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"Remember, Jung Soo-yeon is still the number one anti fan up to now. Who stole her phone back then, and passed on her and those people's photos and scandals, and we are still looking for it!" Kim Tae-yeon took time off Said.

"This is not absolute, and besides, she has gained popularity!" Park Xiangmin wiped the sweat from his forehead, he didn't feel that Kim Taeyeon usually spoke so forcefully.

"This is Baekhyun from exo, we mean can you..."

"Be clear, who are you? Yourself? The president? Who else!" Kim Taeyeon interrupted him again.

Zhao Shanhao, exo's manager from behind, rushed up again, and knocked on the table directly: "It's because I value you that you spread some gossip, don't be silly, be careful and block you!"

"Oh, I'm really scared!" Kim Taeyeon said something that Li Menglong often used for some reason, and then said to Park Xiangmin: "He is threatening me! Threatening your artists! Threatening me Kim Taeyeon! Girls' Generation Captain Kim Taeyeon!"

Every time he said a word, Park Xiangmin's face became ugly, but in the end he still didn't say a word.

Taeyeon glanced at him very speechlessly: "I really don't know what you think, we are the hottest artists in the company, and you are our manager, what are you worried about? Standing with us really Is it so difficult? You have to learn how other people control the artists under you and you will be happy?"

As the team leader of the girls, Kim Taeyeon and Park Xiangmin have the most contacts in normal times. It can be said that they have been working together for nearly four years, and they have some feelings. At least she has always had some hopes for Park Xiangmin until it just ended. .

No longer looking at Park Xiangmin, she turned to Zhao Shanhao: "I don't agree with gossip! You go and block me, it's best to start tomorrow, I just don't want to play songs, I'm very tired!"

After saying something calmly, Taeyeon got up and was about to leave. She was too tired to say a word, they just took themselves too seriously.

However, she was stopped by Park Xiangmin just after she took a few steps, and he looked at Taeyeon embarrassedly, but in a pleading tone: "Tayeon, just help me once!"

"Before you say that, don't you think about what you have helped me? Huh?" Kim Taeyeon said to him and the few people behind: "You must think that I, a little idol, why am I being arrogant here? Bar?"

"Then ask yourself, why are you so arrogant with me? I didn't rely on you to eat, and you didn't give me the opportunity. I relied on my own efforts and the name Girls' Generation. What about you? "Kim Taeyeon really felt that each and every one of these people's brains had been caught by the door.

As for their so-called retaliation against Kim Taeyeon, they are really not worried at all. If they dare to ban them for a year now, ** still has many shareholders, and there are still many conflicts of interest in the future, and their girlhood is everyone's greatest interest.

Kim Taeyeon is very aware of these powerful relationships, but this group of people is a little swollen, and at the same time she is secretly vigilant, I am afraid that when they are no longer so popular, it is time to clear the ledger.

Just when she was about to open the door, another person grabbed her hand. After struggling a few times to no avail, Taeyeon turned her head coldly and looked at that delicate face: "I'll just say it once, let it go!"

Shocked by the aura in Kim Taeyeon's eyes, Bian Baekhyun couldn't help letting go of his hand. He didn't know how this woman who was so much shorter than him had such a frightening aura.

If he asks, Kim Taeyeon can only tell him that this is the confidence of the leader of Asia's No. 1 female team!

Rubbing his palms together, Bian Baekhyun thought about the lessons taught by his acting teacher before, and tried his best to say sincerely: "I am different from them, I really like you, from the first moment I saw you, I already knew I'm in love with you. I'm not begging you to take pictures with me or anything, can you give me a chance to be with you?"

"Hiss!" Taeyeon gasped, she was not moved or shocked, but disgusted, even if the other party directly said that Taeyeon I want to sleep with you, it was better than such a disgusting person.

Grinning, he kept rubbing the hand he had just grabbed on his jeans, and at the same time stepped back a few steps: "I have also taken that acting teacher's course, and the grades are not low. I will still be distracted when I confess my love in the future." A little bit!"

Immediately closing the door, the four men in the room looked at each other with all their means. They were very decadent, and they were played by a little girl between applause. They really lost their adults today.

In fact, they are still unwilling to face up to Kim Taeyeon's identity. You must know that she is Kim Taeyeon, the captain of Asia's No. 1 girl group, the Kim Taeyeon who brought a girl's generation out of various difficulties.

Maybe she usually compromises for the team, for opportunities, etc., which means she knows the general situation, but it doesn't mean that Taeyeon has no bottom line and principles.

As for today's scene, it is not impossible for Park Xiangmin to beg him a month or two ago, and Baekhyun's mouth could be sweeter, but who made them choose a wrong time and a wrong way.

How is it possible for Kim Taeyeon to gossip with a man now? Although she has not yet determined her heart, she at least knows to stay away from such things.

