The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2133 Annual Events

Xu Xian was drinking strong coffee and planning to work energetically. She couldn't let herself slack off at all, otherwise she might regret it later.

But as soon as she took a few sips of the coffee, she was called to the conference room. The key was that the other party couldn't tell her what to do, which meant she knew the other party. Otherwise, Xu Xian might not dare to follow her. Female idol. You have to learn to protect yourself.

I stood at the door for a while holding the coffee, and met many people one after another. Everyone was obviously in the same state as Xu Xian. Some were gnawing on burgers, and some had sleep marks on their faces. Only I don't know what I'm doing here.

"It seems like it's not a big deal. The heads of various departments in the company have been called over. Is there any big plan?"

"What plans can there be? This TV series and a movie have taken up a lot of energy, and the company still has room to develop new plans?"

My family knows my business. Even though SW is very popular now, the stalls are also getting very big one after another.

In other companies, there might be too many and too bloated departments, so they might start to streamline their staff, but here at SW it's not that there are too many people, but not enough!

It is said that the shortage of people in SW is not a temporary phenomenon. It has been going on for at least many years. It has been this state almost since the beginning of SW company.

It’s really not that SW doesn’t take the initiative to recruit people, but that there are not that easy jobs in this industry. In the end, there are too few people who can stay and be able to take charge of their own business. However, SW keeps increasing its business. This can be seen from the huge overtime fees paid by SW. .

I dare not say that SW can do the work of two people now, but it is not an exaggeration to do the work of one and a half people. Of course, SW has never mistreated its own people in terms of money, which is one of the reasons why everyone's morale has always been very high. One.

Therefore, the group of people who produce film and television works here in SW are still the same team, basically the same group of people brought over by Director Luo, but some have been added one after another, and they can barely be split into two groups.

However, this split is based on sacrificing everyone's proficiency and tacit understanding. If you want to shoot something seriously, you still have to get these people together.

Li Menglong's film is undoubtedly a project that the company should focus on following up. Naturally, the personnel must strive for excellence. It seems that no one in the company can compete with Li Menglong for people. In this case, where does the big project come from?

Different from the confusion of this group of people, Xu Xian was more curious. No matter what big project it was, why did it bring her here? Does it mean that after filming a TV series, you become the company's management?

As Li Menglong and Li Enxi walked in together, the slightly noisy conference room immediately became quiet. The two people did not give in. Li Enxi took the main seat without hesitation. This was agreed upon a long time ago.

But after sitting down, Li Menglong found that there were more or less drinks in front of the group of people, which looked very professional. It happened that Xu Xian was secretly looking at him at this time, as if he wanted to know something in advance.

Seeing Li Menglong curling his fingers at him, what does this action mean? Although Xu Xian knew Li Menglong quite well, he couldn't guess it for a while.

It wasn't until Li Menglong pointed at the coffee on her table that she realized that if she wanted coffee, just ask for it, and it was still mysterious. Just when the two were about to trade, Li Enxi over there said: "Ahem, We are in a meeting here, some people should be more serious!"

Was he named? Xu Xian really felt that she had been wronged. It was quite rare for her to come to a meeting. Besides, wasn't this Li Menglong's responsibility?

But what kind of shame is Li Menglong? He drank the coffee handed by Xu Xian and looked around, as if he was looking for the person named by Li Enxi. Did he really not know who it was?

Li Enxi took a deep breath, knowing that she couldn't get along with people like Li Menglong, otherwise she would be the one who would be pissed off: "I called everyone here temporarily to discuss the feasibility of a plan. It was Li Menglong who proposed the plan, and everyone doesn't need to." You’re welcome, if you need to be scolded, scold me!”

No one dared to take what Li Enxi said. If there was internal strife among the company's top management, it would be a matter between the top management. They, the "little minions" in the middle level, would be easily crushed if they tried to mix things up.

Besides, there is another question as to whether these two people are really at war with each other. Everyone is keeping an eye on things like this. Anyway, everyone just pretends that they have not heard about such issues, including Li Menglong himself.

Seeing that no one was cheering for her, Li Enxi felt very embarrassed. She put her hands on the table and looked around the group of people. Naturally, no one in the group of veterans looked at her, except of course the newbies.

By the way, Xu Xian is still good at reading eyes. After all, girls always like to convey messages through their eyes, so she understood what Li Enxi meant, but what should she say?

Xu Xian was still quite unfamiliar with this kind of meeting. Under Li Enxi's pressure, he could only bite the bullet and speak: "Menglong Oppa will not be angry. After all, everyone is doing business. If you dare to express your opinion, good."

Xu Xian thought that what he said was quite straightforward, but why did everyone look at him so delicately, especially Li Menglong who actually smiled. Did he say something wrong?

To a certain extent, that's true. In other words, handling official matters has little to do with Li Menglong. He more often uses public vengeance to avenge private matters, although the methods are not very drastic.

Therefore, what Xu Xian said now seems to be too naive. Fortunately, Li Menglong took the initiative to speak: "Xiao Xian is right, I am such a selfless person, and if you just spurn me, I will never spit it back!"

Another unbelievable statement. Don’t you know who Li Menglong is? Even if he really dared to say it, these people would not believe it.

Seeing that Xu Xian was unreliable, Li Enxi finally had no choice but to come forward and try to save the embarrassing situation: "The plan has not been reported yet. Just listen to me and ask if you don't understand anything."

This is not because the two are lazy, but because neither of them is very good at this. After all, they have been separated from the "grassroots" for many years, so how can they still master these skills.

Fortunately, although the plan itself is complicated, the logic is still clear enough, and everyone can subconsciously tell you a lot of ways to make money, and plans that can make money are undoubtedly good plans.

