The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2085 Big Winner

Even though it is the peak lunch hour, there are still restaurants that are willing to clear the place for this group of people, which is equivalent to serving only this group of people during the entire lunch break. There are many reasons.

Firstly, this group of people is famous. If they send messages casually, the potential customers and profits they can bring are huge. Secondly, there are also many people in this group, more than twenty people, with great spending power. Also heroic enough.

Therefore, these girls are considered high-quality customers of the restaurant, and of course they are familiar with the boss. After all, none of these girls have two familiar restaurants. The benefits of booking a restaurant are naturally obvious, and the most important thing is freedom.

There were no fans and reporters chasing after me. Apart from the waiters who occasionally served dishes, there was no one else in the restaurant. Even the waiters were well trained and even signed a confidentiality agreement with the store and could not be leaked. Guest information.

Of course, this group of people won't talk about hot topics here. At most, they are gossips in some circles, and the core of the topic is this TV series. Since the TV series is about to be broadcast, it seems that a small game is always Can't run away.

"Yeah, yeah, everyone, please stop for a moment. As a traditional reserved item, as actors in the crew, do we have to guess the ratings of this TV series." As the host of this meal, Lee Soon Kyu was very excited. He said it in response to the situation.

After Lee Soon Kyu's reminder, everyone realized that there is indeed such a small game. Almost every crew will play it in order to get good luck. As for the winners, they usually don't put money in their pockets. Most of them watch it. I bought some food and shared it with the crew.

But that's all because the TV series is being filmed and broadcast at the same time. The filming has been completed now, so ordinary staff don't need to participate. It's better for them to make a little guesswork among the actors.

"Ratings, I think if we don't talk about anything else, just with so many of us participating in the show, it's worth a 10% rating!"

"Okay, then I'll write it down. Park Ji-yeon's guess is that the ratings are 10%!" Li Shunkyu got a small notebook from nowhere, biting the pen cap and recording hard: "But you... Are you too eager to win money? This is a bit low!"

"That's not what I meant. My consciousness is more..." Park Ji-yeon naturally wanted to defend herself. Didn't Lee Soon-kyu misinterpret her meaning? He even looked down on her IQ!

You must know that this drama will be broadcast on MBC. If it is broadcast on a pay station, 10% is considered a pretty good result, but on MBC it can only be said to be a passing grade, at least it is not amazing. s level.

Whether it is the supporting variety show in the early stage, the filming in the middle or the promotion in the later stage, it can be said that this drama is very professional in the eyes of many people in the industry. Even if the filming of the TV series is really bad, it is only the second episode. Ah, the ratings for the first episode are basically guaranteed.

So Park Ji-yeon originally wanted to show off her cleverness. The participation of her group was worth 10% of the ratings, and combined with the original base, she could reach an unknown number. She planned to brag about a huge number. I don’t expect to win any money anyway, just let everyone be happy.

It's just that she is happy, but it is nothing like the picture she imagined. She has become everyone's joke. Of course, everyone is joking in good faith. It's good to be lively, and it's not that serious in itself. matter.

"Yeah, don't bully our maknae all the time. Although our maknae is a little more mature, we are still very fragile inside!" Hyomin came forward to support Park Ji-yeon, of course, to resist Lee Soon-kyu, who had long disliked her.

"Then how much did our great writer guess? Let's agree that the cost of this guess will be one hundred thousand yuan, and it will be considered as the cost of our next dinner party!" Li Shunkyu settled the money here first. Otherwise, it would be inappropriate for everyone to say too much or too little.

"One hundred thousand yuan for a dinner? That's okay. If it's not enough by then, let the person who wins pay for it in advance!" Hyo Min and Lee Soon Gyu Na also had a tacit understanding, and they dug a big hole in seconds.

It is said that the meal cost of 100,000 yuan per person is definitely not low. Basically, it is okay to eat some barbecue, but it is a bit ordinary for these celebrities. After all, if you want to eat expensively, you can find many places.

The total of 100,000 per person is just over 2 million. A ruthless person can eat so much. If everyone is really so ruthless, the winner will not have to suffer too much. Isn’t this game? Has the taste changed?

