The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2123 Not generous enough

Li Menglong was really annoyed by Xu Xian and laughed, and he was more generous to her. Isn't Li Menglong generous enough? This is five albums, and he has given away one-tenth of his inventory. How many does she want?

Xu Xian's original plan was to have at least thirty cards. Of course, it would be best if Li Menglong could give her all, but she also knew that this was not very realistic.

It's just that she doesn't dare to say anything about the issue of thirty sheets now: "What kind of relationship do the two of us have? I won't ask for more. How about half for each person? It's not too much, right?"

After Xu Xian said this, she leaned back decisively. As expected, Li Menglong's hand hit her forehead directly. She didn't have much energy left this time. It would definitely hurt if she was hit. Fortunately, she Already prepared.

"Still laughing? How did you say this? Did your sisters give you the idea?"

"No, isn't half a lot? Otherwise, two less would be fine."

"I'll give you two more at most, a total of seven, do you want me to love you?"

"Yes, why don't you want it!" Xu Xian walked over with a smile, recognized the seven pictures first, and coaxed Li Menglong along the way.

In fact, Li Menglong doesn't have as much resentment as he seems. His current appearance is just to stop Xu Xian from talking anymore. As expected, the little girl is still young and has a lot to learn.

Except for this incident, the whole afternoon went smoothly overall. Before getting off work, Li Enxi came over to complain a few words to Li Menglong. After all, she was about to go to a party, but Li Menglong could go home and rest.

"I also have to work overtime, okay? Remember to drink a liver-protecting drink before drinking. Do you want me to personally sponsor you two bottles?"

"A cat cries like a mouse, if you really care about me, then come with me!"

"If you don't tell me, I don't realize it myself. I've been pretending to care about you. If that's the case, then I'd better leave."

Seeing Li Menglong waving over there, Li Enxi almost wanted to rush in with a stick. Sometimes she admired the girls. They could live under the same roof as these bastards. Aren't they afraid of losing their lifespan? Even if you are so angry that you get wrinkles all over your body, it’s not good!

Xu Xian stayed aside and stayed calmly. A young artist like her should not get involved in this kind of battle between high-level officials. She could easily be swallowed up in one bite.

In the end, Li Enxi didn't do anything to Li Menglong. When meeting such a big boss, Li Enxi didn't know whether to be grateful or to complain.

Fortunately, Li Menglong has his trust. As the company's absolute majority shareholder, he does not interfere with the company's operations. He also actively lends his annual dividends to the company. He can also use his personal talents to increase the company's chips. He can be called a good boss. template!

But when given freedom, he can naturally be said to be letting go of the boss. Not to mention that he took the initiative to come over and make suggestions. Many times, Li Enxi took the initiative to come to the company without any follow-up. Is this what a major shareholder should do?

Just like today, let alone what would happen if Li Menglong is missing him, isn't he afraid that Li Enxi will secretly get some kickbacks or something? You must know that this kind of operation is not too simple in the entertainment industry.

Sometimes Li Enxi secretly thinks that if she is really cruel, she can definitely eat up all the shares of Li Menglong and Li Soonkyu, but can she do it?

After feeling addicted in her heart, she didn’t have to be a bully or a horse for these two people. Fortunately, it was all her own wish. Maybe only SW could give a woman such a large platform without any constraints. With them as a couple.

To be fair, Li Menglong's attitude is still okay, and he trusts her enough. Li Enxi doesn't say anything. The key is that she occasionally loses her temper and never sees him refute it. Is this the credit of the girls?

In short, Li Eunxi went directly to socialize after showing off his authority here. It may not feel good to say this, but it would be more palatable if it was understood that he went to eat and drink at public expense?

Watching Li Enxi leave, Xu Xian was also thinking about the dinner issue between himself and Li Menglong. It was said that she would be responsible for such things when she was around.

At first, Li Menglong didn't want to treat guests to dinner, so he had to let them make the decision, but now everyone is used to it: "What does oppa want to eat tonight? I'm treating you!"

