The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2186 Forgotten Things

Xiuying didn't react at all to Yoona's proposal. She was not stupid. If she agreed now, wouldn't that give Kim Taeyeon an excuse to continue taking action?

Besides, the suggestion itself is just that. Yoona was so excited when she said it, but when it comes time to take responsibility, will she still be so proactive?

Therefore, resisting this group of elder sisters is destined to be a lonely and long-term work. You must be prepared for a continuous struggle, at least this is how you have been for so many years.

Seeing that Xiuying was not fooled, Yoona stopped talking. She didn't want to attract the attention of these people: "You guys are all tired, come and eat quickly!"

"In your own words, we... burped..." Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but burp as she spoke. The smell instantly made her lose the desire to eat.

In fact, girls nowadays have more or less no appetite, which has to make them wonder whether all this is within the scope of Xu Xian's plan.

First use juice to make them lose their appetite, so that they will naturally eat a lot less when they drink porridge. As for why you want to do this and give more food to Li Menglong?

So when Xu Xian saw the vicious looks that the girls glanced at from time to time, it was really quite baffling. She didn't seem to have offended these people.

But since these people didn't speak directly, Xu Xian had the right to pretend that they didn't know. To be honest, she wasn't curious at all. It didn't take much for these people to get nervous.

But when this group of people saw the white porridge in the bowl, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva. The appearance was really too tempting.

The rice grains have been boiled and bloomed. Each grain is sticky with the rice soup, and there is a layer of crystal oil on it. The faint rice fragrance is even richer.

Although it is just the simplest white porridge, it has to be said that it suits their appetite. Especially when the stomach needs a good recovery, this rice porridge is even more precious.

So for a while, the room was filled with the sound of drinking porridge, and these people were reluctant to put down the porridge bowls in their hands even if their eyebrows were burned and their mouths were crooked.

Relatively speaking, Li Menglong drank porridge much more elegantly. He held the bottom of the bowl with three fingers, then slowly turned the edge of the bowl and sipped the white porridge at the edge.

The contrast between this scene made the girls feel a little ashamed of themselves, but they felt embarrassed to try to imitate his words. In the end, they simply turned out of sight and out of mind, and continued their wild ways.

Seeing the group of people concentrating on eating porridge, Xu Xian was really satisfied. Although she couldn't take full credit for it, she was the only one who did the whole process. Rounding it off, it's not too much to say that she cooked a meal for everyone. ?

"Why are the maknae giggling over there? Can you give me your bowl of juice if you don't want to drink it? Unnie's stomach is very uncomfortable because of your juice!" Kim Taeyeon was obviously miserable here.

But before Xu Xian could speak, the other girls stopped. She wasn't the only one who drank the juice. What was she complaining about? She just drank too much, and that was her own misfortune.

Seeing this group of people quarreling again over a bowl of porridge, Xu Xian was really helpless. It seemed that this bowl of porridge was not suitable for anyone. After all, this was the source of the conflict.

So the girls watched Xu Xian pour the bowl of porridge into Li Menglong's bowl. It finally became quiet, and everyone looked at Li Menglong with various complicated eyes.

If looks could kill, Li Menglong would have died countless times by now. It's a pity that he doesn't care.

And because he was sick, the girls couldn't do anything to him yet. All they could do was watch him drink porridge, which didn't feel too aggrieved.

"Yeah, there's nothing else in the pot, just take it out yourself." Li Menglong couldn't help but say, he really didn't know what they were doing here.

"Is this an ordinary bowl of porridge? It's the leftover porridge that Seohyun, the maknae of Girls' Generation, drank. Go and bring a random fan over and ask him how much he is willing to pay in exchange for this bowl of porridge?"

This is a bit of a arrogance. Li Menglong does not doubt the words of the girls. After all, in the eyes of fans, his idol is still somewhat sacred.