"I guess the ratings can be at least 50%. We are all so good, so it must be possible!" Xiaomin said sincerely here, her whole person exuding the atmosphere of a pilgrim, but is it a bit too ridiculous?

The 50% ratings are not unheard of, but that was all many years ago. Now is the era of the Internet, and the market share of TV itself has been severely compressed. In the past two years, the ratings of Drama King have been comparable to It’s just over 30%, let’s just talk about the last one or two episodes.

In today's era, if a drama wants to reach a 50% ratings when it is launched, this is no longer a matter of buying lottery tickets and expecting to win. It is a matter of not buying lottery tickets but still expecting to win. This is something that can only happen in dreams.

As for Hyomin saying this, firstly, it is to seek good fortune. As a writer, she always has to take the lead in the charge, right? Secondly, it is to avoid the pitfall just now. The winner is probably the biggest loser. In this case, she would rather Compensate for this 100,000 yuan!

Hyomin's air-like words naturally received unanimous ridicule from everyone, because it is obviously impossible. It would be better to be more reliable. How can the people behind speak? Is it necessary for someone to say that the ratings are 100% in the end? Rate?

Fortunately, everyone still wants to save face, and the game needs to be more realistic, so everyone basically guessed around 20%. In fact, this is already a bit high, and TV series that can reach this rating can basically be counted as It falls into the category of popular TV series, the kind that can compete for awards at the end of the year.

And what they guessed was the ratings of the premiere. If the first episode can reach a ratings of 20%, then the average ratings must be high or not low. It can be said that a popular TV series was born in their hands. , but is it possible?

"It's just up to you. How much can our director Seohyun guess? Don't feel pressured. Just say it with confidence!" Li Shunkyu took advantage of the opportunity to insert the steak into his mouth and shouted vaguely.

Xu Xian's eating appearance was much more ladylike. He cut the steak neatly into small pieces that could be swallowed in one bite, and he didn't forget to wipe the sauce from the corners of his mouth before answering the questions, making Lee Soon Kyu look like a wild girl.

Fortunately, everyone knows that this is just Xu Xian's habit, and there is no intention to embarrass these people. Speaking of which, it is like this to offend people unintentionally. Xu Xian has suffered a lot in this regard: "Well, otherwise I would Stop guessing!"

"How can it be done? We as actors have all paid for it. You, a great director, should stop being so stingy. Come on, come on, my food is getting cold!"

"Then let me ask Menglong Oppa? He should also participate together." Xu Xian asked the group for their opinions. Naturally, the girls kept making sarcastic remarks, but Xu Xian still dialed the phone with a smile.

"Ratings? Do you want to keep playing such a boring game? Haven't you played enough?" Li Menglong was quite disappointed when he opened his mouth. The girls immediately scolded him back, and the scene was very noisy for a while.

Finally having learned some lessons, Li Menglong honestly asked about the situation, and then hesitated and reported a rounded number. Xu Xian repeated it here: "16.28%? What's so special about this number?" What does it mean?"

The rest of the girls were also muttering secretly. Although Li Menglong was not here, he still had some influence on this group of people. Everyone did think that this number was somewhat rational, but how did it come about? Is there any inside information from the company?

"It's your birthday, haven't you noticed? Your emotional intelligence still needs to be improved. How many romantic moments have I wasted on weekdays? It turns out you haven't even noticed it!" Li Menglong said rather disappointedly.

Xu Xian's face turned red immediately after hearing this. Even though he was surrounded by friends and close friends who knew that Li Menglong was all joking, he still felt a little embarrassed: "Oppa, stop talking nonsense. Where are you on weekdays?" You know how to do this."

"I did it and you can't tell, so just pretend I didn't do it." Li Menglong's tone became more and more sad: "My computer lock screen password is also your birthday."

"You put...your computer password is not this, I know it, okay!"

"Really? Maybe I remembered it wrong, but it doesn't matter. I'll change it when I get home tonight!"