Although the sentence itself was considered nonsense between them, Li Menglong heard a slightly different meaning: "Don't bother, I'm not particularly hungry, it's okay not to eat!"

"Huh? Hey, you still need to eat. I'm very sincere!"

If Li Menglong's last sentence was still a test, now he was sure that Xu Xian was still planning on him.

It's not that Xu Xian can't be so proactive, but it's a bit deliberate, especially when there are only two of them. If Li Menglong really wants to eat something, he doesn't need to ask Xu Xian. In fact, Xu Xian understands his taste well enough.

So these unnecessary words are clearly digging a hole in advance. When it comes to the dining table, especially when the bill is about to arrive, Xu Xian directly looks at him. Doesn't Li Menglong have to stay there to wash the dishes?

Xu Xian twisted her body slightly uneasily. Li Menglong's eyes were really weird, as if they were like needles, making her skin itch: "Oppa, why are you looking at me like that?"

"What else can we see? Our Xiaoxian has grown up!"

"Hehe, you just know that? But no matter how old I am, I will always be your sister!"

"Well, I'll just believe it for now!"

Although the conversation was a bit strange, Xu Xian didn't think too much about it. After all, she was doing something she was very bad at and needed to concentrate on it. How could she find any extra thoughts.

Li Menglong looked at Xu Xian's frowning expression. For a moment, he didn't know whether to wake Xu Xian up or give her some face. Anyway, let's pretend not to know anything for now and see what Xu Xian is going to do. I think this girl has big plans.

I followed Xu Xian all the way to the so-called gourmet restaurant. Judging from the distance alone, it was a bit problematic. It was really far!

You must know that Li Menglong has endless work in the company. Xu Xian will usually take this into consideration and just eat something nearby, even if it is to allow Li Menglong to go home and rest early.

"Otherwise, just eat whatever you want. You don't have to walk so far!"

"That's okay, I want to sincerely treat Oppa to dinner!"

"I saw some pretty good ones on the way, how about I order one?"

"I've already made an appointment!"

"Then there must be a reason. Your invitation is too unexpected!" Li Menglong finally couldn't hold it back and gave Xu Xian a little irritation.

Xu Xian felt so guilty that he didn't even dare to look at Li Menglong: "Didn't you invite my parents to dinner? This is my way of saying thank you as a child. My mother ordered me, so you can't refuse!"

Seeing Xu Xian's panic, Li Menglong really couldn't bear to continue talking. After all, the steering wheel was still in Xu Xian's hand. If he was stimulated a few more times, the probability of a car accident would skyrocket.

As for this reason, it is full of loopholes. The meal was not paid for by Li Menglong in the first place. At most, he just had a meal with him!

Secondly, Xu's mother may have warned Xu Xian like this, but she definitely didn't ask Xu Xian to invite Li Menglong alone. After all, the two of them had many opportunities to eat. It was very insincere. She must have called Li Menglong home for a meal.

But Xu Xian was able to lie blatantly against his own nature. Li Menglong was really curious about where they were going now. Could it be that her sisters were kidnapped? And then let him take the album to exchange it?

Li Menglong was just thinking wildly all the way, but he realized that he had arrived at the station only after being reminded by Xu Xian: "Are you here already? Let me see what good restaurant our Xiaoxian picked is!"

Xu Xian didn't dare to talk there. After all, she was already at the door. It was too late to escape now. The human-shaped sign at the door that was the same proportion as hers was not too obvious.

"Hey, the boss of this company is still your fan, but he is just using your image so blatantly. Has this been reported to our company?" Li Menglong looked public-minded, but to a certain extent, this is considered a necessary job of the agent. one.

You must know that what artists manage is their image. Compared with the image rights of ordinary people, a star's face is money. Companies and artists have spent so much effort to reach the point where they can exchange their faces for money. This is not to give others free money. use.

So don't always say that artists make a fuss and sue some small stores. This is their right, and no one can say that it is wrong.

