The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2093 Big Data Fraud

After taking the juicer, Li Menglong didn't bother to pour it out. After all, he might have to wash the extra cups in the end, so he started to toast directly to the juicer. The girls who were watching over there were stunned. I was stunned for a moment, this is a fierce man!

Since Li Menglong loves to drink so much, as his good sister, these people are naturally very concerned about his health, so Li Menglong has some yam juice to drink. Fortunately, Xu Xian didn't stop him. After all, if someone drinks it, he can drink it. Okay.

In the end, there was a lot left over from breakfast. After all, Li Menglong has always been a big eater. When girls need to control their diet, he can eat nine of them by himself. But today, he has no appetite. To be precise, his stomach is gone. The space, the belly full of yam juice, feels like it's shaking when you walk.

Seeing Li Menglong lying there as if he was pregnant and not moving, the girls still felt a little bit at a disadvantage, but after clicking their lips and recalling the taste of the mountain concoction, they seemed not so aggrieved to come to clean. .

While everyone was here, Li Menglong took out the black notebook that he had not used for a long time. The latest page on it was filled with recent arrangements. Of course, it was not his own. Although he was busy, he had only one thing to do.

These are all the girls’ itinerary in the past few days. Even though he mentioned it to these people in advance, Li Menglong still felt that these people would be a little stressed: “Ahem, you all have some variety shows to go to in the past few days. I’ll look back. I’ll sort out the itinerary and send it to you via text message.”

Xu Xian was cleaning with a vacuum cleaner. Hearing Li Menglong's words, he couldn't help but look over. Li Menglong told them directly in the past. Why is there an extra procedure now? After taking a quick glance at it, Xu Xian understood it immediately!

If we say this directly now, the girls won't be able to say that they can't go. After all, they are all jobs that have been contacted. You still need to have such professionalism, but you don't need to be so polite to Li Menglong. This schedule is really too much. Some.

As everyone knows, this was all screened by Li Menglong. The main reason is that there are enough idols participating in this drama. If the four groups share the burden with each other, in theory everyone can have more leisure, but this plan will always be disrupted. .

If there are no girls, the other groups are indeed good guests. They are quite good in terms of celebrity status, topics, and popularity, but the girls who can't stand it are also among them, and this suddenly stands out.

To put it simply, girls are invited to participate in basically all programs. You must know that they have not released an album for a long time, which means that the number of collective large-scale promotions is pitiful. If you don’t hurry up now, will you have to wait for the next time? ?

It's not impossible to refuse, but everyone is mutually beneficial, especially for the purpose of publicity, which requires the program team to be careful, design some relevant links, and give some separate introduction time. They are all rights in the hands of others.

So what can I do? I bite the bullet and agree. Fortunately, Li Menglong has another idea. He breaks up the girls as a whole. To be precise, he breaks up several groups and then mixes them together. Get up and go to the show.

In this way, everyone can show their faces. Although it is not unusual for this group of people, in fact, based on the number of people the girls attend, it is not too many, especially compared with their overall attendance at the show.

But I couldn't help but look like a bluff. After all, the program schedule was so dense that Li Menglong could only notify each person one by one via text message. At least it would look better when it was detailed to each person, and it would be easier for these people to accept it.

While the girls were not paying attention, Xu Xian began to look for a show that she wanted to participate in. To be honest, she was a little entangled. On the one hand, she was the director of the show and one of the core members of the external publicity. She was both emotional and rational. Lots of appearances.

But on the other hand, she still has work here. Although the work has been completed in theory, Xu Xian really has no intention to do anything else at this time. She can even drag down Li Menglong's movie practice and let her Wouldn't it cost her her life to participate in a variety show?

I just searched around and didn't find her name. Could it be that Li Menglong missed it or recorded it on another page? After flipping around, I still didn't see my name, so I had no choice but to turn to Li Menglong for help.

Li Menglong didn't speak, but just blinked at Xu Xian. The message was transmitted in an instant. Xu Xian couldn't help but jump up. Li Menglong didn't arrange her variety show schedule? This is so interesting!

