The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2126 Compromise

Li Menglong was really confused by Xu Xian's sudden attack. He subconsciously wanted to ask Xu Xian if he had made a mistake, but was this mistake too obvious?

Since Xu Xian dared to speak so blatantly, it only proves that she must have something behind her. But when did he, Li Menglong, agree?

"Didn't oppa say that we'll make up for it!"

"Yes, didn't I make up three cards?"

"But I said thirty pieces, and oppa promised to help me make up the thirty pieces!"

Seeing Xu Xian's big eyes blinking in front of him, Li Menglong wanted to go over and poke him. It was so irritating. Xu Xian actually knew to set a trap for him?

It is said that Li Menglong is really a very keen person in this regard. After all, he has to fight wits and courage with the girls from time to time. If he is a little stupid, he will be swallowed by them all the time.

It's just that he was really too relieved about Xu Xian. Even though he knew that Xu Xian could occasionally be a little evil, he always made it clear to his face. How could he be secretly digging a hole for him now? .

And Xu Xian was obviously deliberate, because she picked a particularly suitable occasion. If only the two of them had said similar words, Li Menglong would still not agree even if he was manipulated.

But now it's Xu Xian's home court, and so many fans are watching. Li Menglong doesn't say whether he agrees or not, but he has to think about it even if he wants to glare at Xu Xian. The hundreds of people below won't just watch. Their idol is being bullied!

Besides, although Xu Xian has a bit of a "bad guy" image now, even if he becomes bad, it is for them. Xu Xian "falls" for them!

In this case, what else is there to say? A few of the stronger ones have already begun to show their arms and roll up their sleeves, as if they would come on stage to protect the princess if they disagree with her. In this case, what does Li Menglong dare to say?

"Xiaoxian, this is not appropriate. I don't have so many albums in my hand!" Li Menglong tried his best to keep his face kind and his words mainly focused on discussion and persuasion.

"How could it not be possible? I was watching when we split it equally!" Xu Xian exposed Li Menglong's lie without hesitation. This was just a lie to outsiders. Wouldn't she know?

In fact, Li Menglong also knew that these words could not deceive Xu Xian. He was just buying some time for himself, and he had to come up with some solutions.

After thinking about it again and again, Li Menglong felt that today was going to be a waste of money and disaster. It seemed that today's meal was basically a Hongmen Banquet. If he had known, he would have ordered two more dishes just now.

But even if he was prepared to lose money, it would be too much to ask Li Menglong to release thirty albums at once. That’s right, Li Menglong also counted the few albums given by Xu Xian to himself. In fact, it was That's it.

"I won't say any more. I will take out five more, and there will be no more!"

"That won't work. I'll cut you five more cards at most, not even one less!"

Xu Xian actually started to butt heads with Li Menglong in person, which made Li Menglong helpless: "Ah, you will have to return to dormitory life in the future. The two of us will still have a lot of time to get along in the future!"

Seeing that Xu Xian was about to go all the way to the end, Li Menglong simply threatened him directly. Although Xu Xian had the upper hand here, didn't she think about her future?

Let’s not talk about anything else. Xu Xian relies on Li Menglong to take care of the hilltop area of ​​the dormitory. Once Li Menglong and Kim Taiyu’s gang join forces, Xu Xian will really have nothing to gain!

Xu Xian naturally knew this, but she still trusted Li Menglong enough to believe that he could not do such a thing. Xu Xian was quite confident about her position in Li Menglong's heart.

But she also knew that it was a bit difficult for Li Menglong to deal with this matter now. She would have to apologize to Li Menglong in a gentle manner later on. But it was all for the sake of the fans. She, Xu Xian, could make a small sacrifice of herself!

In fact, Li Menglong is at the end of his rope. Playing the emotional card is useless, and threats are ineffective. He can't take action, right?

So in the end, the albums given by Li Menglong were fixed at twenty-five, of which Xu Xian occupied seven, and could barely be regarded as a minority shareholder.

It's just that fans turned a blind eye to Li Menglong, who made the biggest sacrifice, and instead placed all the credit on Xu Xian's head, which is well deserved.