I went to the cafeteria for lunch, and ended up running into a music teacher whom I hadn’t seen for a long time. Kim Taeyeon still has a good relationship with him, so I went to his office and chatted for a long time, and finally went to point out the recent trainees.

I have to say that the company's seedlings are all very good. The little girl named Sun Chenghuan is very good at singing. The key is that Kim Taeyeon has seen some shadows of herself in her, and she has such a spirit of not admitting defeat.

Because Taeyeon stayed here for a long time, it gave Li Menglong time to come, and also gave the other party's unwilling people some time to prepare.

What Taeyeon said is naturally correct, these people will never dare to touch her or block her. But relatively speaking, as long as the news is broadcast, what can she, Taeyeon, do to them?

Kim Taeyeon received a call from the driver and knew that the driver was waiting for her in the parking lot, so she chatted with the teacher and the children for a while before leaving.

I just borrowed a charger to charge my phone, so I turned it on while going downstairs, and just after turning on the phone, I saw a lot of Li Menglong's missed calls, and the intervals were 20 minutes, very regular.

The corner of her mouth raised unconsciously, Kim Taeyeon immediately called Li Menglong back, and as soon as the connection was connected, Li Menglong's voice was heard: "Where are you? Are you okay?"

Although Li Menglong's voice was still steady, Kim Taeyeon, who was familiar with him, couldn't help laughing, because Li Menglong always let the other party speak first when answering the phone, this time is an exception.

"It's okay, I'm at the company, I'll be home in a while!"

"Well, I'm also at the door, you tell this security guard, let us come in, I'll pick you up!" Li Menglong handed the phone to the security guard, and Kim Taeyeon spoke to him before letting him go.

"I'm the one holding the phone, hurry up!" Kim Taeyeon urged. Then I looked around for the nanny car, and she told the driver.

But when he turned his head around, there was a strong wind behind him, Kim Taeyeon was startled instinctively, even dropped his phone to the ground, and then curled up slightly.

At any rate, she has seen countless big scenes. After suppressing her instincts, Taeyeon began to feel what the situation is now. Her first feeling was that she should be in someone's arms, and the other's hand was also on her shoulder. Also on top of her head.

Kim Taeyeon’s first reaction was naturally fans, and it’s not once or twice that she was attacked by fans. Kim Taeyeon could understand some of the other’s thoughts, so she struggled and persuaded: “Can you let me go? Autographs and photos will satisfy you.” !"

"Really, then let's take a photo!" the man said with a little pride.

Before Taeyeon could react again, a car drove out from the opposite side and drove across them, and then a person from the driver's seat held a camera and started shooting wildly.

Connecting the familiarity of the voice and the current situation, Kim Taeyeon knew that the other party was going to be tough, but now that the photo had been taken, she had no choice but to grit her teeth and step on Baekhyun's feet fiercely , at least get back some interest.

Baekhyun swears unceasingly from the pain, and the hand that was originally supporting Taeyeon's shoulders also starts to pull her hair.

But at this moment, there was a sound of car accelerator roaring in the parking lot, and then Kim Taeyeon and Byun Baekhyun looked sideways at the same time, and saw a blue car directly facing the cameraman's car in the blink of an eye The car crashed backwards.

It was just a momentary movement, and then when they looked over again, they saw that the cameraman's car had completely deformed, and the cameraman had climbed down from the driver's seat, looking at the opposite car in fear.

The front of the car that hit it has also changed shape, but the three people who got off the car didn't care. Li Menglong glanced over here, and instead of coming over, he went in the direction of the cameraman.

I don't know what he said, but after snatching the whole camera, Li Menglong took out the memory card inside, and left the rest to Fatty.

And he himself walked towards Kim Taeyeon with big strides, Baekhyun was already crazy, he just wanted to spread a scandal, but the car crash just now was really killing him.

So he hugged Taeyeon tightly again in a panic, and shouted loudly: "Don't come here, this is s*m, I still have..."

What Bian Baekhyun said Kim Taeyeon could no longer hear, her eyes are now on the man who is walking over, the other party seems to have not noticed the situation here, just concentrating on using the brass contact part of the memory card on his hand a little bit The key is broken.

Every girl has more or less imaginary romantic scenes in her heart, and the scene where Li Menglong directly hit each other with a car just now echoed Taeyeon's fantasy. At least at this moment, Taeyeon really confirmed that some people like him .

But what's the matter with his indifferent appearance now, after enduring it for a while, Taeyeon still yelled: "Didn't you see that I was kidnapped?"

"I see, this has to be dealt with a little bit!" Li Menglong frowned and replied, then broke off the memory card, and then put it in his pocket with peace of mind.

Then, with a little indifference and even cold blood, he seriously warned Bian Boxian: "Let her go while I'm still able to talk, and I promise I won't kill you!"

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