After being beaten all the way to the door of the store, Li Menglong finally figured out what was going on: "Ah, you lost the bet, and you blame me? How unjust I am!"

"Are you still unjust? Why don't you eat barbecue? You obviously did it on purpose!"

"Is it wrong for me not to eat barbecue? Can you be a little more reasonable, even though I know it's difficult for you!"

"Who is being unreasonable? Even if I don't blame you for eating barbecue, you should still be responsible for taking away my bank card!" Li Shunkyu said angrily: "If you hadn't taken away my bank card, I would have no money now. Give it to them?”

"Uh... If you want to say that, you can totally blame your parents. If they hadn't given birth to you, then what happened today wouldn't have happened!"

After Li Menglong said this, he immediately jumped away. Sure enough, Li Shunkyu over there was completely crazy. If the girls hadn't stopped him, he would have probably crashed to death on the roadside.

Of course, this does not mean that everyone thinks that Li Menglong did the right thing. They all gave in to Li Shunkyu like this. He is a big man but has a small belly here. Aren't he afraid of being laughed at?

To be honest, Li Menglong is really not afraid. To be precise, he doesn't care. It's so tiring to live for other people's eyes. He just needs to know that he and the girls don't care.

This was the fight started by Lee Soon Kyu. He just fought back. Could it be that he deserved to be scolded? He was innocent in the first place.

Controlling Lee Soon Kyu is also a troublesome thing. Everyone has just exercised, and who still has the energy to exercise here. In this case, let's say something to comfort him.

"We will definitely help you get revenge when we return to the dormitory later!"

"How about you pick out the dishes you like first?"

"We don't want this money anymore..."

It was just a casual comment at first, but unexpectedly the effect was surprisingly good. Li Shunkyu immediately responded: "You don't want this money? You deserve this!"

This statement itself is correct. Girls bet a lot. It would be inappropriate to cheat every time, so everyone has always abided by the conditions stated.

It's just that this time the situation is special. Lee Soon Kyu really can't afford the money. Can the girls still force her to death for the money?

She originally thought about asking her husband, Li Menglong, to collect debts. After all, husband and wife were one, but looking at Li Menglong's cold-blooded look, it was probably too much to hope for him to pay for it.

In short, the girls were extremely generous this time, and Li Shunkyu breathed a sigh of relief: "Everyone, please go in quickly. I will toast you a few more glasses later, for the eternal friendship between us sisters!"

"Well, thank you for the treat!"

I don’t know who made the naughty comment first, but in short, the girls rushed in with this sound. Isn’t this putting Lee Soon Kyu on the fire?

Lee Soon Kyu couldn't say whether these people were serious about coming. If she wanted to treat her, she might really have to borrow money. When she becomes a star, no one would believe her even if she told him.

Fortunately, Li Menglong came over in time when he saw this scene. Even though Li Soonkyu was aggressive with him just now, they are all members of his family: "Don't worry, Kim Jong-guo has agreed to treat him to this meal."

"Really?" Li Shunkyu immediately showed a big smile and rushed forward happily.

Of course, this time I didn't want to beat Li Menglong. Instead, I hugged his arm and walked inside while nagging: "Didn't you make money today? Why don't you treat me?"

"How difficult is it for me to make some money? Unlike Kim Jong Kook, who can make a lot of money just by singing a song!" Li Menglong was just like an ordinary person at this moment, full of resentment towards the income of celebrities.

It is said that Li Menglong has always supported high demands on celebrities. Whether it is appearance, figure, business ability or even private life, this is what they should have.

After all, compared to ordinary people, they earn too much. Not to mention how much they pay, don’t ordinary people pay nothing at work?

In other words, if ordinary people want to earn so much, how much extra effort do they have to put in to have the slightest chance!

Of course, the situation here is very complicated. If you include those trainees and idols who failed to debut, the probability of making big money is still quite low.

Even so, as long as you are eating this bowl of rice, you should be mentally prepared. Don't think that your left hand is making money that ordinary people can't make in a lifetime, and your right hand has to live a free private life. This is quite irresponsible. idea.

