Generally speaking, similar activities only occur in the crew, because most TV series are filmed and broadcasted at the same time.

Often when the first episode is broadcast, the crew is still working together, so they can have time to have a meal together and watch the live broadcast.

Then guessing the ratings on the spot can be regarded as a small game for everyone to interact. In order to get a good luck, the actors will often bid higher.

Firstly, it’s not good to show that they don’t have confidence in themselves, and secondly, they don’t want to win money. After all, their income is here. If they really win, what will the other staff think of them?

But Xu Xian's TV series was filmed in advance, and the crew had naturally dispersed long ago. To be precise, it was recruited in disguise by Li Menglong.

Fortunately, many people in Seohyun's crew are colleagues in the company. Since everyone is still watching the live broadcast together, there is nothing wrong with playing this game.

"Everyone can only place a bet of 10,000 yuan, write down their name and guessed ratings on a piece of paper, and the results will be announced on the spot." Li Menglong acted like a street vendor here, with a very passionate tone.

Of course everyone likes this kind of game that is similar to buying lottery tickets, not to mention that it also contains some technical content. What is an appropriate guess for the ratings?

Everyone is in the industry and knows more or less the rules and inside stories. It seems that the ratings of Seohyun's TV series will not be that high.

Although there are so many celebrities participating, first of all, the time is not a popular time, and secondly, the audience attracted by idols is also of a fairly fixed age group.

After all, we can't expect those aunts and aunts to be very happy after seeing girls in TV series. For these people, girls are not that attractive.

Of course, we didn't say these words in front of Xu Xian, and we didn't even talk about them in private, but now it's not about making money, so we should naturally think more calmly.

Unlike ordinary employees who need to write notes, these big guys at the scene are of course given extra treatment. For example, Li Menglong personally asked: "How many ratings will our President Li Enxi guess this time? You are a professional!"

This sentence is not a compliment to Li Enxi. She is indeed a professional in the industry. She even saw the company's estimated report two days ago.

Reason is only one thing, but what is needed now is obviously to let yourself go. It's only a matter of 10,000 yuan. She Li Enxi doesn't care: "The ratings are 20%!"

Lee Eun-hee reported a relatively high number. You must know that the ultimate goal of many TV dramas is this much. There are not many TV dramas that can achieve this rating in the first episode, but there are only a few in a year.

No matter how you watch Seohyun's TV series, it's not up to that level. Fortunately, no one exposed her, and Yoon Eun-hye and Na Jung-eun guessed more and more, making Seohyun even embarrassed.

However, these few people are not the kind of people who only know how to passively suffer losses. They quickly found the opportunity to ask questions. As Xu Xian's oppa and teacher, Li Menglong, what do he think about the ratings?

I originally thought that this problem would be a little difficult for Li Menglong, but he didn't know that he had an idea when he first planned the game.

"14.7%!" Li Menglong gave a round number. The key point is that although this number is not low, it is a target that can be reached if the TV series performs better. Is it appropriate for him to be so "conservative" as Li Menglong said?

"Guess the ratings, I can guess as much as I want." Li Menglong said matter-of-factly: "What's wrong with the ratings? It's already pretty good if it reaches these. Isn't Xiaoxian dissatisfied?"

Xu Xian was naturally satisfied. To be honest, she had guessed it would be even lower. Of course, she had never dreamed of a bigger dream, but she knew the gap between ideals and reality, so it was better to be more practical.

But she couldn't say this directly, after all, everyone else was giving her face like this, but if she followed everyone's idea of ​​"launching satellites" together, it seemed a bit arrogant, and it was very difficult for her to handle for a while.

While the ratings were being discussed in full swing, the other theaters were also quite lively. Among them, Lee Soon Kyu was coaxing Hyomin to dance with the audience.

It is said that similar situations are definitely stressful for ordinary people. It can even be called intimidation, but they are celebrities.

Hyomin is really easy to dance, and she is not shy at all. Hyomin is still sitting here just to cooperate with Lee Soonkyu and make the scene more lively.

But soon the voices below became noisy. What is going on? Hyomin is no longer satisfied with dancing? Don't you want her to dance with Kim Taeyeon? Don't be too greedy!

Fortunately, the people below didn't mention this at all. They received the text message secretly sent from the theater next door. They thought guessing the ratings was really a good game. Why can't they do it together?

"Guess the ratings?" Lee Soon Kyu scratched his head and glanced at Hyo Min with some pity. Hyo Min's charm was no match for such a bad game. The audience this time is not good at aesthetics!

However, the audience's requirements still need to be met, so just guess, as for the rules, just copy Li Menglong's. I guess the other theaters are also in sync.

As the ratings were calculated, several movie theaters gradually became quiet. Everyone was eating popcorn and waiting for the live broadcast of the TV series. Now the TV screen has been released, but it is still an advertisement.

Xu Xian sat quietly next to Li Menglong, his whole body stiff. Li Menglong accidentally touched Xu Xian's palm and almost thought it was an ice cube.

There was no need to go forward and ask. The girl probably didn't want to chat with him. Li Menglong could only hold Xu Xian's hand in his and try to keep the girl warm.

It is estimated that many people are nervous now. After all, fans really hope that this drama will have good results, and with the expectations of countless people, the TV series has finally ushered in its own beginning.

After a lengthy commercial, the screen quickly turned dark. In the black screen, noisy sounds gradually began to sound, including the sizzling of barbecue and the bragging of drunken people.

Accompanied by a crisp sound of "bang", anyone who has drank alcohol knows what this is doing, and the following words also confirm this: "To celebrate our successful debut, everyone cheers!"