It's just that Li Menglong is not their fan. If he takes himself into the identity of a fan of the girls in the dormitory, then he will not be able to survive.

Imagine that whatever the girls said was an imperial edict, wouldn't he be toyed to death by these people?

In the end, the problem was solved, and in a rather dramatic way. Xu Xian first poured the porridge into his own bowl, then took a sip, and then poured it to the other girls.

This operation really made Li Menglong look stupid. Not to mention whether these people dislike Xu Xian, why do they have to be obsessed with such details? Interesting?

"Hmph, it's just fun. Are you going to bite us?" Kim Taeyeon sipped her porridge proudly and kept provoking Li Menglong.

Although they couldn't take action first, once Li Menglong stepped forward to die, they wouldn't be too polite. They were forced to do so.

But Li Menglong was not that boring. Besides, even though he had some reserves in his stomach, his body was still very weak. After trying to walk around the living room for a few times, Li Menglong's legs began to weaken.

Although the girls were washing dishes in the kitchen, they were still looking at this place from the corner of their eyes. They all really cared about him, and even if it was for themselves.

After all, once Li Menglong fell ill, they couldn't do anything else. Firstly, they were really not in the mood, and secondly, Li Menglong played a very important role in their work.

It's not that Li Menglong told them what to do in detail, but he still needed a little guidance. Even if it didn't work, he would urge them from behind, otherwise no one would have the motivation to work.

Seriously speaking, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are successful now. They have everything they should have. In terms of money, at least for now, it is enough to spend. How much they earn is enough.

Therefore, many groups often have a period of silence after becoming popular for a few years. Ordinary people should also be able to understand that after working hard for a goal for so many years, why not enjoy the sweetness of the results?

Of course, a break is often accompanied by the disbandment of the group. Many people can share the suffering but cannot share the wealth. The things here cannot be explained in a sentence or two. It can only be said that human nature should be so complicated in the first place.

Naturally, there are no exceptions when it comes to the girls. It can be said that if Li Menglong hadn't been pressing on and pushing from behind, the girls wouldn't have disbanded on the spot, but there would still be no problem in staying silent for a year or two.

That's it. Fans are still not satisfied. They dislike Li Menglong for not arranging schedules for the girls. However, they don't know that it would be nice to meet them from time to time and return some works. This can be regarded as Li Menglong's contribution.

The girls are already prepared to delay another day tomorrow. It is not impossible to treat it as a rest. In this way, Li Menglong's illness is not a good thing.

If Li Menglong found out that the girls thought this way, they might just kill their relatives outright. Which one is more important, Li Menglong's body or their vacation?

Just when everyone was about to wash some fruits and take a break, Xu Xian's phone rang. Since she was the main person washing dishes, Kim Taeyeon took the phone over for Xu Xian with a wink: "It's Zhong National oppa, what do you want me to do?"

Kim Taeyeon is really curious. Although they have a good relationship with Kim Jong Kook, they seem to have very little contact in private. Is it possible that Seohyun has a particularly good relationship with him?

After thinking of this, the girls all pricked up their ears. They wanted to know what the two people could talk about in private. It seemed that they had nothing in common except singing.

Little did she know that Xu Xian was in a panic at this moment, because she thought of something she had forgotten. After all, there were so many things going on today, and it was normal to forget some things.

But she didn't expect Kim Jong Kook to call him directly, asking him to be so responsible. He just verbally agreed to go to the gym every day, but everyone was in the same circle, and it was normal for the time to be wrong occasionally. Want to ask more clearly?

"Menglong oppa is sick. Do you want to change the phone to him?"

Before Jin Zhongguo could speak, Xu Xian over there struck preemptively, but Jin Zhongguo didn't take it seriously: "It's just an illness, isn't it possible that he won't die? That doesn't matter, I'm not looking for him!"

Now the girls are even more curious. It seems that this matter has nothing to do with Li Menglong. Could it be that Xu Xian did something behind their back, such as talking about an album?

