The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2229 The Zombie Era

Li Menglong had already washed his hands and planned to come to eat, but that was not the intention of the group. Normally, these little girls would wait for him to come to eat together out of gratitude.

But it was obviously not like that today. A group of people gathered around and turned into professional photographers, taking pictures of the table of food. They even exchanged and discussed with each other, planning to take pictures of the meal. Come?

Although he didn't understand it very well, Li Menglong still chose to respect the ideas of this group of people. If these people were not hungry, it would not be impossible for him to eat alone.

But just when he was about to sit over, he was pushed away by this group of people. What was he going to do? Do you want to rebel?

"Why are you so anxious? Aren't we still enduring when we are so hungry? Can't you tell the difference between our eyebrows and our eyes?"

Listening to the scoldings of the girls here, Li Menglong really felt ridiculous: "I made this meal right, right? I don't even have the right to eat? Am I the one who wants to rebel, or you?"

Li Menglong's request is still fair enough. After all, it is a meal that has been made with so much effort. He has to get the consent of this group of people to eat by himself. Isn't this a bit unjustifiable?

It's just that the girls weren't deliberately trying to embarrass him. I didn't see them taking pictures. They were all doing it to promote him. In the end, it was Li Menglong who showed his face in front of the fans. As for the girls, the most they gained was a little bit insignificant. Just envy.

There was obviously some conflict between the ideas of the two parties, and a war was about to brew. Xu Xian hurriedly intervened: "If the guys just take photos, they won't be convincing. After all, they are just static images."

"You mean to take a picture of us eating?" Kim Taeyeon touched her cheek and said unconfidently: "We are not in a good state today. How about you do it yourself, Xiaoxian? I will give it to you today." The styling is absolutely beautiful!”

Faced with Kim Taeyeon's deception, Seohyun is the only one who believes it. Even Lee Mongryong's aesthetics doesn't look good. Is it possible that Seohyun's aesthetics is worse than Lee Mongryong's?

"Let Menglong Oppa do this!" Xu Xian finally said his suggestion, which was completely killing two birds with one stone.

The girls need someone to eat so that they can shoot more impactful videos; while Li Menglong wants to eat right away because he is simply hungry.

Even though the girls were not suitable for being on camera, the two parties really hit it off. Li Menglong sat directly at the dining table and regarded the girls opposite him as nothing. Anyway, he had no image to care about.

So every second next became a test for the girls. The way Li Menglong eats is very contagious. In addition, the taste of these foods is very appetizing to them, so it is a double temptation. Woolen cloth.

"Yeah, just take two bites. I don't want you to finish the whole bowl of vegetables!"

"Let's go to the next dish. This is my favorite!"

"Li Menglong, can you eat less? This is all made for us!"

The girls on the opposite side were anxious and annoyed. Unfortunately, this was their own choice, in order to produce better works for fans.

They thought they could endure it, even if it was for the fans. After all, fans hold a very important place in their hearts.

But everything is afraid of comparison. The girls were not forced to make a choice before, but now they seem to have a new understanding. In front of delicious food, fans seem to be able to stand back a little, or wait. After they’ve had their fill and their fill, fans will be back in the first place!

So the scene that followed was very brutal, and I don't know who took the lead. Anyway, the girls rushed over in a swarm, like locusts crossing the border, staring at their targets and wanting to eat them all.

I didn’t use any bowls, chopsticks or plates. I just pulled the plate over and stuffed it into my mouth with my hands. Although the action was a bit rough, it was still a good idea when there were so many people fighting around. method.

Among them, Li Menglong should have the absolute advantage, both in terms of body and appetite, but he was afraid that the girls would make a list later. Besides, as a chef, he could see the food he made being so competed for, and he was also very worried. Be satisfied.

Li Menglong originally planned to retire and just watch the fun. Who knew someone had the same plan as him? Xu Xian didn't come over. Instead, he took over the heavy responsibility of the girls and recorded the scene with his mobile phone.