Although Li Menglong actually released the album, without Xu Xian's insistence, Li Menglong would have come to distribute the album for nothing. In that case, why not thank Xu Xian?

Li Menglong was more like a host who came to host the event. Although he led everyone to play games and livened up the atmosphere, and distributed the prizes through his hands, the boss behind it was Xu Xian.

So when Li Menglong walked off the stage, his back was undoubtedly quite lonely and depressed, which was in sharp contrast to Xu Xian who was surrounded by fans on the stage. He felt that not going to the kitchen and asking for two more dishes would not be enough to comfort him. A wounded heart.

In the end, Li Menglong was not able to pack up a few dishes and leave. According to his original idea, not to mention anything else, he would have to pack at least ten or eight pieces of this elbow, so that he could calm down his disordered mood.

The reason for not doing this is of course not that Li Menglong can't do this kind of thing. Speaking of which, these fans happily started to show off the albums they got. What's wrong with Li Menglong taking a few elbows from them?

But Xu Xian couldn't stand it. When she saw Li Menglong walking towards the kitchen with determination on his face from the stage, she knew what Li Menglong was going to do. This behavior was definitely not worth advocating!

If you want to eat, you can write down the store's phone number, and then Seohyun can treat him to one every day, or one for every meal, so don't take it from the fans.

It's just that it's too late to speak. To be precise, Li Menglong may not be able to listen. After all, Xu Xian tricked him today, and it was quite thorough. He is probably full of resentment now.

Fortunately, Xu Xian was mentally prepared for all this. In this case, he went over to stop him. Under the puzzled eyes of the fans, Xu Xian jumped off the stage.

That is to say, the stage is not high, but the whole process has a sense of déjà vu, as if Li Menglong is Xu Xian's long-lost lover. Does it need to be so romantic?

Of course, this was all wishful thinking of the fans. Li Menglong didn't think so. After he noticed Xu Xian rushing towards him, he managed to avoid it at the right time. This action really shocked the fans.

But compared to the fans' confusion, Xu Xian was the most surprised. She even turned her head forcibly in mid-air to see what Li Menglong's expression was.

This action itself fully demonstrated Xu Xian's excellent dance skills. For ordinary people, they would have twisted their waists, but Xu Xian "stalled" in mid-air with this action.

Of course, this all happened in an instant. In fact, Xu Xian just had good balance and flexibility, so he could barely control his body now. If Li Menglong was willing to pull, Xu Xian would be able to stand up.

Li Menglong lived up to Xu Xian's high expectations. He really extended his big hand, but why did he only extend his index finger? Is this a disguised hint that Seohyun is underweight?

However, Xu Xian was obviously overthinking it. Li Menglong's finger was not here to save her, but instead lightly tapped Xu Xian's forehead.

This was the last straw that broke the camel's back. Xu Xian fell to the ground at a "twisted" angle. Fortunately, he was very short. It was not so much the physical impact that caused the psychological gap. as appropriate.

The moment Xu Xian landed, his eyes were filled with incredulity. After he fell to the ground, he didn't wait for anyone to react. He rushed towards Li Menglong with his fists clenched tightly.

To be honest, this series of actions was so fast that fans couldn't react at all, but now they finally understood that their goddess was going to attack Li Menglong!

If fans can be given a little time, they will definitely sing loudly - after waiting for a long time, I finally waited until today, and after a long time of dreaming, my dream finally came true!

Their urge to beat up Li Menglong has definitely not existed for a day or two. They have probably had this idea since he moved into the girls' dormitory. Among them, Li Shunkyu's fans were the most radical. After all, their goddesses were all taken away later. Yes.

It's just that everyone's sanity is there. When the girls don't take the initiative to express their opinions, they go over to "justice" for the girls. Isn't this unflattering inside and out?

Of course, they couldn't afford to offend Li Menglong because of his status, and they needed the girls to take the initiative to bear the consequences.

But no matter what, with Xu Xian taking the lead, they were really confident that they would let Li Menglong crawl away from here with his limbs broken.