"Didn't you agree to work out yesterday? You didn't take the initiative to call me, so let me come to you instead. When will you be free?"

Although Kim Jong Kook said it in a joking tone, Seohyun couldn't take it as a joke. No matter whether the other party was really angry or not, Seohyun had to show an attitude.

"I'm sorry Oppa, everyone is a little worried today because of Menglong Oppa's illness. If you are not busy now, can we go there in time?"

"Well, I'll be waiting for you at the gym yesterday. Let's go now!"

Along with the busy tone of the call, the faces of the other girls were filled with question marks. Although each sentence could be understood individually, why did it always feel so illogical when they were put together? How could they become them? Are you ready to start exercising immediately?

At this time, Xu Xian couldn't hide it any more. He just told everything about yesterday, making all the girls open their mouths. Doesn't asking them to exercise without their consent be required?

At this time, they didn't care whether Li Menglong was sick or not. A group of people surrounded Li Menglong aggressively, insisting that he give everyone an explanation.

"Explanation? What explanation do you want?" Li Menglong was wrapped in a quilt, holding a teacup in both hands, drinking tea happily, looking like an unscrupulous landowner.

"Why don't we know about this?"

"Why should I let you know? As an agent, can't I arrange some itinerary for you? Besides, everyone is so fat. If you don't control your body shape, what will happen when I make a movie and use beauty for you all the time? Is that so?" Although Li Menglong's voice was not high, his tone was extremely strong.

The key is that these words are very reasonable. Whether it is the identity of the agent or the director, they can control them to death, but the girls are not convinced. No matter how they look at it, it looks like a public revenge!

But force is not enough, they have no valid reasons, and even if they want to find someone to help them, they can't. Even fans will agree.

After all, helping them to exercise is something that everyone thinks is beneficial to their bodies. Even if they will be tired and resistant in a short period of time, it is for their own good, so just bear with it!

In this case, all the girl can do is to outsmart her: "It's okay for us to go, but your body is so weak. What if you faint at home alone?"

"So? Leave someone to accompany me?" Li Menglong said quite casually: "Then it's Xiaoxian. Now you can leave with peace of mind. I won't send you off!"

They didn't say this to create a world for Li Menglong and Xu Xian. What they wanted was for everyone to stay. If not, they might as well be the ones who stayed.

Li Menglong naturally knew what these people were thinking, and could even guess some of their subsequent thoughts, such as using the competition for this spot as an excuse to start a war for an hour or two, which was a perfect waste of time.

I have to say that this move is quite clever. Li Menglong has been fooled many times in the past, but as the saying goes, one learns from one's mistakes, and he is not Yoona who only forgets to eat but not to fight.

I just understood that their method was one thing, but trying to solve it was another matter. I thought of several ideas in a row, but they seemed to be missing something.

After much hesitation, Li Menglong thought it would be better to go big, even if everyone dies together: "Ahem, I drank a little too much porridge at night. In this case, I will reluctantly go with you."

The girls were already ready to take action, but then they heard these words, why don't you do something so awesome?

Li Menglong hasn't had a drop of water all day long. Can he sustain himself by drinking so much porridge? Besides, with the way his legs feel weak after taking only two steps, why would he go to the gym to arm-wrestle with Kim Jong Kook?

It's just that there are thousands of words in the chest, but the girls can't say a word. It's really too sinister to kill eight hundred enemies and damage tens of thousands. It seems that everything they say is wrong.

If that's the case, then let's go. Li Menglong has already gone all out, so the girls can't be timid. Isn't it just a workout? Isn't it just that my whole body will be sore for a day after I come back? Isn't it...

I have done enough psychological construction in my heart, but the more I thought about it, the less I wanted to go. In the end, Li Menglong even had to go to the room one by one to call people. I don’t know if Kim Jong-kook would have seen this scene. It feels ridiculous. Is it that scary to exercise with him?

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