But the only advantage is that the girls all have their backs to her, so they don't have to worry about being photographed with their faces on camera. However, the action itself is already very embarrassing, and there seems to be nothing to hide.

"Don't you go over to eat?"

Facing Li Menglong's question, Xu Xian didn't bother to answer. He just tapped the other side with his chin. Li Menglong couldn't even participate in this scene. What did Xu Xian have more than him?

Li Menglong touched the tip of his nose awkwardly. It seemed to be his mistake. If he had known it, he would have set aside some for Xu Xian. Now his assistant has no food to eat. This is very inappropriate.

Fortunately, Xu Xian didn't think there was anything wrong. Her recipe itself was somewhat different from this group of people. Besides, she was more focused on the video in her hand. It would be interesting to post this, right?

The two of them ignored the girls in the restaurant and sat in the living room, muttering to themselves about the secondary production of the video.

Speaking of a short video of this quality, having two directors Li Menglong and Xu Xian come over for secondary processing at the same time is really overkill, but who would make these two willing.

Besides, the main force is Xu Xian. It's not that Li Menglong doesn't want to participate, but he is powerless. He is really not familiar with this kind of video editing work on mobile phones.

As for Xu Xian, she didn't have to do much, she just added some filters and special effects, added some additional text, and then posted it directly on her own account.

The girls had just shot so much material, and before they had time to share it with fans, they were overtaken by Seohyun. I have to say that the little girl's counterattack was quite sharp.

Not to mention the feasting of the girls, Seohyun's video immediately attracted the attention of fans after it was released. You must know that Seohyun is not that concerned about updates on social media.

This may be a personal habit, and many times you have to see Xu Xian's photos from other girls, but this does not affect the number of Xu Xian's fans.

After all, she can be regarded as a new goddess, and she is also the kind of girl with her own talent. Recently, there is even a trend of counterattacking and becoming the number one in the team.

Of course, there are no official statistics on this kind of thing. It would be a bit naive to rely solely on the number of fans. Anyone who knows a little bit about the Internet knows that fans can be bought.

Seohyun's fans are too real. At least she or her company have never bought anything for her, but it doesn't mean that she is an active and real fan. After all, there will be enthusiastic fans who do what they think they do. A good thing.

In short, compared to other celebrities, the response speed and number of fans here are already disappointing. The video was not released for ten minutes, and the comments below were already to the point where Seohyun couldn't stand it.

Fans were very enthusiastic about the discussion, but they still couldn't figure out what the group of people in the video were doing. Of course, this was also related to Seohyun's little prank.

The clip she intercepted was just a scene of girls fighting over the dining table with their backs to the camera. She ingeniously darkened the filter, and added some special effects of blood splattering among the girls.

Worried that fans would not understand what she meant, Seohyun simply left an extra line of text at the end: Girls' Generation's newest sub-unit - Zombie Age!

With Xu Xian's last sentence as a supplement, the more it looks like it, the more it looks like it. This is clearly a scene of a group of female zombies "eating". Fans even cooperated in a serious way: "Xuxian is filming the video, and the rest Eight girls are eating, it seems obvious who is being eaten."

This comment was instantly pushed to the top. Countless people poured into Li Menglong’s almost zombie-like account and left him crazy messages:

"Do you need me to call the police for you? Just let me know if you need anything!"

"They've all been dismembered, how can you still talk? I've already called the funeral home's car, so you don't need to thank me!"

"Calling the police is still useful, but ordinary police officers shouldn't be able to defeat these female zombies. We need to call in special police, or maybe a demon hunter?"

The style of painting changes so quickly that people can’t get used to it, and the fan base of girls is so huge that it’s easy for a few idle and boring talents to emerge from it!

As a result, the newly released zombie version of the comic images of the girls appeared. If these people are given some more time, maybe they can make a zombie version of the MV.