The two of them were talking to each other about their love for each other, and the people around them were almost sick to their stomachs. They didn't even bother to eat at this time: "Yeah, you two are almost enough. And how much can you guess, maknae!"

"Then I'm as good as Oppa!" Xu Xian said obediently, but he gave the girls a heavy blow, which was even more disgusting!

After Li Shunkyu wrote it down, he immediately turned his head. He obviously didn't intend to talk to these two people anymore. The other girls were about the same. In fact, the following conversation was not that interesting: "Oppa will pick me up later. I I also have to go to the company to work in the afternoon."

"I might not be able to catch up here. Don't you have a company car down there? Ask them to take you here. I should be there by then."

"Isn't Oppa at the company? Then what are you doing? You seem to be driving!"

"I'm not busy with your business!" Li Menglong complained a little: "By the way, when you come over later, you will bring a girl over. Anyone can do it. There is work to do!"

It seemed that Li Menglong had arrived, and Xu Xian didn't chat much with him. He turned around and began to look at the girls, looking for "prey" that she could take there. Because it was an outing, everyone naturally knew about it. a little.

"I'm a little dizzy. If you dare to take me there, I'll faint on the way!"

"Ah, you know how nice Ernie is to you on weekdays!"

"Ahem, my sandbag-sized fists are a little hungry!"

The girls threatened Xu Xian with various reasons. The core meaning was not to choose them to go. As for saying not to go, it was impossible. After all, it was still work. Li Menglong rarely joked in this regard. It was just a matter of choosing one out of eight. They can still control who they choose.

Half an hour later, Yoona followed Xu Xian with a bag of takeout, exuding endless resentment. In fact, when Li Menglong opened his mouth, Yoona had a premonition of being selected, but she still refused to accept it, or at least not at all. After so many years, she still has not forgotten her original intention! The gene of resistance is still firmly engraved in her bones!

But the effect remains to be seen, at least this time it won't be successful: "What does Li Menglong want to do? He still has work to do. He won't ask me to clean his room for him, right?"

"Hey, you are Girls' Generation's Lin Yoona. How could I ask you to do that kind of thing? You are overqualified for your talents and underutilized!" Xu Xian tried his best to support Yoona while chatting, otherwise what would happen if he ran away halfway.

"Humph, you are discerning. If he really dares to ask me to do these manual jobs, I will hit him to death... No, I will drag him and jump out of the company together!"

Looking at Yoona's fierce but cute look, Xu Xian couldn't help but go over and touch Yoona's head, looking pitiful for the child: "Unnie, the company only has the third floor. If you jump down, you will only get a broken bone at most. It seems There is still a certain height between life and death."

"Broken bone? That hurts, right?" Yoona said sadly, "In that case, it's better to spare his life. He must be grateful for the company's location, otherwise he won't be able to see the moon tonight!"

"Onie, it's cloudy tonight, so..."

"Hey, where are you from? Why don't you give me eye drops in advance before he comes? I'm still not your Unnie!" Yoona yelled here with her hands on her hips. Xu Xian is sitting on this butt. It's a little crooked, and it's quite crooked.

Naturally, Li Menglong didn't know that this girl Yoona was thinking about such evil things. He was currently chatting with her at the factory: "I've caused you trouble, don't worry, these girls will return next year at most, and the album will be released It’s all done by you!”

"Oh, don't be satisfied with just one order like this before!" The boss showed a wry smile. It was really difficult for him to get this order.

In the morning, he did a temporary calculation again. It can be said that he only made a pitiful profit in name from this business. Even if he included overtime pay, he would immediately lose money. He didn't dare to think about the rest of the mess. .

So if you can save a sum, just save a sum. If you deliver the goods to your door, you will definitely not have this service. Otherwise, how much will it cost for gas and labor? You can only let Li Menglong come to pick up the goods. Li Menglong has nothing to say about this. , after all, it’s already difficult for people, let’s understand each other.

"The CD hasn't been packaged yet. I need you to go back and find someone yourself..."

"I understand. Thank you very much. I look forward to our next happy cooperation!" Li Menglong held the other party's hand and shook it vigorously.

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