Fortunately, the girls have adjusted themselves quite well in this regard. At least everyone can face their own changes. As Lee Soon Kyu once said, because she has been sunny for so long, she no longer knows what Lee Soon Kyu is like.

Maybe this is part of growing up. At least they still have a high enough income to comfort themselves. It can be said that they can treat guests without worrying about their own wallets. Of course, this does not apply to the current Lee Soon Kyu.

The owner of the restaurant has already left, and there are a few rather simple side dishes on the table. To be honest, they are not as good as roadside stalls.

But that's the style. Besides, these people are here just to drink. It doesn't matter what goes with the wine.

A dozen people is a bit too much for this small shop, which means these girls are very thin, otherwise it would be really crowded.

"Wow, the wine here is very complete, soju, rice wine, red wine, beer, what should you drink first?" Yoona asked at the wine cabinet.

As long as they eat out, Yoona and Seohyun will consciously take on the role of waiters. It can only be said that this is the disadvantage brought by age. It is not without reason that Yoona always wants to be two years older.

Fortunately, because of the status of the maknae, they will also receive a lot of care from the elder sisters. Many other girls will also help at home, otherwise the two maknae might secretly spit in the wine.

"Let's drink some rice wine first, be gentle, and let's eat something together." Yin Eun-hye, as today's protagonist, said naturally.

Let’s not talk about Li Menglong’s rice wine. Girls can drink this stuff as a drink, but it is still wine after all. There is no problem in using it to make some pre-dinner drinks.

But everyone is not in the mood yet, so we always need to find a reason to clink glasses while drinking: "Thank you Oppa Zhong Guo for helping us these days. We may be reluctant sometimes because we are too tired, but thank you Oppa." But they are all sincere!”

Kim Taeyeon raised her glass and said slowly, if it can be paired with some sad music, it can really make a small wave of tears.

It's just that Kim Jong Kook's tears haven't flowed out so easily. Besides, Kim Taeyeon and the others have been worrying him a lot these days, so he still has a clear conscience when he drinks this glass of wine of thanks.

The girls all raised their glasses, intending to drink it all with Kim Jong-guo, but Li Menglong also joined in. If he wanted to drink, he could find a reason to go and drink with them?

"I'm also grateful to Kim Jong Kook for giving me so much time alone these days. I don't know how happy I am!" Li Menglong said casually here. Are you sure this is not aimed at girls?

Yoon Eun Hye on the other end also followed the same example, raised her glass and thanked: "Then I also thank Oppa Zhong Guo. He rarely quarrels with me these days. It seems that he talked too much in the gym, so I went home and I have nothing to say?"

If Lee Mong-ryong can still be considered a thank you, Yoon Eun-hye sounds like he is looking for trouble. Is he complaining that Kim Jong-kook would rather go out to train a beautiful woman than stay with her at home?

Let them go home and resolve their family matters themselves. Li Menglong didn't want to tell them right from wrong here: "It's all in the wine anyway, cheers everyone!"

Jin Jongguo smiled bitterly and drank a glass of rice wine. He originally had no intention of drinking, firstly because of his original habit, and secondly because there must always be someone here to stay awake.

But he felt that he couldn't do it without drinking today. He had just started drinking, and he had already begun to give various hints. After a while, when he drank happily, why not complain directly to him, Kim Jong Kook?

If he was still awake at that time, it would be a bit painful to think about it. He might as well be dizzy together, at least he wouldn't have to remember it so clearly.

It's just that it's not easy for him to get drunk. After all, with his physique here, he has to drink a lot to feel something. The key is that the woman doesn't bring these two men with her when drinking.

As a result, Kim Jong Kook could only hide in the furthest corner with Lee Meng Yong. You and I poured each other a glass of wine, so we were able to live in peace.

After all, the woman didn't want to take the two of them with her. The two of them thought that there were too many people in the group. They just kept drinking and they had to do so many tricks.

Small games have begun to be played here and there, and the sounds of laughter and slapstick are endless. It is obviously the same room, but there are two atmospheres, which is really weird.

It would be fine if it stays like this, everyone can play their own thing, but if it goes too far, they can't even share the food and drinks here, which doesn't make sense.