To be honest, Xu Xian didn't want to cause such a big fuss, he just posted it to make fans happy, and by the way, he posted it before the girls, and he could get a little revenge on them.

It's just that the fans' imaginations are not under her control at all. These people are getting more and more excited as they play. Xu Xian is very interesting to watch, but not everyone thinks so.

Glancing at the group of people in the restaurant, she saw that the plates were almost empty. This also meant that her little trick was about to be exposed. She couldn't imagine how these people would respond.

In this case, the best way is to use the Thirty-six Strategies. Before the group of people could react, Xu Xian jumped up and didn't even dare to go upstairs to look for clothes. This was a waste of time.

So she ran directly to Li Menglong's room. It wasn't that Li Menglong had her clothes here, but she wanted to borrow two pieces of Li Menglong's clothes, even though they were a little bigger.

Li Menglong didn't know anything yet. He was still watching the fans' comments. As a result, Xu Xian rushed back and forth like a wind, and his clothes changed. Did he miss something?

"What are you still looking at oppa? Let's go quickly!" Xu Xian urged anxiously, while throwing the clothes he took out to Li Menglong to him.

"Ah? What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to be late for work!"

Li Menglong also wanted to look at the clock, but Xu Xian didn't give him the chance at all. He even snatched the clothes thrown to him into his arms. He would change them when he got to the company. The key was to get out first.

He was quite obedient, or to be precise, he believed in Xu Xian, so even though he didn't know anything yet, Li Menglong was still pulled to the door by Xu Xian.

However, the actions of the two people still attracted the attention of the girls: "Why is the maknae leaving in such a hurry? Come and have something to eat!"

This sentence is purely polite. Is Xu Xian coming over to eat the plate? Fortunately, Xu Xian also understands the character of this group of people: "The company called Oppa. There are some urgent matters that need him to go over and handle."

"Li Menglong, if you have work, just go by yourself. Why do you have to drag your maknae to do it? She hasn't eaten anything. Are you a human?"

Facing the girls' righteous accusations, Li Menglong felt extremely ridiculous. Was he pulling Xu Xian? It was clearly Xu Xian who was dragging him. Are the eyes of these people just decorations?

But when he looked down, he was stunned. He didn't know why Xu Xian was one step behind him. Coupled with the lifelike expression at this moment, at a glance, it was really Li Menglong who was pulling him.

Xu Xian couldn't care about Li Menglong's grievance at this moment. She just explained to herself: "It doesn't matter. I can help if I go. Besides, I have to go downstairs to find something to eat!"

After these words came out, the girls immediately had no response. After all, they still wanted to save face. A group of elder sisters ate all the food cooked by the maknae, and the maknae didn't even get a bite. This was really too much. .

As Seohyun's youngest sister, Yoona walked over on behalf of the girls. She took out her wallet on the porch and looked at the cash inside. In the end, she stopped ordering at all and emptied a few more coins. After taking out his wallet, he put all the cash into Xu Xian’s hands: “Go and eat something good yourself!”

Xu Xian was still a little embarrassed after receiving the money. If possible, she really didn't want the money. After all, the girls might want to cut her into pieces after a while.

But Li Menglong, who was watching from the side, was a little jealous. This was a bit too different. He was the main cook. He also didn't eat a few bites. Why not give him some?

For once, Yoona had a rare conscience. She waved her hand to signal him not to make any noise, and turned to tell Xu Xian: "You pick what you like to eat. It doesn't matter if you order more. Give the rest to Li Menglong!"

Although it was considered to be eating leftovers, it depends on who you are eating with, so Li Menglong was quite satisfied with Yoona's arrangement, and then the two of them walked out smoothly.

Yoona stood at the door for a while and at least pressed the elevator button for them. But as soon as she came back, she found that the faces of the girls over there who were supposed to be eating happily looked a little strange. Could it be that she had caused it again? It's up to them, it shouldn't be!

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