-kook couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Is this a small life saved?

As for the emotions of Li Menglong opposite me, I can only say that we are all brothers. I believe Li Menglong will understand, and he will make up for it slowly in the future.

Li Menglong did react, but don’t take your time to compensate, and don’t forget it again in two days, isn’t it because he is afraid of his wife, he has a way: “Maybe I remembered it wrong, it should be Liu Zaishi who said it! "

"That's for sure. I really want to hear him say this!" Kim Jong-guo said to add insult to injury from the opposite side. Good brothers are just for betrayal.

After dumping the blame first, Li Menglong extended the invitation again: "Yin Eun-hye hasn't come out to relax for a long time, right? The girls are all here too. Otherwise, as a director, I invite Yoon Eun-hye to come over and we can cultivate a tacit understanding in advance. What."

This was what Lee Mong-ryong said. Otherwise, if another director came and said this to Kim Jong-kook, he would be considered clean if he didn’t beat the shit out of the other person. This is beyond the scope of provocation. It is simply insulting Kim Jong-kook!

A director invites an actress to go to Jeju Island alone to exchange feelings. What does he want? Or are you talking to her husband? Do you really think that Kim Jong Kook's muscles are all in vain?

But when it comes to Li Menglong, you need to think about it from another level. The other party is probably fake in inviting Yoon Eun Hye, and the invitation to Kim Jong Kook is real. It's just a buy-one-get-one-free deal.

After all, if Yoon Eun Hye goes by herself, Kim Jong Kook will go and accompany her no matter what. Twenty-four filial piety to a good husband is no joke. He is indeed his brother. Kim Jong Kook has secretly sent a Zhang Yiqi card to Li Menglong!

But what he thinks is not that important. After all, the real decision-making power lies with Yin Eunhui. To be honest, she also wants to go out for a walk, but she has always been worried about her child.

At this time, it was time for Li Menglong to take action, relying on his smooth tongue to deceive. For example, the distance was close, and he could rush back at any time if there was any problem; for example, the air on the island was good, the scenery was good, and he could take some time to relax. A better mood is also more conducive to the growth of children.

Of course, Li Menglong has not forgotten to exert a little "pressure" as a director: "Ah, I have said so. If you don't come over, I will be very embarrassed. You make a director lose face. On the set Will I still give you face?"

In fact, Yoon Eun Hye has decided to go. After all, this opportunity is really good, especially since there are girls to keep company with. When the time comes, whether it is going to a hot spring, shopping or even just chatting, it will be better for the two of them. Smelly men are strong.

So Li Menglong's last sentence was completely superfluous. Fortunately, Yoon Eun-hye didn't have any rebellious mentality: "Kim Jong-kook, are you just listening to this? I have been threatened!"

"" Although Kim Jong Kook is good at emotional intelligence, he is not yet able to handle multiple problems at the same time. He still doesn't understand what he should be able to understand.

"Of course you're going to help me beat him up!"

"But this guy is in Jeju Island..." Halfway through, Kim Jong-guo finally realized what Yoon Eun-hye meant: "Don't worry, I'll book a flight now, and when we meet, I'll have this guy kneel down and sing Conquer to you! "

"Ah, that's too much!" Li Menglong protested over the phone. The couple were flirting here, but in the end, he had to be beaten? You have to be reasonable as a human being!

It's a pity that things like truth often require force to defend. Lee Mong-ryong can't defeat the nine girls, and he can't compare to the husband and wife Kim Jong-kook and Yoon Eun-hye, so it's natural for him to be bullied.

Fortunately, Li Menglong still has brains and knows that he can make the two groups hurt each other. He just needs to sit in the middle and reap the benefits. As expected, the one who relies on muscles will never be able to defeat the one who relies on brains!

"Hey, Li Menglong, where have you been? I asked you to ask for a plate of vegetables, but I didn't ask you to dig them out of the ground!" The girls' voices were clearly heard even from a distance. Maybe this was the result of being a singer. career advantages.

He looked at the time silently. Even if Jin Jongguo took the fastest flight, it would be at least two hours later. So he still had to face these people and women alone for two hours. He really I feel a little pressured.

But when he thought about the surprise he had prepared for them, Li Menglong gained some motivation. Sure enough, hurting each other was the best way to interact. He realized it again!

Although the girls were shouting loudly, it was just to torment Li Menglong. They really couldn't eat any more, even a little vegetable.

Speaking of which, if you have that spare stomach space, why not continue to eat some meat? Isn’t barbecue delicious?

Seeing that Li Menglong didn't come back no matter how many times he was called, the girls no longer planned to wait for him. They originally wanted to say goodbye to the fans with him. After all, he was one of the protagonists today. Besides, what was he thinking about? Like? Can I share it with you all?

"You have also seen it. It is he who dares not come back. But don't worry, this self-reflection book must be written. Then we will take a look at the atmosphere at the scene and consider releasing it for everyone as appropriate. After all, we have to consider Damn Li Menglong’s pride!”