As everyone knows, Li Menglong also has a certain amount of pressure, but of course it's not that big. The main reason is that this TV series has bright stars. Although Xu Xian is the brightest star, it won't matter how many more people there are. When the time comes, Just say that Seohyun is busy with post-production work, I believe the audience will understand.

It's easy to say this, but Li Menglong undoubtedly put some thought into doing it. Xu Xian naturally knew that it would be difficult, so he was even more moved. It was not in vain that she helped Li Menglong last night.

Xu Xian, who had already jumped up, jumped directly on Li Menglong, but it was just normal. He was not feeling well now. Li Menglong was afraid that he would become a fountain after Xu Xian pressed over him.

I saw Li Menglong ducking out of the way, Xu Xian bumped into the sofa gorgeously, and then Xu Xian insisted on throwing himself at Li Menglong. The two of them were chasing each other and hiding on the sofa. It looked very lively, but he didn't think about it. Have you passed the people washing dishes in the kitchen?

"Ah, we are still working. Can you two restrain yourself? Otherwise we will be very unbalanced!"

"Go ahead and envy you! You no longer have this kind of youthful vitality, you are a bunch of old women!" Li Menglong really just complained casually. Logically speaking, there is no problem. Compared with Xu Xian, they are just old women.

However, he may not know how damaging age is to a woman, especially since although they are older than Xu Xian, they are only one or two years older. The key is that after one or two years older, they are still girls, and The old woman is still far away.

A minute later, Xu Xian was no longer chasing Li Menglong alone. The group of women rushed over with rice spoons and spatulas. Looking at the water stains on the ground, Xu Xian silently put away the vacuum cleaner. , you can change the mop directly.

Because Li Menglong got up early enough, even if he made trouble with the girls for a while, it was just after eight o'clock when he left with Xu Xian. The girls looked at the time and patted their bellies, otherwise Go to sleep again?

Naturally, Li Menglong didn't know what the girls were planning, and he didn't intend to take care of it if he knew it. Of course, the premise was that it would have no effect if he took care of it, so he was content to take care of Xu Xian: "You have to take some time to take care of those girls today. Don’t forget to sign the album.”

"Oh, I see, there aren't many of them, aren't there?" Xu Xian said nonchalantly. After all, she is a woman who has seen big events, and signing hundreds of albums like this is nothing. "But what about the Ernies?" ?Bring it home for them to sign?"

"Let's wait and see. If they have time in the past two days, they can come to the company. Otherwise, won't I be the one who ends up doing the moving?"

Xu Xian nodded in approval. Li Menglong could always tell some truths that she ignored. This was worth learning. She chatted with Li Menglong about other things and soon arrived at the company. The two were used to it. The sexual ones are separated.

Xu Xian's battlefield was in the editing room on the third floor. As for Li Menglong, he wanted to go to the second floor to continue working on the movie, but before that, he had to go to the office next door for a meeting. Someone was already waiting for him there.

This shows the benefits of having a high position. At least Li Menglong doesn't have to wait for others. As for whether this gang will waste time, hey, even if it wastes time, the company paid for it. Li Menglong feels at ease!

"Let's sort out the schedule of the girls in the past few days, and then you can allocate an overall schedule to me. Don't let them be short of manpower." Li Menglong said while looking at the dozen or so people present.

This group of people can be regarded as the working team of girls, and this is not all here. If all the stylists, makeup artists, backup dancers, etc. are called, this office may not be able to accommodate them, so they are here. They are all considered small heads.

As for Li Menglong, he is barely the leader of this group. When he has no time to be around, this group of people is responsible for picking up the girls and handing over on site. This time it is the same. Li Menglong does not intend to follow them.

It's not that he lacks this time. Even if he really doesn't have time, it's impossible for Li Menglong to miss their workplace. This time it's because the program directors always want to take him with them, both implicitly and externally.