With this toast, the dark scene finally gained color. In the corner of a slightly dilapidated roadside stall, several girls who were out of place were drinking.

As for why they were out of place, it was because no one in this group knew how to drink. After drinking a glass of soju, some would cough, stick out their tongues, and even spit out the wine.

This scene made the audience laugh knowingly, probably thinking of the first time they drank.

A simple beginning, but it can already set the tone of this drama. You must know that everyone sitting here is in this industry, and they still have some aesthetics that ordinary people do not have.

This opening not only explains the background of the story, but mainly captures the underlying tone of the film. The overall look is very high-spirited, and the group of girls is like the rising sun in the morning.

On this small wine table, you can express your happiness and enthusiasm to your heart's content, especially compared to the numb drinkers behind you, this is simply two worlds.

It can be said that this opening is a typical movie style. The most appropriate next scene is actually the scene of the girls eating together, with the names of the starring and director played, and finally the title.

It's a pity that this is a TV series, and similar information is concentrated after the end of an episode, so the screen turns dark again and the plot begins to flow slowly.

This skill is really advanced, at least compared to the TV series, and the audience can't help but secretly look forward to it.

When the color appears again in the picture, it appears from the main perspective of one person. It seems that this person has just woken up, and the picture is still a little hazy.

With this perspective, I finally managed to see the surrounding situation clearly. It turned out to be a scene of a group of girls being hungover. Did they sleep all night?

As this person went to open the curtains, the imaginary floor-to-ceiling windows did not appear at all. Instead, there was a moldy wall with a small vent at the top of the wall.

The girl seemed to have been used to this for a long time. She moved the board and stepped on it, tiptoed to open the small ventilation window, and then hugged her legs and stared at the trace of sky outside the window, as if there was something there. It seems to attract her.

This is another shot that exudes a strong film flavor. This kind of shot is often analyzed by movie fans for many so-called inner meanings, and it is also a reflection of the quality of a movie.

It's just that this is a TV series. To be honest, the rhythm is a bit slow. It would be more appropriate to meet gangsters when drinking at the beginning, or to find someone missing when getting up. This is the rhythm of a TV series.

Not only Li Menglong reminded Xu Xian about this, but someone in the company also specifically said it, but Xu Xian still insisted on his own philosophy.

Both Li Menglong and the company chose to respect the director. After all, Xu Xian was the director and she knew the effect she wanted.

The next five minutes are a bit dull, just a series of daily routines of these girls getting up, going to the bathroom, and cooking.

The audience may have been a little confused at first, but as they were continuously taken to "explore" new scenes, the audience found that this room was pitifully small.

This section was shot with a long lens, which means it was shot from one shot to the end. Logically speaking, it should have been done several times, but the amazing thing is that Tara and the others managed to get through it in one go.

It's not that they, as the protagonists of this episode, have had much practice, but this is just their daily life, and it is relatively easy to perform themselves.

Of course, their initial dormitory was much better than this one, but it was still small and powerful. Many details in this scene were added by themselves.

For example, before going to the bathroom, ask if you are in a hurry, otherwise it will be unsafe to go to the bathroom; another example is to kick out the kitchen bedding when cooking, because the room is too crowded, and someone moved to the kitchen to sleep at night.

The somewhat depressing mood of this scene lasted until they walked out of the room, walked through the long dark staircase, and finally came to the ground from halfway underground.

The six girls lined up in a row, squinting their eyes to aim at the sun. At this time, the camera also panned past the sun in time, and the entire screen was incandescent, as if this could dispel the depression.

In fact, when the picture could be seen clearly again, six people had already arrived in front of the styling room. A group of people stood in the hall shyly, looking at everything that was new.

If the audience looks carefully enough, they can actually find that after a few people walked out of the room, the filter of the lens changed. Although it is not obvious, it does make the picture a lot lighter. This is Xu Xian and Li Menglong One of the things I learned.

The opening of the first episode continued unhurriedly, and as for the so-called twists and turns of conventional TV dramas, there still were no occurrences.

At the beginning, Xu Xian spent a full ten minutes explaining the current state of mind of these girls, which is nothing more than being in a dark night but with a thousand suns in their hearts.

Although there is no mention of it, everyone can feel two words - dream!

Only dreams can allow these girls to smile from the bottom of their hearts even in such a difficult environment.

This scene is really warm and inspiring, especially after being dressed up in a beauty salon, a bunch of ugly ducklings successfully turned into white swans.

The clues in the story are very limited. The audience only knows that these girls seem to be making their debut. According to common sense, the next step is nothing more than going through many setbacks and finally achieving success.

So even if they see that the current situation of this group of girls is a bit bad, the audience can still watch it with a relaxed mood. Besides, everything seems to be getting better.

In fact, the following plot is indeed proceeding according to the "audience's understanding" to a certain extent. The girls who are preparing to debut have encountered various difficulties.

For example, the hairdresser left them there while they were washing their hair and chatted on the phone alone; for example, the photographer who took the photo intentionally or unintentionally took advantage; for example, during lunch, the rest of the people in the store were free to order food, and they only Being able to eat the cheapest seaweed rolls brought by the agent...

These things are sad to see. As for why they are like this, of course it is because they are all real things that happened, and they were carefully selected by Seohyun and Hyomin.

After all, the four girl groups put together don't have to go through too many similar things before their debut. The most important thing is the feeling of powerlessness. They can't do anything, or they dare not do anything.

At this time, Hyomin in the picture seems to be explaining the reasons to the audience. Of course, she is more encouraging for herself and her sisters: "We are going to debut soon. We will definitely succeed. Don't be affected by these little things. Come on. !”

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