The girls here look like they are very kind. If they can wipe the oil stains from the corners of their mouths, it will be easier for others to believe it. By the way, everyone is their fans. Is it interesting to say these words? Do you expect everyone to believe it?

Fans are so naive, right? The girls are just saying polite words here. In fact, they themselves don’t really believe it. By the way, Li Menglong is writing a self-reflection book outside right now? The picture is so beautiful that I dare not even think about it.

In short, a lively drama is finally coming to an end. Starting from early in the morning, the girls have brought many surprises to everyone one after another. They have really served the fans. No other idol can do this. ? Or do you dare to do this?

Not every group has the status of girls, and not every company is as easy to talk to as SW. Of course, the most important thing is not that the managers of every group are the company's major shareholders.

"Then let's meet again next time. We also have to go out and look for Li Menglong, otherwise what should we do if he secretly cries alone!" Kim Taeyeon did not forget to accuse Li Menglong even at the end: "You are also responsible for all this. Oh, let’s all reflect on it!”

As this blame was placed on her, Kim Taeyeon didn't even give her fans a chance to refute, and went straight to the broadcast at the speed of light, which made the fans in front of the screen feel very ridiculous. What kind of group did they follow? , why do you feel like your brain is not particularly smart?

Naturally, Kim Taeyeon didn't know that fans were discussing their IQs there, so she wouldn't say anything if she knew about it. After all, her IQ is famously high. As the saying goes, real gold is not afraid of fire, and the discussion will last until the end. The result is certain.

Now it seems that he really wants to go out to look for Li Menglong. It's not that he is afraid of crying alone outside. Speaking of which, Li Menglong is not so fragile. The girls are afraid that he will run away alone first. This makes the nine of them go back, but they are still so worried. A little bit of panic.

Fortunately, as the manager, Li Menglong was still fulfilling his responsibilities. Although he never responded to the girls' calls, he didn't leave. He was still sitting there looking at the sea, and his back was still a bit melancholy.

Anyone with a normal mind would choose to walk over quietly and slowly lend his shoulder to Li Menglong. In short, it is just a comfort.

But the girls did not live up to the fans' heated discussions about their IQs. Although it is not said that their IQs are very low, they are indeed different from normal people's brain circuits.

For example, the girls are sneaking past now, but they are stepping on their feet, bending down, and walking so obscenely. They look like a gang of hooligans who are going to do something big.

In fact, these female hooligans did intend to do something big, but Li Menglong was somewhat alert. When the girls were still more than ten steps away from him, he had already turned his head smartly.

This sudden look at each other made both sides feel awkward for a moment. Li Menglong was curious about what this group of people wanted to do, while the girls were thinking about how to get closer.

Although Li Menglong didn't know anything yet, it didn't stop him from standing up little by little. His movements were slow just to avoid irritating the people on the opposite side. But at a certain point in time, the girls on the opposite side launched a final charge towards him. .

The nine people suddenly ran out with the momentum of thousands of troops. At least that's what Li Menglong thought. Naturally, he had no intention of confrontation. In this case, all he could do was run away.

But Li Menglong soon discovered something was wrong. He should have run left or right along that road. Even though he would be pulled closer by the girls at first, his endurance and speed were enough to teach these girls how to behave. of.

But this time he miscalculated and ran towards the sea so desperately that he fell into the trap of the girls. This is what they wanted to do, force Li Menglong into the sea. Is this a good idea? ?

"Yeah, don't come here again, or I won't be polite!" Although Li Menglong's words were very strong, the situation he was in was quite disadvantageous. The sea water had submerged his feet. Why was he still shouting here?

"Why do you still want to be so rude? Say it and make this young man happy!"

"Maybe they gritted their teeth, stamped their feet, and swam back in one breath!"

"This is possible. How about a live broadcast or something? I think a lot of people will watch it!"

Li Menglong was also convinced. Everyone was so good-looking, but why were their words so harsh? These people didn't really think they had defeated him, right?

"What do you want to do? Don't you want to come over?" Now it was the girls' turn to give in. Li Menglong in front of them was really a little too crazy.

Originally, the girls just wanted to force him into the water, but now Li Menglong took the initiative to roll in the sea water. You must know that the sea water is still a bit cold, and the girls were shivering.

It stands to reason that the original goal has been achieved, and the girls should be happy. However, the result is the same, but the process is far different. How could Li Menglong have such an awareness?

As Li Menglong walked up wetly, the girls also discovered each other's plans. It was said that Li Menglong had nothing to lose now. In this case, it was the girls' turn to be unlucky.

"Calm down. Our health is not as good as yours. What if we catch a cold?"

"Yes, you, a grown man, have the nerve to bully nine of us weak women?"

"What you did is already illegal, we can sue you at any time!"

No matter what the girls said, Li Menglong just smiled and didn't answer. He let his actions show his attitude. As Li Menglong strode over, the girls' side instantly exploded.

It is said that it is unrealistic for Li Menglong to catch nine people by himself. This involves a question of probability. As long as he is not the one who is caught, it doesn't seem so unacceptable. So now the competition is with Girls' Generation Team sprint results? Or is it swimming performance?

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