This is too much. Buy one and get one free. Li Menglong is half a businessman. This is all negotiable. Isn't this just giving away several extra stars to those program teams? Why should he try to get his idea? On the head, it’s too much!

In addition, the other groups have broken up and followed this time, and they will definitely send people there. If Li Menglong follows him, won't he put more pressure on the other party out of thin air? Even if he is known to the outside world as an agent, the agent is divided into three groups. Sixty-ninth grade, he is undoubtedly the highest grade!

It’s not the first day we cooperate. Everyone is assigned according to fixed partners first, and if there is a time conflict, we communicate with each other, and basically there is no problem. As for the working time on a certain day, it may take more than ten hours. It can only be said that this industry is like this.

"Let's break up then. If you have any questions, please contact me anytime." Li Menglong stood up first, but he had already walked out, and then poked his head in: "You should communicate with them about your schedule first, I haven't had time yet. notify."

This trick of diverting misfortune to the east was extremely skillful. At least Li Menglong was quite satisfied. As for the consequences for those people, it was probably not a big problem. Girls rarely lost their temper with strangers, so he was looking forward to their expressions.

What expressions could the girls have? Over there, Kim Taeyeon had already put on her pajamas, closed the curtains, and was about to fall asleep again. Then she received a call: "Hey, what do you mean, I have a schedule at noon? What schedule, why don't I Do you know?"

Kim Taeyeon was really confused. It was inexplicable. She even subconsciously looked at the caller ID. Could it be that she had received a scam call? These days, scam calls have also begun to undergo big data analysis? Are opening remarks different for people in different professions?

Fortunately, the person opposite is not a liar. He has even been working with Kim Taeyeon for a long time, and he could be considered a job breaker with them. But the more believable he is, the more ridiculous he is: "You mean the variety show that Li Menglong accepted for us? This …”

Kim Taeyeon held the phone and cursed for a minute, and then said to the other side again: "Okay, I already know, I will ask everyone to come together, when will you come over?"

Girls are so talkative, so she can just argue with Li Menglong later, and work cannot be delayed. Although she doesn't even know what the opposite show is, it doesn't matter at all, she has been on so many shows. Go ahead and just improvise.

But this phone call really brought endless surprises to Kim Taeyeon: "Why do you mean I can come down alone? Do you have to go and review the script with the program team first?"

The person opposite had already begun to sweat, because he realized that Li Menglong had dug a big hole for himself, but this is the workplace. Taking the blame for the boss and cleaning up the mess is the life of the subordinates: "No. Yes, only four of you captains are invited to this show!"

Kim Taeyeon finally realized that Li Menglong actually dared to divide people openly. Did he think that the relationship between girls was so fragile? He took it too much for granted. The friendship between them was definitely not something that could be separated by such simple means.

The girls in each room were forcibly gathered by Kim Taeyeon. Because Jessica was reluctant to get up, Kim Taeyeon hesitated and had to move the meeting location to her bedroom: "Everyone understands the situation, right? We must unite this time."

"I understand, but how can we unite? We can't go on the show for you. They invited the four captains by name. If we go, it won't be the right status!"

"Don't be so superficial. We now want to prove to Li Menglong that we are nine people in one. Even if you don't have to participate in the show, as long as you stand over there, I will get...ah, bastards, stop!"

No matter how much Kim Taeyeon shouted, the girls still took steps to leave. Do you dare to make this idea any more disgusting? They even went to the scene to cheer her on. Even when they first debuted, none of them had done this kind of thing.

Besides, what can I do with this time? Why not go to the scene and serve as a human background for Kim Taeyeon? As for the issue of unity, it seems that we can unite again tomorrow. There is still time: "Unnie, you can get out of my bed." Well, I want to sleep!"

Yoona said timidly, but it seemed that Kim Taeyeon didn't intend to leave. In that case, let her leave. Xu Xian and Li Menglong's beds were both empty. Where could they go to sleep? "Then Unnie Work hard and remember to bring me some snacks when you come back! Come on!"

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