It's just that they were all gearing up and eager to give it a try, but after Xu Xian rushed over, he just patted the dust on Li Menglong's shoulders. What was going on? Did he get the wrong script?

For a dedicated actor like Seohyun, a low-level mistake like cheating on the script would certainly not happen to her. What she is doing now can only be said to be a helpless move.

Li Menglong's action just now was undoubtedly a bit excessive, but did Xu Xian do it even more? Obviously not, at least Xu Xian thinks so.

In this case, Li Menglong's behavior is reasonable revenge. Xu Xian must endure it, otherwise how can he play happily with Li Menglong in the future.

Of course, necessary warnings are still needed, otherwise once Li Menglong takes advantage, she is afraid that she will not be able to bear it: "What else is oppa going to do? I will definitely cooperate. Do you want to slap me on the spot? I will never fight back!" "

Li Menglong took a deep look at Xu Xian, why is this child so weak? This is obviously a trap for him to jump into. Let’s not say whether Xu Xian will fight back. If Li Menglong dares to give Xu Xian a mouth now, those fans will Dare to keep beating Li Menglong until he dies.

He saw the excitement in the eyes of these fans just now. He always felt that these people were inexplicably hostile to him. This album was given to him by Li Menglong. He couldn't forget his mother when he had breasts.

This was Xu Xian's home court after all. Li Menglong could only force himself to calm down. Even Xu Xian dragged him away without saying anything. You know, he also wanted to pack some!

"Then Oppa and I will leave first. You all should go back early. Remember to watch the live broadcast. The album is not given to you for free!" Xu Xian was here making final greetings to the fans.

As for Li Menglong, he was naturally ignored. It can't be said completely. Some people would still give him some hints. For example, if Xu Xian was wronged, he would be waiting for revenge.

Although the content of the revenge was not stated, he probably used all possible means. Li Menglong didn't want to personally verify whether some of the other party's methods worked. We didn't have that big of a conflict. Besides, the other party also thought too highly of him.

What can he do to Xu Xian? Not to mention that he himself was reluctant to hit or scold him, but there was a group of sisters behind the little girl. Did he really regard the girls as freeloaders?

Xu Xian only needs to go back and cry for a while at night, and there is no need for Xu Xian's fans to take action. Li Menglong will probably be unable to crawl out of the dormitory.

Fortunately, Xu Xian rarely did anything outrageous because of everyone's favor, but it only made Li Menglong feel less uncomfortable if he did it occasionally.

"Oppa, are you still angry? Stop it. I know I was wrong. Can I apologize to you?" Xu Xian said coquettishly to Li Menglong with his hands clasped together while waiting for the red light.

Facts have proved that Lee Mong-ryong doesn't dislike aegyo, but he is allergic to Lee Soon-gyu and Yoona's aegyo that contains multiple times of sugar. Seohyun, for example, has very good control over her current speed.

"Huh, I'm worried about what's going to happen next. If there is a mess, remember to clean it up yourself!"

"Follow-up? A mess?" Xu Xian blinked, feeling that he had something to say, but considering that she was the cause of the trouble, she would naturally be responsible for it: "Don't worry, I'm responsible for everything!"

As soon as Xu Xian finished speaking, the call came in at the right time. When she saw the caller ID, she knew something was wrong. Li Menglong showed a teasing smile to see what Xu Xian would say this time.

"Lee Menglong! You can do it! We don't care whether you want an album or not. The maknae gave us twenty-five albums in one go. Do you have any objections to us?" Kim Taeyeon asked rather rudely. Dao, isn’t this differential treatment too obvious?

Li Menglong didn't speak, but just made an invitation gesture to Xu Xian. Didn't she say that she would be responsible for all the mess? Now it's time for Xu Xian to take responsibility!

To be honest, Xu Xian is very confused now. What she said to Li Menglong is definitely sincere, but her ability has its upper limit. The difficulty of this trouble is obviously beyond her ability. This is not to make her die. Well.

"Unnie, do you believe me when I say I don't know anything?"

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