"There are only two of you over there. How many people are there in ours? It would be great if we share a dish with you. Don't complain so much."

Li Menglong pointed absurdly at the bowl of "drinks" in front of him. He didn't know what the owner of the store was thinking, but he brought a bunch of glutinous rice cakes. This thing is obviously a staple food. Can it be used with drinks? Why don’t the girls eat it themselves?

"You should say something!" Li Menglong pushed Kim Jong-guo across from him. The girls may not give him face, but Kim Jong-guo's words must be effective.

But Li Menglong ignored the existence of the other person. Yoon Eun-hye glared, and Kim Jong-guo immediately gave up. Seeing Li Menglong's displeasure, was he so frustrated in his daily life?

As everyone knows, everyone's life is different. As a popular actress, Yoon Eun Hye was able to marry him and have a child in her best years. This is something that Kim Jong Kook really needs to be grateful for throughout his life.

Especially after giving birth to a child, Yoon Eun Hye actually lost a lot of shape. As an idol who became famous at a young age, Yoon Eun Hye's pursuit of body shape has been integrated into her bones.

So this really hit her hard, but she couldn't immediately lose weight or exercise for the sake of her children. Now they don't even have a mirror at home, just to take care of Yin Eun Hye's emotions.

Kim Jong Kook is also a human being, and he will naturally feel aggrieved, but every time he thinks about these things, he feels that he should be patient. Yoon Eun Hye has paid so much, what else can he not tolerate?

Obviously very satisfied with Kim Jong Kook's performance, Yoon Eun Hye took a piece of shrimp meat and stuffed it into Kim Jong Kook's mouth. The dog food caught Li Meng Long off guard.

He turned his head and looked at the girl, but there was no reaction at all. In the end, Xu Xian was the first to realize it, but Li Menglong refused this kind of charity. Will he, Li Menglong, be short of food?

He went directly to the stove. As expected, the chef had not used all the ingredients. Although the rest were some basic vegetables, it was enough for Li Menglong to use.

When they saw Li Menglong walking over there, the girls knew what he was going to do. This group of people happened to be a little tipsy, and they were all shouting and applauding. Li Menglong was giving them Perform?

In fact, the girls really regarded this as a show. Several of them took out their mobile phones and started filming, as if they were a bunch of little fans who came to the show to meet the stars.

Although I knew that most of these people were drunk and crazy, I had to say that it still felt a strange sense of accomplishment to receive such applause from the girls.

However, none of this affected the actions of Li Menglong's men. First, they cut onions, carrots and other vegetables into pieces and boiled them in a pot to make vegetable soup.

While the water is boiling over there, pour oil into another pan, and at the same time squeeze the instant noodles prepared in advance into the hot sauce packets. The fried hot sauce will have a unique aroma.

Then add the boiling stock, add some vegetables, and then pour in the plate of glutinous rice cakes, and a very simple pot of spicy fried rice cakes is freshly baked.

Although there are a lot of missing ingredients, I have to say that Hong Tongtong's presentation is still quite good, and the girls over there are already drooling.

Some of the more eager ones had already stretched out their sinful claws. This group of people were not afraid of being burned, but Li Menglong hit it hard with his chopsticks: "It was agreed just now that this is the appetizer for the two of us, and you guys what is the relationship?"

"What's the point of taking just one bite? Don't we deserve it?"

"Don't ask so directly, otherwise you will be the one who gets hurt!"

The video ended here, and I don’t know if it was a malicious editing by the girls. However, the scene of the group of people attacking and snatching away a plate of glutinous rice cakes did not appear at all.

So when this video was "accidentally" posted online by some people, a bunch of mother fans really exploded: "Girls are so cute, what's wrong with Li Menglong ordering fried rice cakes!"

"That fried rice cake looks very unpalatable at first glance. The girls are willing to eat it to give him face and support him!"

"No, I can't bear it anymore. Can anyone tell where they are? I'm going to send them a copy now!"

"It will take a long time to deliver it. I have already ordered takeout. This store is near my company. The sad thing is that I have just finished working overtime and got on the subway home..."

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