Now, instead of raising questions at all, everyone is frantically adding suggestions based on their own expertise. A plan that was originally rough became a lot more detailed in an instant.

To be honest, Xu Xian was a little confused. First of all, everyone's condition improved too quickly. From the indifference just now to the current enthusiasm, the chicken blood did not take effect so quickly.

The second thing is the matter itself. As someone who knows the complete inside story, she knows very well that the cause of the whole matter is the request made by Pani last night. How did it expand into this after one night of brewing? Could it be Would that be a little hasty?

Good upbringing made Xu Xian choose to continue listening instead of speaking rashly. This saved Xu Xian from being embarrassed. If the current plan is still considered hasty, then what plan is considered thorough and formal?

It can only be said that the current meeting seems a bit casual and messy, but this group of people is professional enough, and the plan itself is also quite bright.

Even Xu Xian, the person involved, had to admit that the whole plan was quite competitive. After all, she had been in the industry for so many years, so she still had the necessary vision.

And the one who makes her most confident is themselves. This plan may fail with other groups, but they are Girls' Generation! They are the best promoters of this plan!

Just when Xu Xian was still thinking wildly, it seemed that many people were looking at her inexplicably, which made Xu Xian subconsciously touch his cheek. Could it be that there was something dirty on his face?

"Xiao Xian, do you have any suggestions? Just tell me as your client. You are not a professional, and no one will laugh at you." Li Menglong thought Xu Xian was shy, and took the initiative to explain to her.

It turned out that she was allowed to express her opinion. Xu Xian couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, but then she realized that there was a problem with what she said. After all, everyone was so professional, and she couldn't just say so casually.

Fortunately, Seohyun, as the only active singer and one of the executors of the project, still has some unique opinions: "This time, each of us can be said to be breaking through ourselves, so the quality of the album must come first. One!"

Seeing that no one refuted, Xu Xian continued to express her opinion boldly. Her meaning was not complicated at all. You must know that the musical span of the girls this time is really too great.

Although each of them is talented and works hard enough, they cannot compare with the great masters in the industry, so it is easy for the girls to be suspected of playing for fun and gaining popularity.

In order to prevent this from happening, Xu Xian means that it is best to carry out limited cooperation, that is, each girl will bring one or two big guys in the circle to cooperate on the platform. In this way, the voice of opposition will definitely Much smaller.

However, it is not particularly easy to implement this. At least it cannot be done by the girls themselves. The company must come forward to help, and maybe it will require a lot of resources and favors.

But this depends on how the company considers it. If the income is enough to exceed expectations, then it is not impossible to really ask for help. Besides, the girls are still the first sisters of the company, so asking for help for them is considered a rightful duty.

"Well, the opinions put forward by Xu Xian are quite important. Do you have any doubts about this plan?" Li Enxi was here preparing to wrap up the meeting.

As for doubts, of course there is no doubt, but the premise is to make money as the benchmark. In fact, there are still some risks here, and that is the risk that the girls themselves need to bear.

If the song is good enough and the feedback from fans is positive enough, this is naturally a relatively perfect plan. But with such a wide range of styles, what if there is no good response? How much damage will it do to their popularity?

It's not that no one has brought this up. It's not that everyone is deliberately ignoring it, but if we look at it seriously, the most critical person is missing among this group of people, and that is the person in charge of music content in the company, which is the position of Kim Jong Kook.

He is the one who has to check the music. Without him, Li Menglong and Xu Xian should have mentioned this as a supplement, but both of them obviously have full confidence in the girls.

Even if it was Xiuying and Yoona's slightly unreliable idea, Li Menglong was just surprised when he first heard it, but he never doubted that the two of them couldn't make it work, or that the effect would not be good in the end.

In this fiercely competitive circle, there are many talented people among the combinations that may fail, but among those who succeed, there will be no weak ones, and the girls are the best among them.

Yoona can't be a vocalist among the girls, but this doesn't mean that Yoona's singing skills are poor. It can only be said that there are too many vocalists in the team. Kim Taeyeon and Jung Soo-yeon alone are enough to block the rise of other vocalists. road.

If Yoona were in another team, she might be the lead singer, frontman, or even the leader, and she would be promoted as an all-around artist. Yoona does indeed have this kind of strength and potential.

Since he is an all-around artist, what’s wrong with singing rap?

In fact, there are still many people who have this idea. This is the case with this group of people at the scene. They really fully believe in the abilities of the girls, and the plans they make are based on this. This makes Xu Xian While I was moved, I couldn't help but feel a little stressed.

After all, she is a member of Girls' Generation, and Girls' Generation also suffers both prosperity and loss. It can be said that the risks this time are quite high, at least compared to their normal album releases.

After all, everyone's album is an adventure, and one success does not equal overall success, but one person's failure is enough to cast a shadow on the entire team.

It is equivalent to the girls having to release nine albums in a row, and the styles of the albums are very different. On this basis, the continuous success of nine albums will be recognized by everyone. Such a difficult road is worthy of everyone's discussion. Huge profits.

However, Xu Xian's worry was one-sided, but a fire was burning in her heart that she had not seen for a long time. You must know that as they reach the top, each album will inevitably sell well, which will inevitably make them feel slack and even feel exhausted. The album is nothing more than that.

But now it seems that a new challenge has arrived, and it is not only the performance requirements, but also the music content itself. Overall, the biggest impression given to Xu Xian is that it is fresh, so fresh that she desperately wants to be with the girls. Share this news.

"Then this matter has been initially decided. I will find someone to sort out the content of this meeting and send it to everyone. Everyone will think about it again when they go back. This matter should be treated as a major annual event of the company. Everyone Be mentally prepared!" Li Enxi did not forget to warn her in the end.

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