When it comes to artists' images, the company's control is also quite strict. Sometimes if the artist's parents want to use their children for publicity, they have to get the company's approval in advance, and there are cases where the company doesn't agree, which makes both parties feel uncomfortable. It's embarrassing.

When it comes to girls, it has actually become much more relaxed. Their own images are almost used casually in their own homes. The most obvious one is the fried chicken restaurant, which really takes advantage of girls' "free money" to the fullest.

No matter how you see this kind of small shop, Li Menglong, as an agent, still needs to come forward and communicate with the boss. However, in this case, Li Menglong will often let the opponent give a discount or treat them to a meal.

His purpose is just to maintain the order that should exist, that is, for the use of celebrities' image rights, money must be paid according to different situations. As for how much to pay, it is a matter for SW and the girls. The shop itself is not easy. Li Menglong and Girls are not that stingy.

However, this is not the case at all in this store. Li Menglong has been following girls for several years, and he is very familiar with this kind of peripherals.

To put it simply, humanoid cards can also be divided into grades based on proportions and materials. This one is obviously a collector's edition for fans. It also has Seohyun's signature on it. Could this be something a restaurant can take out?

As expected, after pushing the door open and entering, both sides of this short corridor are filled with Xu Xian's different humanoid cards from different periods. They have the shapes of each singing stage, and it looks like Xu Xian's personal museum.

Li Menglong could roughly guess what the occasion was. Looking at the closed door in front of him, he seemed to feel the enthusiasm and impatience of everyone behind the door.

But who could tell that he was deceived? In that case, he didn't need to cooperate. Anyway, he just pretended not to know anything. He simply came over for dinner at Xu Xian's invitation.

Xu Xian lowered her head behind and was ready to confess. However, after waiting for a long time, Li Menglong didn't ask. When she looked up again, she found that Li Menglong's hands were already on the door handle. This was What to do?

Of course it’s a surprise for everyone!

As the door was pushed open, the originally silent scene suddenly became noisy. There were flashing lights on the opposite side and various flower petals on the head. After a little adaptation to the light, you will find that you are surrounded by enthusiastic fans holding Seohyun's support items. .

But all these preparations were in vain, because the person standing at the door was not Xu Xian. What was going on? They sent someone to guard the door. Didn't they just say that Xu Xian was already here?

"Oh, I'm sorry, I came here to find the bathroom. Did I go to the wrong place?" Li Menglong pretended to explain over there: "I'll exit first, and you can get ready later!"

Faced with everyone's glares, Li Menglong actually closed the door again, and was pushed open almost immediately. Xu Xian was thrown directly in by Li Menglong's big hand. She didn't know for a moment whether to look at the door. Afterwards, Li Menglong was still the fans in front of her. At this moment, she wished she had two heads.

Compared with Xu Xian's hesitation, the fans were even more at a loss. They had just finished cheering. What should they do now? They couldn't change their emotions for a while. The scene was extremely embarrassing for a while.

On this occasion, Li Menglong, the instigator, came to break the deadlock. He picked up a handful of flower petals from the ground with both hands, walked behind Xu Xian and threw them over her head: "Wow, it's so beautiful. This Which fairy is it?"

Although Li Menglong's performance was very embarrassing, it at least allowed everyone to calm down. Regardless of what just happened, Xu Xian himself is here after all. In that case, let's cheer!

It's just that photos can be taken again and cheers can be repeated, but there is really nothing we can do about those disposable flower petals and paper cannons. We can't imitate Li Menglong and pick them up from the ground again.

Seohyun has seen a lot of big events, including fan meetings, autograph sessions, and concerts, but I have to say that this was her most embarrassing opening.

In just a few steps, Xu Xian was still walking smoothly, and he was aware of it. But the more he controlled, the harder it was to change. Xu Xian almost cried.

At this time, a pair of big hands directly hugged Xu Xian's stiff shoulders. She no longer had to swing her arms deliberately, and she could relax a little and lean on it.

Although Li Menglong is the big bad guy, Xu Xian couldn't hate him for a while. Can he only say that this is his own fault? If I had known earlier, I would have confessed!

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